1/. **; V ;V' rW'v. _ >. . , . SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ofINTE Hostess To Bridge Club j ,MrB. Joe N? fsltT \V;lS llOlilt'HH t?? members of liv.r bridal: club and | \additional guesta at Ik i home on Jork Uoad Tn? sdny nflernuoii. IvOvcIy ro s lroin Mr - X'-UUet'u garden were used ia iU rot adou. Those jdayitu; iiielncVl tamVs lluyilo. Mat-situ r. 10 A. Smith. I.ndd . ,-flaiurtck, r-adgetJL?. K i?. Kinger, I CSbarlt'K Dillitiu. Hauler X;-:. leu and ; the hostess A tempting salad course -with aceossorles vvus served after the game, Birth Announcement tf. ' ?? *' ?ii. uuu airs. i-.rne.st Mayes announce the l>iiHi of a daughter, !{ becca Blair, at their lioiuo 011 East I King Street on last Thursday morning. HOT I SPECIALS Milk Fed FRYKRS, lb , LDC Fresh String AP BEANS, 3 lbs ZDC Fancy 4 Q j Lemons, doz. I Ob New Red Bliss IRISH POTATOES * . 1 10 pounds 27c WE ARE PROUD ? Tto announce that we have been awarded a GRADE A Market by the State Health De partment. . ' " ' . C. J. Gault & Son Phone 225 We Deliver 7i& >. ONLY LIFETIME Pons (Id matched with FlNELINf graduate and you'll li' for the rest of his life. Shea Kings Mount The Rexml ?? >'_ ' :'. ' ?'? ..:* .-.v . ' . ?- - V . / r - . . . '.' I ,' . -- r.7. r" Ir-gg.:L^v~ $'*3 . V: . ,V ' * 1 T] HAPPENINGS REST fo \ PHONES 10 R AND 88 * *<* + *++++ Meeting Of Vela Sargeant Circle Ateuilic.ijs i>f iliu Vera Surgcum Circle yT tin- Firtsi Huptist. CJiumIi tti'if cuteitainbil at the Utilise 01 \i: Miich.cU WlHluwii on Sooiiav,! i ; vyi'h Ml*f Wiiun.ius awl ! M-a 1'antiv ('ar|u uti-r uu hostesses. ' M i:um-iu> Matins hud charge xt ?h study on 'HulMiik* '* of ; ilOirtU." Mr-.. J I- Head, Mm. D* M /.rid Jes ;r il Mrs. I till I laker, took i IWt i? the iJiu<>u*-$lonK A salad course with aVt-i ssyrie.t J was served" Klithlei-n lncinbeis! Wt'rt pia-.-ciit. ,. j Attend Meeting Of Press Association Miss Polly Goforth. daughter . oi Mrs. Kdith Goforth of this place and student at Flora MacDunald College attended the spring meeting of the North Carolina Press Association, held in Winston-Salem last week. Miss tiofortli who is a member of the graduating class at Flora MacDonald, served as vice-president of the PresB Association. Senior Womans Club To Meet All members of the Senior Womans Club are urged to be present Friday afternoon at -3;3u for a very important business meeting." Reports on llie Stale Convention tit Winston Salem will be given also. Hostesses for the u fieri toon arc ^tesdameiv ,L>. F. Xual, J I" .XdrrIvoldl. .1. c. Hackey. Celebrates Ninth Birthday I itfrvoy Hlye Hanirick entertained torty of lils young friends at the ho pie of his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. I...dd .Hamrtck, on last Friday after noon 'fho party was given it: celebration of thfc young host's ninth birthday anniversary. '' The young people were entertained witli games and afterward JNinjoyed cutting the birthday- cake.' in which, were found cltartns bearing their fortunes. Dixie cups and miniature wagons filled with mints were served. llarvey was the recipient of a number of gifts. Hostess Dessert-Bridge Party ^ Mrs. George ilouser most delight fully entertained a number of 'friends at a dessert-bridge parly on Wednesday ai'Ui?uooi>,- The living room was adorned Wltu roses and sweet peas and the! hall ami dining room were effectively ar^ ranged with roses and vcouies^/*"^ Tables were arranged for eight, tables of bridge and two tables of rook. , ? . In bridge, Mrs, Charles Dtlllng received prize for high score and Mrs. Bill llamseur for low score with Mrs. Ladd Hamrick winning the traveling prize. Mrs. J. E. Anthony received high score prize in rook. ' ^I jHtv a Mafchftd 5?l, (1.91 ?p. P?u, $1.75 tp. Panclb, 51.00 ?p.' JMCH a graduate on hi3 sarocr with THE tools led to apply his education' ry day- SHEAFFER'S, the eritified by the White Dot), : Pencils. Give these to a /o M his mind (and heart) FFEKS ' ' , ain Drug Co. I Store . i . ' ' ? . i. ; .. 5 . i ; v. . ? ^'uni Cia#> 1 "" ' " ' HE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD VOMEN MRS- A. H. PATTERSON, + + > ++< ! +< '>*+?+++ > +++*+ Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers- . OfHevrs - lyr .the coin ih v, veat- of lire American Heriun AO.vit.i it y wore . ley.:txJ in a reeent inoetini; itt; Ills l.i :ie ot Mrs. Jambs S; Wave. .Mrs J .id .id IMiiter sorted as -joint . hoai- l < Fourteen taeinb rs Were pros* ' :il .ciil tf:c follow iii* officers were fleeted: President, Mrs I'utll Maun * \ iee ) :' -ideal, MrjS I. ,K. Maun-, ey. Socrelarv and Tn-e'irir, Mrs. James S. Ware. Cha'plUin, Sirs: K N. Italrd, and Historian. Mrs. I'ride ; Uatterree. Menthols voted to send a ij'irl t? C'.i.l Slate alid W> ask Hie ' I.ions rial, to also send one The two girls are to be selected by Aiueri laiiism Committee and School Officials. .... The Auxiliary decided to bring gifts to the- next meeting to be given to disabled veterans in the Fayetteville .Hospital Following the. business session delightiVil refreshments wflere served. Mrs. Ware's countrv home was beautifully decorated with summer flowers. Celebrates Mothers Day The descendants of Mr * Joe C'row i met at the cemetery .Sunday lo'celei brute Mothers Day. and later went. to the buttlegrdnnd Seven children]' Were* presold: "jolin. Will. lack and .lake. Mrs. Nancy Jane lle.vsor. Mrs latum JoneV, Mr*. Mar^arctt Jones./ In all there were IT! descendant'*! present. Mr? Ciow was- . *' " * Sheer Dresses to suit tin Dotted Swiss, Lawn, Po* Dimity?Also Eyelet and Sizes 12 to 11 i 2.1 * Linen and P. K. Hats to < 7 I A % Hu^e Table Prints, Solid i 1 1 L/C Special buy of Plaid, Sol ?Also big assortment of 19c lx>ts of new patterns in 1 rics for Summer ? Pott Muslin, and Chambray. j 39c. All the Sheeting you w 6c y BEL REMEMBER ? You . - > " i'- SY ' ' * ~ ; V '' THURSDAY. MAY 15. 1M1. S. C\. spent the week-end with Her a blater. Mrs. M L. Plonk. I3 ?o?Mis* Ituby (lurrage lias returned from it visit with her parents in t< Charlottesville, Va. * X . ? o? \ Ma. Prank Rtroupo, forhier repi-' a dent, of Kings Mountain is .visiting here this week. --Or - g Miss Maty Prances Herd of the e Chef-ryvllle Svhoul fat uity ^is a', tl home tof iter Summer vacation. ir ?O? Mi lstotiatd 11 in.sift*l< r and friends' spent Rir Hern don ' and sons. P-Hito and A fieri. have returned iioin a 1 i-hinV It i|? to-Hake lllckpry j lift and Mr. I i' Sinntiters of S Charlotte were guests of Mr. and I Mrs. A II I'atteison Sundsiy. Mr. and Mrs. Allen .Herntlon attdjl baby of Knnnupolls visited relativ-|H es iik Kings Monutain during the'I week-end. Miss . KHa Harmon attend'd Me- | until ui nuipnur springs ciuuoh Sunday and spent the week-end in Shelby with her neice. , f *?