. *' i-v _ . * - The Kings Mountain Herald Established 1889 Published Every Thursday HERALD PUBLISHING HOU Msyvtood E. Lvivh I nt*>r< .* ' UH' p4i??.r^ce *i Sltiutitdu.. . N. C.. audi* ire Ait el Mnf b is79. : di ikiemrTtON HA1B& < One ,Y? ?.r . . Mix . ... : A ?' <" to'tiJ i J?e !?r .. it Ct t 'ii ?!? wS 1 IBM* tt'rii . i hjr . :. BJI'III' < :i ' i ' ... .J :." . , lbs' <'11 r/. Ii i .i:;t .i? viiiiiity- 'j ' .><< MorUlf.ir. V / t't'l . . J J j8^_ tHC FLAG 1 Oili- Jib'*] Ki?t?VV !! AUi.- _. > > tin., Till rnnlrr.'skn-i* ' * A stjihl* h v <*I it m? ;ir I tYou^U t. t?rs VnUp my s vt-?. To w.umlrr ilovvn tin* (TOOKvbi hirt'M, (*' soldo I'ai I'eH'ljin town; No friend ;?inir and frown,; 1 "To. turn a corner suddenly. And ah! so brave and fair. To spy that banner floating free Upon, the foreign air: ' Oh, that 'will catch |l?e careless breath. And make the heart "beat fast; Our country's .flag for* life and death! To find our own-at last! t In those far regions, wonderstrewn. No sight so good to see my country's blessed flag, thy owjj. So dear, so dear. to. me. Si teeteil. CHALLENGE lad its' be challenged by the heights to which men can rise, le > us be proud of the fact that we are human beings and because, we are . hutnan beings, we contain wiihin ourselves resources of strength and power groat enough to , enable, us to climb far and High i know that there is much disillusionment, much discouragement, much tempt tation to take theVasy way. the short' cut. to do the expedient rath er than the right. Hut we are men . --and because we arc men we can . rise above the dull level of yitiding. It is not what destiny does with us but what we do witn "destiny that j determines what wo shall become When a man is determined/ what can stop him? . . f t'ripple him and you have a Sir Walter Soon. - | I'ui him in a prison -ell and yon have a John Itunyan. ' . . llury him in .the snow 6f Valley i l''orge and you have a George Wash .. iit gum t Have. Iiipi born in abject poverty, and you .have a l.incola, J . .Afflict him wiiii asthma um.II as a hoy hi' litis choking in his fatliit's, in rns and you uvc a Theodore IIoom \ fit. . Stab liim with rhettmalie pains until for ytu.rs ho can not sloop without an opiaio and you have a j Steinmetz. I l'ui him in the grease pit 01' a lo- 1 comotive roundhouse asd vou have ' a Walter P. Chrysler. | Make him second fiddle in an obscure South American orchestra and you have a Toscanlnl. L,et life challenge you asd be con fident in your reply, for you are a man and the hardships of life are sent you not by an unklsd destiny to crush you but to challenge you. Our "humanity" is not our weakness, but our strength. Despite much of the artificiality of the life arousd us, the two greatest words In the English language still are I CAN!?Selected. AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP Not since the rights of citizenship in this country of ours were first established has there b ?"n so much cause as there is today for pride and thankfulness as each of us ut tors Hie words 1 AM AN AMERICAN' . We enjoy pret'inns lights in the I * til'* ii' States, ones to he found in lew ,?ther lauds, freedom of speech freedom of religion teven the right to follow any religion except statewot ship has been lost in' some foreign landsi/ the right to move freely from place to place, the right to I'llgtlgc III inc wvii|iii< iuii ui ;uui choice. the light'to start your own business and take your own chanci's wo Americans are so used to those and alitor principles that we soldoih give a thought. Hut there's an opportunity this month to pause and remember- the above considerations For Congress has set Sunday. May IS. aside as ! Citizenship Recognition Day, in rec ognitlon of the 2.500.000 young men and women who have reached the estate of American citizenship during the past year. Posts of the American I-eglon throughout the country and many other groups and Individuals will cooperate in giving this occasion its hill meaning. And not JnfU the 21-ycar-otde should celebrate tfttelr cltizetishlp at that time. In the midst of a trou bled world, all Americans, young and old. can profit, by re-dedicating - t v:. " " ? ? 