i 1 . ? ' V " *' ' ^ . \ . ' c * . ' ? ? . . 4 , SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE Hostess To Social Club Mrs. O. W. Myers enlcrtainea members of the Social Club and inviler guests at her home oti Hiedv, mont- Avenue Tuesday iltemoin.^) Vari-colort-d tulips, valley lilies ami other lovely flowers Were url llaUcally arranged . In hail, ' 'lving room and dining room. I'l'. alntii i core trophy. The hostess assisted by Mrs. C. F. Thomassoii, Mrs. J, K. Anthony and Mrs. N. F. MciJlll served a delicious sulad course with accessories and a sweet course. Those present included Mesdames J. E. Anthony, .Harold -Crawford, 1. U. Ooforth, K. A. Marrill. Arthur tiny, \V. K. Mauney, D. C. Mauney. N. F. McOlll, \V. M. More head, C. K Noisier. O. C. O'Farrell,/.L,. C Harsons, A ,H. Patterson. . C. K. Thornasson and M. A. Ware. Bride Honored /''Mrs. Arnold Kiser was hostess at ( tour tables of bridge last Thursday evening honoring her siste.r-ln-iaw, Mrs. Glenn David Freeman, nee Miss Ozelle Kiser, a recent bride_^ Tulips, spirea, iris and other love ly spring flowers were arranged iu the living room and dining room. Mrs. Freeman wore a becoming blue silk dress 'with corsage of red i roses and valley lilies. Miss Fay Mauney won high score ! prize. Mrs. Freeman was presented a gift. Mrs, Ed Alexander oT Lexington und Mrs. Humes Houston were each presented gifts. A salad course with accessories and tea and a sweet, course was served. " Miss Ware Bride J. T. Pheagin Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ware of Kings Mountain announce the niarrlage of their daughter, Dlddie, to J. T. Phtagln of Kings Mountain on Saturday, April 19, In York, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Pheagin will make their home near Kings Mountain with the bridegroom's parents. Continui * ? ( * x * "? * ' y?1 1 " ' I 3~Sl * SPRI $7.95 DRESS DRESS DRESS ALL .. . ;i ' $16.50 SUITS SUITS KEI Vahie For Value Ne^ /i 1 HAPPENINGS REST to V PHONES 10-R AND 88 Dn McDill Guest Speaker, At Home Arts Club ,r>i\ T. il McDill. pastor of the' ,VwKH'Mt? Itcfornied iffvabytierian Church. liaslonla, anil president of the North Carolina , I'oetry Society wan truest HpMikri a:, the meeting of the Hume Art* Cluh at the borne M<,DID. who Is a wthei of note and lms won a number ot awards for hka poems, wait Introduced by Mr*. It. v? at., li.l oltitkpmuii Al (lit Hiiul'ain committee. ; The speaker .captivated his .audience from the first and In hi their attention throughout. Anions his own poems read was "Kings Mountain." inspired by the. mountain near our town. Mrs. Grady King presided over the business session of the dub and at. the conclusion of th? progr'iv the hostess served a salad and sweet course. Mrs. Carpenter's home was atVmct't'eiy arranged with sprtng[ flowers. ^Bride Honored At Lovely Party ' Mrs. Glenn David PrhVman, nee Miss Ozelle Kiser. wag-the inspiration'of a lovely party "given by Mrs John Gamble at her home on West Mountain street on Saturday afternoon'. ,v ' ' y - *, The rooms were thrown - 'ogethei and arranged with <|uaii:ities of I beautiful spring flowers, Kight tables of bridge wave in plaay with Mrs. George Houser scor ing high and Mrs. \V. M. Craft. low. Dach received attractive tropblea. Mrs. Freeman, the honoree, was presented a gift. Mrs. Harold Coggins. Mrs. Humes Houston, Mrs. Kd Alexander of Lexington and Mrs Paul Kennedy of Shelby, were each presented gifts. , A tempting salad course with accessories and a sweet course was served. The bride's place was mark ed with miniature wedding slippers decorated with love birds. / ng Our 1 Out J ["hey ih?;: tecial Gri [NG DRE ES NOW ONE-HALF PRI( ES NOW ONE-HALF PRI< ES NOW ONE-HALF PRK SPRING I NOW ONE-ttAU PRICE i NOW ONE-HALF PRICE No ETER'S rer Undersold v ? *' ' ' ' . ' * . PHD KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD T VOMEN MRS- A- H. PATTERSON, , Visitor Honored ^ Mis* Eva 1'iuitK entertained at < three tables ot? bridge on Saturday evening honoring her bouse' guest Miss Mary Mebane MidkifT, ot MI Airy. Jj. Mrs. Glenn David Krpeman.' nee Miss Oxelte Kiser. Won prize lor J high Won and was also presented a ii?* k*lm iiImidi ton, nee Miss Frances IMork. or Kings Mountain, was also remember ed vtilh a gilt A salad and ss.'i't coin a1 *?