J|' " y. Church A Central Methodist Church H. C. Spnukle. Jr., Paator A. M Church School, H. S. I".wrler. 0-.n.e*al, Superintendent. JI;0O A. ,M Morning Worship. ..Tenaon: The Unearned Increment .i'ASO 1*. M. Spworth I?eauues. "At* 1'. M. Kveping Service, . fcrmuii' The Power of Christ. Mo ad a > 3 P M Spiritual Life cVrnup Monday 3:30 P. M. Woman's So-Xj of Christian Service. Aonduy 7 P M. Hoy Scouts and is i Scouts Wednesday 7.30 ,I*. M. i'mycr ygeetiOK . LUTHERAN CHURCH liortn'an (i. Visiter." Pastor Sunday Sch >ol at !i:15 A. M. "opt Mr, l> i' Mannoy 'The. Serrk'o at 11 - } > A. M . ' , Ity1.the 'pastor. -Junior ( ltild/a u of tin- Cli'tirch, at < .if-;,., j? M ? v* i i . .u * . In*_.?* i/jiji/'t. lvi>n^i)L> u: -iv y.' _: . . piwf- Vf -.i?- A T V. My . iVjV V; ?. V ..." ? :( .fr?. Va>xjjf. * ft' . ' ">" ?' Yoal'* ' iVo!.,.4< '..ui I n roll i i'i * r.:i' *Y i-V M SrliOoi, Mr. (*. ^ ' Tiiyi.I.ui V*or? . f"!? l| . ti 'A M. M tti .\Voi>jiip. . ij| i 1 "v. r^ t < '.?a Di-fruit delivered prh o inchtt t*s" />'?:< nr. but nut tr*?nip<*riittioh *--,?* .',i/i:?>?i * f*7t:..7 On. - >**/./ ?*V fiuo'iJ'.-r fvT/.ia. f. jcci su/?;< ROWLAND BR< 24 N. Railrc Don't be .! by Pad Dodge DeLuxe Prices DELUXE COUPE DELUXE 2-DOOR SE DELUXE 4-DOOR SE] We Also Will Dc PLYMOUTH COUPE PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR Special equipment at si Sales Tax. Send Us Your Quilts and 25c 5 for Called For i > > . Kings Mount 101 Cleveland Avenue I TJ ews? Sermon subject: The Longing To Keel Sale. 3:3o P. M. Sunday School at Dixon School House. Mr.' J. G. Darracott. Superintendent. 7 P. M. Voung People's Vespers, 8:0'! P. M. Kvcniug Worship. Subject: The Great Supper. Monday 7 I*. M. Hoy Scouts. Troop 1. Mr. t'arl Davidson, Scoutmaster; Messrs Harrj Page and Hill Thomson. Asst. Scoutmasters. Tuesday 7:3o P. M. Prayer Muet| lug at Margruce Community House. Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church A. N itaird. Minister. ' ll> :0ft A M Hlble School, Jf, K liamlile. General Superiutepdcnt. II :"o a. M Morning Worship and St rmo. . I<V>. Uussell Kerr. I* M Junior Chvitslan tin' ion: I .in'dor Mis- Kiizabeth An'boity ' 7: t". p. M -Intermediate christian j I'nioc. 7 1 . P-:.'M W.mig People's Christ iitu" t . . m. Mrs. M. A. Wart! will l ie ?t St te ''mid recount tlie! \ I,u? :.w* ? t ! ' v - ' :iil I v M. . , I ' _.'l 1-2v< hb'ig \y'Uf?'lit|? and [ U'- V. ItHMtell KlMT. - I I M,. ... ' .V \l in???> Alivsandvf Cir I' V v J: ).! i \V, I* Kiiltou: I.i'iiiicr jliis. < :uo I'll IfeV> . , M SXi'vi-iison ("ir i 1 A M. (iari'i.son: l.tmtli.*!* I _.mi-. iy y Uuitei'Voc. xj&: :'& les nil Federal t. : a ar.ci nil ntnndurU, ntutn ot d focal t.ixa (/' any). Front md iv h;( . iv.ill :ir\ i shgh t c\tr/1 cost vrtr.i i'tv; ./i.r i'1 'tj*o xienfor lor easy >ct to wjrs?(Jc<r notice. | )S. MOTOR CO. ad Avenue Mislead Ided Prices in Kings [Mountain are: $920.00 DAN $975.00 DAN ? $1015.00 liver To You Our AT $780.00 SEDAN $834.00 SEDAN $875.00 ight extra cost nlus "N. C. ' 1 Blankets each $1.00 . and Delivered - - - ' .. v. . . - . . _ > tain Laundry * } Phone 270 IB KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. 8:00 P. M. Mary Kennedy Circle with Mrs. J E Gamble: Leader, Mrs N. K. MoQIU. Wednesday 8:00 P. M. Prayer Meeting led! by Rev. P. D. Patrick. First Baptist Church [ A. G. Bargeant. Pastor BAPTIST qHURCJl Lord's Day Worship "Service 11:00 Klchartl W. Iford. recently home front the Baptist Bible Institute of New prleaus, La., will bring the morning message. Sunday School 9:40. The Sunday School Offering together1 with last Sunday's amount will he sent to the Baptist Hospital at Winston-Salem. There will be no night service. Gleaners Class will meet at " the. home of Mrs. David Hanlrlek with Mrs. fcarl Tate as Joint hostess. Sat 0i-day afternoon' 3:00 o:cloek. All members are urged to attend. GRACE METHOD 1ST S. \V. Johnson. Pastor ? 9:45 Church School. Frank Green Superintendent. 11:00 Morning Worship and Sermon. i'>:','.0 Epwortli I.eagues - 7:30 Evening Worship and Sermon..-.'.".. . Wednesday .,7:30 l'raycr Service, i'ark-Crace Bible Church Joint I.. Gregory. f'u3tor Sunday School 9:15 A. Al. Morning Worship 11 A~. M 7:09 1'. M". Evening Services Sunday evening Service 7:00.'