"* " 4 * '/ %' " k * . ' * : MM WE THREE "C" ALL tell the tale ?* tw?> told to u* It ? nltUkr la made. pk?M don't fuss! I The Senior class pUv ?m a real success .... full ot Isughs mxl fun than i he audience .... We noticed I that I'eggy Hiker an<i a certain so-1 da Jcrkc! enjoyed it a lot .. and | George l.uitimorc and MarVuii Mc<'lain enjoyed it and each oilier because they were together Saturday k arid Sunday night While we're talking aliOut new attain, Vviler'h i? thoughts have turned to Gold street eh Kaehel? .... They were togetli, <r Saturday iitte and Sunday aftetT.oon .... Let Hutch nud a swei. time at Davidson Fraternity dances are fun. aren't tlioy? .... ' TROUBLES OF K GLAMOUR GIRL HEADED FOR THE MOVIES Adsls Rogers SL Johns, noted Hollywood commentator, explains dlcicultiea of Introducing socialite refinement In the movies. One of many features In the May 11th Issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY the big magazine distributed with THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN on sale at all Newsstands - Imperial Kings Mountain, N TOT) AY ? Ti This is an EXri ' M k?. - I TTM Leon Errol Co ' ?1 FRIDAY and Show Open At 1 n ,i i ^ 1 - ^ , a . i *(V(0? -1' K? PJUn^^MjHA "Please Come Ea MONDAY liCB 'fM'VV'"'* ' > " ; ntn i tii.v ^>^yBLONDELL a*td DICK li?P P0WELL tflt M Product! and Dirtdi a univer: Also C< Owning?"M ' , *" ' ti Wonder of Billy T. learned lo dance Friday oifU at the supper f r the caat of the 8entor play? He ahovUl have with Cyclone teaching hlin .. Hud W. waa rather quite, could he have been thinking-of Cog? C Gogte K. and Pete O. aaetn to be | getting up an affair .... A certain ; Clemaon cadet rueiied lletty Falls rltiK .... atundav ulgbt Jimmy W. went out Mai-grace way .. }tet' lie utivl Margaret had fun Doris and Ernest must have inet in a revolving door .... They've been going around together ever since .... Jo and llill are really u darling couple .... (tecum this spring season has certainly turned their thoughts to. lore .. Jan and. ,Durwin may have had' a quarrel. but you'd never-j have guessed it Sat. night! ...?,.] Clad to see U1II While in toVn . ...| I'.et we know a certain girl that was ; glad .too .... Muh .. have you u I prescription tyr rt?lsta*ice? You aro cured, but we know soiutr others that need it .... Lib Nelll and. Jack Fortune aro getting to be a habit .... Miss Marklinui and Tolly are' the cutest thing around town ... ...And we heard a lot about Miss I'olk. but we can't seem-to find out who the lucky guy is .... Gene White, we are glad to see you out again .... Here's lo the Baud,.... We know they'll do (hell- best .... Signing off .... Kelp out ot our sight. If you hope to keep right: Theatre J . C.?Phone 134 j IURSDAY ' " J! PR A Good Show eFEDERAL^ ] FUGITIVE? | HAMILTONTx^OAY 3 - VKTOAVAKCOm OUA1U wiuox 8 1 medy ? News Oc? I j SATURDAY |i 1 o'clock Saturday Serial ? Cartoon I 10c and 15c rly For Good Seats" I and TUESDAY J ojj KJJUi4iA)4e,l jj mm CHARLIE MfiGlES j fj? LEE BOWMAN j lUtllt WAISUN | I ,2M by LEIGH JASON V iAl PICTURE >medy ? News r. and Mrs. Smith" ?j ' r-v '^v -}" ' ' I * T ' . ' ' . ' * '.