Boy Scout Court i Of Honor The Hoy Scout Court of Honor lot- the Kings Mountain District was held in the City Hall Thursday ^ night at 7:30 o'clock. After an opening prayer by Rev. j II. C. Sprinkle, followed with the I repealing of the Scout Oath, an* noum-emcnts were made pertertain i ing to Camp and Cainp reservations j Scouts appearing befo/e the Court. of Honor for advancement In Scout } Rank were: Tenderfoot Rani: fllily Dettmar S; Jack Rollins J; Junior Honl 5: ' 'Sonny Kalis 6; John Martin 6. Kirst Ctuas Rank: Rarle Myets 1: "1MB HUl S TODAY?T Barga Double F< I h'l tho primitive codo of tho I I north...where rechlen I - won gamble thoir lives for o ! |^n| fortune in ftir(...snd fight for smile from o pretty girl! _ y ^ \ * \ MCHAEfWHALEN "Special Comedy?Red Latest Wj FRIDAY anc Show Opens at 11 Mickey Mouse George Houston In ? . ,4 ' "LONE RIDER x RIDES ON" ? " j 10c and 15c Please Come E< MONDAY ai ?The Big Hit 'I'M SICK OF BEIH I ^PK/ff SniVHH ^ jbea*UUL ?J/UXU>Ail NkeG, With her grnndeit ctut FRANCHOT TONE L*A WAITER BRENNAH ROBERT STACK ROBERT BENCHLEY m I HELEN BRODERICK PRODUCTION kmd m u Mot A UVfV1RSA 10c ai Coming?"A Girl, i "Delicious Hot F * '. . 'v ^ -' " ?' ' t '' 'A - H"* l* \. . ' . . .* " ' /' ' A.' t ':-l; ' > ?" >' 'VC;. > TH* i Jimmy Splrey 2; Eugene Mltchem t # J. B. Cole, Jr., 6; Joe Cole S. jMertt Badges? , Athletics: Grady Queen 2. Camping: Chss. Wilson 4; Jerry Wilton 4; Roy Smith 4; Ray Brldg- ^ es 4; Wilson Ledford 4. , ( f Carpentry: Eugene Mltchem 2; at Ou* Gordon 2. dCivics; Otis Kails t\ Gus Gordon tht 3. , Farm layout and Building Ar- bp, .rangetjteul: Cliss. Wilson 4; w|l Forestry: Chss. Wilson 4; lloy E 0f Smith.4; Itsy Bridges 4; Wilson I Bedford 4. uni Handicraft: Jack Muuney 1: ryt James Herndon 2. , tor Horsemanship: James Herndon 2,. lac Music: Eurle Myers 1. 1 PathMndlng: Gus Gordon 2; Jam- Su es Herndon 2; Otis Kulls 2; Wm. M Ho llord. 6. 1 (Pioneering: Ray Bridges 4 Hh Star Scout Rank: James Hern- mo don 2. l,lfe Scout Rank': Gus Gordon 2. nm After Awards of previous Courts Sal wore presented the meeting closed .' with' the repvutlng of the Scout Sui Benedict lou ) ^? 'mi lat Tftt^trsfi S. C.?Phone 134 Zi IE OF HITS" "hm ?????. HLKSDAY , J in Day 10c n. ature Show ? A! S' ( wit.l i ' M Johnnie Mack Brown p",1, NVai - ' . mid in win M; for "Desparate ? ? son, Trails" ? ? J, Ills Skins and Red Heads" ir News I ir t I SATURDAY I o'clock Saturday I 8fr> i and Serial I ?> 5 Sh? Baitt Htr Man Trap I (,a>' ? with Si YOUTH I p. Jpand I Cro rict?r? I wM. una EUttM MtlMfl CtlU stre MlfiEt IR0CE PARMRET RANIITIR | 8.8tl KATRARNtC ALEXANDER I ?, ( frodjtbd t>v CUM It'O O by MANX I WOOOtUlf S??y o?d M?y by J?^? Cody M irly For Seats I So, id TUESDAY ] tra^ Of Tre Year? I Sch [G A NICE GIRL!' |? I by I on SOf I the bea win " 1 oth< war Acn j dan 1 11 broi I teet E 440 and : on yan and the ' DIMCTID BY WILLIAM A. SEITE1 rWnrlltaDwuw L PICTURE 2E Hi 30c I e i Guy?and a Gob* 'opcorn Daily" - I a NK YOU- | t HMKgBBvn' i V'" ' -y~*. r .'"