I U " "* Society News [< Cont'd from Society page) Jfrnrtb. Jr., and Mi?b Lida Orinand. ' A number of others plan to at- ' land the night session. Personals Mr < diaries S Williams Is In Hon < a. Muts., on a business trip. I Mt nud Mik.. Harold Cogxins re-; jmi.u i til irom their wed- > .iMis trip I O ' * Ny Mia <? W Myct> I- Ir Sew Yorir ' 111 ' 11 ' ' ' 4)<-rs JKeSs Stloppe 1 . OiV.-. j i Mis* Sara Long ol Spartanburg. t , J. spent tin- week end tn Kin^s ( ' Mnuula'n.. V-O- ' ,Mi-s Annie Mae llowu- and .Miss | , H ir|->ell spent the w-s k eild , in Monroe . ; , ??- - < Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Moore of. s HHacksburg wfcre visitors with Mrs. j Lee Harmon-Saturday. < The friends of ,Mr,s .1 T. Allison- i *ill regret to leant that she is still u confined due to illness t -a? ' ? Mr and Mrs. Frank l^ieh-irds 'oftfpartanburg and Miss Melba Settle rnyro of Hotting Springs have been ,| risitlng Mrs. J. I* Settlemvre. i 1 " ?o?- ; Mrs. It. N. Ill)ird will visit Iter \ mother in Augusta. Ga., while Rev. I Br. Halrd attends "Synoil at Bon Clarkon. _ ' * f ! ?o<-- < /Mrs. t'harlV") Dilting has returned c (^'Shim a visit of several days at the, I ,? 11 i PRESCRIPTION ! J SERVICE I We Fill any Doctors' f Prescription promptly < and accurately at rea- v sonable prices with the confidence of your phy- , sician. KINGS MOUNTAIN ! DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE s We Call For And Deliver ' Phonea 41?81 , r??? 1 ' * vn Print That P ' it Telep | m . bhhrMHBHHHBHI ; . ; . y? ' * v{ v5v * Some of her mother ?t Covington, 3ft. BUI Dftyle and Miss Ruth Colbert jf Albany. Oft., were guests or Mr. and Mrs. J. R. .DavLs during the week-end. Mayor and Mrs. J. B. Thomassou ind County Commissioner and Mrs. 31e<* A. Bridges attended the dedtv mi ion of the Charlotte Army Air iftse Monday. Mrs. Van Wrupe and baby of ieviersville, Tenu... are visiting Mr*. A rape's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. K kVure. while Mr. Wiape u on a bus inso. nip to New York Cliy. I Si* v y Juti Smith. Ji.. of Ooldaboru. .pent .the pa*; sttrkenll with Mr.] iml Mis Haywood K I.Vurli and.w family. ' ? CH lt< % ii. t". Sprinkle, Jr., pastor of "*i,ii'.ral M>-;iiodlsi Church. will be ti louUr; Miss,, where he will Conlnct a s.-rK's of services in the himli and scliool there, lie will al j it> -jlolIv?. !* sonic lilblf Lectures. ?o? .? Mr .1 K Davis, local attorney, las been suffer lug from a lti|> injury for the. past week but Is now l>}c to !?> at his office. Mr. Jlavls vent to Charlotte Monday to con,nlu a specialist. ?oli. \V. Xoithcutl and Halpli, [r? have returned to their liome afer u visit. ,in Kings Mountain. Miss diss Mildred Anne Xorthcutt reuuim-d for a visit at tho home of ier grnudtnother. Mrs. 11. N.,Moss. r" -T-<r ? Among those from the A. It. P. 'Iiurch who are attending the Synnl tit lion darken are Mrs. Walter Jill tag who left Tuesday to stay lirough the week, Mr W. E. Blake> who will attend the meeting as he elder from tlie chu'reh and Mrs v- W. 'Seal who will attend services Saturday' and return Sabbath. - ??? Mrs. ,f E. Aderholdt has return d from a week's stay in Charleston j. C.. where she was a guest of Rev ind'Mrs C. K. Derrick. Rev and llrs. Derrick were visitors at the Vdertaoidt home here last week and were accompanied home by Mrs. Vdcrholdt who visited the gardens tud other,places of interest iu and iround Charleston. ^ Provisions of the 1941 Agriculturil Conservation Program will _ be intended so as to permit the grow lug of peanuts for oil on any part ?f the cottbn acreage allotment not ised for cotton. :? i b ;3 11* t ?. ,y * t ting '/eases if * H ^ -r "* * ' y. hone r :j , ' \ SBBSasaSBBBS - ' - -i-' / . 