* -*" ' v'l Y ' _ * . - ^ -y - I BH - B. ^ MM ii r ' " : BB KINGS MOUNTAIN IOUL&. I OUR DEMOC 1 iMepSSuT ( Jr 15. and L. Have Most Successful Year 1910 The North Carolina Building ami Loan anil Federal Savings and L>au Assoeitions had the muni siki-cssIuI year in their history during 1'jlO, i. was staled hy Henry (iregory, Jr. <)! . Kooky .Mount. President of the North Carolina Luildiug and Loan League.. Ai all-time high in Assets .vas reported in the Dee. ill. 194t', statement, when I heir combined Assets totaled $111.115.1115. Si. The amount oi' .Mortgage Loans on the books oi the Associations we; : over I ill? hundri ll million dollar murk I whim il reuthrtl J.lOo.tilb.^alt.al. A'i ! indication of the sound business', lik? policies under which these a?se Nations operate is shown by the tie crease in tin Heal Ksta.e owned ac I count from ?i,:t69.1f>6.82 to $1.78n. 442.0l?. The North Carolina associa. tior.s have one of the lowest ratios uf. Heal K.-ta'e Owned to total As seis of any in he nation. He indicated an ever increasing percentage of the loans of these ! home financing institutions is l?cin? | <:evoted to construction of homes 1 ;Vi shown l>y the fact' that more nan 40 percent of all loans during 1940 were of this typo. During the past year, 7.117 new homes Wert erected through louits of $1:1.523, 984.17, made by these local institu Hons. This represents an increase of $2,377,167.17 over the 1939 fi gures. In addition, the associatione enabled 4,186 individuals to pur chase homes valued at more thar $6,800,000. Tdore than 3300 tndlvldu als became borrowers of the build tag. .savings and loan associations by having them refinance tbelt borne loans, aggregating $4,909,621 I 42. The balance of over $6,500,000 in loans of the associations were made for repairs, refinancing and othei miscellaneous purposes. The building and loan associations, through these loans, are not only helplug tc build the communities of North Car olina and creating taxable values but also arc making individuals be :come more self-reliant and fiuanci ally independent through home owe ership and encouraging thrift. l.ast year in North Carolina, lfil persons were ' killed in cars thai ran off the road. Sixty percent of all drivers in fa tal accidents in North Carolina las year were residents of rnval areas THE HERALD?$1.50 A YEAR DON'T BE BOSSED ...... I AVAVIlfP .?m. BY YOUK IHAHIlIt KtUtlt CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAV Wb?n you bat gaaay, headachy, logy dua to clogged-up bowali, do at millions do?take Feen-A-Mlnt at bedtime. Next morning ? thorough, comfortable relief, helping you atart the day hll of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a milllont Fean-A-Mlnt doeen't diiturb your night'i reat or Interfere with work the next day. TVy Faen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, yoursslf. It taataa good, it's handy and economical... a family aupply CO,t* I FEEN-A-MINT THURSDAY, HAY ?. )M1. RACY byfcht C /I v\ ?^b\ ^^IRS^TEAMBOA^^B x 1 AMERICAN I ||^ ACHIEVEMENTS I I > < > < > > NEGRO NEWS (IJv Jessie C. Costlier) . i > > *: > ; I Alr> Annie Childers oi Klixa'ietl , New J?rsey. spout a t .'V <luv> wit 1 iioi <l.ui}\!u-r ami son-in-luw. Mr. an Mis. Allien sailillor. ,Mrs. Chlldei , 1 1ms inaili* her homo in Now .lerse 1 tin- oyer '.'1 years. She returut; 1 j iinino last Friday.. Mrs. Lelia .1 aiksi.n of tlio 'Foil pact cniitmtiulty lias been very i si'.M e Thursday of last week. The Itov. I). A. Costlier of Trac Street pivachi d tin? baecaiuuleal 1 sermon at the Douglas High Schoi Lawndale. oti last. Sunday afte I noon. Tlu> final program of iln- Compai High School Commencement will 1 liohl at tin* school Thursday afte IIOOll. Mi'. Walter KYoneber.qer who 11 oil near St.. l'anl church died Tliui ' day