Mai Th# Wrltf AM ay At Hum . VOL. M NO. 2ft State And N. Condensed In ?National New*? Jersey City. Julie X. -Blackened J rubble uiid heal- twisted steelwork held the secret today of the eause } of a 24 hqur fire that ravaged eight I blocks along the Jersey Oily wttterfroirt, but the police. Coast Guard and Federal Bureau of Investigation expressed belief thai It, infinitely ?Vas not sabotage. Klre Chief Frank Krtle, who estl-1 muted the damage-' at $25,000,000 . .'Ji told newsmen to -'put any- cabotage j idea out of your mind." adding that | the fire" could have started Irani a1 /, cjiivlessly.i'^.sfXd ?:igrae|Ui. , J. Edgar ,ltoover. -G1U chief, who' -iisu uisi-uunir" me sanonige posst-; biilty, said iu Omaha, Nob., that' Ihero wen' no national defense nia- i terfeb. destroyed, Vatican Otty. June 3.?Pope Pius ' XII. outlining his views on how the "fundamental- values'' of social and j economic. life, should share i.i "that' new order which the World expects | and hopes" will emerge from the | war. emphasized safeguarding of j the rights of the individual. * j la a Sunday radio broadcast corn- j roemorntiug the 50th anniversary of j Pope Leo XIII's social encyclical, | "Remm Novurum," the Pontiff said j he wished to give some further di-j rective moral principles" on the j three fundamental valilits: The use of material. goods, labor aud the i family. I He cautioned against too extgh-1 sive state interference in the rights I and duties of individuals and families and upheld -man's right to freedom In his physical, spiritual, religious and moral movements. Dublin, June 3.?Pour bombs which fell Saturday on neutral |Dub lin, leaving at least 30 and perhaps 61 dead, were of Herman origin, the Government of jpire declared today as it Instructed "its charge d' affair<es in Kerllu to protest and demand reparations. The known death toll stood at 30. but 31 other persons "Were miss ing and a formal announcement *ald that in all probability the final 4eafti - toll wll be 61, since little hope was held that any of the miss ing would be found alive. Uuinesville, June 'j.?A Hal eoun -y coroner's lurv found ilint 13 year old TT^J. Bennett, shot in sclf-defeuse whoti ho killed his stepfather Rex Roberts, 45. with a shotguu blast ere yesterday. ' It was the second sluying of similar nature in Georgia within the past few weeks. Recently Robert Messex. 14 year old boy was sentenced to life imprisonment for the Blaylng of his father. Bherlff A. W. Bell of Hall county said Roberts was shot while pursuing the boy during a family quarrel at the Roberts home one mile south of Flowery Branch. Atlanta, June 3.?Postman G. B. Murdock was fishing iu the Chattahoochee River when he sigted a<' giant snapping turtle. With a * yell he dropped his pole in the water, grabbed the monster'B tail. A more cautious companion ran and got a rifle, shot the quarry thrice thru the head. On a scale the huge turtle weigh od 71 pounds. Said Murdock, unahashed by loss of his tackle: "With enough soup to feed my wholo neighborhood what could 1 do with fish, anyway?" Laughing Arou With IRVIl He Was an Op By 1RV1N AN INSPECTOR of plants wher *"* stands sponsor for a story of t' at Edgcwood Arsenal, near Baltimo: a veteran worker. ' ' ftW T>OfttA yih ?r NgpM r "Doe* you know whut us perdu "Dynamite an' cannon-balls an' "Naw suhree! Us makes poiso watch out fur, 'cause sometimes it l<emme show you somethin'." He led the newcomer to a pil< iipHnVicd with chloride of ilm?. "S ' I dc*e." that's the way poison f stiffV * raM*I, don't yov "jit! yr.f *Tfi /'#: clear I* this res ?.;? ; * *ii bo fc*v' 'Good 'n\ S !Am.[.>.o New lii y. , - rijrifri.g&i" r ^fVf Kings L s_ ational News i Brief Form ?State. New"? Manteo. June 3.? A pluue report dlv exploded and fell into the stea off Kitty Iluwk yesterday l>ui sear cherts found no tracy of it. 1>. Walter Harris of Kll/ubell City said he-and several others sum .1 plane about three miles out him it .turned toward the shoi o sti ? seemed to crash, Then. he saiJ, tilcraft apparently exploded arid In : u\v the. 