-v.. 7rc . ; -;< .v,.-, I? SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE Ormand-Herndon. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Or'matid of I , Graham. N. announce the * ttiarri bro of their duUKlller. Ann'e-latai a to David (iruhain llerii don of Gtovcr which took place November 2. IfMO. Ut (jalThev. S G Mr. Ilertldon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.. I. Hvrndor of U rover. ? ??< ? ?THERE'S LOTS OF FI1LVIOWN Let uk put your shoe* in good condition so that you can keep your feet dry and warm. Foster's SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE Phone 154 ++++444+44++4+->4+44<"!"C I A TRUSTED SOI | Even people who are w + with questionable brand + tremely particular whei % that affects their healtl t to be very sure that th? I prescriptions, is capabl + dont blame them. The n | more all of us value tl | supply. I Kings Mount I The Rt ?4444444444444444444444444 1 FRIDAY A HERE COMES Tl I * 1 1 v I 11 V 1 I BjwLmm1m4JLL "^"^^ndayT KL m I Vm m ' W n|' I ^VAlTE1 WEDNESDAY re, iri met wwi a top aw wit 1 M ^jb W?' 'I ?1w^?i - * !f' ?coMir "Gone WW r u.- -. i. "* i . - di: rtjay.AXa iA _ .? tfcfe;. . f i . .-.$ t ' .?: fet, jjhHirii ' ' ^ I Man t* "T ' f I .?*? '?J ? 1 "- \ "M"*"" t" T , HAPPENINGS :rest to v PHONES 10 R AND 88 ? ++< ++ >++*+ Entertains Study Club y Mi rhaa. s, 'William* :ii talm \ '.il ihv Miudy Cluli and a few invited xiiivlti l'uv*da> alteiiiuu.il. The : iiotote w..n throwti etisuUe und a pro : tie-lull ul pot fed plnn'x a'.ul <iadioli> . addeJ >t < hcerful nu'e ^ t .\riti Anilit y MlitllteyV hud tilalK" jail' 'he itniftiaiu. a i-uitt itii.atliin of lie, >. .it'ly oil Kuuiuus Woiut'li of V "uter'la,. Mrs. l':t.. I?hvieMiu tuld of the i dfr of liar lie! I IP ( her. .Stolle ami I II,.'. wcio'l l.ynih revlt-wt'd tin booh tiy Janet Whitney ui K-izuheth l r> hi Quuki r . t'rilMltt It'dui'lil hetlune Vu*Ik -elect (Oil i wel'e rendered wmii piano. . Dell'-lou* refrefthmeul* were serv ed the in' iiIx'i'h and Invited kuoxIs which wct?? its follows: Misses Mark mail, liosclte folk. Janet Scoirgtn*. MesdnmcH. Paul Hendricks, < Arnold Kiser. and H. -C. Sprinkle. Jr. Ertrjrlnin| from Soup to Not* at-mach ahuuld dlfe?t two poondl of food All/. Wtirq jrcu Nt baary, greasy, ceine or rich food a or when you ara nrrvou*. hurried or ehrw poorly?your atornarh oftm Poura ?-ut too much fluid. Your food doaan't dlgrat and you Lata fa*, heartburn, nriua. pain or tout lotnach. You ffel ?ouf. tick and upift all over. Doctora iar ntrrr take a laiatlv* for stomach palii. It la dangtroua and foollih. 11 take* M u*a llltla bluk tablet* called Dell-ana for InlifeHloo to make tho oscrii itomach fluids harmleaa. reheva dtme*s In no tiro* and put you back on your fret Htlltf la ao quick It I* amazing and one l'*?a packaga pfwtaa lU Aak for BaU-aaa for lodlfeailua* i '? *? ?{ ?j? ?J? o*o A *J? ?J? ?J? *? ojo y ?* ?J? ?** ?J? ?J? ?J<y ?J? ?J? ?J JRCE OF SUPPLY 1 f illing to take a chance 4Is of merchandise, are ex- * l it comes to something i. For example they want ? i druggist who fills ..their | e and careful, and we t nore there is at stake, the X le TRUSTED source of * 5* ; I ;'.s - tain Drug Co. sxall Store I ND SATURDAY HE SHOWBOAT! * WITH AMERICA'S . 9 ' COWBOY KINO WWS (P 1AKEDARWEIL 111 mil yL JOHN CAMAOINE iTSStr^ TED"WTH BEN CARTER tmCMn-taMn & THURS DAY | NwimiiiiiPhhiii Clarence L MuHord's' i THREE MEN FROM! TEXAS'HiM AMJUMVIHMMAN |*VSsV9| v mm fG SOON? h The Wind" K M E" 1 v.v *' v' * " ' . . * ' I '-,-6..-'- >. , -' , ' ' ? - 'Ik'" '' ' - ' * . ' - ' HE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAI4D VOMEN MRS- A- H. PATTERSON, Entertain At "Baek Tp-Earm" Supper f Olch rati- ?.ii% iWihiiJI ?i hi. aiuim- Oil .Mountain slii i-i honoring , Mr. Holland I.Hm 1 *vli 1 is iihtlinlun I la tunvi: r-lijri't ly . 