* ^ . Don's Lose Your Social Security Number Do you keep a record of your so cial security account number be etdes the one on your social security card? This may be extremely impor k taut as a protection to your famll] f in cape of your death before yot are ready to claim retirement bene tlta. Your (amity may be entitled t< monthly payments, but In applyini for these payments they will nee< your social security account numbei Be sure they have a record of youi proper number. Clatms for benefiti are filed at the Social Security J Board office at. 143 South St.. Gas tonla. N. t*. A representative of the Qaatonk Is your home down { with you to take cc f REPAIRS to yoi INVESTMENT Now is the time ? 1 the Penalty! Come in for details i k Why a local home I the right loan for yo How one of our Rep will bring an end to Home B. & i A. H. Patters v i ? A ] to The Ford Mote business has at serve the needs ol people. In provid low-cost transpoi past 38 years, w oped one of the < '* est and most usi j units. During a i gency, we feel th ties should be de reserve to ohr cc Tdward that er rolling months a rnc*i 1 to AvauAW* 1A $21,000,000 F gine factory, start ago, is nearly comp! will start with an 4,236 eighteen cyli double-row, radial e O We are building ^ Ford magnesiun one of the few in t already producing plane engine casting O Army recoonalsa ' w tary vehicles of type ? are rolling f assembly lines at d than 600 a month. $ ! Army staff cars ant! I trucks. I i The government * "go-ahead" ant under way for the I of anil 1,000,000 Fc eo^ produce bomber tioe methods, FORD n ' r" t: ' '' field office of the Social Security Boand will be In Ktnsa Mountain at the court room of the city hall the second Tuesday of each monlh. The ** neat visit to Kln*s Mountain will be h on Tuesday, April 8. 1941. from 2:00 f to 3:00 p. m. ~ " I 1 CARD OF THANKS ? We wish to thank qur many rela> tlves and friends for the kindness r and sympathy extended to us in this dark hour of sorrow caused by r the death of our dear son and broj tiler. Odell Dell, and to fliank all f who sent flowers. May God richly " bless you all. i Job Printing Phone 167 mi i ? ?i a iiip-r-- - ftrrf"'' " m>^*Mf '*?' * . c care of me! on its knees pleading ire of it? ir home is the best you can make. )on't postpone and pay ... Let us show you Dan uith this Association is u ? >air or Modernisation Loans ; your Home Problems. L. Association on,Sec'y & Treasurer iLEPOl /t nmenc a * " . ? " >r Company's v- Several months " started, on our c ways been to ,n entirely new 15 .'- ? *, " TBI KINO* MOUNTAIN HE&AL1 The "Southerner" P r^ KW ' - .flw fe , ]\L V ' g 4 f ^1 : * f | .. ^ fm dk ^ ' lH K . JS ^Am 11 ""^Jl ""^SMBEes: S jrt ^^^Bppw*^ywwpi?o ago work was iwo initiative, on !) horsepower airilly designed for lis engine is now # I plans arc being .icing it in lairgc if needed. ipprentice school icd, to train 2000 irt o? progress ' i and facilities 1 can be used he job which ;ds to get done orking, which e red tape, enesults and get I - ucucnis users and workers m. to make anyhow to make, t limit of our t>e, to make it to, and to start whenever our a, And to this i hm the full e and loyal f the workmen it our plants. I PAN* y-', " * > fJ". V 1 1 ??? ' v . : ; - fc TOHMU|DAT. MARCH 27. 194L asM? Through Here Pifliil^Hr l p I ftfc ' MMilHiSP! ^^pi > %-, + h \ " i the stales represent (I It)' (here governors. f 'ilif rrac-A siiemnlOher passed hrough here Monday afternoon about 3;.30 and a considerable num-' iter of Kings .Mountain citizens lined the 'tracks to net a glimpse of the modem luxurious train, wlitcli was ,m its way to (,lastoria for exblbtioti: Citizens from the Rest Town in the State were unusually interest ed .in the Southern's new Streamliner because Miss Jean Ware, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ware is a hostess, and Captain O. C. .)T'nrrell. .'retired main-line f"onduelor. was a special invited guest on the train when it passed through here, captain OTarrell accompanied j the train on its exhibition tour from ' Atlanta to Charlotte. Both Miss j Ware and Captain O'Rarrvll waved! to the Kfngs Mountain spectators j us the train passed here. Several j front Kings ..Mountain motored to i iastcnii! that evening to inspect tho j train, as it was stnloiied there for two hours. > - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?