a * ' . ' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL o/INTE Coggins-C rawf ord Wedding / A wedding of interest to a wide ' circle of relatives and friend* pi?u marked wiih cbaini and elegance waa that o? Mjhu j?vl,ry^ *TuT of Oaflney and Kiugs Motiututu. which was soUamrlzed at the First Baptist Church Thursday evening at S;WO- o'clock. ) The church waa decorated with palms, terns, and ivy, with floor baskets filled with handsome white gladioli interspersed with seven* branched candelabru holding white calhcdrul tapers. The pews were marked with clusters of white glad-, ioli tied with swtiu ribbon. Rev. A. J. Sargeutit, pastor of the young couple, officiated, usiug tho Impressive ring ceremony. ' ' | Ushers were Paul Hendricks, Tol ly -Shuford, Ervln Smart, and Paul Cogglus Of Qatfney, brother of the bridegroom. Mrs. N. P. McGlll was the pianist. She wore blue lace with a corsage of.pink roses. Miss Sara HunnlsuCker, of Charlotte, played the violin. She was dressed in white tat feta with a corsage of red roses. Their numbers were Schubert's. Serenade,' and, Ava Maria. I Mrs. Harold Crawford was soloist i She was dressed in lilac moussellne and a shoulder bouquet of yellow roBes. She sang. 1 Love You Truly; by Carrie Jacobs Bond. The bride, and bridegroom entered unattended. The music was Xhe Bridal Chorus front Lohengrin and Mendelssohn's Wedding March. To A Wild Rose, by MacUowell, was played during the exchange of Vows The bride wore a becoming dressmaker eusemble of navy blue with white aud navy accessories. Her hat was navy straw with a veil and her flowers were gardenias, white violets and lilies of the valley. Mrs. W. J. Crawford, mother ot the bride, wore blue crepe and a cor sage of talisman roses. Mrs. Cogglus is the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford of this place: She has a charming personality aud commands a wide circle of friends. She attended Kings Mountain High School and is a graduate ot Asheville Norma) and Teachers' College. For the past few years she has taught in Meek lenburg county. At present she is a member of the school faculty of Charlotte. ? - - ?" ? mr, v oKRiiis, a native or UalTney, S. C.,^ls manager of Kings Mountain Furnlthre Company, a position he has held since the opening of this firm eight yearn ago. Immediately after* the weddlug a reception was given at the home of the bride on Mountain street. Mr. and Mrs. Wl^Bon Crawford received at the front entrance. The receiving ll<|e ,ln the jUvlng rocgri EASTER TIME Is Footwear Time Let us make your shoes like new for Easter Parade. Foster's SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE Phone 154 I FOR PROMPT PICK-UP AI r ' i I Phon ! SHIRT [ ?- CASH & Kings Mtr 104 Clevelai 20 Percei On AH Work r""*-T T ' . " - Tl HAPPENINGS -REST to V PHONES 10-R AND 88 bicludtd tli** wedding purty. Hey. and Mrs, A. J. Sargcunt re Gtlvrd in the hull and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford directed th? KUrMC to the dining room ' where Miss Annie Roberta presided. Tim UtK Mlrf "-f I lace cloth and centered with a cry* I tal bowl filled with lilies phd, dewI urup tryhtal candelabra were plae <-d at curb end. llridal it-en and .oaken were servhI by Misses Maltha McClaiil. Martha Sue l.lttiejolin and Canute Lit tlejohn. Miss Carolyn McDanie) passed mints. Mrs. J. K: Lipford 'and Miss Kaye Mauuey presided at .the punch howl, Dr. and Mrs, R. .V Ilaird said goodbyes at the last door-. The couple will be at borne in Kings Mountain after a wedding trip. " fcfcoore-Roberts ( Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Rachel lloberts of Shelby, to Frank, Moore, or Kings Mountain which took place Sunday, April 13. at the home of the 1 bride's parents^ The ring service ; was used and ilie ceremony was ! performed by the bride's brother, Rev. Lawrence Roberts. Only rela- i tives . and intimate friends of the ' two iamilies attended. ( i The wedding music Wbs r ender- : I td by Miss Evelyn Roberts. pianist and Mrs. Ralph Roberts'. vocalist. Miss Roberts played. My Heart "At Thy Sweet Voice. 