# &Vhy~~~r" Of Mention I By Ijo'Is Bcatty) Mr*. Maude Wilson. Ma Ktliel Tully and ?Mi 1 Hindis Kundall spent Vf'tKv itj fiulfnpy S* tth Mr. Bro&dWUkoii and family. Mr and Mix. A. Benton -futnain , Atul ax their guests' Sun.lay Mi*. and Mis. Thomas Hill and children, bhigvcv and Thomas. Jr . of Charlotte ( Mel Miss Nina Cut nam of Ureeuvo**?. Sou ill Carolina. M?*sr* Hub W??l and Julf Cobb ? r? i.A %?u? fit ? *H.i hot* mrni uw-Wito, Muiii. Martin. Vrwtid* of Mrs*. T. K Barker #ft (tad to know Dial ?h it- improving (XU'i a tecviit operation, Mr*. M?'"> Mode unrt daughter, Milliard, and Mix* daily* Kmitb sunduy In Hpni 'anbui g Mr and Mix. J. It. Moore spent iCu- (vaster holidays in Caxidnia and ( Clover. ' v Mr. and Mrs. \V. II. JH'tunar and family and Mrs. Clyde Dotlmar and , <2blldien sped Sunday at Milbi . Sivvr. N. l\ Mr and Mrs. .files Bridges visted She formujtaalitor - , Mrs. Martin KtO.TiCE OF SALE I'nder and by virtue of the power >1 sate cou.1 ained In a deed of trust i/ibAn hv It T ItiiniiFArilnnr und wif?V Helen K. Bumgardner, to Oliver S. Anthony, trustee for M. L. Borders mA wit'e, Ida Borders. oil the 18th iuy of October, 1938, as will appear mi record in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County, in Hook ' 3il. at pace 228 to secure the Indebtedness therein mentioned and default having been made in the pay :*iotit of same ntwi at the request of the holders of the uote^, seeured by the said deed of trust. 1 will sell for va.su at the Courthouse door In Shel l?y Cleveland County, North Caroll??a on Monday, A'pril 21st, 1911, at 10:W o'clock. A. M., or withfn legal Aotirs the following described real nvtate^' Retng Dot No. 2 of the Mutual Dl Vision of Die estate of T. II. Bridges HFXHNNINO on an Iron stake In the J .wig Branch 1 -pole Northwest of the Bridge, and runs thence, North 47Vt Bast 8.00 chains to.a maple; thence 3. 8" B. 6.00 chains to a plue 9 corner of Lot No. 1; thence the dividing line between lots 1? and 4 N. X&Vfe W. 43.44 chains to a stone, an oSd corner; thence S. 28 1-2 W. 14.75 chains to 2 Hlckorys. comer of Lot Wo 2; thence the dividing line of lots 2 and 3 S. 421 B. 33.75 chains *?' the place of B1X5INNING. consuming 54.36 acres, by the Planime ei, same being all of that same bract as deeded by G. O. Bridges and SUers to J. U Bridges on November 39, 1937, said Deed being of record At Book 4-F Page 476 of the Regla4ui office of Cleveland County, N. C. and being all of that same tract a-, dotsdod by .1. D. Bridges and wife. Xfihiu Bridges to M. L. Holders and jrrfr\ Ida Borders, on December 31. 19A7. said Deed being of Record la Book -l-P. PafJe 500 of the Register of Deeds Office or Cleveland County, * < !.. reference t.o said deed being hereby made. This the 18th day of March. 1941. . Oliver S. Anthony, Trustee. I J. R Davis. Atty. ?adv. aprll 17. . - ^ T>?a?r"m W __ Ow-W mw MM Raleig MPH I I Olf 5 TERM W^m Wtf K FOR THE W IN TOWN, ft C .: !i ' jH k '- '^Sln^f'' ' c??T-?