? ' " "V*!*' ".ifesirp,ble Residential J.ot near Central School. Mrs. H. M. Houser. 5-15e FOR SALE: Five-room house at 808 Gold street. For information See Mrs. Bill Osborne. lip. .WANTED; A. small farm near Kings Mountain. (live location, description and price in first letter. Write Farm, c-o Herald. 5-22. LARGE STOCK LOGAN'S GEM Furniture Polls. Kings Mountain Furniture Co. ' 12 12tf ' REMEMBER ?On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana Splits for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. CALL OR SEE Kennon Blanton At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE No. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Representative in Itinera Mountain V?M ? VM Territory THE C.i aiv i' \ > , " ? | "'j:- | U~ ' ' . ' j ' -'' / i '.v.., .... :,-W - > '' 'v- \v;' ~*.T''VV' *- ?" * ' **. * T1 J. C. Carroll of tho Bethlehem section. Miss Vera Thornburg returned to Charlotte Sunday after spending sometime visiting relatives here and elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Noeley and dau. ^ ghter, Pearl, and .Mr. Wilson Crook of Haurinburg. N.. C., were week-end visitors here. 1 Misses Kdna Bridges and Geneva 1 [ Hell were rev cut Saturday night j guests of Miss Rubv Ware. * I ' Incubators '1 ak<; ()vcr Job Of 'Setting Hen* The old "Ko.t.tln't/ lieu" i* being | | lot: tit of busiijesr be allil'uial me5 thuds inula:" (Mi), j 249J ettt ^led "liieuhation " It " d< mm do s hotii uaturral hud ;n-tlfii:iul . j methods of incubation, atrd points | u\r, me uuyaiiUl^t'S Ul ill III ICIill 111'cnbatloit from tin*' standpoint of tiis." eusc anil parasite 'control, anil mass. | production. A Copy of tlii* circular nun bt ob* 1 tainci) free upon -reqpest to the 1 Agricultural RdUor, N. C.. State College, Raleigh. County farm ami home agents-also will have supplies of this publication. The text for the circular was pre ( pared by Prof. K. S. Dearstyne, head of the Sitato College Poultry Department, and C. P. parrish, T. T. Brown, and C. J. Maiipin. Ex tension poultry spc fiali.sts. The 12page publication is well illustrated. | In discussing the advantages and disadvantages Of the two. methods of incubation, the.. State ("olltpe pouttrymcn wrote.: '"While much has.been said, pro and con. about replacing stock by the use of setting lietts. there has ilot as yet been developed au artificial incubator that will hatch., a higher percent of fertile eggs than the hen.* .However, the chief disadvantages ' of this system lie. first in the fact that broody hens are not always available at the time they are desired: second, large numbers of eggs cannot usually be set at tlie same time; and third, the possibility of lice spreading front the. hen to the young chicks. Tlte publication puts stress on the use of suitable eggs for hatching purposes. "He Advertised" SOgyM^ae : SPRING OUT In your most comfortable shoes. Have them repaired, cleaned and polished at Foster's SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE Phone 154 r ' i JCY KIDS One C ' ' -v '- > k^-y-y,.,/^^..^ vl - . , ^.- . "x '. V- ' ; 7- i KE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. TH RAMBLING SKETCHES OF OAK GROVE NEWS (lly Mrs. William Wright) H"M>-t"C++++++++++**++++-t-+*<" ( Mr. Kdmond ltluuton of Fort Ben liiog, (la., was> the gu'esl of bis parL'tiis, Mr. and Mrs.' W. t\ 111a 11 ton | luring tins week-end.. , Mr. 