- J. .? ? * -? ? t Jl. A ,f, A ,|LA T f T ' ? V T TTT V Tr V V V T TVTV 'I'VT THIS N THAT 1 By Alice Burton Fatterson Grove Section March 24.?The Rev. R.- W. Faulk, of Memphis, Tenn., has been making a tour of this neighborhood showing , ictures of the 'Holy Land and other points of interest in foreign lands, slaying a week at each place and showing different pictures each night- and lecturing 011 them. He was at Peuleys Chapel church last month and visited Patterson Orovo ,.-011001 two days and spoke to the pupils. He was at the Second Baptist church last week and expects to show tho pictures at Oak Orove church soon, so if you haven't had a chance to see them find out about*1 the time (its probably given elsewhere in this paper). The ptdurea, in my opinion, are not only interesting and entertaining but educational as well. Mrs. C. P. Ware la recuperating in the City Hospital, Oastonia where she underwent an operation last week. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Stokes and the former'B sister, Miss Hazel Stokes of Greenville, S C., visited Mrs. Stokes' father, Mr. L. B. Seism and other relatives this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Labon Thornburg and son. Danny, of Shelby, and Miss Vera Thbrnburg of Charlotte were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Thonburg and family. Several from this community attended the funeral and burial service* held at Oak Orove Sundav after noon for Mr. Odell Bel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boll, who was killed :h an accident Saturday afternowu at Kings Moiiniain. In behalf of our I community I extend our sympathy to the bereaved. Mrs. Sidney Mason and daughter. Barbara, of Ware Shoals, S. C. spent he week-end with the J. W. Carrolls. Mr. and Mrs. W. Huskey had as their week-end guest, Mrs. Huakey's sister, ,Mlss Ruby Dixon of Kings Mountain. Mr. J. D. Burton of the Cora Mill spent Saturday night with the R. M. Burton's. Patterson Grove School had their preliminary reading contest recently. Jennie Lee Belk was Judged best and will go to 8helby in April 'to compete for the medal In the County wide contest. PS" *W l>?Mt SaU WW M panda #f IM wjsz z Ww yrjr ?fua mti out too (Mi fltli Tim M donaTdlcort iad yn kaaa aaa. bawtthn*. H?aa. pain aa aaaa "ImuHl Taa M aoar, aU and apaat an atar. Doetote aar naaar lata a Hutlr, far Piaft I Peta. Ii la dancateoi and taollah. It takee thaaa Ittla klark labial* eaUad Ball-em for ladlpaatlaa la aiaka tha earaaa ctoaaach Hilda hanalaia. raUaaa diitrm In na II DM and pat pea back n. pew faal RaUaf la aa eokk It Ij a?..ln and on* Ma paakapi pcetai It. Aafc far SatTIn lar ladlaaaitaa. -- - L -I i I rTv ' I r, > ,'iVf ?>.- V,.*dlf>i k,*1. r f New Manager At Home Store Mr. John Logan arrived Monday morning from Forest City to as Burnt" the managership - of the Home Store to replace Mr." Frank 8troupe. who has been promoted to manager of the store In FMresi City. Mr. LoTampa 18. I Imperial Kings Mountain I TODAY ttaub| SHEMP:H0WLD FRIDAY A1N Double I fr~~ """ ? WyL V MONDAY A] THE SENSATIONAL Daring! Intim ^ ^ It's Aha Nal SPwMfe. of ?N ** DENNIS JAMES CRAIG EDUARDO C1ANNELLNERNE! COSSART GLADYS COOP! 'MO KA 0 J o PJCfVi Produced by DAVID HEMPSTEAD. HA tcrMA Pt*y by Delta* Trvmbe. Additiooel "See Good She "Follow the Croi Coming Soon? * ' ' i 1 11 i ' ' Kan Is married and baa one child. ' Mr. Stroupe has made many friends during his stay in Kings Mountain and they will be glad to learn of his promotion. Mr. Stroups said. "I want my former customers to.continue to patronize the Home Store, and wheii- any citizen of Kings Mountain passes thru Ifotest | City to stop by and see me." iv Rviind One K r?> Tup Way .y 05 $14.50 Charlotte .55 $1.00 10 $5.60 New Y. $8.15 $14.70 HNAL SERVICE STATION Phone 10 v v l Theatre , N. C.?l*hone 131 THURSDAY Ic Feature ' ' . . * ' . Geo. O'Brien in "Stage to China" ' . ' - ' * ' . 4' ' Serial ? News ?JHB| SBr America's iRRY. E. EOINGTON, EnecuKv* Producer.) ' PUIoflu# by DimM Opdw ttiwrt^. rws For Lees" 5 vdH to Imperial" Thief of Bagdad" I ' M 3 iiitWn' i : A- - -- "' - - '