? ? 7? v HF ""IfflTCHELL A CAPELLA '"*"- - -'WE B ^jB S'7'r;-? IvtV Egr^.<^\ gSmB BS^BMoByJ^lJb "'i^TB! H ^Bruir' * ^ JBBLitii ! imi ii The Mitchell ('ottoge a rappella Ct choir, which is beginning its ninth year of services. will sing at four S11 o'clock Sunday afternoon tn the "First Presbyterian fhurcli. The CI choir has enjoyed Quf?e~a bit of rec ognition for the work don*- lit this field of religious music. The group numbered 68 voices ait the begin tit nlng of tho year, bul it has been carefully trimmed dowu to its prea- lai ent membership of fifty. Th,e program follows Prayer. we aiion- Tiieo ? Palestriua. Bread of L>ife (1940) ? Isaac~mmi i SHIELD EXPERT HERE AGAIN tei E. J. MEINHARDI. widely known ^ Expert of Chioago, will personally 25 be in Charllotte, N. C., at the Chan lotte Hotel, Sunday and Monday, April 20th and 21 at, from 10 A- M. to 4 P. M. dally. ? MR. MEINHAJLDI says: The Meinharde Shield la a tremendous Improvement ? well known for pro duclng immediate ^osults. It' pde- } vents the Rupture from, protruding Ad in 10 days on the average ? regard at less of size or location of Kuptura gr and no matter how hard you work an or strain. It has no leg straps or Hi cumbersome , arrangements. (No br Surgery or Injection Treatments Ad used.) Mr. Melnh&rdi has been com tag here for 15 years. ne Caution: If neglected ? Rupture] may cause weakness, backache, con stipation, nervousness, stomach (1 pains, etc., or sudden death from ^ JL " strangulation. ,ni Men having large Ruptures which have returned after Surgical Opera tioi^s op Injection Treatments ore also- invited. When all otEerd fall? ' r see MEINHARDI. He will be pleas- J% ed to demonstrate to you privately ' * without charge. (Only men invited.) ? White only. J Efl 1 ' < . 1^1 CALL OR SEE sc . 4. ldi j Kennon Blanton M ' . _ - -- Ine At Terminal Ser. Station ? j PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' L Representative in Kings Mountain o j Territory a Il\ *AVTO*??? J^ or_-if/lux^\pj/a h/iJX0<4 I BY SAVING IN OUP YOU, too, can be a happy, tl receive a one hundred, five hii dollar check when your 8eriea All you have to do b to form tl larly in one of our Systematic You'll be surprised at how eat confidence ana security it give* . Come in and start now?by s our Series just opened. I Home B. & L. A. H. Patterson, I ^^mbbbbsbbnubbsbborh I>" .. . . 11 . . r y . 'i' . , -, PHyCTm A295MK' x V# ^l rw*^F^i , | I s I 1 - H II I K? I K*a.> I> wn^Xil^Pju . TTa9mi^|ft IristUnRon. I a Morutnp Pnycr <Ktoi?t?d?t>? lieltMK. I \vh*?n Curtained J>ark?e#* ? Bris*innhcn. - - n..l - -. J _ poiu oci?*vmi. ' | Cherubim Souk Tschaikowsky. Dullaby oil Christmas Bvo- Chris . lisen. Dayaprlng of Eternity ? Christlsen. lx>st In the. Night -Phrl8tjl%>*eri. Solo Selected. A Prayer?BarneS. Deep Within ? Christiansen. _ So Soberly and Softly-'-Charles. Hallelujah Amen?Band el. Benediction. The ehoit has been invited to ' re its second program before' the 11 -11 era I Assembly of the Presbyrlan Church of the United States. c sill give this program on May n th. * r NEGRO NEWS c . (By Jessie G. Costner) +++++++++++++++++'>*++?'<-< 1 Miss Ruth Eurrls and Mr. Samuel lams wer.e married April 13, 1941. ^ Guffne), S. C. The bride is a ' aduate of Compact High School. ? d is the daughter of Mrs. Esker s trrls of Kings Mountain. The idegroom Is the son of Mr. Ruth 6 lams of Kings Mountain. fi The couple are living at their w home near Nebo bridge. e The churches of Kings Mountain v served Easter by giving programs N The Macedonia Sanctified Chur-. is' holding a ten-day tent meete near the church on Tracy street v Mr. and Mrs. Cprtis Brown and v eii* thitee children of CharWcte. , ent the weekend with