'Buster Vliillips of Fort 1 Bragg was a visilor in tli?: tontnuu.i i ity over' the week-end.Mesdaures Annie Kilts and < J i-frnde 1 'tiTtsin n' awhile Sunday .ileriiooii at tile. ' bedski " of Alia. Mech wlm is a pa.tieut in the Shel 1? liosital. ; " Mrs. Annie lyilis and .loiili'ii 2?ere ri-i'i ut.' visiifir^ w?ih Mr.- and Mrs. Ude tiavis Of Shelby. 4? Misses < oil-ell Kills (Vsielle W'l ? kiltj Mis II. T Wiinln. ,M.iry-, \Vri ght ami Ivaey Anii...wo,." Sumipv Visitors Wllhvtlie writer" nut faniily Misses l'aulini- and ? Virginia tVure and Miss 1 >i-.!lu i'HllWOii spent Wednesday in Waco. Mr. and Mrs. .1 1> Chtfitipion and children spent, tin week-end Vjsiflltg wi'lli Mr. and Mrs M. 1. Thortltiurg of Patterson Alcove. Mr. and Mrs. Frank "Ware and family were Sunday guests of Mr. dill) VI I've \f Ittti/w. I " ... . ... ..(WUI1/V i^v?cio?.C . UIIU IUIU ily. of Patterson Grove. Clyde MeSwatn of . Dexingion, N. J., was a recent guest of his parnits. Mr. and Mrs. Klaiu McSwaiu. Mrs. J. B. Patterson and grandlaughter, Bettie I,our Williams of Patterson Grove .spent Wednesday with the former's daughter. Mrs. Horace Bell and children. Mrs. Bill Tuck of' Danville. Va., is spending some time here with liet' sister, Mrs. Edward lle'.l and NORTH CAROMNA. Cleveland County. In The Superior Court. John. Thomas Kennedy. Jr., Plaintiff - ' . ' vs. Margie Putnam Kennedy, i- Defendant. ' #* SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Tho above named defendant will take, notice that an action for divorce oil the grounds of two years separation lias been commenced in the Superior Court of Cleveland County, North Carolina; Said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear and ana- | wer. at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County in the Court House at Shelby. North Carolina, oil the 28ili day of May, ? or within the time thereafter allow-' ed by law. or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de- , manded in said complaint. This the 28th day of April, 1941. E. A. Houser. Jt. Clerk of Superior Court Herald B. Goforth, Attorney For Plaintiff. ?adv?may 22. |'| -ii- * <- * -y *^ .y.j..-. -j. I nAn** ^ | ^ HACK X f* > Monday drudgery is no lc thrifty housewife. She < work done cheaply and ; LAUNDRY. Laundry ? Dry Clean 10 - lbs. WEI Shirts Finis NEW-WAY Gastonia's Oldest, ] Branch Office 292-29* * ; Jno. R. Rankin, Pres. : "Send Your Dry Cleanini Phones 166 and 811 )f Those Warm Days. 1 i/II (in/)1.1 ii ? -J W > / " k'"W '7'-^ URSDAY. MAY 15. 1941. futility. * s Stokes Wright ieturnei^ to-', his ( home hero Thursday after being a patient in the Shelby hospital since .1 April 30 where he underwent , a very serious operation for append!- 1 litis. Mr. |>ow Putnam spent a whiljo visiting witli his punt. Miss Margaret Kentlriek of lltUTtUo Weilnes- t .lay morning. . Miss Keudrlek hits i been seriously, ill for the pijst few < Ja?. .... c NOTICE. OF SALE . 1 tinder and by* virtue of the power * of. sale e<>". '"ftTeil in a Deed of Trust * ; Iveo by" .1. C*. Ibldgtis find wife, S. K, llriih." s. otr the llllnd day of OC- * tolu.i. 1' as will appear on roc- ' u:d in th Regis! er of needs Ofliee 1 for Ots-.v ml i uur.i > i': Hook lllo f ' at pay 173 "to ni ior:? <1 and default bavins. been, nuidrt in tiro payment * of same jmd at the reithest of the Illinois (.1 . II r? IIO.U'.. SLOliri U ')> S.I 1(1 I Deed of- Trust, I will sell for cash ;it Tin; Courthouse' door iti Shelhy. (Tow-duiid County, North Carolina, on Monday, Julie 9tdi. 1941. at .10 A. M.. or within legal hotfra, the following described real estate: BEGINNING at a Spanish oak on the Bast side of the Charleston toad in Wyat't llarrill's line and runs with his lino N. 85% W. 45.78 poles to an iron stake; thence N. 4lie E. 12.72 poles to an iron stake; thence N: 85 1-4 W. 12.72 chains to an iron stake In L. Y. Putnam's line thence N. 5 E. 11.48 poles .to a stone; thence N. 72 E. 44 poles to a stake in the Charleston,road; thence with the said road N. 3 1-4 \V. 20 poles to a stake in said road; llience S. 16 E. 9.34 poles to a stake; thence with the. line of the Mount .Sinai Church. lot N'. 