of last week. Tlie funeral sen I cos wort' held at Galilee Methodi: I'llnroll on Sunday. ' Mr. iludio Itussell Is still on If ' sick list. He does hot seem to it prove. CARD OF THANKS s We. the family of Roy Loekridg want to express our feeling of gra i Itnde toward our friends and nelg bors ajd loved ones for the mat i deeds of kindness shown to us du ing the recent illness of our wil nnd mother and sister. i Roy Lockrldge Carrie Lockriuge Miss Ella Hope. , As a result of industrial r search, melamlne, base for mat no7i-sliatterabl?| pla<stic product ' now sells at about l-100th its fort , er price. I! nnrtT t Thai A : I * , Tryl k,arol "Exl - r Twis'NTHAT By AUm Bnrfcm Patterson Grove Section * 4 largo number w'eii' present. Tin j jii oarum ?huh (ciiiurwl play* 11IIK* et<\, was Kond The special music by tlx' MuiRraco Orchestra wag I'M'illeiil. Orchids to those wlto helped make the night a sutcos* iiml onion.* to those who olft'i'iil uu- | called for criticism Tito graduates who received diplomas werje: Girls -Sylvia !.? ?>. liur ton. Jenny |,i'o Iielh Wi.ls.- Waller son. Kraiiii-s Thorn-burg. liiiliy Chap inan mnl tin-/. Ware Hoys .Wiley . Alli'll, Charley (iotortli. Andrew Els tors. Kenneth Carroll mid Will aril . . llov ley. Perfect Attelidanei- Certificates were presented to William Plonk.v Miles Seism, Melhii Waitei.ua and Willimena Snminia. The idedal went to'Uiihv Chapman School also closed at lletli-Wa re last week. Our community .was wel ..represented in the graduating. class as m'i'i-. nuiniier received diplu- j mas this year. I Mi. ;tnd Mrs. Halph Allen of Sliel hy. an'.l Mr. ami .Mis lien llaauick were Saturdnv night utiests ol the | i I' ? ' U> - .e'.,! ... " ' .j. \> . ^i i -*in>. ' ? Mi>st*> Kva HiUl JM't ? liul. W.i < i Zp0lM'~ X HI fSJEcci* H0NEY & AL Regular $] GET Your ( (I . ; 'S y J| FOR'SLW a-i Where will vour wir i' " sun y Relieve your mind of >fc i ol Just, think of it . . . your lievecl of winter coats ar ?t es" guaranteed against m '? thei't .... stored all sin r*l Cleaners .... insured f< v. bove the regular cleanir s clothes in how?pay nex j Use our Thrifty cash CHEA1 ie n 1x4 us clean your rugs, s for brighter and m 1 MB A?1;VMW e- Lr<W >y Phone 118 Gasto ) MILK MADE DE1TEK t's Carolina 1 PPROVED Pasteurized Milk if & You'll j Una Dair ;ra Care Makes Them Extra ( ' : -"; *;; . v ' ' -,' -^j Messrs Oteen and LaurdTte Putnam uud Charlie McSwaln went on t . . flshin* trip at 1M?.\ waters Saturday Mr, and Mrs. O. w. Clreene and 'atuily and Mrs. K M. Burton and Sylvia la-e Ilurtou visited Mr. and ,?ir? John tirwno o( Itelmout SuaIN i vis Seism visited Mr. and Mrs ' ?" Seism of Double Shoals u.?d Mra flllit' I riilui-s <il iatutnioie Sunday. Mis lieorgo Hull. Mrs It II Mnrrnn and -Miss t'ova Hull wen- visit'oi s- of the It M Burtons Saturday afternoon. ' . Job Printing Phone 167 ' CALL OR SEE Kennon Blanton At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Representative in Kings Mountain Territory i 1 1 1 .ii BIG 12.-GUNCE BOTTLE OF INDS MOND CREAM time only ? / Clothes READY IMER iter clothes spend the timer? ith worries . . . clothes closet space reid suits . . . Your clothoth damage, fire and inner long in United [>r a few cents extra a- I ig charge. Bring vour t fall. and carrv service, it's >ER eat covers and draperies ore colorful rooms. | yt k Vv? I I nia, N. C. Phone 428 Dairy Like It y9 Inc. iood" V V.y ' " '.w r'lxSi

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