-I ' ' T ; '1 > 1 . . . . CALL OR SEE . Kennon Blanton At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS/ ' Representative in Kings Mountain Territory Imperial .." Kings Mountain, N TODAY ? T Double Feat HAL ROACH presents LMEL & HARPY Pe:cc**d Artist* Leon Errol C< ?1 FRIDAY and ! Double Fei MAIDENS'MON5TEKS! jSLIFjW MURDER! JKJ WjA BASH BATHBONE] HMB HUCH HERBERT M' nnnn mAU/rnnn uiini# um""iumu PBHf Serial ? 10c ai MONDAY and V ^ m| RKjjiil^^ v RnuVW ^ *y^H o 4 ' , ? , Comedy f| . " "k i I 1 1 ' Bycycle Acrid m ? ? . All encouraging reduction in fata uccta Mils involving bicyclo rider! hi North Carolna haa been reporter by tli'- Highway Safety lHvUlon which attribute* thu reduction ,!ai gely to Hliicter control anil i-gula tlon o( bicycle traffic in many ?i Everything from Soup to Nuts Til* "'OBllfh ChooM lW|?U two pOa'vdl ?"? f'*4 Mil/. When /'hi eat heary, irrujr. mine << rich foo| etomedi. You feel ?oor. 1I k -nd up*rt mi ctvt l'uctora ealr nrref lake a Ineilre fur. rfoukXrh pain. It U thn/eroui I'd f.-jJih It it ? , littl" black tablets railed lh*;i ao? f? r li.jigc?n<>? to tnaktf the en*tt tiorru h fluids harai?i?. relieve . 'fhtreM In no time and put yo?i bat* ?m y or fe^t. Ilellef ts ao qui -k It la *n: iclnr en J o'.* -'-e IMckaie prove* U. Ask for UnU-aoa fur 1* fife* Theatre . C.?Phone 134 \ HURSDAY ure Show 1 U'ny until IWlfi, torrificlujg n t< I - ' //" .; of ha/i/ii nets for u I lir. hn.,/n.,r r,^?u 7?el>ellj'om >medy?News Oc? SATURDAY iture Show Cartoon nd 15c TUESDAY if "(|^J?n| yJ ^MdjMid|^H^9L *iy .;? ^HV ./ -i^^VRFVM > BhHr v 0? ? '' V ? News id 15c ?./' ;. -/T." -:>">^-'>? < \ N\> '"\|Kt . . -. , |k ' ' ' THE KINGS lfOrNTAIN HKRA1JV TH ents Decreasing . I lies in the State. ? Tin- brighte! spot in the whole I traffic* accident picture for-1340, in i, fact, was the 'large reduction shown - in fatnliUeh and injuries yom mo tor vehicle-bicycle Collisions. luist i- year, 30 bicjcle riders were killed ] mid I'OS were injured in accidents in this stale. whcreaS **:>7 were killed' i id 25s injured in 1333. This wasi ni.mlv a 5ti percent reduction in hi-' cyile fatalities. Uiol the decrease -van particularly ivotewnrUu in view of the increased u-t> of bieyens uwd i tin upward t "ltd ot-all. other, type* of (raffle accidents. "liiat>iuuc|i as-a great majority of the. bicycles tie in cities and towns, we (eel' that* an lihport.O't tiictor be. Itlml (1 is tilhian'.*es ;l?*s{kii??1 to resniat>* and con' nil bicycle riders," sail Ronald li'.eutt,, director of the i .safety djvisiion "KoUi'teen' cities in I tin; state have compulsory. regis! tit "; loii of, bicycles, regulatory ordinances, *or both, .am! there- havando Randall and Miss Martha Ann Wilson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Wilson oi GaffueVi S. C. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Alexander and family and Mrs. J. \\Y Keller and cMtitaen spent Sunday with Mr. J. | W. Keller, who is a patient at the j Government Hospital in Columbia. | Mrs. Kb Whtsnant and daughter. Gwendolyn, of faldese. were the week-end .guests of Mrs. Maude Wil son. Miss Melba Keller spent Wednesday in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. D. ,H. Houser had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs; Gordon Beutty and children of (Dallas. Mrs. J. C. Lackey and daughter. Lillian, and Mrs. 11. B. Jones, spent Tuesday in Qastonia. Mrs. H. C, Jones had as her dinner guests Tuesday Miss Hazel Mc< {after and Mr. A^h'/ies MoCarten of Bethany.Mr. and Mrs. .Tames House 1 and little son, Michael, and Mrs I). II, J Houser spent Saturday- lu Dallas. Mrs. B. S. Peeler and Mrs. .Minnie McSaddlor spent Tuesday in Qastonia. