c- .. '? . " * '" ' ***?.'. ' ':. ,' I ' I ?V ' ... SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE f; I . , Powers-Crook Marriage Rites Mllii Mary Norma t'rook and Fred ^Drtle Power a were married Friday afternoon at alx o'clock at the home | of the bride's parent*. Mr, and Mrs. | W Kenneth Crook.Yrhe bride's pas- j tor. Dr. R. N llalrd. of lioyie Mo- j dtoaMMMMIMa?a?Mdana*MfMHM?>v4M^?aabsr3t terlan Church, otficiuted using the 1 ring ceremony. The marriage characterized by | unuHuul charm und simplicity, took ! place in the music room, before as ' improvised altar, with tall background of 'ferns, ivv and othe> greenery. In the center of the altai posed a basket of white gladioli and on either side, two tiers of lighted cathedral tapers In brass candelabra were arranged on White pedestals. The bride's brother. Cecil Crook, usher, lighted the candles and escorted membors of the Immediate families of the couple to the ceremony room. Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. N F. McGlll pianist, played Venetiai. Love Song, by Nevln, and Leibes traum. by Lists. Mrs. J. E. Herndon soloist, sang, I Love You Truly, and Because. Mrs. McGtll played The Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin for the processional, and Mendelssohn's Wedding March, for the recessional To A Wild Rose, by MncJJowell, was played during the exchange of vows. Mrp. McGill wore blpe . chif | fon with" corsage of pink roses ana j Mrs. Herndon wore yellow net and corsage of roses. The couple were unattended and entered the ceremony room together.. The bride wort u becoming en setnble in blue with navy dressmaker coat, navy shoes aud bag and white doe-sktu gloves. Her hat was of navy stfaw with veil and she wore a shoulder spray of orchids. - The bride'p mother wore blue lace with corsnge of pink roses and j her grandmother wore blue crepe, with corsage of talisman rose The mother of the bride-groom wore sky i dusty rose with shoulder spray of roses and white statlce. . , After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. j Crook entertained at an tnforma' rpOAhtinn Ipp pronm nnd Individual S cakes decorated with valley lilies, white and gieen mints was served by Misses Elizabeth Plonk and Sa L lena Parton of Kings Mountain A Miss Margaret Ditfkes of Orange/ i burg, S. C., and Miss Bernice Powl! era. sister of the bride-groom. of I Lumberton. The dining table was spread with nn Imported lace cover and had for its center decoration a crystal bowl filled with white snapdragons, statice and asparagus fem. White cardies in crystal holders were arrang ed on the table and buffet In the living room and gift room floral decorations consisted of daf fodlls, Jonquils and spirea. Mr. and Mrs. Crook were assisted lm receiving U^elr guests by Mrs. E W. Neal, Mrs. Grady Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Patterson. Mrs. j Troy Carpenter and Miss Panny, Carpenter received In the gift room' and Miss Dorothy Patterson pre aid ed over tbe register. Out-of-town, guests Included Mr. ' EASTER FOOTWEAR For The Sm Entire jSS Family! K$>\ Smart patterns for Men in new - Easter colors. Wing tips, Saddle Oxfords, or Maccasin types $2.98 I Novelty patterns for the Lady who wants to dress op. A variety of pattern* you will thrill at? $2.98 Children's Oxfords and Straps in Mack, white, brown or brown and white. Sizes to 2? 97c BELK'S ;? ; HAPPENINGS REST to A PHONES 10-R AND 88 and Mrs. N. K. Powers, parents ol the brldegrpom, Mrs. Callie William, aunt of the bridegroom. and Miss lie mice Powers, sister of the bridegroom, all of Lamiberton; Mis* Margaret Dukes of Wlnlhrop Col lege and Orangeburg. 8. C Mr. aud Mrs. A. C. Dawson, uncle and nun* of the bride of Oreenville. S. C, ProoV of. hrW* James Mctllll and Mrs. T. A Met! ill of Columbia, 8. t\. H. h. Joyce. Kill Draddy and Ulll MeSwultt of Char lotto. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. W. Kenneth Crook and granddaughter of. Mr. and Mrs A. J. McOlll of Kings Mountain She is attractive and charming and jMjiiuuir among ner rrienas?. sue received her education at Kings Mountain High School. Winlhrop College. Rock .Hill, and Geyer Business College, Charlotte. She holds a position in the office of Plonk Motor Company. Mr. Powers is the only son of Mr. and' Mrs. X. R. Powers of Cumberton. lie-is a graduate of Geyer Bus iness College apd works in the accounting department of the Southern Radio Corporation. Charlotte, North Carolina. ?' ':l . -v-' ' -'; *> Immediately after the ceremony, the young couple left, for a short trip and are now at home with, the bride's grandparents. Mr and Mrs: A, J. McGill. i Bridge Hostess Mrs. W. L. Ra.nseui entertained at five tables of bridge on last Thursday evening at "her home on West Mountain street. Mrs. Ramseur'a handsome new home was Mttractlyely arranged with a profusion of lovely spring flowers. Mrs. Robert Miller Tecelved prly.e for high score. Mrs. Harry Warren and Mrs. James McGill were presented gifts. A salad course with accessories and a dessert course was served. Out-of-town