F" ' ' . ' Church News | t * Boyoe Memorial A. E. P. Church U. N. Uainl. Minister. 10:00 A. M Bible School. J L. Mc<1111, General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship and Sermon: "What Does Jesus Think ? ?it You?" 3:J0 P. -M Junior Christiuu Union: Miss Elisabeth Anthony, LeanI or, " (1:00 F- M.- Vesper Service and Sermon: "The Solitudes of Life." 6:4& F. M Young People's ChrisIbri l.'n(on: Mrs. Gamble. Uatlw. .[ J& Monday:? 1 3:30 F. M- Minnie Atexandei Circle with Mrs. J M Harrison. Mrs J. U Anthony. leader. F. M. Made Stevenson Circle with Mm. W. T: Jackson. Mi*. | 7:30 F. M Mary Kennedy Circle with Mm. W. E. lllakely. Miss Freelove Black. Louder. Wednesday 7:30 P. M Mid-Week Vesper Service: Evangelism iu tli.* Local Church led by ,l>r. L 1. Echols. Presbyterian Church Rev. P D Patriot! IMxtob:45. A. M. Sunday School, Mr. IV p K. ThomaSBon. Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship Subject: "The Elder Brother.' 2:S0 P. M. Sunday School at Di\ 1011 School House, Mr. J (1. Darraeott, Supt. 0:20 I'. M. Young People's Vespers 7:510" P.M. Evening Worship. Subject:" "Expected In Heaven." 'Monday 7 P. M. Bov Scouta. Troop One, Mr.. Carl Davidson. Scout mas-I ler; Messrs Bill Thomson and Harry Page, Asst. Scoutmasters. Tuesday'7:15 P. "M. Prayer meeting at Margrace Community House. Central Methodist Church H. C. Sprinkle. Jr... Pa a. or 11:45 A. M. Church School .1). S. Pooler, General Superintendent. J. It Davis, teacher of Men's Bible Class. |ll:0u A. M. Morning Worship. Sermon: _'t Believe in the Cbttr ch." 2:0p P. M. Junior Choir. Mis* Carolyn Carlisle, director. 6 15 P.' M. Epworth Leagues. 7:00 lh M. Religious Message of (Great Pain I in ga. Monday * P. M. Boy Scouts. Troop 51, J. I,. Settleinyre. Jr., Scoutmaster. Wednesday 7:510 P. M Prayer meet ing. A Fellowship of Prayer." LUTHERAN CHURCH g Herman G. Kislier, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. D. C, Mauncy, Superintendent Morning Worship at 11:11 A. M. Sermon: "He; That Hatlt Ears' to Hear lei Him Jlear' Vesners at 4:00 P. M. Auxiliary iDay: AU orguliiisut iotas of tin* Church incut "I this ((me. Call or See EUGENE McSWAIN I 1 McCoy Service Station J ' Phone 165 j REPRESENTATIVE J V' * . ' . 1 in Kings Mountain \ , Territory 1 " ^ 1 Large assortment to J select from I 50c to $5.00 - , I GRIFFIN I DRUG CO. I The Old Reliable Phone 8 TH1 BNM 1 ....But that WE THREE "C" ALL I fUHCCd. CUSB< ttintmnniMHMMtttt c*?ie p?>opU Editor's Noto: This column lo ot- tjme thut ferod a* feature to youthful read- co'4Uran ere of The Herald In the eplrlt of Kosslplnfr kit fun, however, If It meete with the A j? tjim sol disapproval of parents, the column urrair ... < will be discontinued. We rather tike pay'8 a cute the column and sincerely hope that p "H j.jppy It will be received in the'jolly man- Wp bet wltli ner in which It la written. Jcepviri, t're Ml! sutjirised to see us back?.... are at it agu Yes No .... By the way?after Peeler and llif (!i?si|)rrn met the Herald half IV ilil- it be way Thursday ? It seems that-?iutt?H O'd FeellnR" u. few people pot their head warped , Yell sir wl JEFFE < ? & - ; H ASSETS CLIMB TO NEW HI Assets total $94,764,607 ? h company history. SALES $1,000,000 WEEKLY New life insurance sales in 194 $51,000,000, a enraging nearly lion dollars each week. INTEREST EARNING EXCEI . - . ' ' \ t' . i . . . ' . 5.11% interest earned on inv sets. The Jefferson Standard ha: ently maintained leadership in t 5% PAID Jefferson Standard paid 5% in 1940 on funds held in trust fo holders and beneficiaries (tl 1 A* . . paid continuously since organi: 1907)?No chance in 1941. u w SURPLUS FUNDS INCREASE! Surplus, capital, and contingen< now total $6,730,000?new hij in funds set aside for policyhol taction. ? ;. . 