'wreckage oil waves bu finally losl sight of II. t'oa<i guurd.inen ami pin lies scop led .'lie aie* Jim nothing was found. Oieipisboro. June 3.-Degree; ,veri? awarded 383 si\ijin. loita' and Womalis College of the I'nivei ally of North Carolina enteiVd tut< lis 50J It your. dual messages were given tin. seniors Oov. |lrougliton. D." Hi den Itamsey, editor of tile Ashevilh titiser; Dr.: dank I', lira lam pro' ident of the Cnlvorsity; Dr. W. C Jackson, dean of. adininistrat ion - o the college, and Miss prances Dan 101 of. Wilson, reprcseiitaflvo of tin graduating class. Thomasville, June 3. -Paul Jack son of Thomasville was held todaj on charges of manslaughter, reekless driving, breaking and entering and receiving in conuection witl theft of merchandise front the Hud son Relk store here and'-, a subse quent chase'by officers. * Officers Charles Barnes and W H. Lashle.v said they spotted a hea vily loaded automobile early yestei day and while chasing it the fleeint ear turned over. They said T. Hoot evelt Carriclter of Thoraasvllic was fatally hurt. ' In addition to Jackson, the officer! arrested two others they Identified as Wiley D. Carrjcker and Williatr Carrtcker, Jr., aud charged then with breaking and entering. lar ceny aud receiving. Local Girl Graduates From W. C. U. N. C. Gronnubffrb, Jou??a.-^-Miss Virgin!; Plctak. dattgher of Mr. aud Mrs It, fc,. Plonk of Kings Mountain ^rradupted from thej Woman's .Col lege of the University of North Cat ollna on June 2, with an A. R. do grce in grammar grade educating Miss Plonk, a member of tni Aleutian society, was a member o the Y. W- C. A. during all foui years. She >was a member of th: Speaker's Club and the Yuuug Hen ocrats Club in her Junior and sou ior years: In lteb senior year, Mis Plonk was a member of the Intel Faith Council and the Eduoatloi Club. She was a member of tin Lutheran Students Association al! four years and president in hei seuior year. Attend B. And L. Convention /Messrs A. H. Ptierson, Secretary and J. B. Thomasson. Director o the Home Building and Loan Abso elation, and J. C. Lackey, Secretary and J. C. Keller, Director of tin Kings Mountain Building and Loat Association, are attending the an nual meeting of the North Carotin; Building and Loan League which ii meeting jointly with the South Ca ollna Association at Myrtle Beach Attornoy and Mrs. J. R. Davis am daughter. Alda Jean, are^ittendln: the meeting. y - nd the World N S. COBB itimist Anvhow S. COBB e explosives wer? made or stored, wo colored men who were employed re. One was a newcomer, the other v? ?,%, ' ices here?" inquired the old-timer ? " began the novioe. n gas. An' that's what you got to . gns loose an' it travel* fast. . . . i of kitchen refuse which had been mell that there funny smell?" ran smells. An', boy, any time you Git goin' an' dont let anybody stop ervation. Or else when you wakes It Peter'1" PMtVKM, las) & ; Moun KINQS MOUNTAIN. N. C. TH i Miss Lottie G< 1 Building To | Be Remodeled .1. M. Thomasson Ik planning to v start extensive remodeling of hi* j. i! burf-oss "property on .Mountain w ! Slriict which will add greatly to u I i Kings Mountain as a trading center. ;l ; i The buildings now Occupied by the R W. King - Oarage and Ansell ,j > lleauty Sliopjge will be completely tj r rcniodel'.'d ami new fronts Installed t| < The two .finished buildings will he Sl c ;;?i by 10" feet.and will be modern N in every respect. ' Architectural plans- have 'already been received 5 and actutil cotVStl'UCtlo.U will begin j II . j about July first according to Mr. r | Titi>massail. Two ?toiv building pr I: > ; equal size will occupy tin.