t *' *". '" '"' '*. ." ' *' ' ... ;v ? ' , ': . . . .' V ' . ' . . :'7 ' ' ' ' " . ' ' , ' / V " :< SOCIAL AND PERSONA1 ? V . . v . " V ' ' V S , . -V* * .. Honored j .vi.-. . iioid d- i^nifuHy ( flltt'llUM J... ill...IX til ll-V .SUJilllt) . School t-|. mi l.i.-i saitf'd . ill'jt ill .?. i''t-c!'' J.\ o'rlin i 'I iuilOl s houtu ii?k i?ii?- nl Oil* ni' iiiln. : .-, .Mrs iluiclii On:-.-tu.. iiM-i- .1 ,'!n 1 i. j . Cvvcr.s 'Vi'ii- 5;ii'l 10! Miw . Hur?l Mrs. t'li^nm. ilii.- -11 tut01 .Mi-. \V J j. ri-.iwK.ru. .IU^IMKI- 01 Mi-' <'04 tins, AUsst- A Quit;' Uiiln'iis. Mary MiOill l-'iiu 11 v ('at pi.-'Ki 1 Milclnh W'illiiiifii-. iMisy l.nvi, lilt-.-. Niii'i 1'oif. Helen l.tii;.ili ulnl Mis. Uwrgi W'omiuk. ii-at'!i.ji- nl ili?- fliiss^. Tilt*. t:iblC* hail a beautifpl howd vtl colorful iuix.nl ,iluwcis for a center, piece and at either eud were crystal candlesticks holding lighted tapers Appropriate plucecUrds marked the place of each guest and a miniature britlc and groom stood at the hottoree's place.. The tempting three-course dinuet was served by Miss Georgia Nuntz of Mt. Holly, Mrs. L). U. Littlejclui and Miss Fanny Little john. Mt"|s. Cogghns was presented 0! py-rex double boiler by the class. Carrom was played throughout the evening. Meeting Of Junior Wflflians Club Z' Mrs. Hilly Mauuey and Mrs Ja\cob Cooper were hostesses at the regular meeting of the Juniot -Womatts Club he,hi in the loutyte of the Club Monthly evening. . / . The room was arranged with spring flowers. Miss Kay Mauuey. the president, presided over tile business session after which bridge was played. Mrs John' Caveny scored high, receiving an attractive- tropliy. Delicious strawberry short cake and lee tea was served. MOTHERS DAY Without Flowers Is Not Y' ^ " L HAPPENINGS PHONES 10 R AND 8$ *+ ++ + < %<..: | Methodist Circles Meet Tliv Circles of tlif Mi*?-ion.tKy So r riot? of tViitial Me:|ioilist I'lum-h * mot wiili the follow i?? hostvsvi i: C.litJe No. i, Mr , < '. .v. (futvftli I. an.-1 ill the linmc of Ml'-. Wi'ay ' \V;Hi.Uii? on Moiniav i111 ? ri ! I i ||- \. O. O. Jiieuson ' on Monday. Modern lighting for the 'tiurt'h ! auditorium, which was the major project, sponsored Jjy llie Circle tor tin1- year, has about been comploled. ? s Hostess At Buffet "Supper ( Miss Doris Phifer entertained a number of her friends at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ('amp bell Phifer on Gold street at a bufI fet supper recently.-^ Guost.s pnepent Included Sara Staines, Jeanne Griffin. Carolyn Me il>anlvl. 'Frances Hoffman Mary Anue Grouse. Avis Mae Warlick, Francos White. H. T. Wright, David Neill, jl^nry and Chak'les Noisier, Charles Warlick. Jr . Jinimb- Black, Otis Falls, Jr., and Smyre Willia'ms, : JrMarriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Q^ffnry of Ktng.s Mountain announce the marriage of their1 (laughter Hosalee Beatrice to Samuel Lisclundro of Baltimore, Md.. on Nov. j'4!'lP40. The couple arc now at home at 3615 Woodbine Ave.. Baltimore, Md ., D:..j.t. * ?' oum.ii announcement Bonr to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Milclu'tn. a daughter, l.iiula Kllen, Friday. May 2. 