- j R1NO0 MOUNTAIN HWilft RAMBLING KCTCHKS OR DAK GROVE NEWS ' IBy Mrs. William Wright) lunday School Sunday morning 10:00 o'clock. Preaching lintnetely after bv the pastor, Rev. Lu tr Hawkins of Uastonla. dr. and Mrs: T. ' A. Champion rnl Sunday afternoon visiting th Mr. and Mrs. Walker MySwaln Ouinltng. H. CMr. and Mrs. Everett Howell. Mr il Mrs. Harlan Devenney of Chur. Hie were Sunday afternoon vial n of Mr. und Mrs. Samuel-, bote* e. dr.. ilea Crosby and son spent luluy with Mr. aud Mrs. (1. C. iitl of Mullie Chapel Messrs Joe and Will Crosby of elj?v spent, Sunday with their ithefj Mrs". Sallle Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNeelv are tounelng the blrtli of a .daughter, t unlay, April 18. Mrs Annie Kills and sons were ildav guests of Mrs. J. II. Hayes itr and Mrs. J. J) Champion aud uily were Sunday gugsts of the tor's parents. Mr alid Mrs. Lee limiting of Patterson Crove. i?n j n< i Idren, Misses Coleeti ami MarjeKllis. spent Sunday with' tile lor r'S parents. Mr. find Mrs. J. is. ter of Huftulo Mr Porter. who been cr(; lenlly -il! foi sonic hue lowly Improving. 'ho children, grandchildren and ew invited guests honored Mr. A. Flell with a birthday dinner iday. I iff- Dorothy Blairou ft r Clover, spent the week-end visiting i Misses-Dorothy and Delia Patioit. , C Ir. and Mrs. \V ('. Klanton. Mr Mi's. James S. Wore, Mrs. ipsce Kails, Mr and Mrs. Frank re and daughter, Annette. Mr. Mrs. J. O. Lovelace, spent a le . Sunday afternoon with MVP. T. Wright, who has been real lit the past few days, r. and Mrs. Sam Dell and family nt Saturday nlgtit with tfcelt; Mr. Horace Bell and Mrs. Belt, NEGRO NEWS l (By Jessie G. Costlier) fr+*+++**+*+**++*+4***+*i i Ir. lyesley Crosby, 72 . died at i home on East Ridge street Mon ' night. April 21. He had been for several months. He was one he, founders ot the Galilee Meth it Church, and was a member ot Paul Methodist Church. Funeral rices were held at Shlloh A. M. Slon church at Grover, conducted the Rev. D. A. Costner on Tuesafternoon. iirvlvlng are, one daughter. Mrs. p. Falls, one brother, Mr. Aleck shy and many relatives and uds. lie Davidson High School Glee : > were on program at an- "Kduonal Rally" for Johnson C'Smith versity held at the Shlloh Hapchurch In Shelby on last Sun. The program was spoasortd < the Cleveland County Chapter of Alumul Association of J. C. S.11 versity. rs. Mapple Owens of W. King et had as recent visitors her I 1 sr Mrs. Eva Sizemore and baby laffney .3, C. ir. Esker Williams from Rlchid, Va.. la a visitor In Kings in tain fahls week. Irganlzed for the first time, the k teams of pavldson High ool took part in the First AnnuInvitational Track Meet hold at L-olh Academy' Friday afternoon, 11 18. The event was sponsored the N"VA training center located the campus of the school, s a result of the total number lolntu won In all events entered, girls of Davidson received the btiful trophy awarded to the ning girls' team. Teams pnr.icpating l,h the Meet sr than the Davidson School, o: Llm-.tin Academy, lAncoln idemy Training Cenler; and hland High of Gastonia. lumbers of the Davidson team their ranking follows; ilia Wilson, first piacs, UK) yard it. ' <iina Wilson, first place, CO yard It. Ivelyn Brqwn, first