The. Kings Mountain Herald Eatahlishad 1B89 Published Every Thursday HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE. Haywood E. Lynch Editor-Manager a tared u second claaa matter at i Poatofflce at Kings Mountain N. C.. under ire Act of March S. ' 1*71. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oae Year^ 91.6u Ma Hon the n A weekly newspaper derated to he promotion of the general wel tare and published for the enHgfct v aht, entertainment and benefit of M vicinity. I ' -^North Caralinav^' /WW ASSOCIAIIW^ LIFE'S GREAT JOY * Have you ever helped another? Bver earned a grateful smile? Ever asked a weary brother In to ride with you a mile? Have you ever Riven freely Of your riches and your worth? If you haven't, th,en you've really Missed the trrcattfst joy on earth. t Has a tlirill of pride possessed you? Have you felt your pulses run? As a weaker brother blest you For some good that you have done? Have you seen eyes start lo glisten That were sad before you came? If you haven't, slop and listen ? You have missed life's finest same. :?North American Union* News A FINE FAMILY The father of Success Is Work. The- mother of Success is.. Ambi tiortf ' . ' The oldest son is "Common Sense' The.other bovs are: Perseverance. Honesty. Thoroughness, Foresight, Enthusiasm and Co-operation. The oldest daughter is Charnhtes The other daughters .are Cheerful noss. Loyalty. Courtesy. Care. Economy. Sincerity, and" Harmony. The baby is Opportunity. Get acquainted with the Old Man and you will be able to get along pretty well with the rest of the family.?Oa^ayeap Chronicle. ADVERSITY ' ' j ~" A smooth sea never made a skilful mariner, neither do uninterrpted < prosperity and success qualify for Usefulness and happiness. The ' storms of adversity like those of the ocean, rouse the faculties, and excite the invention, prudence, skin and fortitude of the voyager. The j martyrs of ancient times, in bracing | their minds to outward calamities. ! acquired a loftiness of purpose ant a moral heroism worth a lifetime of softness and security..?Selected. fc . PETITION Let us thank thee, O JMvine. for the days Just ns they come. Nor i would wo measure the sunshine against the storms as if to test Thv goodnoss by some petty form of bookkeeping. Thou presidest over nil our days, and whatever may be the face of nature, we trust Thy love. Let us go forth today, not in critical mood, nor in despondent mood, but in the mood of high faith, anxious?not to _ test Thy providence. but ready to do our part, taking care to hold our cup Of blessing open-side up; so it shall receive the manna when it falls Then shall each passing day be full of blessing. ?George L. Perin. CHEERFULNESS The men whom I have seen, succeed best in life always have been cheerful and hopeful men, who went about their business with smiles on their faces and ..took the chances and changes of their mortal life like men. facing rough and smooth alike as it came; and so found the truth of the old proverb, that good timed and bad times and all times pass Over.?Charles Klngley. NORT.HCAROIJNA, CLHVKLAISl) COUNTY. In The Superior Coutt NOTICE H. C. Hunter, Plaintiff, Va.Lorgetle Hunter. Defendant. The defendant, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Cleveland County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff seeks an absolute divorce from the defendant; that said defendant will also take notice that ahe is required to appear at the Clerk of Court's office at th-j Court house in said County in Shelby North Carolina, on the 24th day of February. 1941, and answer or demur to the complaint now on tile In the Clerk's office in said actios. ' or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in aid complaint. f This 1st day of February, 1941. j E. A. Houser. % Clerk of Superior Court. %-adv?feb 2?. H ''? ' ' ' '4 ' IMBI . TH . Here and There . . Haywood E. l^ynch) I noticed. Chariot and Henry Nels(tr last Friday getting a hair cut. Twine not only dreee alinke, but get ;helr barber work almultaneouely. And epeaklng about twine. I eat right behind Milee and Erneet Maun y at the Scout Church eervlcee laet Sunday > Ight. I have never yet been able to tell theee boys apart. 1' looked them over good, they wore dreaeed exactly alike In every detail, except one had hla shoes ahined and the other did not. but I atlll can't tell you which one ehould get credit Tor poliehing hie ehoee. **^^*?d*hdli*aiwnaiaMeiTlir- fTHTlilfii' have eomethlng in common beeldee helng preachers. Each one'e name ie also the name of eomethlng elae. namely: fisher, ham, and derrick. I am beginning to get a little nervous about my wedding next Thursday night. You know marriage la a very serious business, especially when you are going to marry someone about twice your.size. Miss Jo Woodward is the fortunate bride, and even though ehe ie larger than me, I am going to trim her down to my size. There ia several advantages in having a big wife, she can cut 'he wood and bring in the coal, and f some large guy tries, to pick 'uss with you, you can let her do your fighting for "you. And another thing If she is big and ugly like Jo, you never have to worry about some other man taking her ? away from you. Hawk Haven, Harold Hunnicutt's airport, is not living up to its' name. Custodian L. C. England caught a sparrow hawk out there last week, | and it will be a long time before that hawk will be able to make a three-point