1941. Personals Mrs. I silly Mauney visited her mo ! titer in Hickory this week. I ?o? j Mrs. Jiles. Cornweil and babv Ua'yc arrived home troin City liospi till, Gustouia. ?o? Mrs. Glenn Freeman. 110? Mlks O/adle Kiser, spent/- the week-end .with Mr. Fri.-'-inen in. Salisbury. ?o?Mis Jean Ware, hostess on the ' "Southerner" hits been on a visit at iter home in Kings Mountain. ?o? Miss Martha Frances McGill was a guest of friends at Cleveland during the past week-end. ?o? . fi' and Mrs. Jacob Mauney of A&beville jpent Tuesday with Mr. asd Mrs. S. A. Mauney. o? . ^ Mrs. John Mitchem has been con !' fined to Jier bed for the past week by sickness. j- Mr. Hilton Ruth. manager of ' Relk's. was a business visitor in K: Oti* X 7t4tmx?t 9$ Om T'J?+t* Pi* n O No ft?d Tipi Quick Action ' Low Coil SiftfU Transaction No L?i?( foot No RimwiIi Loan Association i Sec'y-T r??s. ^-^jk 1 I - > r ^ * v ;.^.t "V s ^ - * 4" '* * * * THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HKRAU> FV UIVILIN MRS A H. PATTERSON. -:-K*+w+t++,n,+t+ ! fr+++<*+vM . i i in riot \* TiK'xltiy. . All- U II. P.irto:: ..'1 \1i.- si, I i a P.I I Ion ,ur liUMh'o- \ i-itoiii- ill | l.inli I'oiir .this xVfk. : ' -" ' ;l Mi' K A? (Iiliititi! !i who ivOulll{'iilinit uiV i>;iint ( !( iiiuninl I Ji it" wit! If, ; .1: ,Mri l.i-ri ljl> Ml Hillllii-. \ .it v ?Oyl ... "... M- . I.A rtl i-l.- . .!:? \\ . k | Alainn y loii yi'*t,"i v,fiiiliiin tin; ' tt'fk \Utli i'1'latlvos in Kious Monn : lain I - "* ? U - ; f M. S. .Will, CasWiT of (lit; first National Bank. l?t't yesterday for t'Uiehuist toattend tin* State Bankers ('onv.i ntioh. . . ?o? Mr. and Mis. " flayne Blackmer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neislor and friends of the lutter Couple {torn New York City are spending (he week at Myrtle Beach. /-j ??? / Mr. and Mrs. Bright Hatterree and James anil. Jcaii Hatterree, vis! ited Margaret Hatterree, student at W.-'C. -II. N. C. in (Ireensboro Sunday. ?-o ? Mr. Fred * Plonk ir- on a bushiest trip to Detroit.* Mich., enroute he attended the Kentucky J)erby. Mrs. Plonk is visiting her. sister-.in For, est City. s . " , ' ' ??? . ' ( Mesd iues Aubrov Mauttey. E, W. "T.riffin and I*. I. 1 fen son left yesterday morning to attend the State Convolution of Woman't*. Clubs in Winston-Salem. x ?o? Mr and Mrs. Bryan Hord, Mary Beth and Joe Hord. and Hetty Lynch, left Wednesday morning for liichmond to attend the Band Contest. The return trip will be made through the Shanahdoith -Valley. - - * ?o? Miss Virgie Blackwell and son. Bobby, were week-eel guests of Mr. and Mrs.'J. D Montgomery of f!rover. .'Mrs. Montgomery before marriage was Miss Margie Blackwell. ?o? ?' Bit tie Miss Joan Wright sitf'ered a bad cut 011 her leg as I lie results of being struck-by a ear, ncan: !) '? iiohii* Monday evening. Her many I Mill*, frioiwlu (vlcl. !. , - " " i .