1 ; . . :?* ; " .- '.. ' ' . ? 4v. t ; r- - iOUNTAIN HERALD T.'TURBDiAY. PBBRUi t ain't all .... they cot like Oogle Kawlea .. fd. and knocked about.. ?I gu?N It Is Just i i thought THEY wrote "purity love" .... St .... We knowed all the people?Did you nee ATE THREE" wrote this I ce and James Rattorr but .... we ain't the Friday night? .... M id aee .... Charts lit just wortlfies us t< u?r'to be an every night i yer out to the game >r are you on a spree? adorable wire .... Its gat you know .... Was to who's the one for week-end "Cyclone?" .. Its "country" Ben (lol Jimmy 1). home ...... seems thut Cora llert epers ? Hook and Vlo ; o..; .K.... getting a itn .. ..and can 'we add ' pry from New York Boris to the list .......... huh .... If the jr that they have ""That "Two I tit Club" live u .... We wonder ? ? * | stitutlon. their ?lub 10 knew Witsou Criftin | be a success .... Ila RSOM \ imtmia-j EADLINE FACTS GH $422,300,000 LIFE INSL irgest in IN FORCE 165,000 policyholders ancc totaling more th dollars. 0 totaled one milFINANCIAL ST ASSETS .LENT cash ...'. . United States Government and esjed as- Municipal Bonds . All Other Bonds s consistStocks ..... fmg*\A riMod aecuritin* curried at markei 1115 I1C1U. or call value, whichever i* lower , First Mortgage Loans On (?mi property 12.S32. On city property St;<,.iV).777. Heal Estate , Thia include* our aevanteon-atory terest in tmice Loans to Our Policyholders .... a. Fully -ecurod by the see' Mr. Saw- ?Mis* Carson und Joe Lw a without 'his ..taking .1 swell go at it S 1 all settled as that Madge and Woodte Ju*l Betty Moore.. have that ;ifter dinner ehaf [orth ...... It '.tn't lA)Ve Wottderful .: v V idon Is doing i. i'l people ean't talk, but we : special dellv- !t jtd ... YV?? you Pat a..d .... ain't bau .don'* deny it (embers of the Valon'tlu- are red ip to their eon at'< blue shot. Id really Kvefytliitiy w< say I '. \ou'C I |s (mm -lb tru [proems! J?HH9EraSH K3wkiB^ S?H 1940 REPORT RANGE PAID OUT $6,82 Policy benefits | own life insur- 820,000. The Ji an 422 million paid SI 18,600,00 beneficiaries sine ATEMENT D E C E M B E * Vik LIABILIT ?J 3.107.287 POLICY RESERVES .: This amount represent* the i quired bv law to auurc pr? 3.896,692 ment of policy obliieatibne. r oii9 mi? Reserve for Policy Claims ' ' Claim* iti couree of eeltlrment 6 666 238 proof* have uot been receive tTooat, , t. . Reserve for Taxes ; Premiums and Interest Pal ........ 49.793.609 _ vance Policy Proceeds Left with 0 4 023 629 Dividends for Policyholders Home Reserve for All Other Liablli ... 13,972.608 !? of r> ? vvniHiyoiity nesorvu 91, 3.723,601 A fund to take rare of runje* of tin*enrie?. . depreciation on real cm ate and-inveatp . meat fluctuation*. 940.847 Capl,al 2. _ ? Surplus Unassigned 3, ?l Z,578,858 Total Surplus Funds for 90.945 Protect ion of Pollcyho 94.764.607 Total G! .ntnii.d Bifl'ljiiki ' JO wlji jii ^ . , > V . . y ' , ' " , " 1 -V ..'" v x aba's uSI^nlDK off we M? JuM Kee^ * >ni?ck Out Oc Our Sight..,, if You Hop* O it To Ke?p Ktffbt . i n Huont rt il>f Have Your Eyas Examined, air ataeeea Fitted erins must ?By? OR. I>. M. MORRISON a rent * Ootometrlst - Eye Specialist Mi'n Will be in Kings Mountain Office .in Every Tueeday and Friday ifternoons. Hours IP M. to 6 P. M. ARD 0,000 laid in 1940 total $6,cffcrson Standard has 0 to policyholders and e organisation in 1907. R 31, 1940 IES 79.288.190 eaerve r?>oipt p?y- - ? V, ........ 339.662 on which d. 483.848 d In Ad . 895,850 ompany. 5.865,409 882.475 ties 279,173 $ 88,034.607 1UU.VWU 000,000 ' 330,000 lderi6.730,000 4 94,704,607 bU !S H ' F