.T-." . v:*'- ' y. ./ ' : V : * k ?. ' " 1 v . ? . . . ? ? < SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE Womans Club Elects .* i Officers Officers were elected (or tin- S?-n-! tor Woruans Club ut the meet inn on last Friday afternoon uk folio ah: Mrs. Aubrey MaUDejr, President. Mrs. 1'. O Kalltrrev, First VicePresident. M.Vt I It tiofotth. Second VicePresident. . Mrs \V". K Mautie>. Secretary? Mrs (Srudy Putin ton. Treasurer. otnles teacher at Central S' SSssSffr5,BS iviyers Has a gorgeous array of We cordially invite you to Spring Ensemble. * Styles are prettier this ye) i il I JUST I Carol I INDIVIDUAL ' -I '. i < * * ' ' i HAPPENINGS :rest to v PHONES 10-R AND 88 ] if Tyndall-Moss Marriage i Announced Aiitiounct>ni?>nt hun been -made of | the iiianlaKo ui Miss Mario Mom j and Mr. Thomas Itextcr Tvn'lall. j which took place Murih 14. at Gaff-, la v. S. ('. The bride is I he. attractive' ilailglitor of Mr. anil Mri> ?'halite .\Iosk of GiOVcr' tiuaii Shi- #.i< tnuiii-l in -i bisininiUK navy bin* eowtuuie,' withnniy utifinorii-ii at-U corimito of r-'il : fV" ami Mi* A W T>n.lalt ami bold* a} pu'Jiuon wuri too Kings Mountain . , lluig jV/Tlif young couple aro Itv tup with tin* bi idcgroum's parents, for- the present. rt V. ' 'Hostess At Party J Ruby Moss was hostess to a birth- ' (lay paity Saturday -night at her home. 11 Those present were A.nnie Snr|h. ' Doris Rhea. Bonnie . Mcintosh. Hazel 1 Rhea,- Margaret C. Ware. Gordon j Barnotte, Jack Rollins, Chester Lee , ' Calitpbell. Harvey Laughter and. 1 "Sonny" Moss. Delicious refresh men i s consisting of ice cream and cake were served. ] Ozelle Gladden assisted the hos: ; :tion \ . V ( ' -f gan of ' ^ -Vi-1 ;c CLEANERS Jt Reliable" v s in the coupon page in j lid. I y 1', -2/ ; B pi , % x ZED MILK 8 1 C ? Dress Si the latest Creations for Spi i inspect our selection before ar than ever. See our selectioi ARRIVED NEW SH1PME: \ Craig Dr LY STYLED ONLY ONE Ol >; y-'v-vy.l'v>^ c; . . . ' ?r. jiiiuw iffMSy * " ''' t' ' :> v.' - . ' " " .X > ' " 1 ' f " . * THB KINGS MOUNTAIN HE HALT "V- ' " ..." ^ yOMEN MRS. A. H. PATTERSON, > ?? ?? 5tewai"t-Craig Wedding The following unuouneemeni lias* i (Hill l8HU(f(l: Mrs. Walter N, Craig announces ilie insfrriaiio ?' Her daughter l.eliu Mae to V. ..." ' '" ' Mr Fail! A?thou)' Stewart ii Filda^r. tin- (OiQH. enth of March nineteen hun Wi'llaie liemitiinnt. The In Ulegrooiiv-4s the second Mitt ?f Mr. ami Mrs t?. 1;' sietturt of iuKtonia. for'inca'ly of King> Moiinalii, lie holds a posi'iut vitth tie1 loues Coh struct ton Co. of Jin ksonllle, Kia. > | The marriage took place at the jargunagc of Main Street Me'hodist 'hurclt with the Hev. C. K. Kozzellt" eading the impressive ritual. .The young couple left Immediatey following the eertdnotiy for u trip o Florida. honored On Birthday 'Complimenting their mother. Mrs. X F. Styers, on her sixty-first' birtn lay anniversary. Mk. Karl Tate l*i<1 Mrs. Carl L'wis .of Gqstotiia, j vojrv hostesses on Saturday after- | 10011 at tiie homo of Miw Tate on Veils street at a delightful parlj. ' allies and contests were" provided or their quests entertainment. St. Patrick Day colors were carrld out in the refreshment coursp aid nosegays of white narcissus and ern were favors. Mrs. Styers was he recipient of many useful.gifts. The guest list included Mesdames V. Henkle McGinnis. Ebb Rhodes, Iholley Gibson, Tom Crawford Dora thea. Druscilla Wilson, Joe Cole, ohn Davis, Callie Reyuolds, Harvey toberts, Ernest White, Ben lxmg, 'harlie Moss, George' Hull Misses Hrginia McGinnis. Marguerite