1 ' - -V v ,* 1 ?? ? Here end There . . * Haywood ?. IA Bob) I had promised Byron Keetet if dam and daughter, j to the Band ir?ui Wednesday morning, aa I wanted to ice the boys and gifts oil on their trip to Richmond. And pi'omptly at 6:JO A. M. my_ phono rang, find a few nnnutes later we were at'the station mingling with a floppy. j? / citi'.td crowd of mo-, i.ri... ',ithorsi sons and daughters, waiting lor. the train to arrive . . ttyrph ivith Vt'jv fancy plaid sport ~oat aii". a.iinonlzing trousers was j. err * j. . i ; 11 y Urtssed than any iVjh' j! .Joy in >he th.oy'g ... . . Mayoi 3 Them isson was on Jiaivj ir t,.\ : j It.ie Chin lie Wili-ilmt ' >o ..rush in evidtn.ee the day hell ro present \o bid the hometown . s and lassies oft dn thein V irgi)ua t-;p Aubrey Mauney brought us wife to board the train for Winston-Salem to attend the State Womans Club meeting. Au brcy had forgotten about the band' trip and was expecting to find the station almost deserted, came clad n work clothes, he was- dressed, down as mucly as Keeter was up . Charlie "Tnomasson volunteered as newsbutch for the >t,rip. Me enlisted Keeter as his first l^eutem int. and both had white coats to wear when they served the young musicians cold drinks. 41 cases of ;old drinks were loaded in the bagjage car to keep off thirst, making almost a thousand drinks to be sold by newsbutch Xhoniasson Cap:ain Meek Ormand's duties were" twofold, first he was down to see lis wife off and second he told the :onductcr, who was an old railroad 'riend of his to take special care of those boys and girls because they were tne best music players in the whole world . the railroad folks v.i fe mighty considerate of the KOung folks, instead of having the ioys and girls walk way down to '.he end of the train where the three special cars were coup?'.?d. they suited the train up so they could jet abord right in front of the staion ... from the expression on R. 2. Gold's face he looked as though le was going to have the best time >f anybody ... R'ght at the last minute newsbutchers Thomasson ind Keeter remembered they did tot have any chewing gum, so I -ushed up to C. J. Gault and Son's ;nd purchased a supply, so the boys and girls can not only drink but shew their way to' the capitol of i/irginia .... Supt. Barnes mingled h the crowd talking to his students Band Director Hendricks was he coolest and most collected man n the crowd ...... By special arangements with Newsbutch Thomisson, this issue of the Herald will >e distributed tomorrow morning to land members in the Hotel Murphy, opies are being rushed to him. so | hat those who made the trip can I tecp up with the news back home . . .the boys and girls were excited I md full of glee over the trip, but I hey arc getting to be veterans for rAvel and appearances, why they ;ven played for the President of the jnited States .... Manley Moorhead vas another person present In two :apacities, as a railroader and a ather All in all It was a happy iccasion and The Herald man was |lad that his phone rang at 6:30 A. A. so that he witnessed the departire of the fine group. When the rain pulled out, heading myth, my houghts turned back to a page ad vhlch appeared in The Herald aftir THAT Greensboro contest, which iald, ''Win, Lose or Draw" Kings fountain is for you,' and that Is the vay it still is. We know you will do 'our best and that's all that can be ixpected of anyone. P. S.?We have heard so much of he Political Election lately that I hought I would give you a rest ind not mention it here this time, ispeclally when we had something ileasant to write about like our 'RIZE WINNING BAND. henisolves to the meaning and lmicitanit' of American citizenship, nd to Ihefr rights and duties in his society of free and enterprisUg men and women. Citizenship Recognition Day be- i ongs to all Amoricaans. 