jr.-'. - " . ' ' * ' * ' fe V V' ' ' ' * - s , Church News LUTHERAN CHURCH i Herman O. Fisher. Paotnr Jtvad ay School at 9:45 A. M. i Supt. Mr. O. C. Mauney. The Sen-ice at 11:00 A. M. Sermon: By the Pastor. Junior Children' of the Church at,' * . ?:iii. .wuuwj j? PHONE No. 10 STERC11I BROS.' Representative in Kin^s Mountain Territory PROMT SERVICE fast service when you wait'in oiie of our con-, venienl booths. We pride ourselves on Foster's SHOE AND MCYCLE SERVICE i Phone 154 I IT'S A B I OF GRC I For a FeI PEANUf Butter I RED SOUR I Cherriei 75 Pound Bag I Hog Fee I EVAPORATED I Apples or F I KRAFT I May out 3 5 GALLONS I Keroseti I ONIONS?No. 1 Yellow. Waldorf TISSUE?3 Rol I Home I GOOD EATS "Where the Dolla I WeD< ' ' . - r. ? ' ' ^ . i. ? *. '. . ' ?- '?-?-1 . .(.? -r - v v; ^ ' " * fK. Tbomuaoo, 8upt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Sermon subject: Oh Ye! 01 Llttl Paitb. 2:30 P M. Sunday School at Dl: on School House. 6UJ0 P. M. Young Peoples Vespei 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship. Sermon subject: The Barren El Tree. Monday 7:15 P. M Boy Scouti Troop I Mr. Carl Davidson, Scou master: Messrs Harry- Pago, au I'll! Thomson. Assistants. Tuesday 7:15 P. M. Prayer inee ing iit Margrace Community House Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church It. N. Unird. Minister. \ l".','ti A. M Oibli- School. J. I,. M< Sftpcrihieniliuit. 11:00 A M. Morning W'orsiilp uii -ti-niioii WHO IS" -TO BLAME? 6'.45 I*. M. Ihtcrinrdiute Chrisliai Pit ion 6:45 P M Young People's ciiriit an I n ion 7 H' P-'M Wnliuolay Even Pra r Mi rtiitc ' First Baptist Church A (; y*P\0T rtt: i;'V Mui'llluu Wnrshin 11 nil Snnd;n Hi.hool ft,: 40 ( i i tin li r. T C. 6 f? p. in. Suyiiav Evening Service 7:. uliifti'irttfci I TOT KB? MOPHTAW HMUU> | Showing At The imperial J ( 8 s *. t(I I v ?+ > ? ?? + "? RAMBLIl?U SKETCHES! OF OAK (jKOVE NEWS (U> Mrs. WilUuui Wright) )+<+? ++ + ) ) +? >< . vit unusual Inrv:e crowd was pres lit for church service Hunduj mornins. March '.'th. Several visitors 1 were present. Mr. and Mrs. William 1 *' - i i - ??h , nun- iwMi riiiuiuui oi .Mourosviiie | .vc\i> aiming the visitors. Mi. Ware Ivaiue t |n dully t(> present the chur* t ii"u beautiiul silver Communion set 11 was given in behalf of his broth* 5, . is and himself. As a memorial to , j their parents the-late Mr. ami Mrs. W. tl. It. Ware. Othe.r members of ! the (umiiy are Messrs .1. fe. and | Irani; C. Ware of this sept ion, ,Dr. i J (). and John 13. Ware of Washing* a, foil. 0. 0. The Ohttrch appreciates , the eOntmunion set more highly than ,r ; words-can express. We are grateful .for. a family llko the Mr. War.e's. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Ware entertained at dinner recently Mr. uiid Mrs. William Ware and children of Mooresvllle. Mrs. J. T. Davidson of Kings k Mountain is spending sometim wi h her daughter.