'l . rns KBfCM MOUNTAIN mnut.n Familiarity Dangerous On Highfcr&ys .Familiarity breed* aocldeuts, th High Safety Division pointed vl this week In releasing figures das ing with the residence of drlvei pedestrians Involved In accidents 1 North Carolina last year. According to the dlvlclon's record approximately 70 per cent of all dr vers Involved in fatal accidents 1 the slate last year lived within 2 miles of the place where the acc dents occurred. Aud 96 percent c the 331 pedestrians killed in th state last year were killed witbl iS tulles of - tlieii homes. "Familiarity breeds contempt fc Haliway and traffic batards. an dents," commented Itonald Hocut direr-tor of the Highway Safety D vision. r s . "When u person travels upon ce tain roads day aftet' tlsy. year lu an year out. he begins to feel that h is familiar with every foot of thoa roads, and he tends to become cot '.emptuons of the sharp curves, na ionv bridges, intersections and otl i i hazards on those roads, lie doe iioi thtuk it necessary to be cart ful on roads he knows so well, so h permits Ills caution to lapse. "IteKardless of how fauiiliar yo are. -with auy road'," the 'safety dire or concluded, you can not travel u on ll in safety unless you are a ways prepared for the unexpected. I Washington Snapshots (Cont'd from fydut page) who drove his car at 80 tuiles a hour because he wanted to get hom before he ran' out of gas! ?o? Only time will tell fov sure. Bu it ought to be pointed out that som optimists may be drawing tar to 1 sweeping conclusions from thosi tirst .Mediation m Board {settlement and the wide attenlaut publicity. Moat experts are Inclined to b? I lieve that a much belter barotnete ! can be foynd at the U; Si Concilit lion Service, headed by Dr. John E Steelman. Dr. Steelman's divlsio regularly issues figures on the uui ber of labor disputes to which cot ciliators have been assigned an they tell a graphic and disturbiu story. Here are the figures: Back in September of last yea concilotors were assigned to di putes at the rate of 54 a week. I January, the figure rose to 88; i February it stood at 82; in Marci it was 94; and during the first wee of April, it had reached the astoi isliing figure of 125 disputes for th week! ; ' These particular statistics ca hardly give much support to thos who see the strike picture as ros< ate. No more encouraging was a r? cent War Departpent statemen that about one million man-hours o work had been lost on defense con tracts for Army orders alone be tween the first of the year ant March "24! ?o? Miw?.v sincerely interested in see ing the defense v program move a head would like, too, to know a lit lie more about the basic philosophy of the new Mediation Hoard. Hist ory-minded Washingtonlana recal that the mediation board set up t< haudle labor disputes at the tinii of the World War had pretty clear iy articulated ideas on the stand ards that should prevail aa such i time. They ran something like this 1. No individual or group shouh seek to take advantage of abnorma conditions to make changes in hash relationship that couldn"t be a chleved in normal times. 