t' ' r/' - k>' * . " ? ? ? ? ?< SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE Attend Meeting In Shelby Mrs. P. hcti |ilittle 4,.i hcaui U?u' , ?IIm* k round* a' tlie Cutivt it nut.' welro liUciisn'il Mis. liatleri'i i- ami Mrs (iofuith ate nivniboi s u( the committee a!i|ii>tuiu<] .the* cuuntv COBitii His ton its to at-tist Jn 'this liuit si j ? % WEEK - END t Specials FROSTILLA LOTION 39c ! 666 LIQUID 45c 25c Size CARTERS Liver Pills ' 19c EX-LAX 25c Size ' j 19c . MI NIT RUB~ 35c Cize ' , 29c 60c Size SYRUP PEPSIN 47c POND'S (Creams) 39c N. R. TABLETS 23c 65c Size PINEX e a ~ * 9W 50c Size TEEL 39c BILL FOLDS 49c DRENE 60c Size Shampoo Chamberlain's LOTION V 42c Kings Mountain Drug Co. The Rexall Store Phones 41 and 81 . '. i / f (jvrrwz/i \ QUd Alka-S And Ttfy Say It Do the members of YOUR famll If not, perhaps it is because you a thorough trlaL' All over the world people who enthusiastic in its praise. If Alka-Seltzer is as good as we si Icine cabinet; if it is not, it won't co the purchase price to any new us< Your family may need Alka-Selt you think. Our guarantee of sal < j , covers it VMM M ff?BL' ralgia. He ^itWyE ** te m i . "*' . c 1 I 1 HAPPENINGS REST to V\ v 4?. " ...N v i . v .- ? PHONES 10 R AND 88 ? ++++++ ++**++ ^+++*+**++4 New Club Formed ' , ^ Tin' I) I)j1' lu-i'l ilK-u- first luiH-t- ! s ill' Monday tiiulit. and the . urt.> u--4 v\orv (*!wlcil:' PivkIiIvMi I finiiia '.'onlw ll; Viin-I'lvcWfelli,'^ Ki'aiii'f> I'fiiUKi'; Si'Cii vary. Alii''? 1 lit l> Mauney; 'j'lfiihuii.r. l'uis> I Villus ~ I I t .i*- fiuij iii S' iitoix iijitl .I'tii*" U.aiJu.ii?s hi Kings MouM-nli HJkli *l Si JllioJ lias still led Willi JpltiVl'h clmr l .'akt* unitv.- in < at tltclr next meet--' iUK 1 11 Jii-VftiU cummllt Ws via re apiHiiul id ur.it till-, purpose of the i iub ills- . I. cusit <| Womans Club To Meet Friday ' *5 The WuttvaiiH Club will meet Krl ; day afternoon at 3:30 al the club 1 building. Mrs.. \V. J. Fulkersou will ' (lisOuss table appointments J Hostesses will be Mesdatnes If. * X Moss, J. M. Patterson and M. A. Ware for cot chs from colos ! . * ' that won't TORN loose ! . take oke stp ok MENTKO-MMLSSON " j _v/ait five minuses Blalock ; GROCERY t ( i Hie Store That Believes i J In. * ... ?Quality Groceries ,< ?Prompt Deliveries , .* * ?Reasonable Prices , ?Friendly Service Blalock Grocery & Market Phone 58 We Deliver eltzerfeffl With a Smile! y say this? have never given ADca*8eltzar f have used Alka-Seltzer are ty it is, you want it in your medst you a penny. We will refund :r who is not entirely satisfied. xer sooner and more often than is/action or money refunded s use in all conditions listed bemewacfc, Add lailaaatlaa. Heart rales AfW, Meat alar Pales, NrsaSacha, Plitrass at GsMs, as a Oat rj|^B ^ Be: ' ^v" V- v . .. V v. ** THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAL! fOMEN Hits A H. PATTERSON. ++ ?* ++++? + *+++++?-+ Mountain .mil Hum s, I Illusion of Kings Moiiu'iIii anil Hit Jill'JtSllll. IllvilllbUl. S lOi'K lii punt tcrciuotiv last- Sutu. u\ (i veiling at (Vtltlill- iliitliodlH'. Iiiin li iv r It tie IiikIh'o pallor. Or , iti """/1"'*0 ' I'*. J.iub '! < annliiai (4p? in .in>ti i iiKl uiliia completed a simple i) aif< live M itliis lor tip* duplex iv< exchange <>f vow*. \lusi< wait . tunlirlied ov Minn ij'a jwkvuii. otgnnlst 1'iun to.The inuiuny Miss Jackson |?i:iv -<1 Avi .lai ia iiml during the ceremony. To i Wild Hose, 1(> MacDowell, was luycd. The Hridul (.'hocus ftom i^ileiigrin wits played for the pi onestonal and MiiuIIIssoUii'h WeddUig ditrch for tlie recessional.There were no attend.irtls and I ho ouph entered' the church togetlft-r. Th? bride. a strikingly lovely irunette. wore a becoming redingote. ostuine in beige with copper brown ccessorics and corsage of talisman uses. She is a daughter of Mr. and its. hi. it B fiber and a young woniiiti I exceptional charm. My. iidtislotl. a sop of Mr and Mfs i. !i. llons'toh. <;' l ata land. S. i., merle ol KiliCs Mountain. lie is a Kings M-otintaiu Drug Company 11:tiS ho was called :o outer training utd ij iioi at Foil Jackson, l'oiain da. S- C. Mrs! Houston will rotnuln in ^ iVn -BBiiA^i I rtcw^j l (? ? mt -%f America, Inc. ij Dixie 5 * j\ . ,?