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Parker had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Price and little sOtt of Gastonia. Seek Closer Contact With Educational Institutions ' A very real effort is being made by The National Park Service, as represented in this vicinity by the Kings Mountain National Military Park, to get In closer contact with the educational Institutions. As a stop In this direction two meetings have been scheduled, to be held In the Amphitheatre at the military park on Sunday afternoon .at 3:30 P. M. May 25 and June 1. Those meetings will be both pa inouc ana eaucauonai in tneme. ai each, a short talR will be given on the history of the Battle of Kings Mountain and the program of the movement to establish a . National Military Park at the site of this important battle. As a feature of these meetings. High School Paml Concerts will be rendered, the whole meeting lasting about an hour. Sunday, May 25, the Concert will be given by the High School Band of Oastonia, N. C,. Mr. I,. O. McCollum directing. Sunday, June 1, the Concert will DON'T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MOOMN WAV Wh?n you fool (uiy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowel*, do a* million* , do?take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning ? thorough, comfortable relief, helping you atart the day ftill of your normal energy and pap, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doetn't dliturb your night'* reet or Interfere with work the next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum lezathre, yaanalC It ta*te* good, tt*e handy end economical... a family supply coats only FEEN-A-MINT v.. ; [URKDAV. MAY 22. 1941 | be by the 111Kb School Hand of ? j Charlotte. Si. C.. directed by Mr.' U t 11 Sides. t It is expected large audidnrrM i will be oil baud to applaud the ef- I foils of the young musicians in i .lose- well-known High School t I'dimls. . , t NOTICE OF SALE CmU r uikI by virtue of the power ( o! sale*,'obtained in a Deed of Trust , j iihett by Calvin Howell and wife, Dela flowell'. (,- the undersigned, as j iMisiee for the - Kings .Mountain t | i'.ui tiling at.d i.d.iii Association, oil t.D- -t'th of Feb:uar},: i;i40. and regit it rC'ti"' tit the Utspster of .Deeds On ire fm C,lo\eland County in rtuof; 2JS2 at pug iddl. to seehre tlio j iii-l < i?t? dli.Qsg liie .'in mentioned a.uil ' tleialili hat.dig beeli made in the ' l .;' no nt of ettiie and at ilie re* ' | * e'i< -1 o. the K ttf-'s ,.\lout tain ltiiild* { ' ir and l.oitii Vs.WciilioU. 1 will sell ' ti ?-ii ~ li ill tin- court house door lit j - ii-i'iy, CICie'l.'.iol County. North | . -t'at-otjim. oh Monday, June ltitli. if-t.l. at- In A M or within, legal j hours, the. pillowing di scribed n al i estate: 'l . l-.TUs'T TijLVCT; Beginning at ;? post, .oak in. the Weaver line 'and , tilt.s witii il South ti East lJ.tlf | chain.