* space j now takoti up will! tin- "gurufee ami a : J beauty shop. ' The property which is located ( C within .half u block of I .he' new Post! i i office is very desirable and with1!' . the improvements to be suita j* f hie tenants should be sefcurcd quick' :> iy j Mr. Thomassou stated that he .V would make alterations , to suit the tenant, and if a renter desired the 1" entire spfcee he would change his r plans and have one large building (' instead of the fwo smaller ones. 1 NEILL HEADS SALE ! OF BONDS It S. N'eill. cashier of the First ^ . National Wank, has been appointed _ r chairman for Cleveland county to I , sell .Defense Savings Bonds. , The County Committee to serve < with Chairman Nelll follows: H. T. Led rand. W. B. Abernethy, Clyde , H. Hoey of Shelby, L B. Wilson ot j ^ I bawndale, Mrs. F. R. Summers and j ^ , Haywood B. Lynch. | g( , A- separate Committee has been j o) . appointed for the city, of Shelby j ,M The Committee under the direction ; ^ of Mr. Neill will promote the sale j p( of bonds and stamps In Kings Mouu j tain and Cleveland .County. j u C. H. Robertson of Greensboro is' g slate administrator of the Defense j Savings Staff. A joint meeting of I V I i > in.. . III l L.IJ .1 ... 1 mi? uomnmu is win ue ueiu ni wu 0 " early date to which an authority on I ' the bouds and the campaign' for * their sale will be present. The ap- u pointment or the two committees is f tc spread the cost of defense as j( widely as possible among the Aiuer . ican people and give tliem a sense p of direct participation in the fiuancing for national defense. , in announcing this new program (1 1 Henry Morgctitliau, Jr.. Secretary,' ( of the Treasury, said, "Defense Sav y lugs Bonds and Stamps give us all y ' a way lo take direct part in build- | ' ing the defense of our Country ? J ! an American Way to find the billions needed for National Defense -C| r The United States is today as it has g( always been, the best investment in Q the world. This is an opportunity c| ! for each citizen to buy a share In h j America." tl SCHOOL TAX J RATE SET c j The Cleveland county board of Q cpmmiissloners Monday afternoon C approved the budget for the Kings G Mountain school districts which F will leave the 1941-42 school tax w rate for Kings MountatiT at 27 cents C on each $100 valuation. yHie action was taken during a * / ^Session devoted to discussion of f the 1941-42 Midget tor the county School appropriations are only a part 01 tnc Duugei allocations. ana i (he remainder of the budget-making i will not be completed for several < days. In approving the Kings Mountain schools district's budgets and setting the school tax rates, the eoin-i j mlssioners merely okayed formally j the .proposed spending plan of; 5 Kings Mountain school board as re-! C1 quired by law. . b; Ttie {Kings Mountain district p school tax. rate figures will be: Capital outlay, 20 cents; debt service, five cents; teachers retire ment. two cents; debt service was reduced by two cents and the tea- I chev retirement figure was added. ^ CHARLOTTE TEACHER TO SPEAK HERE a] Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock d Mr. T. M. Oglublan, teacher of the n Men's Bible Class of Westminister B Preribyterlan Church of Charlotte. * will bring the message to Men's Bi- 5 ble Class of First Presbyterian ^ Church. ' g He is a native of Aremnia. Prac- n tlcally all of his people suffered d death of martyrs because of their C loyalty to Christ and His Church. * Ho has a great testimony for his * Master. The public is cordially Invited > " i i triiHf'" rr tain fi UR&OAY, JUNE ^ 5, 1941 oforth Leave: Juion Service f)?te of llio splendid features of hristiau worship Is (lie Union Sor-j let * each summer Kings .Mountain until tjKitins tliiv co-operative O.rsliip with a great deal of pleusre One of the fine evidences of it's biding value and. place in the reli ions life of the city is the fact iat( two montns shall be devoted to te union services this su in titer ' ra- ( ler tilaTi olte as heretofore The lic'liMe i?i>r' llie summer union sor ices is as follows: .ruin Rev. U. tj. -Kislior at eyri Memorial A. 11.; P. July-fit Rev l{. N ItuiI'd aV Kirs', apt 1st. : - '. V .Inly lit: Rev. II. v. Spfin'klc. Sr. I St Matthews laitfcernn. July 21: 7<ev I'. >1/ 1 atrick nl cnlral Methodist.. Jul 57: Ret. A. Saruennl at. la ayfe.i jiip. .\iu. it: Rev. 11 Sprinkle, Sr. . 11 iv.T .Me^-Oilal. A. H. P. A>.4 l't. Rev. It. X Llaird al 'St [a'ltew-' lAlthiran Au,:. 17:. Rev. 1'. 1) Patrick al lr?! l)alUisl. Aug. 24 ^ Rev. a: (; Sitrgeatu- . at antral Methodist. Ana. ill: Rev. II. (1 Fisher at 1 resbytpfian. 