286Vi W. 32 poles to the place of BEGINNING, ' Containing 59 7-8th acres, mote or less This the 6th day of May, 1941. J. R. Davis, Trustee. ?adv?may 29. FAMOU8 FEATURES IN 2 BIG COMIC SECTIONS For fun and adventure turn to the big Comic Weekly "Puck" and the Comic Book, two great supplements in color. EVERY SUNDAY with the * BALTIMORE AMERICAN On.Sale at all Newsstands .j. .j.{. a y .-, .j..j. +4 - ' t v ash day work i?l t i i" curve in your bone :: inger necessary for the !an have her laundry well at NEW WAY ? ; ' > . . 1 ? i j* j? i i ? > mmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm ' 1 ? i ing ? Shoe Repairing r-WASH 49 lied 8c Extra 4 I LAUNDRY il Largest and Best 1 West Main Ave. Jas. W. Rankin, SecL ^ I17HL v t a K mm i our L>aun? i ii started in the . .Superior -Court fni J ,'leyeland County", l'or a divorso u(>>n statutory ennnuls and the dij Tjidnnt is required to add'ear before lie Clerk of tile, said t'ourf. at ?e I'ottl lltoUsi*" in _RU< rV.y. I .t. ; 'OUtlty, North. LuMlill.t; ' W ;-! i..' * Ktutj -day a ol'ti;l- t[|u if the dory too .of the juuhti-jJnt l?v > uibliiat ton "it:?.l aTnVwe:- tir *Mitr -.e he complaint of the i'f;'. id.iiVi1 ov to MahitilY will Middy, (?> .lit ! tj.ri e lie..relief d' fnai.iied ia ifce' t.o.n ildiu:. . . . 'this ilie -"itjt day Voti! li'-tt Mif.V Ha-trit-n.k. , Vsstsltant Clerti of ti Sh;a i Colirt Kor Cleveland t'eti-ni udv -may- l'2. ^GrlyhoV^l X l'.cit the " ' Raleigh W ?? I ? * i J J :';T; " ' ./jjfc '. ,? ? ,1. * / ,Ji f Builds Strong Muscles Produces Sound Teeth Makes Sturdy Bones Builds Blood Increases Energy Nourishes the Infant Repairs, Builds Cell Tissues Increases Resistance to Ailment (Due to Vitamin A, Archdale F< to l*hone 2405 By PI veR 7 Jano to M A I 1 u/AS oust I I 6o AN'l fov j ??^ Me on "^1 . : r? W -1'-' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICJ NQKTIl CAUOI.LNA, < LHVKI?ANJ> COUNTY. Having nuaiiiied as adiiitiuKlftAuer of tiio KhIuU) of \V. I). librae, it? (- -linod. I*U- of Clrvolajid 'aij.'i North ('artflliiil. this is '< oivifjf ill < IKisilim having uJ thorn to I Iks ii'id* rsiriu-U at (*" i:i* j' City. Noi'h Carolina, (ill or %*??{ >: << III*- KUli day of \|?nl. iftif, iii- jm?' if.*e. wjll |>* (ilt-adul ? . i :> oyi-ry All iw.i'Vwa* av >-l|. ' * -. :i! mail* jl" I n*i k < -vu'iK-ilKite l-'.'i y a I I'll: ' ! ii.'-.iy day ?i' Ai>rd s'" I'.- (II, . iionti-' AillViir?.'.'*c . !. \ iUHN W. i.faiVOOKftf J F - -* : I n :a N Jj.u-di"spri.| AvVnU$ Fi . li-cic n'.ifivt F*.f - * ' r, i l'i odyi* IS / i^nowfl 1nf Quality *.u MlifjflrtjQr^i.r-o A YbAF. rr------ . ?* * . " fj i yrmm s ^^lxiroTu.O W SJ S I g?tro Sov"fl I to ycur fiuorite v%uu r( ?go m m :r more fgn, for Wm m*ncv! f Rd.-Tnp 0?W VV?v K?1 T*m .10 $5.60 C^arloMe .55 $1.00 >5 $14.50 New Y. $8.15 $14.70 V1INAL SERVICE STATION Phone 10 CEEECB ? I I I mu milk | I dovs to themM f. I m Pv .' * V r i. V irms ^ iMMICA'l TABLE HOC .' '. *." % * * '. . V I '"' ' * > ? ERCY L. CROSBY Think rr\ ' rue DAY" .CAue 0FF I 06ft Cu CAR j lit k i |^n t . . ' . v J ' -* \ "A i