place (tie) feet 8 inches, broad jump. (orothy Byers, second place, j id jump. Nina Wilson, second place (188 ;,) baseball throw, idna Roberts took part in tho yard relay, the 100 yard dash the broad jump. , Pheodore Byers and Lucio Wil* represented the boys in the 100 1 dash, CO yard dash, high jump broad Jump. Byers was tbirrd in CO yard daab. mm DTwynmi rrom >ou p tt nun TW ttosMh abaold 4l?"l two pouoda ef (MS dr. wbaa m Mt IkeaVy, p,ur. enerea m to* ? wbaa yea in ww. hurrIM or >aw txwrty?roar atoaarh aftco oooro out top iach SuML Tout food doaan'l dlmt pad fpu " ft*. heartburn. n hi, pain or wot "ML Tan (Ml (Our, ikk tad and all arar, Dertora ? am> taka * laiaUro (or ilooutl iln. It lo dinicroui and fnoUik. It tikn thoM ttla black UWfli railed Jtall-aaa far lndlpriUse . > aaka tka areata itamirn fluid, harataoa. t-' -?a > lalraia In no tlma an.| put fou back in your j at Rallaf la aw quick a l< aaaalnd and ex. '.'La akapa praraa It, dak lar BaU-aaa far India * <'-< . l< ,* a ? ' _ r ' -V"' V, THOMBDAT, iLPtUL 94.1941 I Church N LUTHERAN CHURCH Herman O. Fisher, Pastor Sunday School at 9:46 A M. Supt. Mr. 1). C. Mauttey. The Service at 11:00 A. M. Sermon: By the Pastor. Junior Children of the Church at 6:00 P. M. Senior Luther League 6:00 P. M. Intermediate Luther League. at 6:00 P. M. Vespers at ?:0o P. M. Sermon: By the Pastor. >. We Welcome You. Presbyterian Church R?v P D Patrick Psstot 9:U0 A. M. The delegation leaves tor Barium Springs Orphanage to , attend service In Little Joe's Chapel j lo:00 A. \1 Sunday School, Ml.! C K. Thonmsson. Supt. Morning service immediately fol- ; lowing. Subject-- Lame Humanity 2:30 p. M. Sunday School at l>l*- I on Sch<K?l House Mr. J. (? ttarra- ! cot I. Supt. n:an Voting People s Vespers. Troop 1 Mr. Curl Davidson, Scoutmaster. M<-s>ih Harry 'Page and Bill Thomson. Asslt Scoutmasters. Tuesday V I5 i*. M Prayer Meettug ul Margraec Community House. . Boycc Memorial A. R. P. Church it. N Laird. Minister. ltt:.oii A M Hitiii- Scb(K)l: J. K.. tiitiuble. (iehera* Su*rr?lntendent. 11:00 A M. Morning- Worship and Sennon r.: |r, p. M Young People's Chris- j liait Ciilon. ?::$ I*. M Evening Worship anil I Swrnon. " 30 P. M Wednesday livening Prayer Meeting. First Itapiist Church A. O. Sargcant. Pastor Sunday morning worship 11: no. m Sunday School 9:40 In'erniediate I) T. U. 6:4$. Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 i'clock. Pastor's sermon subject:' 'Pray?r liiflicuities,' Group Captains of the Church VI* luti/iitfoii Program will meet MonJay nigh: 7:00 o'clock in the FRv eiin room. , ' / ? . Central Methodist Church H. C. Sprinkle. Jr? Pastor 0:45 A. M. Church School. B. S. Peeler. General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev. H. C. Sprinkle of Mocksvillo, N. C. 6:15 P. M. Epworth Leagues. Monday 7 P. M. Boy Scouts, J. L. Settleinyre. Jr., Scoutmaster. Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting led by II. Sinyre Williams. ciKACE MrrntonisT S. W. Johnson, Pastor . 9:45 Church School, Frank Green Superintendent. 11:00 Morning Worship and Ser* non. 6:30 Epworth Leagues. 