landing at Hawk Haven. Un--3ual Fact: Rev. Herman Fisher is one of seven brothers, five of ..itom are ministers. Added Thought ?If they can all preach like him, they are certainly a preaching quintuplet. | Personals (Cont'd from Society pageK Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomson and Mrs. Cora Hunter have moved from Dallas. Texas, to Tampa, Fla. ) Mr. Carol Barnes was carried to City Hospital, Oastonia, Wednesday morning for an appendix operation. ?o? Mr, H. L. Summttt Is a patient at Duke Hospital, Durham. Mrs. Sum- | mitt is at his bedside. ??? Mrs. Frank Hoyle, Jr.. of Burlington. is visiting her mother. Mrs. H. N. Moss and other relaitives. ?o? Mrs. Huldah Goforth has been seriously ill for the past two weeks. ?o? I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis went to Rail Saturday to attend the funeral service of A. P. Bechler. ?o? Mrs N. P. Watterson and Miss ( Joyce Biser have been on an extenu | ed visit to relatives In Charlotte. The friends of Rev. Coyte Hunter I will, regret to learn that he Is confined to his home by illness, how- ' ever, he Is able to have company. Roy L. Lynn, who has been trans ferred from Hawaii to Ft. Bragg, spent the past week-end with his parents here. Mrs. Charles FallB, Sr., of Lumber ton, has been spending several days in Kings Mountain on account of the serious illness of her granddaughter. Jacqueline Falls. -O ' Mr. and Mrs. Dee Harmon and Patsy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harmon and Mrs. J. H. Yelton visited Mr. and Mrs. Orady Yelton of HlUsboro, N 0.. Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs. H. M Adair and dau ghter, Miss Latralte Adair and J. B -\dalr of Martin. Ga..; were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis during the week-end. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. George Houser and little daughter. Shirley, returned Monday from Palm Harbor, where they visited (Mrs. p. C. Mauney. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Edwards of Columbia. S. C., and Mrs. Silas MeBee of High Point, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ruth. Mesdames Edwards and McFee are sister* of Mrs. Ruth. Miss Iris Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Patterson. Is re* cuperating satisfactorily at hei home from a broken leg sustained while at play a few weeks ago. _ ( i AUCTION SAL! OP LIVESTOCK Every Wednesday Private Sales Every Day Highest Prices Paid SHELBY SALES STAELES . - B BW MOPNTAW HMU1J). ^^MANS "Mot Uicketty Dorg! Teache Examined for th' OV8TER 8UPPER The Bonnie Community Club is having an oyster supper and Tacky THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BU EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA I mO 1 LESS I NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested t ?less than any of them?according to independent scientific tests of the smoke Itself. sk' SMOKE S T I J THE I N* |U I J THING! MONEY Q We'll Am We'll loan you the mone your debts. You repay t installments. First Nati 2 PERCENT PAID ON Garments j a Plain 4UC or rrCASH AN United Dr 162 South Steet Phone 118 Gastonl 4 ? ' ' ' ' * * "- ' . **'* ... .u, . . -.. v.. ;..^,.j>.- .t . I ' . I WURBDAY, FEBRUARY IS. 1M1. By GENE CARR . c S r?1 juf I tlm? ? ' p ? f(9 ^ AftuftA W&* ' ^ r i 11 "1 r ' [Wed, L I! F< mm | r's Makin' Me Co an' Get Chicken Pox!" Xt?1 .* \ ? Party Saturday night, Feb. 15th, ax % " Mrs. John Mltchdm'n. The supper X ^ will start at 5:30. The public Is cor- X dlally Invited. X rning camels gives you yfl COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR Jj#* a^VTM ORIG Ml wpth nirr m BUI 11 UESTIONS? 11 >wer 'Em! 1141 I Kos y you need to centralize I ^ ^?*i I Cori he loan in small monthly . I atl" I No. 1 onal Bank 1|?** SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ~~" -1 ] Phone ; Freshness }'= LJse our cleaning often? V, Von will look frpsh?fw>l fresh, and be fresh. I > | \t this low prices you I < ran afford to have your I ;; rlothes cleaned often ? I ;; Use our thrifty cash and rarry service . ... I '2 3 - $1.00 1 ! We CSI D CARRY? I I Cream . I a half y Cleaners |j| " 7 1224 W. Franklin I ; J\ ia, N. C. Phone 428 I ' TtttTtTTTt / ' ' -* : J' *'/ '' '. ; * ' " - V. V"-';'WW?WI, / \ ! J - '1 ?WE "SAVE SAVE I gy wear en your cor / y, tfc? cert M , PGo by SupetCoach?at only onethird tha coat ot drlvtn* a small private car. and with nooa oi the strain and worryT One Way Rd.-Trip One Way Rd.-Trip \ Tampa $8.06 $14.50|Ciharlot(te .56 *1.00 1 Raleigh $3.10 $6.?0 New Y. $8.15 $14.70 J TERMINAL SERVICE STATION ?w^CREYHDUND > l/NMMmam?mmi Tiw.Wri.Mtl.^ysr 'Li >h 19 20 21 Matinee?Adults 40c v. Night?Everybody 55c Defense Tax Included /m Wv \ t,A Rl\ ?; : - irgain Center I ' Lbs Flour fi7r I ic ixujrai w w I ! Cans i, Green Beans "I.JE ? M Apple Sauce 1 2 Cans Cherries . 10c I 1 Few of BARGAINS to be Found at The I 3 STORE. For More Be Sure to Visit I and see BARGAIN DISPLAY. 'M Home Store I ' 38 We Deliver I _ ' . " .w JiU I < ?""'; I . \ i f M I 11 ! kiM Bi imm I4'm IflflHilvHSQIIIIllinlllH ~J"^ :: I MILK I is produced by healthy cows, on selected I in clean, well-lighted dairies. I 1 now serve you with Coffee or Cereal I for only 29c a pint. Whipping Cream, 20c i pint. ;; i mmmmm??? I I??M I ; ; wrckdale Farms I | H. P. Dixon,3 Manager X hi, i mi i iii.uiiiit 11 ?m . j - ' . V y . . . '. f * A'-Sv'i'j : .

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