-.V % Insurance Executive iH v Hi H HI H h HI Julian Price, President of Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., of Greensboro, N. C. Annual Meeting of JefTersoit Standard Life Insurance Compar. ?, ~a- ' ; ? (irt'cnsbpro. N. C., Ft;b. 11.?"Pres * - . - I * > ent prosperity or our country is largely due to the tremendous sums of money being spent by our govern4 tnent on'defense measures," reports .1 Uliuu Price, re-elected president of the Jeffeson Standard Life Insurance Company. _ In his annual statement to stock. holders hero recently, President Price admonished that "while we can reasonably expect prosperity in this country for the next few years whether the-war continues or wheth er It comes .to an early end, we must prepare for the future by. cotUlulng to bttild on a safe,, sound and con- ( j scryalive basis." . * ', i . _ The oekholdcrs iand jljrectors meetings were held recently on the 14th flooj: of lire Home Office buhtiing with Col. William A Blair of Winston-Salem aetiiig as chairman for the re-election of all officers. The only change made in the official staff was the naming of Dr. W. M. Jones, assistant medical director, ti the. full directorship in succession , to the into Dr. J. T. J. Battle.' wnc j died Sept. 29.' 1940. In addition to the declaration of the regular dividend of 75 cents share on stock (pavable January 31 to stockholders of reoom on Janu-"1 ary 27.? the directors, following last years proceduce, declared a five per ; cent bonus on the earnings of an home offce and branch office em ployees. MILLION A WEEK "From the standpoint of earnings and progress." Mr. Price stated In his annual report, "the year 1940 has been as satisfactory as the yeai1939. When we experienced an out standing year." One evidence of that is the $51,000,009 worth of new we insurance snips mane nuring the year, an average of almost $1'.* 000.000 a week, with a morta'lty m tion described as "very satisfactory, j '(During' 1910." Mr. Price further reviewed, "our assets increased <7," 264,000 and now stand at $94,764,607 The unassigned surplus and contingency funds Increased to .$4,730,000, making a total of $6,730,000 In the capital, unassigned surplus and con* tlngency funds." -*. ;.l The JefTerson Standard continued to maintain Its leadership tn the interest earning field among life insurance companies by earning S.ll per cent on invested assets during the year. During the year lust ended the company paid policyholders and ben eflclarles a total of $6,700,000, bring Ing to more than $118,000,000 the total amount paid out by the company In policy benefits since its organise tlon in 1907, The opening of a new branch Office in Phoenix. Arit., completed the company's system of branches from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Branches have been maintained fn Callforla during the past 10 years. The only offices opened during the year were In Casper, Wyo., and Phoenix. Arizona, which gives the JefTerson Standard 47 branches and 1,000 agents In 26 states, the (District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. OFFICER3 RE-ELECTED The re-elected officers are Mr, Price, president: C. Elmer Leak, vice president; Julius C. Smith, vice president and aeneral counsel; Joseph M. Bryan, vice president; Howard Holderness, vice president; Ralph C. Price, vice president; H. P. I>?ak, secretary, L. M. Johnson, treasurer: Ralph B. Colt, actuary; and J) B* Buo.kner, associate acta,riarrv E. Pane Is local representative of the Jefferson Standard. bill! I fflgltflfTtT] Li M ? 1 roit coooms mom colds I THAT WONT TURN LOOSE 1 TAKE ONE SIP Or 1 MENTHO-MULSION I WAIT PIVE MINUTES ? * " * ? - - - ?T?r~r :'"T^v^r " ' * ?{V'" . 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