-o?? S. Lee Patterson and daughters of Hock Hill, S. CU and Miss Kuth Patterson of Liueolnton were visitors in Kings Mountain Sunday. Miss Mary Julia Pollock, student at Woinqns College U. N. C. Greens boro, spent the week-end with her parents. ?o? Lawrence Pall tick,' sou of Key. atni Mis! P. I). Patrick, of Davidson Colleeo is spending several days at home Messrs Hilton. Until and Haywood K Lynch motored to C,rover .Tuesday night- where Mr. Lyirch' made it talk to the, (trover Parent-Teacher Association. ?o? Mrs. J. F. Parsley. Mrs. Joe Kiddle and Miss -Maggie Ferguson of Crovydrfs Crwk were visitors Tuesday of Mrs. Minnie H. Crawford, ?o? Miss Cora Herndon who is connected with the. Stale Department of Agriculture in Kaleigh will spend Thursday night with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Herndon?o? Mrs. Chas. M. Kii-her, Jr., of Mlami.. Kla., has been on a visit at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Gamble and oth? r relatives. ?o Mrs. R. T. .Hasty and children. Prances and Tom Hasty, of Charlotte, spent the week-end with Mr. IALS ) m Week 1 Chambray and P. K. Fast colors. Size 12-52. )8 6 most fastidious people, svder Puff Muslin, and 1 Solid P. K.. AH colors. / 98 complete the ensemble? 98 s, Sheers and Gingham v*7_ id and Stripe Chambray Prints and Sheers? yd. the most enjoyable fab- . ed Swiss, Powder Puff \ll colors? yard ant, 40 inches wide? ard K'S Always Save at BELK*S ' ' . - '. *. ' k's'- - ..r- "': nd Mrs. J. R. RobortB on North 'ledulout Avenue. . V ?fv? The Rebecca Htble Class will enerthin' with a picnic party for the iaUKhlers of Wesley at Central [ethodist Church Saturday cvetiine I 8 00 f. M. ? o? . Mrs. .1. (i Arthur had a* her uest Tuesday-Mrs. J Wrlpht l'ow II of North Wilkesboro. Mrs. Ar ' Itir -Hul Mrs Powell spent the day j i :t'liui'4f>lte. .' ' i T Mrs ;.l, v tta es i'.i M s .1 11 i thur w ere Rtieat - at a v hrhll-e ; irty given py Mis Paul Whhvs iter home in (tetonlu', AW dnc-sday (Cont'd on hack pane) j SUMME SPEC Helen Curtis Regular IN Nu Pad Oil Permanent Shelene Oil Permanent Du Art Permanent Shelton'g Oil of Tulip \V< Henri Laz%air Permanen Duchess Permanent Empress Permanent Nestle Aristocrat Per hi a Shelton Cream \V ve ?Prices Reduced On A1 Shampoo and Finger Wa Manicure Tr-ade Checks Acce PHENIX SHO lN ' > '/ ' &# / .- ; v A. In ,o.T J/fj&& poinl tn4 V llfljfi' e? 'OSB. T Sitet 32' H y" Tf FRUIT of the LOOM ^'figur RAYON SA A Contour-ourvod and trua to that's tha story of Hiasa dainty, divinaly ComfortoLU famous Fruit of tt?o Loom. No ao bulging, no binding, no I thfry'ra "figuritadl'j ? OAAAMTWr If * ? Pr*n of H.0 ictiiUctio* ? m< r?tum W r? u< i or ri'unf of Nk Bur fin h orico , Belk's D( ' < . . *' < 4 * 11 -Ai ? - . W ... v " V . : . f-- 11 'VL->. - _ -ji* . i i jj: ll-'.'-f.-' . --c?;v I BEAUTY S1I01?I?KUS Dcn't delay! You'll want to be tf\ _'j uto the smart new Car# Nome 5?:K#*i Purie Kit, It's fitted witK a d? 3# ^ ccneMe of Cara Nome Perluftf# t,ntJ m . Acquaintance Package of Ca*. ? Nv Face ^Powder ? all lor only ft**c ? V * ^ 75 value! For V limited tuer ( f: un today at 'y?x r- 'M kings Mountain Dm? ('&. ! wii y RTIME 1ALS i manent $1.30 $2.00 $2 Jit!f 1 : ' . $3.00 >od Permanent $3-50* t $4.00 $4.50 i $5.00 . ncnt $5.50 $fi,M I Machineless Waves? ive 5vurn BEAUTY PPE 1 >?* ! I m H r^;:* ?' : S I $ ?,WV 'zed" ' j J,N SLIP$' J ' We "odern, iS $1.00 f-oom pf 'Pt. | ?t- ' " I ?* * /< ,' .< ' ; .* . . .