* . To Long Victo Mountain Conquer* SheH>y , The Kings Mount*!ii High School oaatlnuivi their march last Friday hjr'uoviiut down Coach Casey Morris' Shclli)' bti>?/by the score of 7 to 4. During tlia fir.it three innings Shelby led the Mountaineers by the score >f 3 to 0 and it looked as ! if the. locals wore headed for a down Kail until they made 5 runs In the Gth limine and 11 in the 6th' to pass Shelby ant sew tip the game. Chafloi. "Dotty" Ballard. pitched wwllcit "hall allowing only four! hits aiii.l striking out i:* Shelby batthen. Rl.elity used throe pitchers bitfore tin? iilaik was slowed, down in Ijte ii uipiug. Jauie.. i; iiiit.'i, s .1 c!'n_iov. fielder i Was til" gun i's. Iljc Inc.Is witjl | . * .trip! . siKglc. while .John I Ciecii :"..- i fill' . pclii" ! Iiltt stalled'' il' ' !' ..Marie. lliv "fith inning. Cien.i i. . i! lilt ; for :: I-I'ips r?) the II v. \vh'l V\' 111: t? I. , ciinttcc : ted ll1 .. si. Ir* 1 'ia c- at Ikit. , . | Hard .. , lllfd .11; k pat rii.k : obtain.-' j ' ' ; .-'Oil ' 111 . - ill's f,,. \jV;; o id 7.y j f'- : ;5?d,ring > each. . , ft?arii '>: : R H E Shelby ; . I 4 1 .' uirianen! g :ujc over Mooi'es bpyo u il'iVf.'i flight. April oOtli. i. lilt li .1. School.; Park, by .11!v of ii ^?i iiitivor gpi '.i> hit Motuteslioro ' V l; lipids, Urtivt j'iiii'iiit. struct, out 21.melt? and tti i'li.t-M and. Ktiiiy. Moorosuoro piti i.iiiiu.il tint'.- men. together, lirovt i see/. .1 i run in the first niiiiiigi lwo in the, third, two in the < liflh. out- in the seventh. Moo res t Horn set wed olio "lilU in lliu sixth. l and lour in the eighth Advancement in touritanient: lit round' Grover 4,' Pal 1st on 3. i i leven innings. : " t 2nd round: Grovei 2. Lattlmorc, 1 ' twelve innings. . Season summary Played twelve \ games, won twt-lve games; Aver- I age of five runs to opponents one; r Team batting average .350. i Credit is to be given Humpy Hey ti uolds, captain of tlie basketball ] team, for pitching three splendid tournament games and "the many s games pitched in the regular season. There is little doubt that - Ids 1 pitching such ball gave Grovei the- < trophy. s The American la g: >:i presented j the trophy to Captain ttuford. Hum-1 pliries who graduates thy? year with a fine aliiletis, record Ins amniy will be missed. The final tournament ganu was ; ilie last .to be played under the. di- j ~ i-cciion of Coach Hong who Is ieav- , lug. i KiilciJth M;iy t-. -Tin- I'' l!il los I J commission today .st-i tor hearings.. v I'l-cr applications <>1 bus ami truck | I'lic* for Kranchisi " p Get.- for ftiMfiiig im June 9 wore pplications of lln- Great Southern'', Trucking cop.pan; Vol i'riMichlscs to r ha til. .fruiglu o\i tlm . lollowinu routes: I'lfai loiic to High' Point via Monrosviil.' S'nti-svUle. Mock?- ; ,'ilh . Winston-- S.ilr.u unci Groi n.-- y, houo; and from Charbii to to As ho- ., villo via liolmoiii. Gastoltia. Ito-sv-mrr City. .Kings Mountain. Shelby! l-'.f.ij-t City, S|)lud:ilo. Itllthclfoi'dton 'and I londersonv ille., 1 s v v .Mars Mill. May H. .