1 - . 1 1 .1 ! - Pat'iil 1 Tii-- who- \vuri- i-xpi-.ctiii^ frl'iti ouiiiin h.rrn ?i ! : Rii-atlv iiisu|V I , . ?11: I whin '!? - y *1 H'. >iivkI al 'linttjjiint li'-ljiihn *nf riolili-ii -Giivrit-I I-. \l 1 ii -11111 ulii (u.shioiu-il t-tii'ii j hi' 11I I <' U.vd Mi'I'iaiii *a? r?-<I ; 1 Hi.in ?-vi r trviiiK sctvi* u? 1 in.1 si--; ami:.Mi Ink milk -prtnliu-i-it umli-i ?j??- iiii 1 inn in Mr nistor Thorn |,n *<Nn; (or - > iJid "hamlcas" liiihl Wallac-i- I ail (on. (.'harllc Goinrth. Kiwi Wright I'aitlw WrtxUt" ,-iil lloi'l .mil *' 11.1 |i|?y >1.* I>.i;ii*-I Bride-Elect Honored <Tl<iii<>! itm Miss Ora Suggs. bride-1 lect ot February, the teacher* who j side at Mountain Via* Hotel, eni-rtaiiii it at bridge ami Chinese checker party Saturday evuilng. J Invited guest-i inelttded' 'eachera if C< trtral School- faculty ami special. ft tends of Miss Suggs. Tin- .rooms were effectively aranged with gladioli in vivid pink j "hades. early spring flowers and fonts, - * Miss ()/.'lie Iviser- was presented 'ticli seeire prize in bridge and Mrs. O'litiv Farthing; Cbiiii.se Checker prize. Miss Suggs was presented a lovely aft' r-dinuer coffee service. The hostesses served delicious re TreslOnetitS. ' Personals Miss Carl.vie Ware ha* had the flu this Week. ?o? Mr. Hayne Blackmor is better after an attack of the flu. ?o? ? ' Mrs. P. 1). lferndon has been a pa tlent'in City llospita.l, Castonia for the. past week. /^Mt'. and Mrs. Allen Herndon and baby of Kaunapolls visited relatives in Kings Mountain Sunday. . ' ?.0? Miss Kuzelian Smart of WinstonSalem was a guest of Mrs. George Moss Sunday. ?o? Miss Ollie ,H art sell was called to Monroe last Friday on account of the serious illness of her tinner. I ?0 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smathors of Charlotte were \isitors in Kills' Mountain Sunday. ?o? Miss Catherine Peele is confined to her room at the Mountain View House by sickness. -?/ Miss Jo Keeter visited her sister Miss Eollne Keeter at Mars Hill the past week end. ^ (' Mr. Clarence Baumgardner of Erwln, Tenn., visited relatives ifl t Kings Mountain last week. j Miss Lottie Qoforth has been * patient In the Shelby Hospital for sometime. . Mr. Lawrence Logan who has been seriously ill In the Shelby Hob pltal Is improving. Mrs. C. W. Richardson has beea ill with influenza at her home on King street for several days. . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fulton and M> E. C. McClain visited the furniture show at High Point this week^ " ? o? Miss Margaret Ratterree. student at AV. C. U. N.C. Greensboro. spent How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of FAT Lost Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Double Chin Lost Her Sluggishness Gained a More Shapely Figure and the Increase in Physical Vigor and Vivaciousness Which So Often Comes With Excess Fat ltediictjon. Thousands of women are getting fat and'Iosing their appeal just because they do not know what to do, Why not bo smart ? do what thousands of women have done to get off pounds of unwanted fatTake a half teaspoonful of Kruschcn in a glass of hot water first shing every morning to gently activate liver, bowels and kidneys?cut down your caloric intake?eat wisely and satlsfyingly?there need never be a hungry moment! Keep this plan up for 30 days. Tlien weigh yourself and see if you haven't lost pounds of ugly fat. Just see if this doesn't prove to be the sunrise of your life and make you feel like shouting tho good ndws to other fht people. And best of all a Jar of Kruschen that will last you for 4 weeks coats but little. If not | joyfully satisfied?money back. . 4JWPWPJ wwa,P -H. Wa,P-' ?v\ :'.. . ; '. / . . . THURPiDAY. JANUARY .10. 