guests included Miss es Mary Jo and Sally Rhyne of Mt. Holly. Surprise Birthday Dinner Mrs. V. L. Hitison entertained members of her family at a surprise birthday dinner at her home on Ijacfiel street Saturday honoring her son. Boyce Hinsdu. s Table decorations consisted of a bowl of lovely spring flowers and a beautiful white cake on which were 22 pink caudles. CoverB were laid for the members of the family who live at home, also Miss Nell Hlnson of 8helby and Miss Bunlce Hlnson of Cramerton, who st>ent the week-end In Kings Mountain. - SSEL - # < m Mothers ? fc itv7r miss or the se J I Dresses that your shopping Belk's D< <. - THB R..NOB MOUNTAIN HBRAL -.! WOMEN MRS- A- H. PATTERSON, | Epde-Elect Honored '\f Ml?S Otta\ia trawiuiu 1'marriage to Mr. Harold (oggins ' i will be solemnized at the Klrat Bap 1 list Church, tonight. was compltnier Ud by her two alsters-in-law. Mr*. .Wilson Crawford and Mrs. Harold Crawford, who entertained at a hit1 i ge bridge and rook parly at the The club rooms were unuwunUf at1 11active with an artistic arrungnmcnt of peach blossoms and other spring flowers. When the guests arrived a chfcI I. on voluil ? t? ? - ? nvu awiau VUUI3C Willi aWl'!?.SOrie8, coffee anil a ?w?ct course was nerved. " Mrs. Hill Muuney scored high in bridge and Mrs. Charles Thontasson 11 scored low; Mrs. A. 11 Patterson | scored high in rook and Mrs. J. E. Idpford scored low, each receiving attractive trophies. Miss Crawford was presented a gift. ' ' Guests included a large number from Kings Mountain and Miss Ka tie Bell, of Charlotte, a fellow teach or of Miss Crawford. Do you know that pennies can talk7 Ask the Rexall Druggist when you may hear the special Rexall Radio Program next week. Then you'll learn how your pennies oan be worth dollars! Kings Mountain Drug Company, the Rexall Store. 1 -V-T n 1 I FLOWERS I ; FOR EASTER Sunday, April 13th Order Early I Phone 95 WALTERS FLOWERS DON'T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAV When you feel gassy, headachy, logy due to dogged-up bowels, do ae million* do ?take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning ?thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your night's rest or interfere with work the _ / next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, yourtelf. It tastes good, it's handy and economical. ..a family supply costs only _ FEEN-A-MINT' y/|i ; .'".i -.''iii"'" rod! Lovely Dresses 11 no ?2SL""to l"O ipt. Store . * \ *** ? *'V ^ V . i" V ' 'S ' - ' I "*. V -1 - V . si * * . ' s? ** V / ' . > v ' . " * \ " D. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1M1 Entertains At Buffet ?ot ?n 10 a ? Those enjc Supper (conf Mrs. Paul Noisier wus hostess to officers of the Womans Auxiliary ot " 1 the Presbyterian Church Tuesday 1""" evening at 7:00 P. M. at her home RUMFi The parlor and front hall were love ly with a profusion of golden" belts VV and bridal wreath. The beautifully appointed table hud for its ceUter , c*', piece a low bowl of spring jasmine / and other flowers. . A Mrs. E. A. Smith served nt the head of the table not creamed chicken from a very attractive china bens of gay plumage nesting on va- Mlj'f/f1 ried colored. Kustei eggs. Ill if The guests ire ratal themselves. Mi-s ll. l. n Hay. at the foot of tin-' tabic, served 'be dessert course MtOKC "Mr- Hu'yne jtlatkmer and Mrb. mcaum a*e.? FRf I ' ?< d lor Ml After the delicious supper the ,i ,i. ^i, guests bad a very interesting busl " ? * ties* meeting and the mew pyicots * ** * ' NEW for " ? JwT ia|tf HRST \<^p, jilj 'i^j^L& ?Skirts ?Blouses ?Jackets W ?Sweater Suits |1 ?Sweaters ] M N' Everything For Easter ( BELK'S D! REMEMBER ? 1 >.' _ * . . . - ' "... -V " ' - ' --.'a-- ' - - . - ? . - . I I ? ;ood start. tying Mrs. NelslerS k M d on back Pa?e) EASTER TIME ' nf?. ? ?IHIII? ? _ Is Footwear Time >rd Riddles j :. Su*on Sounder. ~~ Let us make your ?>toe* 1 like new for Easter j 1 A Parade. ; >(f|| Foster's i Xt^P SHOE ANI) M,M BICYCLE SERVIC E 1 >li tUM#OftO bM (MM ???W KW M?H?< CW?Wttt|"t tci?n? NiMW VMM* fcob?*? 1 _ g' ov4mt to* Rv?fc?a . '1 I K ^.^Bi^sSsafflw ^(ftk Jg^E^/sF *^V . *;* ,' '. ,. <-/v3 .':V , :.>*,'^H [.J I pqr ALL DRESSED UP | (I>r7al ?and its smart for tk* Easter Parade if it came t7 QQ from Belk's. Soft felts and & I ?/0 new straws in white '; ' blue, black or pastel ? I $1.00 | L Redingotes ? twin prints, B Chiffon Coat, Crepe Dres*.. ; W Sizes 14 to 20? jft| $7.95 Dress-Up Dresses for parI ticuiar wear and special W occasions. Material of ^ I Crepe and sheers. Sizes 11 I to 44. Pastels, also navy ,1 If $5.95 J Twin Prints ? Chiffon ' i 1 ... Tops and Crepe Skirts. AI W - new floral patterns. Sizes Kjk 14 to 22? Wk eo nc yo.vo I 1 H We shopped for these jarid f , | iwBP* are proud to offer and ar- ^ 1 ray such as you will find , IV in these smart dresses. Sizes 11 to 52? I $2.95 1 Largest selection to be i \ found. Crepes and Wask I Prewiia in solids and prints rJI! Sizes II to 46? j $1.98 i EPT. STORE You Always Save At BELK*S 1 * . . . M

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