2. No roan should be forced t< loin a union in order to hold hli job. 3. There should be no strikes oi lockouts In defense industries. It is felt that the majority of th< new Hoard holds no such principle) and that in Certain cases there is i widely different individual approacl to the strikes-ln-defense problem Ultimately, results will tell *thi tale. Meanwhile, observers are con cerned. ?o? . Encouraging on the other hand are some of the accomplishment of industry In defense work In spiti of the obstacles and uncertainty su THE 8WIOAE or 5LOWER-B IE* than thaavc i i sciettuvvc it I I ^ ^ I I v: > * -K :. * ' * .. " y > T i' r r-: y'-> ^ 'V TmrnWUT. APKIt U.lHl rounding It on every aid*. It lad Juat been announced, Cor example, (bat 1,216 airplanes were turned out In March. Tp point up tbe manning 10 of that volume of production, offl >t ilals point out that the operating J' equipment of all American alrllnea "* ?tbe beat equipped In the .world ? u total* only about 400 planea. And the horsepower of the engln' ea manufactured la |fareh, they tell 1' us. would be enough to run 79 ocean n liner* the *Ue of the 8. 8. America 5 with enough power left over to run I' 1 129 cub* to carrv passengers to the >?|pur! . a -oj Tile complexity of some of the defense manufacturing tasks mi) be '"j adduced from a few Himple (acts on r^umkj^^^e^ansmlsslon alone of a j *' 7.608 pounds, or about twice the to-I tnl weight of an euttre medium sis ed tank weigh* about 65.000 pounds r" I And It would take one man about <* 1.000 hours Juat to build thai trans0 mission! 10 As one high defense official remarked. "1 don't know why they ev P* I t?I* called thOHga Imhidfl muflltimlale. V 0(1.' 18 'Maybe It was because of a feeling that industry can lick far more 0 titan its weight in tough, production problems like those! u 45 11. H. Wise, u.111 demonstration P farmer of the Three Mile communi '* ty in Avery County, has found thattlie use of .lime so Increased his crop yields that he will lime his on tire* farm withing the next few years. : *" W ARE YOU ' S V Your Best >? Wf by TELEPHONE,-' 0 f Is there something n about the tone of your e telephone voice?your way of greeting, your' !f" v , manners, the case with f ^ which you are under * I stood?which gives the * B person you are talking with a glimpse of a W friendly face; of an 1 W alert, attractive personality? Your voice and r speech together make up ) your telephone personality. > It's obvious that a pleasant, courteous telephone manner creates a good im>' - pression at the other end of the line. ?Then, too, such I little things as answering ' promptly, speaking direct' ly into the mouthpiece, and > replacing the receiver gent1 ly when you have finished r talking?all do their part in moulding someone's ? mental image of you. So | why not make the most of j every opportunity to look ^ your best by telephone? SoOTNERfl Bai TELEPHONE | MID TELEGRAPH COmPMIH j :i . URNING CAMELS GIVES YOU KppPl juf ALA At |AmjJAAA rage or me 4 outer largest* ettes tested?less than any ccordlng to fndopoadsRt its of tho inks Iftdf I mmm mmmm I - , ' . - :; ,. ^ , :; , ,,. ,.J-.,^ -?. .' . . . . ^ - ? Men... I Here's Style and Coolness I I ...for Summer ] i ' " 11 i mmtu im Shown above is just one of the many models available in the always popular Curlee Summerhaven line. Curlee Tropical Worsteds and Mohairs combine < extremely light weight with good looks and maximum wear. Curled Gabardines and Tweeds are also tailored in comfortable summer weights to complete the hot weather wardrobe. $19 I MEN-S STRIPES I STRAW HATS In all the latest styles ^ and materials that are both good looking and M comfortable for the hot summer months $135 that are on the way. 'Select your's ' now! while our large collec- x>ok at the-Varsity Stripes" tion is complete. p*"cm. it .^puiuai, yet Jr* r imart. But for that matter, Special Group At the-minutc pattern* and ityldl /V A in*V And ,he *? in their Others from 97c to ; S4.9R W Mlttl trim r~mt~. H KEETER'S IB Department Store I Value For Vfclue Never Undersold I -* ' I - 1 ' *; ' t ' .< ' . ' " . * ' ' . ' } ' , ; . . ' v. *

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