1041. week end ut home with her parents, t Mr. and Mrs It. I). Rattorree. _ _o_. _ . , . f Mrs K. W Criffin lefi Monday " foV< two-wee Kit stay in Palm Harbor. I'l.i, sb? was. accompanied hy her father from Coolemee and her sisi from North WilUesboro. < i t. >J-s Kathleen Oweti; vi.o has bet.ii with Vein's Iteauty Shop for ihe past.two or three year'. :s leaving 'his week for Mount Holly wliei'e she will be coitneeted with the Until $hu|>. o - '. . . Hal (Jlt\e. .1 C. Itridu'.' I. / I jlantiieli. Jr Jopes Fortune and II. F I l<>i jr . students at Wake poiest t olteuiv s'pei)t a. f' w days ui tin ir homes in Klnirs Mountain last Week ?? - . ? . -y Mi ami Mi- (in I is Falls weut to Kaleiit.b 'his week to- visit their* tint .lit i. Mi-s i !. /. < fill!?, won liuin en a ir.nielit in the inliriii try ill \|< i - slit ii College for more than a week . Mi I la rid t'nsh and Mts; Charles Cash Ipit Tuesday moininr for far ^,0,( pltuu I > aeh to visit ,\t' Cash's .... .ii.... ..i... i~ -i.i. ... - u?riT j numr m P|1 It. I ll?"> ? l'H< i?t\" eoinpa: led as fir ? SprlilUi !?> Feb Mi .mil Mi's Phillip Hakct .who will * ? vtsit relatives there. M POULTRY SHORT COURSES TO BE HELD A scries of i:i . district poultry I -llori courses, animal service events I if the V C. State College poultry H staff." has been started and will con- I 'little thro hull February. County H farm ami home agents of the Kxteii H ion Service are in charge .of local I arrangements. NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the stock* I holders of the Kings Mountain Htllhl I rig ami Ixiatt Association will b<* held on Thursday. February 13th. I 1941. at, 7:00 o'clock. P. M. at 'the I City Hall in the Town of Kings Mountain. N. ("...for the purpose of electing the Directors for the new year and transacting any other bus- mmm iness .that might-eome before the Meeting. All ;shareholders are requested to be present. This the 29th day of January, 1941. J. C." Dackey. Secretary and Treasurer ?ndv?feb 13. ! Rumford Riddles What's more popular than an All-American football hero ? I I RUMFC*D Bolting Po?ffcr it's qll phoiphotor tight foi *vt?y rcripe ?v?ry time. Mtvti l?ovit o bill*' ?o??t FREE. S*nd lor NEW bo?U*t <on'tuning rtoitni o* bi.ght ideot to imp??ve ?o?'r oakmg *Od-*?? Romford Baking Ponder Bo? K Iwin^a' h?a* ii'ond. / ..*?r^*?r*r.nr? lien's Pair I Search the Attic! Scour th I Kacks. Give them new life ; I Utile I PAINT is gay. PAINT is It has Style and Beauty. Let's P Come, Se Demonst SjMonday And - >' This Coupon is Valuable. Sign Your Bring 25 Centa to Our Store and Rec ' One Half-Pint Can of Utilac One Quality Brush .NAME :ADDRESS GOOD ONLY ON DATES INDICAT ' Noted Musicians At Central Methodist Sunday J ll ^^1^1 B'""' m ' (? ] I 1 IS ?S ? HL?\-?,? J H Ml * 1 W .V ' \| \JjJ?yL^ f M jjfF jjj] ^llf a ft i J t-. '. 3 L'V "1 H - l len Saxophone. Saw. Cow Bella. *v/hiikey" Bcttlea and many ot#? * ga. Hear the Muaic and tee the Painting of The Croat Sunday mghf r.,aru 9N<| A* ' r k...*k ' : ' ' 1*?U 1 ?"' / *IIW? ? vvMti mcmvwiai v'<ui kii. m Town Taxes Nowl All Taxes Must Be (iiveri In During January . List Early?To Avoid Forgetting j|j v. . al TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN - v';'a FOR PROMPT ; . | j PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE ' '* 5 Phone 270 . - I v 3 Kings Mountain Laundry 104 Cleveland Avenue -a 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT __ On All Work Left at the Plant | ' ' J : y% * i ,4 $1.50 A Year ? The Herald ? 81.50 A Year it Something! I ie Cellar! Discover old furniture and Knick- H and fresh charm with . _ r i I ic cnamei i youthful. PAINT has cheer. PAINT is uptodate I aint Something! I e How It is Done With Utilac :ration At Our Store I Tuesday, Feb. 3rd & 4th 1 ! Bridges & HamrickL I ] | Hardware I ed above | Kings Mountain, N. C. 8 . '. ' ' ' $ ' ' . fi'-r . mH

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