* reeovery.' ?o? Mrs. Joe Noisier, M F F i;"x! or and Mis. ('. K. Xei?H*r sv.-t. aj mong those going -to Itirlimnii.l this . They will also visit tli?* par< l(ts of -Mrs. Noisier and Mrs Finder while away. * . ?o? Those visiting at tile home of Mo. I f?v p. son. were served IMPmmiSmmmrnm MiyWHiaU being undenour. flirt! ithrdct! school pupil* Tip* 0 llnlll ilic.'t rt.<;t|,t,.ntK " received the hivtfiesl value of food per person per .liaiiv fxtrwi of five . til to oral t< lid ' t'Ani'HhW- Kot tti.it 1>- 1* rtiv Ai.iih.oi final cadi I.i.v on li> avei.i '? of ihO y.c:it''H . dh'ti it,HItoil. . \Xpt ?i 'ft hi'il :>/ i vi ; -.is" a honlj'.f 'jf lii.iii food snr-|il hi' dl)f|.ili^ : . : he :i 'it 11 . i:i?i.-il to 11J < I >* j i :o 'ft,ill ill. 'i'Oi'iHioiin; tin .r j 1 i. ir1 and add tit if. their, i i-irnliir I'l.ital {.iQii-tr. 1 ileitis i' iMluccd In L' M'Os.? ijiO'i^fit y. I liii-tiitiiiHim- aiy in;i|l< fn acviial Nin th .< '.i i ntiiVa I'omrnii chics solely ; . lie.- lie -!uiu;j"plait \i!nreb> r.tii'ij.i.iit. t radii- I belt' htuuips at local sliiies for ceiUllti ile^ipriii!ed ;ut-i1 lcs xvlri'ti imik.iuc their regular purtiases. Lunch romps and most counties ol" the state are served j from warehouses in the community supplied. from area storerooms twice each month. O.tlrload quantities of various classes of fpoin\mrfed, with 1939. Totul gross income from North Carolina lc>. $ lai-t year was estimated at $15,262,000 compared with $1S.S25.-too in 1939. at d of ihe total gross income $7.*it0'ioo re p rec$mk ed casli income trout --ales with $7,592.0011 representing li e v'lue of hoiiic consumption. \\'e; son reported that 2e*.?.00t) . sows w<-m- farrowed in North Carolina' | I..st year compared Willi 223,000 in 11 ! :??. that, from (Uo 1940 furrowinps. 1-277.000 pigs wui-e sav o ?i>) c-w <-?^b) y^ MY , <%V W*,' ~ ^ HOBBY ,?jAv? #?)* * -<*f box fjl^^t*)) f *'" ^i My Hobby Bo* ron?ai?w W jy?f>. yi j.Ar \j IS Inctions from II famcxi' Hot- ' . -...; /ySr^''\ / f V'^~jLv7* trtt << [? inr)Swotth'i ,x? I .vjc Moth? It A .W) c""Y ft ^ fw ' . f If'- ' 1 ) l( ^ _H-?TylC- J - -^--^ } 4 u ojro to appreciate this !# j ^ '-' \j rrfoai pjci JQ?. Delight Mother with these Unusual Candies . . . sc r . beaulifu'ly decorated for Mothers' Day. There is just the Tiqht puchaQc. Make your selection now. - ' : ) , ^Mnc/A// 'c't f/foj 1 f U N ti S I) A \.J C A N D 1 E S ' Kings Mountain Drug Co. The Itexall Store . v v'Hm It's the Sensational New%%~ j nORCE with exclusive NIGHT-WATCB J ftmh Nor?c has the new NIGHT-WATCH AUTOMATIC wmch iili?naiicil!|r ddrusts the freezer * j ? "> nig.bt to gwe fiw tuorc cold at less DEFROSTfefi *??t every day. _l?i??^| Nofge has other trdujue fear*ret, too? f tfcown h 1441 1 Sealed Freezer for tasteless ice cubes, 1 o? ! . \