^T^5? - . . . i Burton and family Sunday. (Mrs. W. H. Dettmar baa an bet guest this week, ber slater. Mr*. Mary Ingle, ot Lincoln county. Little Miss Martha Ann WUhoii of Uuffney i? spending this week with her grandmother, Mrs. Maude Wilson. , Mrs. Vera RrhTRW and sou, Lawreuce, spent the past week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hollars of the county. Mr. und Mrs. C. W- llullender have as their guest for the past week-end the latter'* ffiffllv, Mrs. Cardie Wllkle of swannanou. Mr. Hfoken Keller spout Sunday in the lUMhw.no community. Mi. uud Mrs. l'. W. HulU-nder son. Mr. Paul llulle: der and family of Chester, and Mr. and Mis. Rich urd -Barnes and Mi. and Mrs. Wari-rley Barnes oi Luuretis. M*. Nell AlotandVr find family of Itock liill visited Mr. and Mrs. It- >1) Hensley Hun day Mi. and Mrs. O. T. Hayes had as their guests Sunday Mr and Mrs. Claude Teeter of Oakboro." Mr. C. A. Sheppnnl of Enoree spent the past week-end with his family. Mia-f Kffie Mac fHuffatolleir and Mr, Howard "Boyd and Miss Margaret Williams and Mr. Clarence Gladden were united in a double iini'dliiftll u In Pr?r?L- M ill Q<itiu<rlnti ?M I?"VH II1II KIU I Ui ua/ evening Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Coley anil children of Slater., S C.. upeut Su.n day Willi Mr? anil Mrs. C. I'. Oofor th. Mr. and Mrs. L. 1.. Alexander and t-iiildroil spent Sunday in the BethWare community. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Huffstetlor spent the week-eml, with the lutters parents. Mr. and Mrs. MiQuiiler In Mr. and Mrs. nay Foster spent the week-end with the former's pat eats, Mr, and Mrs. H. O. Foster in I'ninn. 'S. C. jm' Mrs, Frank Glass. President ot the Friendship Club of the Pbenix entertained the members at a dinner at the Lev en t is Cafe in Gastonia Saturday . Farm Questions Q.?What size eggs are lii-sti for hatching? A.?in it. recently /published ciiV eular tNo. U4Ui by (he State College Extension Service on "Incubation," the following sizes of eggs are listed as acceptable for hatching under the National Paultry Improvement Plan: U. S. Approved and U. S. Verltied, not loss than 23 ounces per- dozen in weight; U. S. Certified, not less than 24 ounces per dozen; and U. S". Record ot Per formance. not less than 25 ounces per dozen, and a minimum individu al weight ,of two ounces. The other tf<nCe grades require Individual weights of not lees than one and 11-12 ounces each. Q.. llow can scab on apple trees be controlled0 '; A.?-When the flower buds show the first signs of pink color, H. R. Niswongur. Extension horttculturI.. I /.?' f'ftllrtn r, A mv in ouui? v.wiirfjc, oii/o t\ npi a/ should be used, matlo up as follows Mix liquid lime sulphur with water at the .rate of .1. 1-il gallons of sulphur to loo gallons of water. Complete this spray period within a few days. Some growers add one pint of nicotine sulphate to the lime sulphur for control of apliids. totoM for tebf by OrtyhoaaS Sopor tic*, nofi HchiMifaui. tttra sarin r*. h $3.10 $6.50 Cfcarlotte .55 *1.00 $8.06 $14AC New Y. $8.15 $14.70 INAL SERVICE 8TATION Phone 10 5YHDUMP s#/s#jrcaMHHHi biggest Til , BRING THIS COUPON enter Service Phone 62 ?*?* " *9<U* i iM iihiiriii i1 rem KiNOfl mountain Mg?At.n T TO APPEAR -Vj&i ?, t^E H R *$? .., - ' IWBw- <>%T KWfVmPt*. ^ajt.st , -c i Oil Sunday .morning, 11:00 oclcol at tho First Baptist Church, the Mars Hill College Choir ,compose! of thirty students under the direr tlon of Miss Elizabeth Ellison am accompanied by Miss Murthb Big gets ul tlie piano and Miss Mild ret ,. (twin on the violin, will present Ch< Church I\ * * r LUTHERAN CHURCH ^ : "1 ' u 1 Herman G. Fisher. Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 A. M Supt. Mr. D. C. Mauney. The Service at 11:00 A. M Sermon: By the Pastor. Junior Children of the Cliurpli a 4:00 P. M Senior Luther League 6:00 P. M Intermediate Luther League a 6:00 P. M. Vespers at 7:00 P. MSerfnon: By the Paator. We Welcome You. Presbyterian Church itutr. P. D. Patrick Pastor 9:45 A. M. Suuday School. C. F Thomasson, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Sermon subjeot: Go Forward. : 2:40 P. M. Sunday School at pi* on School House. J. G. Darracoti Supt. 6:30 P. M. Young Peoples Vesper 4:00 P. M. Mitchell College 1 Cupella Choir. Monday 7 P. M. Boy Scouts. Troo] i One. . : Tuesday 7:15 P. M. Prayer Meel i Jug at Murgrace Community House " Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church H. N. Bairrt, Minister. 10:00 A. M. Bible School. J. E Gamble, General. Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worshij. Sermon: THE WEEPING CHRIS' 3:30 P. M. Junior Christian Uc ion, Miss Elizabeth Anthony, Lead I"'...... ........ o:4& r. M. lutermemate Lnnsuni Union, Mrs. R. N. Baird. I^eader. 6:45 P. M Young Peoples Chrisl Ian Union 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship am Sermon: NARROW ESCAPE. CIRCLES MEET ON MONDAY 3:30 P. M. Minnie Alexander wit! Mrs. A J! McGiU, Mrs. Oampbel Phlfer, Leader. 3:30 P. M. Mucle Stevenson wit Mrs. J. M. Garrison, Mrs. P. G. Ra terree. Leader! 8:00 P. !?. Mlfcy Kennedy wit! Mrs. J. U McClll, Mrs. N. F. McGt! Leader. There will be no Prayer Meetlni on Wednesday night. First Baptist Church A. O. Sargeant. Pastor Thirty tolces of the Mars Hll College Choir under ifte dlredloi of Miss Elizabeth Ellison, will prt sent the life ot Christ In song a the 11:00 o'clock worship hour. Sunday School 9:40 o'clock. Intermediate B. T. U. will mee at 6:45 o'clock. HE M 1 AD TO ;i * 1 4 . / J^V1 '", *. t 's s ? ? , ,. jb BSi"^ ...:*. ^^RCSTT ^ -1 JtfrfaMMMMliB ^*' v-**r %. v ' ' '-v. --v.> -7 t*ii '" ' ; - **'.. . .' ' LUy^ ' ' v ' '& hi A''" . '.' > * * . >V, w^ii '.' J'/ \ ; ' ' -' - T 1 ,*( ' ... ^ ."?;. * 1 .Vl^-^Vnf I ,. ,,... . ?SV|C- il*. .. -?^?- - V"' . -Jiu . v 'v y KUR8DAY. APSUL Wt, 1941 SUNDAY MOBBING AX 1 . . j II < t 1 life of Christ In gong. The program has been careful! I and logically worked out by Mis Klliyon. 1'ollowlng the tnalu event 1 In the life ot Christ from the pronlv clea, birth, life, crucifixion and re 1 urroetlon. it enda on the note o m praise and adoration. Walter ? Mai /piDC? Sundav Evening Worship. 7:30 The Pastor's sermon subj.ect': ."'Prayer As A Means of Chrlstlai Growth.' The Gleaners Class will meet a the* ftotno of- Mi\t. fcirmon Martlt t with Mrs. N.evet Hughes and Mrs Alvln Yarboro as Joint hostesses Friday night, 7:30 oclock. t Central Methodist Church H. C. Sprinkle. Jr.. Pastor 9:45 A. M. Church School, B. S Peeler. General Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. , Sermon: ''Interdependence am " Isolation." Epworth Leagues to be announce* 7:30. P. M. Evening Service. Sermon: "The Faultless Christ.' * Monday 7 P. M Boy Scouti Troop 3, J. L. 8ettleimyre, Jr., Scou master. ' . * Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Praye Meeting. ? GRACE METHODIST . S. W Johnson. Pw(Wo? > 9:45 A. M. Church School; Fran] Greene, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship an Sermon. , < 6:30 P. M Epworth League mee ings. . 