I __ SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ofINTE LV- % ^ "V." ' ' ' * ' /' . S " # ?? d tlio Study Club and a few invited ( guests Tuesday afternoon. 1 i The lovely new .home was nffrat- | tlve with potted geraniums and cut "flowers. Tho center piece tor the dining room table was a cherry tree and a George Washington hatchet. Mrs. O. W. Myers had charge of the program in the absence of Mrs. | JB. 8. Peeler. The Study of Women of Today uud Yesterday was contin j lied by Mm. N. JP. MeGlll and Mrs. j Ted Weir. The hostess was assisted in serv ing a delicious salad. and sweet . course by Mrs. George Houser, Mrs J. W. Curry, Mrs. Proctor Thoinp-1 'sijn and Mrs, Aubrey Mauney. FOR ACID INDIGESTION K^rni Kings Mountain Drug Co. The Rexall Store "MINX MODES" For Juniors t Myers' DRESS SHOPPE 4 Second Floor CREM AIR CURL Waving Creme Lotion ... . * 't, 1 Introducing a new, rich-bodied Creme LaHlon. We use it with( your favorite permanent method It massages itself gently into your hear .... creates the lovoll* ' est curls .... - abounding with life and srplnginess. It gives hair a healthful looking oily glint. Frankly, there's nothing comparable with the results now achiev ed with Crem Air Curl Creme liotton. rou owe it to yourself to enjoy Its long-laeting satisfaction. Ruth's Beauty Shoppe Telephone 73 P . " i, 5. . ' ' ' . V. _ d. J. v" - V_ ! ' 1 ' ' ' - \ L ??????? M ? ? - X ? m. m. ? ?. I rTVTTTTyTTVW^ TTTTTTYTTTTfl HAPPENINGS REST to. \ PHONES 10 R AND 88 . . y Mrs. George Peeler Entertains Mrs. UeorgO Peeler ?nl-i tallied the Junior Woiiiuh'h Club .mil lnv'e Mnuney. Vice-President: Mrs. Gem. Peeler Secretary: Mrs. Jacob Copper. Treasurer: Mrs. Stuart Thomson. OorrOBpondliiK secretary: Mrs. Wll son Crawford. (Following the business .meeting bridge was enjoyed. The. hostesses served delicious refreshments.f Honors Bride Mrs. Alvln Yurbrough wa? hostess Saturday evening from 8:00 tc 10:30 o'dlook elites-talking at her home oon Battleground Avenue com pllmentlng her sister-in-law, Mrs, Herschel Wright, prior to her receni marriage was Miss Mable Yarrbough of Waco. The living room and dining room was attractively arranged with butter cups, breath of spring and prim roses. Contests and games were directed by Miss Helen Logan prizes being won by Mrs. Robert Burton and Mrs. James Cloninger. A salad course with accessories r. ? - ?i?lii? u ?uiKuiiiie coiur noie waa served. Those altendlnK the party were: Mesdames James Clonlnger, Robert Burton, George Hull. Jhn Self. L. M Logan. Sr., Able Martin, R. A. Scott Misses Abba Barber, Helen Logan, Cotja Hull, paltl^erlne Ward. the honoree, Mrs. Herschel Wright and the hostess. Miss Wright was presented man) nice arid useful gifts. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brewer, of Pensacola, Florida, announce the birth of a son, William Francis, Brewer, Jr.. on Sunday, Feb. 16th. Mrs. Brewer was before marriage, Miss Pauline Nelsler of Kings Moun tain. Mrs. Brewer's mother, Mrs. C. E. Nelsler, who 1b spending the winter at Palm Harbor. Fla., will visit the Brewer family in Pensacola be fore her return to Kings Mountain, e faceting Of Gleaners Class Members of the Gleaners Class o( the First Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. Isaac McGlll Saturday afiot*nA/>n ntlih *1 ?>a itrilll/v *J/?mti " M?w.i>.wt/u tv a via train. Yiriuic UIVUIII ?fl Joint hosteBs. . t v^ Mrs.- Eugene Roberts conducted the devotional. The Valentine idea was observed throughout the meet int,'. (Delicious refreshments were serv ed at the conclusion with the Valentine motif again observed. Birth Announcement Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Owens, a daughter, Maude Ava,. Fri day, February 14th. See The New SPRING COATS AND SUITS Myers' DRESS SHOPPE Second Floor TV-*'^4TV"HKjf'T^ .* " . I 4 - i \ ' ' '' . , THE KINGS MOUN^IN HERAI WOMEN MRS- A. H. PATTERSON, Brtde-Elect Honored f lluiiuriui; MIh* Maii Norma i'rook ^Aiiril brtde-idoet, Mra^ A. tl Fatter *011 .nici MUk lK>rotli> Patterson, en lr?