I SOCIAL AND PERSONA I of INT1 I ? ??? ? >* ? Mrs. Joe Hord Honored Qn Birthday Anniversary Mm. Marjorlo liord honored in ( mother vli(li a delightful1, binlnlx . party at her itotne on last Snturda afternoon from three to five o'cjoc The members of the T B. h. ?lai of the Kirst liapt 1st Sunday Sehoi were her mother's Koelt.it CJnme earnest* and music were enjoyc a throughout the afternoon In a m > * ? ? ++ < + ++ I^JU||UAL/candies /~~'"wJ S1E0| V) Hollingsworth's Val- J( entino Heart Packf ages are obtainable ?\ r=> containing your fav- <=J Vo orite assortment. cJ I Prices range from _J \ 28c to $5.00 each. ?S 1? * ?S . V> Regular Hollings- J ( worth's packages ( may also be had with ?\ >? Special Valentine -?/ decoration. v? .* ^3? > <0 KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG COMPANY The Rexall Store Week - End 2 PACKAGES WHEA SANTOUS PEABUR1 --- -- NO ^STRING RE AN NO. 2 CAN TOMATO! BOLOGNA?Pound 5 POUNDS SUGAR BLALOCK AND 1 Phone 58 Extra Si THIS "WEI ?Firsl wearte: RU ? 4 . t\1 J \ Size ' ' ."\ Assorted Dec ' Patterns For Eve; ?< $2.9 . 6x9 as BE] REMEMBER ? You 4 , . ' - > ? ? ? ? < L HAPPENINGS ?REST to V PHONES 10 R AND 88 I lluuton Putnam know the names of most ot tile Ki'oup. Miss ltacliel Mo Plain played the piano. ;r ' iv Tliu hostess, assisted t?> -Mis v JKiris Little John and Miss OeorKh'' k Naiitz. of Mount Holly, N. G.. served is a ell token salad course with aecesi?! so lies aud a sweet, course in whleh s. th?* Valentine idea was earned out. * \ ' The* honorve welvea nwmy useful a lid lovely KiftH from b?i friend j V'11 ' r. ' V As a conclusion feature of the af: loriioou Mrs. ilord. tho.honoree pluy 1 (Its* I'liiuu Ufintf ''VIV IsSattli I juiLu I'll J To Thee" on her mother's old or- ' Kuti which is over a bundieo year.ohl, and the guests sang. Engagement Announced Of Cordial interest to Jlernld read crs will be the following announcement: Mr. and Mrs. \V. n. Brackett of of Kings Mountain announce the engagement of their daughter' Sadie Louise . to William* Lewis Summoy of Oastouia and Dallas The wedding will take place March X at the First Baptist Church SHOES Cost Money and Should lie Kept In Good Condition! OUR WORK Is Guaranteed to Make Your Shoes Give The . Maximum Service Modern Equipment Finest Materials Reasonable Prices Foster's SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE i Phone 154 Specials TIES 21c r COFFEE, pound 15c S^2 cans 15c_ ES?4 for 25c 14c - 25c ' GROCERY MARKET We Deliver >ecial! SK-END ONLY t Quality? K FELT BASE C Q VI J 9x12 ligns and Colors ry Room in the House ONLY? ) | each above $1.94 ? LK'S Always Save At BELK'S > . .: >, ' " ' ' * :.-j : urnm THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAl* ' < . :*. ." ? T*A VOMEN MRS- A- H. PATTERSON, Settlemyre-Suggs Wedding Solemnize Saturday Afternoon j The wedding of Mr. J f.., Settle ill) re, Jr., aud Miss Ora Louise Kiikk* wua noli miiUvil at Hollieiulu Methodist Chun h in tj.axton County Saturday afternoon at t o'clock Ur II C Mpritiklc. Jh. pastor 01 Central M-lhodist Church. Kings Mountain performed (he itii'iiion) ring ceremony wax used. Tlif alioi nits hanked wl'h pine'.* and other greenery. Tall baskets of white gladioli and white rnapdi/ip. otts were effectively arranged " In l'rotit of the greenery. White calls-, dral tapers in tall 'floor candelahra completed the setting. Miss Dorothy Carson presided at j the piatto and voice numbers wer I rendered by Miss Rachel Smitli who | sang. The Rosary, and a sextetf'-1 from high school sloe club compos cd of Misses , Alice fif ty Mnuney Gloria Oornwelj. Florence Rlien. fta chef Smith. 