Styrs and Mrs. Henry Andrews of Gas onia. and .Mrs. M. E. McKtiight of 'harlotle. Bilide-Elect Honored ^Mis. Eugene K. Roberts entertain id a number ot friends on Saturday ifternoon complimenting, Miv Purine .Hambright of WadesborO. bride beet of this month and daughter of dr. and Mrs. Ross Hambright of Irover. The rooms were attractivey arranged with jonquils and white larcissus. The mantle decoration onsisted of a miniature bride and :room in the center and on either ;lde lighted tapers in crystal hurri- j ane lamps. A salad course with accessories vas served with the bridal motif vhito and green, cleverly observed. Guests Included Miss Pauline Ham iright ot Wadesboro; Miss Marie -I omi dnn of I/- Q T?TI O TVrO t Q 1VI UUVU Wk kl n I ^1 luyviiw f Mkv^uwtuw >avld Harry, James Rollins. Arthur )avls, W. R. Hambright, W. A. Ham >rlght, Misses Ruth Crisp, Mary tiarabrlght, Bess Alice Hambright. ind Lucy Hambright. all of Orover; Mrs. J. R. Curtis of Oastonia; Miss's Mitchell Williams and Annie Rob 'fts of King* Mountain. hoppe ring! you purchase your i now. , NT esses F A PATTERN. >. ...... - ?. r - ?; v , ?v?T-5vr . r~. r > fij-r * >. ? THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 1941 Entertained At Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hoke entertinned at a tumily dinner at tlieir home on Gold street on last Wedues day evening, honoring Mrs. ltoke's lumber, .vtrs. N. K. \valtersou, on the occasion of- her birthday anniver sary. Guests included .all members oC Mrs. Wattei son's family except Mrs Mason Barber of Atlauta who was I detained on account, of illness in her | latniiy and wno was represented by her daughter. Miss Myru Barber. .Miss llarber reniaiued for a visit of several day's returning homo TuosI J'"1*'" | .. - : f" Legion Auxiliary Meets Mi mts i ' of 11?<*" la'gion Auxiliary met Tuesday afternoon at the hplfie | in' Mi*.' \ I; Vobb. wMlch was at-j vaetiMly lecorutcd .with early-] i i'ii-; '' - d'nwinit tile- liUsi less Si-ixed dellvhttui refreshment *. whhh iu< faded miniature ba-ket* or V.mdy deeota'ed with an American ''Mag , Mr- a G Saigeant had charge ol the ile lotions Is and discussed"4'hrlatiaii. ?*oi:du?it ." Mrs Bride Kuttcrree hail charge of a most in-j foresting "id entertaining program on the FT.AG Tin- ten member* present voted to the I' ' l? tin- J) A. R. and-tho American I. . ^ ? ' " ... . , - ;| - . J" v: . 7*y itouiicn the birth of a son. Kdward ''' x llHV llarvin Itlantou Jr.. ot: Sunday Mar cb Ifi. 1941. [?SHEAFI STUDENTS, SOLME Give that student or that ' '. of your the gift that turn ACTION ?the gift he'll u proudly for life?a Sheaffc with the. see-thru plastic SKRIP'?the best way to cc the services or the classro our complete selectionl Kings Mouni Comp The Rexal *rop Of Freshly SS KS LINENS ^ M ' a Kay Spr ^Hrnorticulturists at heart, w< r Fabric Department into a r with rows and rows of brill COTTONS In Out Nodding their pretty heads and novelty cottons in brigli 19c ? 25c ? J IN DRESS PRINTS UNEP : silk on bright and ounds. Polka dot, flor ked and striped pat- Uncrush so fresh 48c yd. (elk's Dept. MEMBER ? You Always Save I--- .' .'A- fr~. ' - Personals ;t8s Virgic Harmon apont I in Charlotte. :>mn\y Frederick is ' rceovorxqg i an attack of the tin. - % ' -'v " \-;J O ? . - . rs. K. W.-Griffin is confined to home with largyiiltls. - I. ScttW'iiVyre. Jr. is ?>n a 1?u*~ t tiip in New York City. i-o- lt.:*v Malltnt, I' N |\.illi'v? .tirfi Henna' KWhi'i ar? ii'.i.i ilna * 0 tomorrow morning f?>r \'.a? M.'i.'tt'd iii.t u.ti ' y ' :EKS~~I i