#i " , coif prizes, Iu>ai t.-shaped boxes o! ( candy were presented .Miss \J j) ,-i$oyec M -(!ill and Mds. Trov Carpet. , tor. Miss Crook, the honoree, was j presented a bride's book.Guests included Miss 'Mary Nor i ma Crook. uttd' In r mother, Mrs. \\ ( K. Crook; Misses Sara Leu Hurrll', ; Kllzabetli Plonk, Leone Patterson, j Mary Hoyce MrCill. NeUille -Gaul: | Niuu Jackson, Martha Frances Mr j Cill, Mary Frances Gahtt, Helen | Stewart. Saletta Parton. Fatrv c,rnc> ! Patterson, Willie Mcfllll. Mrs. Chat-' les Winchester and Mrs. Troy Carpenter. Marriage Announced Announcement ha* l.oo'li made -o; the tniirr.iage of George F. Ware "ultd Miss Helen Stewart which tons places Saturday evening in private ceremony at the home of the bride's pastor. Dr. W P. Oiler, in Clover S. C. Tin marrja^c eaine as a conr I dele surjoike'.tp tin 'many fiieliit?l tfto couple. The bride, an n'traetivc blonde wore a becoming n.cvy costume witl navy accessories. Mr. Ware, a son of Mr. and Mrs ' John F: Ware of Kings Mountain. it connected Willi tlte Coca-Cola Hot tiing Works of Gastonla. He is t 1 young man of sterling traits oi character. The bride t,s a daughtef of Mr. and Mrs. Forest L. Ste\*?rt. of Bethany S." C.. and has been with the Ansel' Beauty Shop in Kings Mountain foi several years, sne Is a young wo man of charm and loveliness ant ' lias made many friends In King> Mountain during her stay here. The young couple will make theli home for the present with the bride groom's parents on Waco Road. r' IJustess To Bridge Club / Mrs. George F. LaUimodle waa hostess to her bridge club at hot home on West Mountain street Tuesday afternoon. The rooms were arranged with bowls of jonquils and other early blooms. A salad course, sandwiches and tea was served. Those playing included Mesdames Hunter Nelaler. E. A. Smith. R. H. Webb, Paul Nelsler, Charles .Dill i ing, Booth Gillespie, Joe Nelsler and [ Hayne Blackmer. Personals Mr. Claud(e -Rhyme has been very sick for several days. - ?o? jMr. and Mrs. L. M. I?gan< visited ' friends in Rock *1111, S. C.. Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith were '^visitors In New York City durtnp the week-end. A F. Hord. Jr., student at Wake Forest College spent the week -end .. . . ? 1 jfl fl BRING US YOU |j NEW- WA: Gastonia's Oldest j | Branch Office 292! Jno. R. Rankin. Pres. "Send Your Dry Cleai Phones 166 and 844 i mi ! ## > # ft t B^V*-v'vr: '*' ' " V. . ~ \ r I .? -- ' s- > AV. FEBRUARY 20. 1941. t with his part-tits, in Kings Mountain t e Mrs. W. F. Cannon Is a guest or I her daughter, Mrs. K. H. Webb alt J tr an extended stay with relatives p j in Easley. S. C. -} ' ~?~ . * " I Mrs. Annie Mae Mow/' aim Miss y Ollle Mae Hartseil attended .the tl Beauticians Co:i veil libit in Charlotte t> this week. pi --o? I ton K Hoar, local agent of the ' ^ linpi rial Lite Insurance Co., attend- s va a special meeting oi (tie compaii.i . in Aslieville last week. i. -. *' . ? !ti 1 Nli and Mrs I). F. I lord had an i ^ dinliei guests last Thursday evening I 111 ' Mr . and-/ Mrs, Charles' ispake una s* 1 Miss KiulU Wilson of Shelby. *' o .% . "i IIs'. 'i '>d? of Mis J V. l-'retle.*| IFF #111 f!j Al Jlllt ftHllH n il >Pim much better after being n'bk lie j scyi nil days. j f, Mrs J. Calls til Vi ta's Iteantv > ^ Stfioppe attended a Hair Stylists _ meeting Monday. Tuesday and. Wed tie tola.v in Charlotte. " . ' P ' Mrs. .Kugeite Mathis. is pluiiuiiig *1 to visit Het liushaiut litis week-end I in Columbia. where Ik- la a patient , ill I In- Veteran lloapitul. _o? Mrs. (' C. I.yhii ' has 'return.