'Fay MOss and Sybil Davis sang: I Love You Truly.Ilctwpeli the two voice, number J Miss' ("arson played. Souvenir. Tin- | lli idal Choi us from Ixftengirjn. was played for the ' ' processional and Meinlelssohn's Wedding March tor he recessional. To A Wild Rose., was phi veil during the n'ri-rnqtiy. j The ushers were George M. Stipe's j ol' Asheviile. brother of tile brhle j and Walker Curry of Kings Montitain. " j Miss Riith Sugcs sister of the bride was maid-of-lionor and the i bride's only attendant. She wore a becoming suit of dusty pink .witn navy accessories and shoulder'cor-1 sage of pink rose Uuds. The bride entered with her father. who gave her in marriage. Shp was strikingly lovely in a suit of | soldier blue with hat and other accessories in blending shade. Her corsage was of red rose buds ano valley lilies. Mr; Settleinyre had as his best mail., ltis brother-in-law. Frank S Richard's of Greenville. S O. Tile bride's mother wore a powder blue ensemble with corsage of pint: rose buds and narcissus. The bride groom's mother wore black velvet with corsage of roses and narcissus. Following the ceremony a roeep Hon was held at the home or the bride's parents. White narcssus an-t cut flowers were lsed in decoration, j a color note of white ami green ob- j served throughout. Immediately after the ceremony ; the couple left- for a trip to the j mountains, and are now at home in Klugs Mountain. Mrs. Settlemyre is a daughter-ot Mr< and Mrs. A. M. Suggs of Gaston County. She received her education at State Appalachian Teachers College at Boone, where she majored In physical education. For the past two years she has been director of physical education for girls in the Kings Mountain High School. She is a young woman of charm and pleasing manner nd since coming to Kings Mountain has made a host of friends. . . , Mr. Settlemyre, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Settlemyre, is a graduate of Kings Mountain High School. He is a talented artist and studied for some time in Washington, T>. C., laterlng continuing his studies in Paris, France. He holds a position with the Neisler Mills. St^g Supper Mr. Paul Neisler entertained a number of his friends at a quail sup per at his home .on Gaston street Tuesday evening.^ Fruit, sent fresn from Florida by Mr. J. B. Thomasson and grown on his place at Palm Harbor, made an effective decoration for the table. A quail supper with accessories was served. Guests included Frank Bummers. Jim Smith. Ed Smith, B. S. Neill. Tno ThftmuAit flrn/tv If In or /I A u ww * uvtiinvui xii ??; '?'h "*- ?? Bridges, .Dr. J. B. Anthony, -R. M. Webb.- I>r O. P. T>ewl9. Charles JM1llng. Ladd H&mrlck and Arnold Riser, all of Kings Mountain; R. T. l^eQrand of Shelby and lyster Hern don of Qrover. Winchester-Biggerfl Marriage Saturday Evening Mit. Chafes lx>eXe WlnrdK^teF* who has been with the King Oarage In King" Mountain for ?ometlme was married Satnrd'v eveu.ng to Miss Mvrtle Mne Riggers of Charlotte. The marriage took place at the homo of the hrlde's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riggers. The couple left soon after the cere mony for a wedding trip and are now at home In Kings Mountsln. J ' ' * v i . V * .? , / ; . ' , 1,1 **>> D TirURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1941. {Legion Auxiliary Meets i j The regular meeting of the Amer | lean 'Ixegiou Auxiliary wag hold Tues ! day afternoon at the home of Mrs. j [J. It. Davis. Mrs. Davis' lovely homo I j wug cheerful with potted begonia:, I and greenery. Mrs. "A. U. Sargeant had charge of the program. "National l> fense.' MesJnmes Paul M an tie v ind Mon roe Rhea mude interest ing tulks ?, on the defense program. Mrs. Davis was assisted in servl ing a delicious party plate carrying j out the George Washington motif by Mrs. II. C. Sprinkle. Jr. Those present were: Mesdames' J. M lthea. Ilayipr llayes. (i. A Bridges, l'aul Ma'tiney. j K. Maun? >, I.lovd I'hifer James Ware. I'M Mcl.attgheti. Jl <i. Hudspeth. J. K ifarmon. Lee Harmon A 11 BarKeat.t and t'htirles Goforth. Hostess To Club Members members of her bridge club and n number Jtf Invited. guest?? at "lino' Knot." - Tuesday night. V Jh < orir.foirt suggestive of tlie Valefit ine Stxason tyer?'