/ *.? -. . . ". '. - . U hffin im> r?ifi ti til _ ^ 1 * * -? D THURSDAY, March 13. 1941 Birthday Party Jean an.I Uitty Cash dPlebiftted ^ heir 9th anil 8th birthdays respec- ( ttvt'ly "ht the home of their parents >n KiliK street Monday afterno'ou. i ' The young people were entertain- .1 d with various unities .. ,| I'uncli. icecream and cake was, j *'er\cd^wlth the St.. Patrick'* motif observed in refreshments and favors " Those present Included AMa Jea'i J lltiviH. Mildred Mae tiofoi'h. Betty Howard. tti'lsv Stow'-. At.irjorv I)ii key Ann May e* Jean l.ynch ; la>.->ii- t.yin'a. Pin lli- Ware. Baity \':|i Neisler. H leaner Myers, lhlckfe ' .) n It in > Patty Parrish PuUieia.' thine.-. .luanita (lutuioift. -loan Hayits. It.iinhyii Allen, Betty Palls. Jennie llittin it piiiuy Maine v. -liarvv ' I iy Ituiiiiich llobhle Webb. Tommy Thompson . tu nc Mauiiey. Billy \lli-t liou rt Hden*, l?nu Pr"*Hley laiuelu I tola-lis l.any Punish and1tu I Waie rtnj-rii mfmiw/tmui ii* fW1 Hulijii dry nt t Personals Bill. Thl Olli bui u -spent th weekend with relatives in * AUn inarle. | - o? - * I Mis. MaUde Wilsoji had a? her j um-si Sunday evening Mr. Kd Ham* mefl of- M ins insipid." r I - o -~ I , Mr. Bobbie West of Pnion Mills J ! spent the past week end with ' ' friends here. ?0- - I Mr. Aaron Harisoe spent the past j ? i week end with iris mother. Mrs. Ml- I - I lie llurlsoe. -'o? } Miss Catherine Peele was "called j home Tuesday by the illness of her 1 mother. j/"' / Mt^'daiium J. -TV Davis. TV P. llaker i ami Fuller MiCill spent Tuesday in. ''iiarieMe. , . j k s * .-V ?O'?. - ' M i.iilie llart'soe spent the past -iilli tier si'iet. Mr-. . K. I. '\Vrirlit ot Shelby. ? M . :>i(<] Mrs'. .Lawrence Lohr and FRANCE S RAGGED REGIMENT OF AVENGERS How misearable mendicants of j France's once gay capital have band j ed together in their twilight world and have pledged their lives to sa- j botaging Germa nrule. A thrilling article in the March 23,rd issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY 1 the big magazine distributed with THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN" On Sale At All Newsstands S^^3E339l^sSE55Ess528B535553 ; ' CALL OR SEE Kennon Blanton At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE NO. 10 STERCH1 BROS.' Representative in Kings Mountain Territory . ? rtm ha vc i FRI, March 26-27-28 MRIM 139 1 FAMED STARS! * DON ARKCME * george alliss * Edward arnoio a B RINNIE MINES t i 10hn baraymore i ' * iionii iariymore w " wmnei baxter * wallace beery rino thrillc * waiter mennan ring iwriiis # george brent entertain- * Virginia irnce a.n ^ ROB RUINS breathless * ico carriuo inture t eUGOETTE Colbert insure ... ^ bart coorer > 100 min- * ?ette oavis * DUD END KIDS * richard oix * irehf ounne * HENRY FONDA * 1ANET GAYNOR * WAITER HRSTON * JOEl McCREA * VICTOR MclAGlEN * ireoric march ^^b * raymond massf y a 1 ^^b * rort MONTGOMERY vArl h ANNA NEAGlE ** A -^B^ * Mil RATRICK fe^B * GEORGE RAFT * IVISC RAINER * RAUl ROBESON * ann rutherford * JOSERH SCHIIORRAUT B ^B' * RANDOLPH SCOTT B ,*MB * JAMES STEWART * lewis stone * margaret sttuavan mm^^b * akim tamiroef I : * SRENCER TRACY * 10RETTA YOUNG M.I..f^Mti kpiimJll.kUi- *)?WUIJW* ' m i>n are visiting Mr. anil Mrs. S. A ;,,| operation for apponiltcltlff In IM latmey. <*lt> Hospital. Onstonla, recently. ?o?o - ? l)r ami Mre. E. 0. Poo pur spent 10 past' week-eml wltli Mr anil Mrs Miss Eva Plonk spout tho weekacob. Cooper I oru' Wiit^ton-Salein anil while ? o- - -I'there bail tho' pleasure of linariDC ?Mf<< l^auru Wattorsoir underwent . ti.'on,f'il'on Editorial page} . . _ " = ' . ' ' -v * IT'S SAFE :^ PASTEURIZED MILK ? ', * -v . ' ' ' ' 4 1 , Rowland Bros. Motor Co. 24 North Railroad Ave. COME IN-. . . AND SEE .77^ ' OUR COMPLETE, NEW GREETING CARD DEPARTMENT j I Br! i . V ilp's I ' v/*| J ? .3 . j . . J E>. Whether it be a word of congratulation, an expression of sympathy, a grateful note of thanks, or a greeting to bear good wishes, let a Greeting Card carry your message. To make it easy for you to find just the message you need, we have installed a new display of the latest type. Won't you pay us an early visit? BELK'S 1 DEPT.STORE 1 . ' : '* 4 . ' - ' " ' '1 GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS - . t . . -. \-m {-.>|M