- < Eacli Saturday 7:90 P. y evangelistic service. Wesley an Methodist II. 1.. Phillip!); Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Morning Service 11:00. \V. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 0:15. Prayer Service Wednesday 1:00 Evening Service 7:00. v Second Baptist Church UdV- C -C. Parker, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. n? aud 7:30 p. m -nch Sunda . Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastor Sunday School 9.45. M. II. Caldwell, Supt. | Morning Worship 11:00. Evening Worship 7:00. Prayer service Wednesday even lug 7:00. . " ; ] worship with us. All. are welcomed to come and NEGRO NEWS (By Jessie G. Coatner) ] tm4>4>44>44>44i?4t'?4>44.?4"i"?4t Mrs.t Lelia Jackson. 45. died on Tuesday. Muy 6, 1941, at her homo iu tlie Compact community. She was the widow of the late Mr. Tom Jackson. Mrs. Jackson was burn ia York. S. C.. and came to . this com| inanity about 3d' years ago and had XvcU lj.'re isince that Mtime. She | was one of tire founders of St. Paul i Methodist Church and was a member of that church at the time of her death. Site was a member of i}ae Woman's Society of Christian Service. She was a good citizen and a good neighbor. Funeral servigts wore held Friday May 9, at St. Paul >lethodist Church with the Rev. B. F. Cleaves o( Maxton, N. C., and the Rev. G. W Patterson, pastor, officiating. Interment was in the A. M. E. Zlon cemetery at Kings Mountain. Surviving pre: two daughters, Miss Fearlene Jackson and M I,. Maudine Roberts, oue son, Mr. Thomas Jackson, Jr., of the Compact community, one niece. Mrs. Eunice J, Shadd of High Point aud three grandchildren, aud mauy relatives and friends. , Mr. Dock Meeks and daughter,' Mtss Lizzie Meeks of York, S. C., visited Miss Fearlene Jacksou last Sunday. Mr. C. W.-Costlier of GastoiHa and Mr. James L. Broome of Hickory were visitors in Kings Mountain Monday. Mrs. Geneva Carroll of Tracy Street has been ill for several days A dedtcatorial service was held at the Ebenezer Baptist Church last Sunday. The principal speaker was the Rev. E. E. Gregg, pastor of Third Street Presbyterian Church. Gastonla. , Four of the .Davidson High School girls took part in a track meet held at Tuskegee Institute, Tuialcegee, Ala., Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week. The girls participating were: Edna Mae Roberta, Dorothy Byers, Evelyn Brown and Nina Wilson. Mr. Jerry Cassell of Compact la sick, but improving. | Master Elbert Roberts, Jr., and his tittle brother Harold,. of the Compact community are leaving this week for High Point where ttfby will spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Shadd. Consumer demand for farm products will continue to Improve In the remainder if 1941 under the rtlmulns of rising employment and eortsumer incomes, says the U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Econmlcs. | THURSDAY. MAY It, 1941. Washington Snapshots (Cout'd from front page) men and machines in them cau pre uuce are still being consulted. The receut development is pari of an interesting story which be glus in 1919. In that year, the Unit ed States made plans for uny future emergency which culled for indus< trial mobilization. As part of that plan, government officials made continuing surveysol some -0,001) major factories, to' find out what defense goods they could turn out on short notice Lust summer, however, it became apparent to some that in these days of mechanized warfare, the -O.OOt factories alone could not do the whole Job. So the question arose ol what to do about getting more pro durtive facilities. Government agents could not dc do the job. They did not have e hough industrial experts to canvass thousands of * additional plants They did not feet tl)ul quest iomiaii rs sent liito these plants would pro , duco results, because manufacturers already were getting questionI nnire. alter questionnaire from tin .govt i ttntet'.t. So the National Association ot I Manufacturers 'and some I'D. nation ' Of. stale and loe.il ntaiiiifaer'tii'ei-s' associations aflilinud In the Nation at Council decided to do the job. Alter tt necessarily long period in whit it all. government agencies were eoltshllptl about the lnforina tion they aright want. and creat'oll