> served. Guests included Mss Mary Mebane MidkiO, tol Mi. Airy,'Mrs. Ed Alexander of Lexington; Mosdumes . Aubrey Mauney. Jl. N. Barnes. | Claude liambrighl, Carl Davidson, j John McQiil, W. J. Fulkerson, ' Glenn l>. Freeman and Miss Marfrar) et Smith j pelebiates Birthday Anniversary Mr. S. S. Weir. Sr.. who.was for a number of years a popularpostnuis ter In, Kings Mountain celebrated his seventy-four!h birthday last Sunday with a bountiful dinner ser ved .on the spacious lawn at his home. About eighty friends and rel atives were present to enjoy the occasion and to wish Mr. Weir many more happy birthdays. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Holler, Mr. and Mi's, lister McNoely. Mr. and Mrs. Huasell''Pyopst. Mr. mid Mrs. M. . Whlsnahi, all of Morguntoti. N. f'.: j Mr. anil-Mrs. li. M. Weir. Mr. Mar shall Weliv Mr and Mrs. A. F Weir Miss Jess jane Weir, Frank Weir, jr., Misses Luey Humbiight and Helen Uumgardner. all of Gastoniuf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hushes of Grover; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Haitibright, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Vlouser James Houser. Mr. and Mrs Gwyn Whisnant of Clovor, S. C? Miss Bess Alice Hambright of Waco. N. C. Birth Announcement I Mr. and Mrs. Giles Oornwoll an? : nounce the birth of a son . V. Huh# of Kings Mountain ur.d employed by I he Nfcr iaitder Machine-Co., of Gastoniu. Th? young couple are now at the home of tl*> gnoOm's r rand father, Tildon Iv?;dford. in Kings Mountain Entertains At Weiner Roast ( Link Miss Faylene Falls, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Falls, of the York Rodd entertained a number of WeY' school mates at a weiner roast Wednesday evening. Many games and stories were told and the little folks eujoyed Fayletie's hospitality. CALL OR SEE " . p * .t . ? t * . KENNON BLANTON At Terminal Ser. Station . PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Representative in Kings Mountain '' Territory ? vuaid \ bBB? ' WHHHP I ALL $16.50 ? COA-K $7.95 < OAT $5.95 \ OAT ONE BIG TAJ Spring I Values to $2 Out They < $1.00 I ' - No Charges ? All Sales F iRTMEl ? 1 1 1 11 ' 1 Personals / Mrs. Cora Hunter left for tier home In -Tainpal Kla., today. J ? - o? .Miss. Mae Plonk is spcndim; a few days In Hickory.. ?o? J?r .1. S. Norman is a patient at the Memorial Hospital.. Charlotte. . ? o /'.Mrs S A. laJwery has letunied frojn a i.v\j- ae?;ks visit "o relative.* in Knleiph. ?O Miss Maty Mihatie Mnlkiff of Mt Airy. X C..; was a recent iruest of Misv Kva i'Umk ?.? Mix* t';tr| Matliiey has as tier j I'oiiover Mr...and Mis. I'.' J.?. Hert.doti afld j family spent Sunday afternoon in-| sp? WO! Kings Mount The Re Phones - Suits ' ' n . : * ' " ' ".. ? B Bui I No* I SAV SPRING i 'i;v; . . S flOW ONE-HALF PR1C1 I NOW ONE-HALF PRICE S NOW ONE-HALF PRICI S NOW ONE-HALF PR1C1 BLE SWE Hats I 1.98 Jo $1.98 S ach inal i mtTH . ? .4 Columbia Willi Mr llerdon's broth* er Rev. mid Mrs. E. A. STienfc CT GreeuuUpro are guests of Mr. anil Mrs Aubrey Mauney, the la'tcrr their daughter. ' ?u ? ..* i * |1 Mr. C, ;L. t'lark and soil, Frank,, of Statesville. N. were recent on iters of'Mrs. Carl Mays and family, Mr. Clark is Mrs. Mays' father. ?u :.rM Mr and Mrs. Alex Clark awl ; T.iiliniif Wood of Salisbury, cp^mk I | the week-end* with Mr and Mrs. Carl Mays. - o M< sdmio-s ' \V .alter tolling cart Cora Kuftter sp. :tt the lay wtkh \l u |j?b Falls ui ?;.i-i- i a W??rt- a '9 ** 'JM*P Jlll^ UJiJhJ "I J j Way Department, spent the - wort' ..ml.with his family in Kings Mouxr tain and returned to Durham *li charm' packets every woman weds for fro# . mour?a dram of the $4 an ounco Cara me Perfume, encased in unbreakable fuc*'ta :onctte. and a generous ."Acquaintance Vage' of Cara Ncrrc Fnce Pcwdcr. 4 s hnurious rayon lit is permeated wi>h Cara me Sachet to lend fragrar.ee to everything your purse. re's a wonderful opportunity to get t?*o ra Nemo glamour aids and a handy tit *jt ? saying. fry new. because at this Ci'al price these tf?ts I ' 1 III lonq ! |Vt \M SPECIAL PRICE o? a UMiiiO timi only ain Drug Co. I xall Store 41 and 81 ?? Dresses r II r J E I - . .8 ??-t?i; 1 COATS ] - I 1 5 ? ONLY $8.25 | ; $4.9S (\ ? aiti "*r O i. ? yo.ZJO j I I ? ONLY $2.98 \\ ATRRS and SKIRTS ^ \ (educed (wester and Skirt Now $1.49 . ORE :" V<*J>" /. > , Kin^s Mountain, N. C. 7 * ' -58 '" ''' . '. : ' ' ' ' * ' M >V.'.' " <-' ' * " ' ' ' /a * * , Jk