-Mans Mill college is expected to receive upproxi- t rriately $25,000 from the wills of the s l ite Mr. and Airs. J B. Bridges of $ Catawba, it was disclosed That week f - ... d PERSONAL I j Joe ? all ii forjivan! I don't j, blame you for getting mad at , my baking. But everything's going to be O. K. from now on. I'll bake you a different cake t every day, if you want tne to. Because with Kumford Baking a , Powder I ran.use any good recipe. . .. f don't have to worry about the different quail- ' tities required by sjierial types * of link fug powder. With Hum- c ford I just use the amount the v recipe caHaifor ? and 1 not pec- j j, foct. results every tiiiie. Hotter flavor, rieliCBonist. and moister j . enlttib.'' t k?tnc- Stick and fcoe! fRtt. Send for H'? booklet, t rontaitiitig do/ens of bright ; id<-a< t > improve vour linking. I Address: llujeford Unking lVvdia". I5n\ K Itutnfurd, ltliodo I?land. . I ____________J \ . . . ? PRESCRIPTION SERVICE W'c Fill any Doctors' ( Prescription promptly [ and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your phy- \ sician. t KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. | THE REXALL STORE 1 We Call For And Deliver Phone* 41?81 , ?< it' it 1 Washington Snapshots . a... . ; ^ ^ . \ ? . " ' . "Til 4 Cont'd front front page) ivaucnits in that a policy, buzz a* round .them 1 ik?? flies around _ a jam rliink they aren't so lioring 1 hen they are expressed in a size j hat fits tile average man's pocketmok. I 'or instance, before I he defense .ihetjireiicy iir i>y tj.et.ihjQ motor vehicles, it is inevitable that accident shall oceui- so long as large nurn bus of bicycle riders wantonly disicgurd all traffic regulations and continually disdain nil rules of safe riding;. Ht liter I ltoiiald llocutt. director of the Highway Safety Division. Ittcyele riders have been allowed too lone to ride unregulated on our streets and highways. They must he taught that they cannot continue to ride where they please and us they please. For their own safety. bicyrle rlners must he taught to obey traff 11 reghlntions, and must learn that, like operators of motor vehicles, they most aclept some responsibilities along with their privilegfc of using the streets anr high*-r PR TEI l '*. r p. ' y. <' '' ' ' ; ' ' ' CTICBSEt : ' ; itors?The New Arm, ?y?w?hp r> he new army on wheels 235-mile trek from Fc :tol." of Chevrolet 4x4' movement. Major-Gi ttom of the photo. The communicate with e\ truck, above, carries a The Fourth, moving i Within a few minutes made the trip in 10 ized units completed a days before motorizati ways. r . > In this connection, Hocutt poitrT- t d out that tlte State Motov Vthicle ' Act classes bicycles as vehicles and I rnaltes bicycle riders subject to all general traffic regulations and drlv ( ing rules which apply ,to automolilles except those which 'could not < possibly apply to bicycles, such as * the tio-mlle. maximum speed law. ^ "Education for bicycle riders who i e SAVE WIT Nice Tender KREEN BEANS, 3 pouud ! SUNK 1ST LEMONS ? Dozen Fresh Ripe STRAWBERRIES ? 2 q Colored Fancy FRYERSper pound WHEATIES Two Boxes C. J. Gaii Phone 225 * \ . _ -'.Jti-r ' i INI ,EPHC 167 j - * * ' "* ' ' "i ,>- v ' ' ' ' . . 0 V:' y on Wheels 59H H^ j* I \ I jpF H irt Benning, Ga., on a practice mass rneral Lloyd R. .Fredendall could rery part of the vast encafnpmcnt. n three columns, each 45 miles long, hours as compared with nearly 10 ion?. r y i* i vlll take it, and enforcement for hose who will not be education, Is he answer' to our bicycle accident noblein, deealed- Hocutt. Copies of the State law relating o bicycles, safety rules for bicyclo iders, and a 'model" bicycle ordi- . , lance for municipalities may be ob allied upon request from the Highway Safety Division office fn Raligh. H GAULT ' v ' " ?' N s. .' . r s 25c 19c uarts 35c 25c " . 22c lit & Son We Deliver NG 1 i*- . ' 5? , )JNE i t . <* . .. .. ' . '