'by Saint-Saeiis. 1 and Mrs. RobertH sang. The -Sweet* j est Story Ever Told, by Stultts. < The muted note of, Helie.ve Me if i All Those Endearing '"'bun g<'harms , were heard as a ceremony accompaniment. < The bride and bridegroom entered the ceremony room together and 'ook their vows before an altar iu the living roam. Baskets of white iris and bridal ! wreath were used and, two floor i candelabra each holding sevenlighted white tapers. The bride .wore a becoming suit . of navy blue with navy and wbite accessories and u^ed a shoulder i spray of gardenias. Mrs. Moore Is the youn._'-st dau 1 Rhter cf Mr. and Mrs. 1. Lester Roberts. She was graduated from Shelbyv High School and since her grudu:f.iou has been employed \utoa Productsrlnc. . The bridegroom, son of Mrs. J. M. Moore and the lite Mr. Moore, utieuded Beth-Ware High School. He Is now engaged in farming near Kings Mountain. .\rter thfe ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Moore left for a honeymoon which took them Asheville and other places of interest In western North Carolina. They will make their homfe at the * bridegroom's home near Kings Mountain. Hostess To Social Club / Mrs. B. 8. Nelll entertained metn 'bars of the Social Club and additional guests to make up four tables at her home on West -Gold street Wednesday, afternoon. 1 Lilacs, Blaster lilies and other spring flowers were arranged throd ghout the home. Mrs. D. C. Mauney scored high and Mrs. J. R. (DJfVTs, TUW, each receiving attiiadtlve < trophies. The hostess assisted by Mrs. O. O. Jackson. Miss Elisabeth Nelll, and Miss 8aralee Harrill served a salad course with accessories and a sweet course. Those present included Meedames E. A. Harrlll, O. W. Myers. A. H. Patterson, J. M. Patterson, D C Mauney, W. . K. Mauney, L P Baker, C E. Nelsler. M. A. Ware, HI W. Griffin, W. ? lilakely, I. B Goforth. N. F. McOlll, J. R Davis J. H. Arthur, Jj E. Anthony and O. O Jackson. I *D >ELIVERY SERTICE e 170 5 10c CARRY i. Laundry nd Avenue it Discount Left at the Plant ' " J v - / ' . '*} '. ' > . . . . -V i .-J 5 V ii i"i ri 'tuft*-'- * - IB KlNQfl MOUNTAIN HERALD. VOMEN >. ' * MRS. A. H. PATTERSON, Kiser-Fireman Wedding Solemnized In Impre&Vv*e Ceremony Laid* Oiv?? Riser of litis] Saturday morning at ,10:30 o'clock in a simple but beautiful amt in) preasive ceremony at St. Matthew* I.uihen.ii Church, j Kev. Herman U Fisher the pastor officiated. using the ring ceremony. Tall puhn* trained . the arch ut he chancel and in front of these were posed Faster lilies. Lighted cathedral tapers in se vet)-hva itched candelabra, were urrahged oil The altar. The candles were lighted by Arnold Kiser. brother of the bride. Mrs. Aubrey Mauney, organist. ttlAVorl t * 1 ---f ?? * * * ?* ?# j v? mic luiiuwuiK ueiecuoiiH: Ave Maria, by Scbubi 1; Traumirtl by Schumann; Ltbestraum, b> Liszt Mrs. Charles Williams san, I Love Thee, by Grieg. Mrs. Mauney pluy etl the Dricial Chorus from Loh'en grin for the processional, and Mendelssohn's Wedding March for the recessional.- During the ceremony, 0 Perfect ljove, was played. Mrs. Mauney wore a gold costume with corsage of talisman roses. Mrs Williams wore green with purple accessories and corsage of yellow roses.. Mrs. Chuiles J. Freeman, mother of the' bridegroom, wore navy and white with corsage of White roses. There were no attendants atnl the bride and bridegroom entered the j t-hurch together. The bride .wore a smartly tailored : iiress of Juniper green with gold i and copper bronze, accessories and 1 corsage of bronze orchids. Only the close relatives of the couple were present for the ceremony. .The bride, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Larkin A. Riser, is a young woman of charming personal Ity and unusually popular with her associates. She attended LenolrRhyne College, Hickory, and the Plonk School of Creative Arts. Ashevtlle. For the past several | years she has been a'members of* the Kings Mountain School faculty. The bridegroom is a son. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Freeman of 7 W? i *F/Xj7.\v^X^XwS8^| /'S ^7^j WHW TXY LAST UMB^ : ONI SMI OM.Y TO A < PriHviU Soap (6?hi. S;? gorg.out c? lAmpUr >*yl? ol motk?r'? day. ^Z*7vwfu*r ONI SAli 0*Y TO A ( - MM/wd l'WI CV / Station* A handiomt boi ibtttt. 41 ONI IAUONV TO A < I" gayart, imartai It- , - < 2ieirtaN^hP?*,A;~-*Lv'-t THURSDAY. APRIL IT, 1M1 I Rutherfordton. He la a graduate of, the University of North Carolina. ? He Is assistant cashier of the Morris Plan bank at Salisbury. Af'er the ceremony tho couple left for a wedding trip to- Florida. ? A Marriage Announcement Mr. aud Mrs. Lewis Arnold Riser J announce ? the- marriage of their sister. i Lucie Oxelle to Mr. Glenn .David Freeman on Saturday, April 12. 1941 ' Kings Mountain. N. C. * "* ' * * Hjj^tess To Bridge Club ^S??nflR^s*of''t^!!^Tm-iol!^ "1Afternoon P.rtrtge club; and guests at her home -on Piedmont Avenue., Spring flowers nere used In decoration.) A salad course with accessories ww served. , Members present were Mesdnmeft K A. ' Smith. Iluytte Plnc-kmer ; George Lattiinrre. Ilunter Neisler. Joe Neisler and -Charles Dilllng. In' vited gu-^tts imjutbd Mrs. Ladd Humrlek ?and Ml?. George Davis of. Charlotte. Bride Honored At Dessert-Bridge Party ,Mrs. Eugene McCarter most delightfully entertained 'a number of friends at a dessert-bridge party at-, her home on Piedmopt Avenue i Tujpaday evening, complimenting Mrs. llimnPH HoilRtnrt noO Mice P.wa I Mae Suber. recent bride. Kastcr lilies and other spring flowers were tastefully arranged in the living room and dining room where five tableB were placed for briil go. On arrival of guests a tempting dessert course was served. Mrs. Houston, the ihonoree. was (Cont'd on back page) CALL OR SEE I KENNON BLANTON At Terminal Ser. StatJbn PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Representative in Kings Mountain Territory P^WbIiIMU m m Ml A? & * 4 mm M*mnoUn Soap m V?ry popular ?m4 o Wf c, valvo. Sopor-f?Ho4 far Ay u \?Lwwffi '"* Hurryl ^Jm 3 c*kt ^for ? In box 51* f -?-???? i ruSTOMIt 0 Slag Brushless ,* bo.) S*Mcim0 Cremm y?M .bo 2 40* h ntw "-J,*" a*"?l? ! a Wt noovo CUOTOMM Purmtest Hubbimg r AicmM Ti Cmmpmmmd ' ~ * N avarywW* ?r n**le?*t. Ixohm finnly pro y' Western Union I In Technicolor i with Randolph Scott Robert Young Virginia Gilmore 10c?15c?20c - i 1 ^- ?, MONDAY and TUESDAY i . ' i "j The Sea Wolf i * : ?With? ' . if Edward G. Robinson, Ida Lupino John Garfield ? 10c?15c?20c IL ' i A DIXIE !jg Kings Mountain Drug Co. igmMl Qwm.yf \ I WED THUR FRI SAT 1 1 PEB On ipKwl ocuiioiu w* offtr a f?w I B Hamt ?dv?rt!wd Kara at towar tkan t V ragular list prtcat. But navar at tuck ^ rock bottom prtcat at tkii tala. Soma I ^^^^0 at tha candy, pura food, or othar Maats aaa told at law prtcat bat not a# Mm aaa caat tala plan. Harry I kSX,odywo,ft Qmik-BmmM* 2^26^ mteHat Waalar* AMCffmtMf}X 2 ^ 26^ tscAptay', Soap ftaice* 2gl? )^^2 -5?| : aar~ mMMB*r V ? Symbol W Batttm Vhmrmlmtm Bmr wu,. ?t* t w*.?. ?. Wiliimii, Milm cMdy pin ?f (. M 2 quart in. Bik.r'. ilmmrnl OM fastened flow.r? R|M fAIfllftf* Mm ynr ikwi Mm cat* IUm! m >. ... . . ti.it.. . . 4 BXAU ovautt 2 'or 51? * '* 51^ taotV ptrta >a lait ? fang tka. AaJ m i> ?n? RS .'.'"a ; '\ : ! ." ''.VV ;;.' - 'j-; ".; <',.; / * ' ' -' - i! ? J. J- . 'WnYhVlalr - Lc.'A?" ? ^ iftiwii'ifcilf li 'lAilitl mW : WjjJ i " - -