1 Accidents look away the lives of >w uw> n? rmers in mis country ast year. CALL OR SEE KENNON BLANTON At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Representative in Kings Mountain Territory . . I in* kings heralp. t Graded Cabbage Pays Producers - - i- * i It Al.KlGIt Initial shipment*.of . North Carolina's 1S41 i'?bba|e crop j are expected May. 10 and 'If farm I ? ??? ? ??? ? ?v ?. ?. T. J *t?di mart t><- tivDD to approved gr? ' ding and marketing m?Uiodi*/V Mar- j t r> T. ISistcvti. fnti* and .VvkbU" itc'tint: spec iHltsi. of the s 'State Department of ..Agriculture,.] "|\i tltv pa at* three pea-diii* it * lias .t..i'1'tl i;?'?i-M:*;n.y U>V !|< r e|**t ineut to purchase a largo portion of the oiki'ly' c.ibijuH''.' liiip. ii i. ? ]? tt 'pigeon prevail and i!i* ojers will I , i ?p. i i* pack and ui ail*- tljclr crop I a (eh?mi. tiu; itiK ih'iikiau? ni.iv not i i'irtil tills tivtailllv lie uUlled | ' ilil'ArW. , tftdM l 1 !y Nltll'i I .'nil*:.*. . i tai'inr is luiy.'" not ioljowo.l mui Ki t- | l.htm. J iaetli e#: in .1 lie .past. In in; ciltic ' iii.i;.o ;' deniOinpy. ! ii\e-i<'oil tjtrttl thai lanii.-i.s imp*' "l * * 11; Trim laiihage su ;tis hot ^ to ' i have more thaw four wrapper leaves w.iji h do not enfold the head j ftiiily tight; (3) See thai heads uro ; not hursled. do not sow seed stems anil art* Creo fitnn decay, damage caused -by discoloration, disease or insects; (3) Grade so as. to show the minimum or minimum and maximum size of % lost, or identifv rhl* lnf fid Kiimll mpHJnm nr lneir? H HAL ROACH pmntt 5 FREDRIC MARCH VIRGINIA lib*#": Chapter One tasking in the early morning >si the v. v.?rJ, 'but your grant:daughter - she'.t it^mg it for tilt'1 1 ! 'J'hac ?h?*i, jvu t she touka of ???? ? she'd rather give ! *> ". v.' to .mcio Its?.! IiAlil'1 .*, hundeen jda away from .?. a ht;!r .urtmony was place. Ore.' \*?? familial4 to ?hi (. iijuo'3 of the Nautilus but vurtUt' iiiVij KtnrtlAH nnv 1 iti.uiv li':v? < obtain i rs siowers. should . attempt to sog' 11-sate the ?liv<. .t'oiijallitrs. lui ia; base -bsvr mil been., slaihlnidir.ei eHid a- tt i e - tilt in [lily. ..types havi > n ti.seil. liifltiil'im the l.'i Jmslu* hill pet. huh f.utl tel. Ciate. ail pome .viie hu'i il ei.iti and ilia hold from all to 100 pounds In 'tile curly cabbage [ ; Oth y im ai* .i of Kastcm Xorlh (*.?: :il(tiu ;ip pt iviiuati !y [mi .icii'.i are plnilli'li iiV .:ni/io\iai.i'. ely l'iiti hires lest than lie ] ' card < riips'-uf 2.-00 acre! aef <:& in' i;i'.s_ and t Hailro;|d crossing iecldenl's hi)1 ed over 2 000 _people lit the United States last year. Drivers Who did not have the right-of-way killed :;.0o0 persoils in the United States in 1940. Nearly 4.0ti0 persons were killed while "Jaywalking" In this country last yean. Equipped with dry clothing, rub>ing her wet hair with ? a toivol, roan was hearing for the hunIredth time her grandfather's plainive lecture. Why was she so ungrateful? Why keep trying to" run iway from him? Wasn't he giving ler every comfort, every luxury? "Yes, you feed and clothe me," irgued Joan, "but am I permitted :o have any friends of my own? So! Can't you see I only want an >PPortunity to live,iny own life ? )o as I please ? accomplish somo:liisg In the world ? even if it's :riv:ng a truck or singing In a Vight club ? anything but being in idle ninny!" He relented a little. "Look, Joan, ['m called to London for a few lays. I'll put you in charge of the joat ? do anything you like, take i little trip to Nice or anywhere (fou choose ? only promise me yen ivon't leave the boat except in cac* jf an emergency." Joan's eyes lighted up with a ji eat idea. "Okay, Gramps. I promise." e A few hours later Mr. Butterfield took off in his private seaplane, leaving Joan in undisputed com Irl Mt