Mr. own's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. ( Brottn on CatTsler street. j Miss FVankl e Jackson and o end, Miss Uathine Swindal of y irber-Scotia College, spent the t ster holiday with Miss Jackson's y >ther, Mrs. A. F. Jackson on Cans I OM CCli ' . ' / Miss Virginia Brown of Barber' ^ otia College spent the Easter hoi v ays with her parents, Mr. and rs. R. J. Brown. Mr. William McClure, who lives 0 ar the railway station, is very ill ; "" d Have Your Eyes Examined, r Glasses Fitted ( ( ?By? ? DR. D. M. MORRISON j Optometrist - Eye Specialist t if III be In Kings Mountain Office J n Every Tuesday and Friday g fternoons*. Hours 1 P. M. to 1 ? P. M. h J h h lion %H> , _$ _5bo_4^- \ V j 11 c Ni til 4m Idped.. J t THRIFT SERIES ? no trilled shareholder and aB indred, or a thousand matures* wl lie habit of saving rests- de Thrift Plans or Series. y it is and how much you. stscriHnf for shores in k, CI Association ^ .. J V' *' 'y v y\-. ' .- * "' ' . , V " r I IB KINGS MOUNTAIN IfBRAUX Je ^yL ^TyBpl f 1^' . (j? < Hk RAMBLING SKETCHES OF - OAK GROVE NEWS lUy Mrs William Wright) A very large < rowd all ended the !uinlay morning service, Rev.' Wade tlostic of Shilbjr. relinjd Mv floury of Ohlha. was the guest speukei Mr and' Mrs, Piahk Wai'e had us heir Sunday dinner guests, Mr. nd Mrs. M. LoveluCc, Mr. ajid Mrs ". W. Wattorson and 'children an ? 1 r Culp Ford of Pui'teraoil drove did Kev. and Mrs. Plain MeSwaln Mr. and' Mrs. James. S. Ware en ertaht'ed at.dinner Sunday the Rev. nd Mrg. Wade Rostle ot Sholbv. .Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lovelace tteridcd a birthday dinner Suuday t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orov r jy.owell: of Shelby. Miss Lucille Porter was the week nd guest of Miss Juanita MeEwaiu f Beth ware. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Porter aud Ons spent Sunday wllh -the formsr's sister, Mrs. Will Oi\)b> and amily of Cleveland Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lovelace had an heir diuner guests Sunday Mr. an t drs. Howard Weaver of Spencer ind Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lovelace nd sons of Cherryville. Mr. and Mrs. Perry MeSwaln ami on. Charlie, spent Sunday with Mi ,nd Mrs. Horace Mc&'walu .0 Morantoti. Mr. Prcd Green and laughlci pent Sunday afternoon visiting vlth the former's- parents, Mr. unit Irs. John Green of Belmont. Mr. and Mrs. T. A Champion ana ihildren and Miss Evelina Porter vore Sunday afternoon visitors vlth Mrs. Chamninn'a alatnr rlurle Reynolds ol Gaffi.t|/. Mr. Hen Crosby's mother bus >een real ill but Is Improving ut Ills writing. jMrs. Annie Ellis and children fere visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ee> er Cnnipe and family of PJt'txTStm Jrove Sunday.Mr. Hugh Randall of Mars Hilt 'olloge and room-mate, Mr. Die a liller of Baltimore, Md., spent Satirday night with 'Mr. Randall's pat>nts, Mr. and Mrs. A. 'T. Randal* Mr. and Mrs. J B Harmon nna ion, J. B, Jr, of Greenville wgr? Saturday night visitors fn the Ranall home, Messrs Edonond Blanton and Deoy McCraw of Fort Benulng, Oa., pent the week-end with their parsnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. BlantOi. ind Mr. and Mrs. Brb McCraw. Mr. Talmadge Randall of Camp ackson was a week-end guest In he home of his parents, Mr. 'and trs. A. T. Randall. Mrs. H. T. Wright has been very ick for the past few days Mrs. J. Davidson of Kings Mountain who as been spending some time with er daughter, * Mrs. Alex Randall as been seriously 111. "When a driver reaches that Dint, an unexpected situation 11> linfnmlHnt' V? o a?? 1 ? 1?>V>a um?k?