*!! j home from (lu* City Hosllal. Gas ! toniu, and is mow at the home o". her daughter. Mrs. John Mitriirni of \lte Ifonnie Mill iontJunity. . - ?o? Mrs. Jim tfrice of Shelby, before ! marriage. Miss Virginia Warlick o: Kings Mountain, underwent an op l._ j elation Tor appendicitis at Shelby* iiosp tal Wjedmjpday night ot last S week. I Miss Cora Herndon has accepted I i position with toe Slate IVpart I *11 nt, oi" Agriculture in Kalelgh. Kite I Was act ottl pari led* to ItUipigll by liei " jtj . fa tier. U'. I?. *Hdnuloll, who had bus B j ir.Vss in (lie Sfa'e Capitiil. Mi s Martha rdierci of Krwiu. i Tenn . is a patinnt in the City .Hos pita) at Gastopta where she recent i> underwent an operation. made ! oeessary by a> Jttiee injury. Mis? . Shorer,*s mother. Mrs. T. (i. Sherer; i , has .been visitng relatives in Kings' : Mountain during her daughter's stayin Gastonia. I -T ? I Schaub Outlines Needs For Progressive South ' Before a permanent basic system ' of agriculture, Jlexible enough to take advantage of rapidly changing ' conditions can be established, the South must overcome undernourish- ! i me.nt, soil and human erosicn, and : J an undesirablp system of tenancy. I : believes (Dr. I. O. Sehattb. director of i the N". C. State {College Kxtejision ' i*\ Service. .; * Speaking before Hie 42nd annual | convention of the Association of ! ..Southern Agricultural Workers in Atlatnn. Or. Sell a lib said' Southern farmers must grow more things to : I >;at as well as more feed for their j livestock. In addition, thev must | build their soil to a higher state of j productivity. While pointing out apparent i needs in the South, the State Col lege man sharply rapped critics of Southern farming methods, saying KAYSEITS Beautiful Hose 79c and 97c Nylons $1.35 Myers' DRESS SHOPPE Second Floor Hr^?3B MK&**j *1 m^ Jtf &~Z^k ^E>w R LAUNDRY Y LAUNDRY i! , Largest and Best 294 West Main Ave. Jas. W. Raskin, "Sect ling With Your Laundry" ;;. Gsstonia, N. C. ! 1 i t ' ' ' hat "I am convinced that the, efflIciUy of the Southern {armor* na* opt pace with the efficiency of infers In other areas and with ( opto in- other occupations." The South Has been in the midst T an uKi'lcultuml change fur man.V cars, he routfuuod.' For ibis reason . jo ICuropoan war is not entirely to iutne for tlit* loss'of- important ex- i art markets. "We Can't expect to have ,-wha? e thinK of as -normal'"export* jus. < soon as the war end-* ' Dr. I'huub told Hie fneytln," lie cot* in;-s|tuuii6ii didn't act pad- the .da!1 iat fiulitine started abroad, it Just ?>k' a 'urn for the worse \\'< |C vn. or at least we should have en. the hum!writing till tie vvujl "a tinhj-t"* of yitits before tit. current tiiiary crisis." omf # wii.^n id "A confident people, a woib ; d. siills'ldtliwi, and wcl lisuscit opb will build a more, pros perdu s i mil II." ~ . i MARTHA MANNING | DRESSES Youthful Half-sizes Myers' DRESS SHOPPE Second Floor Get The I ' - v . , ' '' ?, You are sure of getting t . hair styling when the sh( abreast of the style.chang We can serve you in Fac or Massages. CALL US TODA * ? Vera's Bea Mrs. J. B. Fa HEW *941 pttllCl * . null r>:v;: a \ [ IIHIIBII .29 19 ** |IMBiJ|- >??< ?.M S ra H ||B1|q|| ' j 1 fa -V, IB - *> 31 vB [1 1I1IIHIB " || UhI Kings Mounts Com] Kings M ! ? " 1 v :-"K -- -- -;- ' * ' ' ' f. \ ->? ' W. _ .'..v.. " , . ft. * . , " , - < A ! The Herald $1.50 A Year Job Printing Phone 167 " 11 1 SEE THE NEW Fashions and Values at * - "'V Myers' ' UKKSS SIIOPI'K ' Second Floor ...3* ixvttT PC noetm BY YOUR LAXATIVE- RELKVI CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY When you feel ga??y, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do in million* do ? take Keen-A-Mint nt bedtime. Next morning ? thorough, comfortable relief, * neipmg you start the* day lull of your normal cnl-Fgy and pop, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't diuurls your nirht's rest or interfere wiili work ih? next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, tlie Chewing gum laxative, youraelf. It tastes good, it's handy and economical... a family supply CO,'i FEEN-A-MINT ________ ___ Best.. I ' * k 'I >' he best and the first in 1. >p you patronize keew jes. ials, Arches, Manicures, Y?Phone cS8-R ., I uty Shoppe ills, Manager . + ' * " . '' ' * .** ' ' * ' ' jj ' ' *. V %0 M mort. AC-EX. Noiw'-Mr geous Walnut cabinet. Without a question, the sole v?loe of all time. IP | iin Furniture "' ' ' ' i pany i:~* . - M fountain, N. C. . 1