Idly tithing. mand of the Nautilus. She lost no time In summoning the captain. "How are we fixed for fuel, Captain V' rAU tank a full up. Miss." "Good. Let's get ready for a nice little trip. We're going to New York." "But ? but Miss Butterfleld. your grandfather won't like it!" "You heard what he said ? take a little trip ? anywhere I like. We're going to New York!" "But ? but Mies Butterfleld! That means crossing the Atlantic!" "Don't let that worry you," said Joan airily. "It's much better since they fixed It up!" Orders were orders, and Captain Jackson was not the man to disobey them. The Nautilus was well equipped for a long rpn. and without more ado the Captain gave the oraer to weign ancnor ana headeJ for the Western Hemisphere. But he found time, (without bothering to tell Joan about it) to send a wireloss message to a certain I.on bank whore it wo>iVl reaoh \ir. Butterfleld. And within twenty-lour hours after his granddaughter had started on her run-away trip across the ocean, the old gentleman b-.oaed passage on a fast liner to iNcw York. (To bo just to pick up your 58?tell us what you ler or Supper, and we ome in a hurry. Try us. GROCERY We Deliver -V *v '' ' ... ! JUST HUMANS t , ' 0 .'.>^> 7 >' 4t -. J L ? u ? He's a Guard i School Closings. Add More Danger To Traffic The release of several hundred thousand active boys and girls upon North Carolina streets and high ways as a result of the closing of the public schools poses a serious safety problem for parents and mo torists, Konald Hncutt, director of the .Highway Safety Division, stated this week. "A good-motto for motorists to adopt at this season of the }ear is School's out ? watch, out,' the safe ty director said. And a suggestion for parents is this: If you want your child ton to play in a safe place >ou should provide an attractive place where th.ey can play*>at home. Hocutt pointed out that even in ot diuaxy times there are great potentialities for tragedy when throngs of carefree, energetic and often thoughtless children are re- j leased from school for the summer vacation period, but that these dan gers are greatly increased at a time such as the present, when traffic fatalities in this state are running nearly 50 percent above last year and the general tempo of life and; traffic is greatly stepped up He suggested that parents can help avert child traffic fatalities by (!) providing attractive places for children to play away from traffic, (2) discouraging children from visP ROTE CT ION FOR Y Valuable documents, ante policies, bonds, _1 1 _ - - 1 _ !_ ueeas, jeweiry ana snv< should be kept in a sal posit box to safegua gainst fire and theft. Our fire and theft proo affords the utmost of ] tion. Safety Deposit available at low rental. First Nati 2 PERCENT PAID ON ?. , o ? subscrib The I ' ' $1. < . > '. ' ' > * By r.ENC CARW ?^ ^ "f' f r f-if' ' ' W ? ;*' <: '. ? ' uNp >J iSsSSm (1f- IW ' ~ii i r. w '4,? f . ' . ' " ": ' '' V, * ? My Eve He Is!" ' . _____ -> v itlng playmates out of their imm? date neighborhood unless their parents or some oldbr person can provide them with a ride or walk with them, (3) not sending children away from home on unnecessary errands, and (4) helping children develop safe habits of walking, playing, skating ' and cycling. Motorists can. help, he added, by* "* *" (1) keeping a sharp eye on children who are walking, running,, play inn ball, skating or riding bicveles iii or adjacent to tlm street or roadway. (2) trying to anticipate sud den movements of children, and (3> being prepared to sitop quickly in the event of-such movements. , - . More people are killed in traffic accidents on Sunday than on any , other day. A FINE GIFT FOR - /'*>-/7 SOMF -U1UL r*<2r "(3 ONE \-A SUBSCRIPTION / i xToTHlS NEWSPAPER OUR VALUABLES.. . A ^ insur ^ erware y'"-' i V. #*" ii onal Bank [ SAVINGS ACCOUNTS L ' ". .' - . , .- . . . v* * ' ". ', . ' i 1 to %f herald * * 1 > SO a Year to . .