til' ilte machinery necessary to hat: die the hitetitoiy, the job was begun. And now the findings .have been tuviied-.over to government officials In brief, this survey has covered 'in less than five mouths iS.QO'2 industrial plants. A great majority ol these are not included in-the 20,000 CALL OR SEE KENNON BLANTON At Terminal Ser. SlatiLn % , ' v-. ' . / . ' , PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' I Representative in Kings Mountain Territory I \ 1 '. . !!. '" tjVr-T^g5 J I,l*>(jjaa ^ I fUmmmm ? ? mm ? ? ? ? ?m T^When the 29,000,0( recently from the asset time record for the ii 29,000,000 units built I agement and all beari name that has become known trade-marks in It is significant that comes at a time whet making a mighty effort For to further that effo it along in any possib offered the vast faciliti Plant and every ounce c As you read this, a n Ford airplane engine pi last fall, is nearly com pi nesium alloy plant, one FOBS M , I I I ?? i I I???? ill I Hi, PLON surveyed by the government since 1 I!*]9. So that as of tbis moment, tbe t government* knows exactly what 1 some 38,000 plants around tbe na- I | tiou can pro duce, what machnes. < they have, how many employees. t This material not only is avail- 1 | able in Washington, but in tbe offices of the state and local organlza- ( ' tiohs which cooperated in the sur- j vey. It also has been turned over t to scores of federal agents through. Out the country who are placing gov , vernment contracts and looking for | ! sources of supply. [ i Washington officials feel that since the information was supplt?d voluntarily by men who know , their ?wn plants it menus first thati it is sound information, and second , that it Indicates a willingness to produce for defense. A mannfactur. er would hardly supply the iuforma 'ion without expecting that he i 1 might be culled upon to produce. .Such. Is the way of h free people. Congressmen, Incidentally. . are < still wafrlpg for demands for coon- j 'joniy.from back" home. They don't" m, # c fl?c low initial cost .of 1 v our Ho,ti\e Loans is only one of the' many adVanv. tages you Wave in dealing, with this local institution. Drop in and get the details of our simplified Home Loan Plan. ; Home Building & 1 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mmmmm mm mm mm mm i ; v.- ' ' ; ." *,:i ' / )Oth Ford rolled country, is already nbly line, an all- weight airplane < ndustry was set. is right now u by the same man-. $18,000,000 plai ng one name?a of big bomber a: one of the best- been filled for mil the world! types, including this achievement cars, staff cars an 1 our country is In the midst oft to re-arm swiftly. Defense, building rt, to help speed car is simply one le way, we have The public ha es of the Rouge Ford car as the fin< if our experience. Dealers are enjoy ew $21,000,000 and exDectinc the 7^7^ ' v i . ' v lant, suited only It is good to b eted. A new mag- America needs, ai of the few in the on the way! OTOB COMPANY K MOTOl , vant to vote the $3 1-2 billions la >ew taxes and also vote millions for non-defense Items which could >e cut. But so far, their constltu ;nts are silent. although they probibly won't be when next year's tax >IUs come due. - Meanwhile, they are appealing hrough Speaker Keytourn to the 'resident to take the lead/ In reduc tig nondefeuse expenditures. t LOANS No Delay Prompt Service Reasonable Rates ROWLAND BROS. . MOTOR CO. Dodjfe - Plymouth Sales and Service " . * ? ? ' ' - ' . OM<t Tcetuvej ofr Out Jtokn &{*n - - ' " ^ 4 ' ; ,. No Red Tape ? Quick Action Low Coit v Sinjle Transection No Later Fees No Renewals Loan Association "* 4' .v . ; t \ .' . ; . ' A record ' '' ' ' j ' r ' % - * never before approached! ? mm m. mm mm mm m, mm mm mmmm~ n 1 t in production on light* engine castings. Work nder way on a new | at for mass production isemblies. Orders have itary vehicles of several army reconnaissance d bomb service trucks. hi* activirv for Ma?inna I J *""**- I ; the 29 millionth Ford part of the day's work, s acclaimed the 1941 I :st in Ford history. Ford ing their greatest sales ir best year since 1937. | e producing the things id to be setting records [ I R. CO. ' ' ' ' .

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