* Mrs. A. T. itandal and ^ Mr. Kendall. Little Miss Annette Ware spent Tuesday with her aunt, the writer j and family. _ ... '* I Mrs. Annie Kills' and son., MrI P.lanche Ford and son. Itobert, and ? Mrs. William Wright were spend* j the day guests of Mrs. Frank Ware I recently. *' | Mr. Rustpr Phillips and Mr. Jossup of Fort Jackson. S. C? spent j Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Eye ret to Ford. I Mr. and Mrs Wtay Thornburg and children spent the week-end ir I Charlotte visiting with Mr. and Mrs Oilell Steele and' Mr, and Mrs. Mon! roe Doll. ' Mr. and Mrs* Monroe Lovelace of Pa rs'eii Drove were Saturday night guests of their daughter, Mrs. ram; Ware and tatnily, 1 ' /C\ TO SIXL I ??1 'EM, TLLL IH- With An Ad k No Ford h< 1 EXTI insV3? nil JI i|g| rx \A flUilfHl v'" ^^jfl GET rHE FJ PLOK /' . / -. * .' .', . ' ' ?o . | I ' ' ' . . ' ?\4k *"* . -' j." ", ! ,'' ', - J . .' _ ',. ' . " ',' ' .. *."'! ' ''' '. >; .}< '-'. ' : " 7 " ' rmtmspAY, MABCH h. mi j||f| 1 )tftd|Y ( H I i 1 > ( I 1 HHRfl \ I imvm ? K it I - WM - jM I * t H K ^ (Stu&pet ^ctftii fpn Km lf*i . Shelby, N. C, No Carrying Cha See Kennon Blanton, Mountain Represe Phone No. 10 is ever carried You'll IA VALUE Wi - , You Tl quite so far! jfta people ai mW mm*. Sail VIr^ipaWI I -M u XCTS AND YOU'l m MOTO ' W' ~K ' t ulii ij^ii^iiM.iBiL.v'cy*g-'.*T* ? > I ?????1? NOTICE or SALE nue By virtue of the power and an- ?* * horlty given In Section 26SS of the Cor Consolidated Statutes of North Car- cor? iltna, the Mayor and Board of Com- Wat niaaloners for the. town of Klnga lnor Mountain, N. C. will sell at public *nd luctlon at the City Hall in said town Ho* >n Monday, April 14. 1941. at 12:00 *au >'clock noon the following described eal estate: ' , loss Wea FIRST TRACT: Beginning at an gatd ron pin on the West side of the r*l In the Register of Oeeds Office ',ri or Cleveland County. ' " BECONJi TRACT: Situated in th< HR | g, | ? .14 ^ r yv , ^^KWW^W|fJ/i ^HftWttraw [[ J | Nfc||ffc ntative StsrchiV Is Wsshar Hsa HWW?www1 *>"' mv r? e you to see and drive And with its t Ford we've ever built view, you ge find its big bodies longer with extra th reater in total seating draulic brake id larger in windshield, a lot of fine-c rthing else in the Ford fures" found d right now. - low price, find a great new Ford If you are . A soft and quiet new thisyear.you' : has surprised a lot of this Ford. Ai id may surprise you. wesayso,but Pg^. .vV vgl I GET A FORD I rm' ^i": i^ifiiMii rii'i iki tj^ir'^l iiIm^H ?___? RCOMP A > ' * -.'.w*; . * -', . * , -., * ???M !r rr"'- '? . ?, , U fak iMifrfiMiiii'r "' ' - ' ' -*-> -w-^v an Beginning at a siaae, corner ot of tows of Kings Monhtalu. merly the Mrs. N. F. Watteraoh ler) and runs thence with tne terson line West 114 1-4 reef, e or leee to a stake in (he Kiser Mauney line; thenco with sutd S. 40.67 feet to a stake. D. O. iney forner; thence with Matin* line Bast 114 1-4 feet more or to a stake in the West edge of A. Railroad Avenue; thence with Railroad Avenue North 40.67 to the Beginning. 'here is excepted front the two described ubove that portion of lots taken by the Stale High* Commission in widening and ins ing West Railroad Avenue and t Street. lie bidding on the above proper* bill begin at |3.IH>0.00. its the llthduy of March, 1941. 11. T. Fulton. Acting Mayor ght l>. Katterree, Town Clerk* L JJuvts. Atiy ?adv apr 3rd. Vl?? . ' '' ' ' ' V; " ' begin at a m :ek pays I I|K?|4 ^ CImamIMA i?~ //f / Jqusrtsrsl ?Tanroom and ride and t Ford extra power rift, the biggest hys near its price, and ar mechanical "feaonly in a Ford at choosing a new car 11 do well not to miss id not just because t>eca use the facta dot % , * Wtm~' ppp_ , " ,1