>U v/il Uto laiuil* | r road ? tr'll almost Invariably ro lit'in an accident." NOTICE. L. Fredell, Plaintiff, . vc. . >sale Fredell. Defendant. The defendant, above named, will j ke notice that an action entitled ' i above has been commenced inthstj tpcrlor Court of Cleveland County. ' orth Carolina, wherein the plain!f seeks an absolute divorce from c defendant; that said defendant i Ill also take notice that she is re-1 ilred to appear at the Clerk of, >urt's Office at the Coiirtbouse In Id County In Shelby, North Carolt ,, on the 28th day of April, 1941, id answer or demur to the Comatnt now on file in the Clerk's arte In said action, or the plaints ill apply to the Court Tor the relief manded In satd complaint This 2nd day of April, 1941. K. A- Houser, Jr., Clerk of Superior Court, adv?apr 24?H. >rth Carolina, eveland County. In The Superior Court joEBTw^laddenI 12 N. Piedmont Avenue Representative For McNese products Nationally Known for Quality mmm?m?mmm?m?M i LkA-.- >>"? ; jtit . :L_ TKPBflDAY, APRIL. 17. 1311 JNDAY AFTERNOON " pro line tha W. V . *4,800,000 \ for Telephone Expansion . w I Nearly $1,800,000 I will be spent ill is year in llie Carolinas by Southern Bell I for constructing, reconstrnctin*-; and adapting telephone larilities to meet governmental and other telephone needs of the state. More than 600.000 men in the nation's armed forces will be trained in the South. Of I these more than 158,000 will ' be located in the Carolinas. To care for these men there I will bc71 military camps and establishments in the South. Necessary switchboards, I numerous other equipment, I and many miles of telephone I wire have already been in- I stalled. Additional equipment is being provided as I required. An adequate communication service is vital to the defense program and telephone J fdrees have been engaged for I months in planning and installing the service to meet the maximum needs of government and industry for both local and long distance telephone service. Telephone men and women in the Carolinas are now better equipped and trained than ever before to do the bisr o job ahead of them. They go forward confident of their ability to maintain the service . at its present high standard of efficiency and dependability. Soiitherr Bell Telephone add telegraph coirparr The Herald $1.50 A Year ,: "' ' .^>: ' >. / : ' " .'* V "' -V- " . . -.. Just tell your Mother to * ized Milk and you'll ahvayi Carolii i . * ' - ? V . f. It bough Missouri Is known at the ment of Agriculture's statistics deverblal mule state, North Cam- vi^ipn. North Carolina ittnk.s fifth i has 37 per cent more mules jn the number of mules as coiuparn the "show nto" state, reports ed with other state?. T. Wesson of the State "DepartImpenafTheatrel Kings Mountain, N. C.?Phone 134 I TODAY ? THURSDAY I Double Feature Tl J I Also Leon Errol Comedy?News ?10c? FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Big: Double Feature Show Get Rhythm With Him I ,?, iwm -" v * .. and In the Groove f?: a^arnHn^tOi^ laJtf+^T ROGERS and I0L JROSBY'S ORCHESTRA featuring "THE BOBCATS" Also Serial?Cartoon ?10c and 15c? MONDAY and TUESDAY HERE IS THE PICTURE YOU| WILL Stt WIIH YUUR HEART! M?- ' .. ? ' i^SBr tHrrimg TREDRIC MARGARET TRANCES MARCH SUILAVAN DEE ?j I ?iii Glenn Ford Anna Sten < ? Erich Von Stroheim Jm Dinrud by JOHN CROMWILL Scwopl.y by T?lbo. Jcnung. from the /??U0k fttrrti "Plouam" by Eikb Mini Rcainpac Rtfeutd duu UNITID ARTISTS UMjlUg^^S. " Glowing drama of high M fiL j adventure by the author < Western Front." ^ V j | ?10c and 20c? Coming Soon: Nice Girl?Great Dictator J ~ ~ 7 f 4 beia't Csy! .ittle Fellow ' . if.'. t >rder you Carolina Dairy APPROVED Pasteuri wear a smile. ' tia Dairy, Inc. Phone Shelby 125 >>

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