* uct tl and decorative Yaleiilhio .. . ? - . . I iiinit* rih< ii*. |mui i' curu?, fir., ;iuu 1 ? <1 i! thfi'l'f lil ROtl to tho - >? ! til. The Valentine motif was also cm phasized in the two-course menu which was served before the ?amc. .Mrs Frank lloyle. Jr.! of Burling ton. won prize for high score. Those present included Misses Sara Kate Ounund. Helen Hay.Mary Mitchell. Margaret Smith. Sara Allison; Mesdantes Fred Finger Toe N'eisler. Billv Mauitey. Bill Thorn son. t'oinan Falls. Frank Hoylo. Jr.. Bill Uijmsetir and the hostess. Meeting of Vera Sargeant Circle The Vera Sargeant Circle (if tie Frst Baptist church met at- tichome of Mrs. B. !) Herndon Monday evening. ,. . Mrs. Bill Baker eoii.duetetl the. <lc.> v'otional. Mrs. Bryan llord liad .eliarge ot the study, the topic of which war "An Urgent (Jospel. Free or Hound Those taking part in the discussion were. Mrs. .1. L. Head. Mrs Bill Raker. Mrs. D. M. Bridget. Mrs Wray Krby and Miss Helen Logan. Special music was furnished by Miss Fanny Carpenter and Mrs O W Morris. " . Tlte Valentine tnot{T was observer. in the refreshments served durinc i the social hour. I ; I Little Theatre To Meet i ' The meeting of the Junior Lit lie i Theatre scheduled for next Thur?| day will be postponed 'till the follow ling Thursday, Feb. 26. 1941. Thr j meeting will be held in the City Hail I ^ i ? . <Wi ^ ^ A ii.? I A.lil liiL. . I ill ( . .tu p. ill. ^\Il Ill'-iniii-ra mm mil?I?; i er persons high school ago 01* over who are interested in dramatics arc urged to he present. Woman's Club To Meet The Woman's Club will meet Friday afternoon at 3:30 in the lounge of the club house, with Mesdames Littlcjohn, Willis, and Ormand as I hostor.roB. An tntnrcEttng program on 1 the American Flag has been planned. after which a very, important business meeting will be held. All members are urged to be present. 0* Personals Edwin L. Ware of Charlotte was a visitor in King sMountain Sunday r?, and Mrs. Lloyd Shuford or Forest City visited relatives in Kings Mountain Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller spent the past week-end with relatives in Chester, Va. Miss Mary Helen Hambright has entered Stephens College In Columbia. mo. Prive Humes Houston of Ft. Jack son, 8. C., spent the past week end in Kings Mountain. ?O? Paul Neisler. Jr.. student at David son College, spent the past week-end at home. ?o? Mr. and Mr*. Hayne Blackmer are one a business and pleasure trip to Marianna. Ark. (Cont'd on Editorial pajce) Rumfomd Riddlcs Why Is Betty Bassstt I (CAUSI iht ?(am ktt b?otif)| of hot echo bettor* With turn/ tt 4 lekmg fowdtr H dcti It I Ho wieir.^ Wit <K?-??en FWl. S#nd for NtW betk H' tcxitcinln^ iWticnt of bt>oM ?do?? to ?mp?o?e ?& >? ttckiop Addrout Ruwford lokio? Powder r tpmfr,*4 I Socio Mood rw ' ' * 1 .'* ' J -V i ' ' P^' ' /'v-'' .A? v ' ''-' ?> Vs ' / ' .. ' '.' "'. "' ' ; * " ' ;.' :. ....'.* ... - '3 . - . . ,. . *.'. # ?. . ,; ^ - __ * - BIG MOMENTS iimum,s ion JiAiims f ?? '!#) I..'. yjffigj^ &m ^HK tiafh>orv#d into now tricolor The no vol donkey almoel J krioyz on youi zhouidor In . j Deterl Ton wtlh Nu Grass. | Tan w?ih Floy Rod. Sizes |i ^ euglimwering w/.K rows ol baby pearl buttons FuM. r.r-pJy sktri la:,-.Q liow. a l.ny moulded woim Carol* B ELK'S REMEMBER ? You Always Save At BELK*S j ' ; ' . - \ * * . . i ' - "t .* ~! '* ., . ' , * ' ' i.jo.c-.Ar - ^ .'t" - i.

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