- ' o." December, iftl4, es will iililii ar on record in the Register of Deeds Oft lee for Cleveland County in Dooly N'N'N, at page 257. SKCO.Vl) TRACT: Situated' in No. 4 Township. Cleveland County, N. ( arid pegiimitiK at an obi pine stump. Mettoi-. 'Howell's earner and runs thence with .Melton Howell's iine and Pink Hei'ndon's &. 48 \Y. 36.70 chains to a stone, Herndon's corner; thence S. 46 E. 2:5.30 chains to a stone; thence N. 40 E. 10.90 chains to a stone; thence N \V. 20.25 chains to a stake; "hence S. 8? E. 8 chains to a stake near P. O. thence N. 10 E. 4.66 chains to a stake; thence N. 46 W. 6.35 chains to the Beginning. containing 53.4 acres, more or less, and being a part of the 62 3i acreR tract of land [wake ur BUSINESS A By Advertising In I / This Newspaper ^ mrsmas* * I ffi - 'I HMK?. * -,w^ ^1 3 I H fc. H i ^%|L ;.; :' x^H k. ^Hk. fl V ^HriH vfl^H la? Hi H^H^H pp H ^B ^^ 1 . ^B III B B ^B ^Ba B H ' B B B B1 I II i Is I H . . 2M ' :m Itn HBMvAv Knr///JI ?? CLEVED PHon? 49 . , W|iAv . .;' . ^iijA'iliaVnivi riiittifl^ViY in i^jt Mas. SttMittMMMBttMitfSllfaiiSlHMiiiKtfHaj ohycyed by W. C. Mullcnder and vlfe to John. W. Howell by deed. da cd lttlh January. Ht07. as will ap >ear on recoVd ill llie Register of deeds tdlYieo ftp- Cleveland County n Hook WW, at page tal .and being he santc land conveyed by a will ?y John \V. Howell to Lizzie (Klizibetlu llowc|l ,as will appear oil ?>i/Ot (1 iu the '"ft-rk of tile Court's 'lTlei' for Cleveland County, oxieplug lioweve^,'acres this day sold ill" to 11 It Hi|niilcuti and L C. . htalliml bj deel as will appear <>n ecotnl. TJIilin TIlAt'T Menlnnitu', ..it a to:ie. I'ink ltvi tolon's corner in Cnl , in lUiWell's !i:u' and tuns t.hoili >vt\li II line. N 11'i'l'.o ei r> i si,ike i:i flu' middle of th.v led labia's \| 'i-tiroyiT audi lay ; ad; ,.U< Jll'l WllJI KU|(| I k..Ill rf IV, ;j.'. !Vi ' ro ; stake lii fink 11 : ;i Inn"-., li:;t . Itti'liro Willi Ill's ll ? S :7\j 17 7:' feel V;? til" I ' uni ii'ii: . <*;?, I 8?< i v. ii- 1-1 ?.| .in .km', :n e (ir e s., 1 lu-Mi)?' a. iirtrt of i i 'J'' hi.. Irai-l conveyed 'ay among all cars, i of price, for the t in the last elevei van L. C. Kn.-.laiul, l>y d?etl as wiTl pear on ri'oord. TIiIk the 19th day or May. IMa. J. (' . I^lrkey,. Trustee. .7, It.- I>avis. yitVjr. : 13. I PERSONAL - ' ".' John ? yotir wjfe hat tctincd the truth' SI H ft U -I out it'? ^1 t?)li V nil klliit* of r-a-r.o;. .( j',1 N'tlio . 'i 14-rt < t?\ r\o> ' i to'- ? .>? 1 *!?* t it'-vi-i j ' 1 _ ' ,'j ' V '' ' ' ' '' - ' I i v ' %" 1 iV *m 1 ?!*?>' K! V I I H 1 L.^v -- _j V-'M girls wiio want to GLYFAT I cream- an I rich past ties -p?> light oti white bread' ami |>ot.itoos. 4 . After l works wojph yiainrL j attain an?l just -co if yon Iiivi'rV Inst pounds of nply fat and pained that "kru-rlun Kridihn*' of preatet vivacity, more enemy and improved ! health that -n often accompany la reduction. ^ KEFl'SE IMITATIONS! Demand and pet only the penuine Kruschen I the famous lliiplidi formula) plain cr new efTervo?< cut, pleasant, spark linp. Bottle lasts 'V weeks and coatai .hut a trifle. Any-druggist . ? I Blankets I ' v: each ?1.00 1 nd Delivered ain Laundry Phone 270 hhhdh vj I hat 1 rg.tn Vr?f?fS i tURATlOH .. ! m:::\ ! ?a?... i '*? fC0?n?? i ..%/??! ff 1 igest-selling -just as it's B ALES n regardless H enfft time |B years pi fOR c?j|