7:30 Evening Worship and Sernon. . ^Tuesday 7:00 Womans Society of Christian Service, Wednesday 7:30 Prayer Service. l*ark-Grace Bible Church John L. Gregory. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. 7:00 P. M. Evening Service*. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evaage Italic service. Wesleyan Methodist * R. U Phillips. Pastor Sunday School 9:45. . Just Ct 125 She And Place Your Order 1 % lar Home Delivery of A Grade "A" Dairy Milk. Give us a trial. You'll prompt, friendly Service you do our Pasteurized J Caroli | "Extra ? M . '' v " v .' : . ' - V - - . V '? -.V \ . ' A; r. . " I Have Your Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted -By? DR. D. M. MQRRISON , Optometrist - Eye Specialist Will be In King* Mountain Office on Every Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Hours 1 P.- M. to P. M. ' ' \ WORK -IT'SNMTY I rT0U EVER HAD^I A NIGHT when you' were wakeful and restless? Over-taxed nerves are likely to Cause loss of friends, loss of sleep, loss of pleasure, time missed from work, family quarrels, physical and mentrl suffering. The next time you feel nervous, trv Die snnlhind a# aao ? r ' ' " .-.- * * :- . * %*& r -v?"-v.-.. ... * * V t', ' ' "4 - ." r. * ' { ". " ; . ? ews? Morning fervtce 11:00 W. Y. P. 8. or Claa* meeting 6:16 Prayer Service Wednesday -7;O0 Evening Service 7:00. Second Haptist Church lie* *. G. I'arher. I'Mlor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday, i ifnttuMng 11 a d and 7 M i> m ' each Sunda . Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastni Sundav School 9:45. M. "Cald well. Supt. Morning Worship 11:00. Evening Worship T on. , I'rayei service Wednesday n en lng 7:00 worship wiih ua. All nro welcomed >o come an<* i>ewe.\ Wallin of Marshall. limit o 3. brieves niore clear profit can he receiver from beef cattle hy raising . alid fatleniiiK steers at honn,- re-. Miidison cvonry. I CALL OR SEE j Kennon Blanton i . ' . " ' . At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE NO. 10 STKRCHi BROS: . Representative in Kings Mountain Territory "PARK1 For The 5 Tnis summer, forget youi winter clothes. Be wise t< the modern way . . "park1 them in UNITED CLEAN ERS. Save. over-crowde< clothes closets .. . avoid th< nuisance of smelly mot! preventives. I>et us hroteci them during the summei ' against Moths, Fire, anc Theft for only a few cen*> extra . . . Use our thrifty cash and low pi GARMENTS /; ? piAiN 4He or mcJB I I 118 Gastonit PPROVKD / as well as LS^ < ina Dairy Care 71al<es Them Extra Go< t * . . . -. " * - . two Dr. Milesllltervescent Nervine Tablets. Try Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tablets-(or Sleeplessness due to Nervousness. Nervous Irritability, Nervous Headache, Excitability and Restlessness. Your money back It you are not entirely satisfied. At" yaar Dras Star* Small Parkas* IS# Lars* P ark ax* Tt# liaiala ta aak (av OH. MILES i V*HS ft v n * . I* WINTER |, CLOTHES Summer ' . '* r i*'* : -MM*. v - :i i 1 carry service at these rices. 3 for $1.00 i, N. C. Phone 428 V * ^3i #^' -Jl . ... \. . J ' - * "2 ? * 3 ?Inc. ?P " J / s..

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