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship an I r - jarv AffJi Mi A -Mf3 x REFRIGE! ; i i i i *i i rtiYi iYi~> b I < >?"*"*- " l IU ' yM FULLY-FITTED . | FRIGIDAIRE REFI I - Only $129.50 Somo of Its 30 H Stainless Porcelain J Double-Easy Quid . J Double-Width Des Super-Powered Me New Low Operatin Large 6.1 cu. ft. Foo Frozen Storage Co: COMt w MARGE + - ? >-,* - '7* . - 1 Margrace?-Phone 17 ' ' * ^ <? , ;^C H T ' I HK4 IJ^H L_j ' ' ?! "-^ *?? iul?on will Introduce each ^pha * with the rending of appropria k scripture. > . * p All music Iovcvk of the town a * cordially .Invited to enjoy this ho t of special worship' in song. * Sermon. Tueaday 7:30 P. M. Woraans ? clety of Christian Service. Wednesday 7:30 Prayer servlci Park-Grace Bible Chu^ i Joho L. Gregory. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. t Morning Worship 11 A. M. > 7:00 P. M. Kvenlng Services. > . Sunday evening Servlee 7:00. > Each Saturday. 7:00 P. M. Evan Untie service. Weslevan Methodist R. L." 1'tallltps. Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Morning Sorvlce 11:00. W. Y. P, S. or Class meeting 0; Prayer 8ervlce Wednesday 7:0i I Evening Service 7:00. 41 ? i; Second Baptist Church Rev. c. C. Parker, Paetor t * Help your teeth * ... use Calo r . **************i ff Many o( Hollrwoo out the natural lu Culox too. Pure, ^ Good Iloujeheepir d ip'j," ;r:: according t? t?.* l/Uw. i ,?v.4? make Calox an e it II _ tooth enamel. Gel I QBESIHSS ?t*e?, from 10c to 4.1 eu. Ik. ? FRIOIDAII UOOATOR ^ Cxc RADIAL /R Only 1 Feature*: JUtogHjjdrator # ^PJ cube Ice Trayi A " Cookin, eert Tray /?w Thermi ter-Miacr Super-E 8 Coet jfc Hfgh-Sj d Compartment Automi mpartment I Automi Mi ?ftil Hmtm e. *HD m 7H&S& WtAUTin tACE& P STORES ; ' , " ' -, *-" v : I tr * . i'-"i Sunday Sehoot ?:? eanb Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:M p. m. each Bund*. 1 Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Paalnr Sunday School 9:45. M. B. Caldwell. 8upt. v Morning Worship 11:00. ftvenlng Worship 7:00. Prayer service Wednesday evening 7:00. worship wlih wa. J All are welcomed to come and JOB PRINTING?PHONt 107 1 I . . . .. G ROCER1ES A LWAYS AT se ? II , U NUSUAL VALUES re "r I - L ETS SELECT k>I IMELY SAVINGS i C. J. Gault & Son **It Pleases Us To Please You" IB, Phone 225 WeDeliver **************** * * shine like the stars * ix Tooth Powder * ****************** d's brl|htffl >un n?e Calox to help bring sire of their icetb?and yon can rely on wholesome, pleasant-tasting, approved by ig Bureau. Five tested "ingredients, blended formula of a foremost dental authority, ronomical tooth powder that can't harm I Calox today at your drug store. Five $1.25. Copt. 1959 McKes??n & Rabbins, Inc. 1 t -tk: .< xwx-v y r IE ELECTRIC RANGE with ft lusiva, Naw, Pastor I "u? COOKING UNITS $139.50 * : ? ' mmy vtrmt I icaevarwlththesa Features: - arge Storage Drawers |l: I'Top Lamp zer Well Cooker ? l| iize Twin Unit Oven ?eed Broiler itic Oven Lioht gg=g^SSSSsssiSSESS*^ % MAIMSr AULINE . r Pauline?Phone 81 SS -V v - ' ' * -V'"-.- ; " V" v W?^,, . -7; V' >y >V-v''*' * v . '' . . v' ' '> ( , Vj< 4 ' ' * - ?

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