10 Seniors To iere Friday Ni| Honorable Clyde R. Hoey, inline-1 ate past Governor of North Curo-j tia. will be the c.ommeiirement leaker Friday night as the results f a last minute change In the pro am. according to Supt. U. N. arti'is. Mr. John A. Lang, slate dictor of the National Youth Admin in who had (been scheduled'I > speak was called to Chicago up! Parties in making the announRiieiit of the change said, "We are ery fortunate iu securing such an utstuiiding speaker as Governor looy, and we are deeply grateful to irn for accepting to pinch-hit for s at the Inst minute." Supi. Barnes received .the follow ig telegram from Mr. Bang which ecessitated the change in speak: rs: "National NYA Office has just irected me to attend NYA meeting i Chicago June 7. I decplv negro' lis order will prevent my making our commencement address on une 6. Will be glad to assist iti searing another speaker." John A. ,ang, State NYA Administrator of . C. Seventy boys and girls will re-, aive diplomas, which will be pre-| sated by iD. M. Bridges, Principal, letty wPe^-TJelsler will present the' lass gift and B. N. Barnes will ave charge of the presentation of, te medals. The list of graduates and officers t tbe graduating class of 1941 fol ws: harles Leonard AIV kinder imn Julio* Alexander eorga William Allan, Jr. harlea Eugene Ballard ordon Stanford Barnette ona Franoea Bobtoltt ( ladge Horton Boyd lyde Junlorua Bridges * f ' ' . ,n Will Rogers' Humorous Story I I I I I I I B I II Bj WILL ROGERS i n ??rsri n . _ _ ? * a - vruiuoo one 01 cne worst mings you can have wrong with you is eeplessncss. A guy that can't sleep cts to worrying so much about it fiat he really can't sleetf sure nough. Lots of times he starts out y being kept awake by somebody's arty or something like that, and lien they get the idea they can't :eep, and so they can't. Wall, there's a lot of fun in not [eepiag, because a lot of jokes are tade about it One man that had ot the Ida* he couldnt sleep had ame sleeping medicine prescribed ?r him by ths doctor. About eleven 'clack that night hs called up the 6c and said. "Say, that druggist int got the sleeping medicine to m yet! Thafs a great kind of a ruggist to send a prescription tot larvt yon hurry him up? I'm half sleep, and I don't think I cav <?t.,y wake much longer waiting lor uch a poke." tswiraa Nin F??tur*i. (as. Tti *1 I I- hi' ' it in "na - . Ifiii v. 4. * * *.. lerald s Estate For H is Announced'; -. I ( 1/ " 4? . - I ' MAYOR THOMSON PROCLAIMS | J' NEXT '#EEK FLAG WEEK Whetear. the pi rlod of .Kmc Sill! \ lo Mt'h lias been designated as j p KI/AI! WKKK hi tin- United States : < +"hu Association, durini; which time j tin- people of our great cotiuiri | will pay tribute to the Stars and St ripes of the I'Uited States, that p ytirbol of utilty, of liberty and jus- , tiee, mid ? . WllKllKAS, it i-. tittinir at thi< ;i iiiie. when ihe-wotld U iilied with it it rest dud Ittllucnue* .are worLdiy | to dost o> our Antoiieau ideals and iustltuiioua. thiit we should accept | the i lialleiii;e confronting our lie tiii./.r-iev 1, v 11 w,? |'itu^iir^ uur n UU1" it I It** (< io tin'' King of mir.'Nation. I NOW. TIlV.iiKRiKK.. as Mayn't \ .of the City of Rings Mountain Nov 1 ( tli Carolina, I .proclaim anil deslu-f | uate the m'Ci, of June ssii to Mill , as t'l.Ati UT.*K in this city. and -j call upon the citizens to itisplaa tli? r I'l.Atr of the (hilled plates in their . , homes unit their places of business s and an expression of' our firm belief in tluk indivisibility of our.coun j. try. as symbolized in the KIu?. ,j Witness; iny liar.d' ami tin; offiei- jj al seal ol the Town of Kings Mouif v tain, this 4th day of June, 1H41. i j, Joe H. Thomson. Mayor.. I |, i Graduate f. ?ht Commencement Speaker in ii v> it d * d h e d t< SI ,a. ' o I " V/ W A 11 Hon. Clyde R. Hoey who will address the graduating class here Friday ?ight. X I K Meek Anderson Carpenter 11 Frances Lavinia Crouse ^ James Joseph Dickey 'I Martha Sue Dover a Herron Howard Edens " Talmadgc Brooks Frederick Charles Jackson Gamble Clara Mae Gantt v Robert Eugene Gault '' John George, Jr. ( P James Claude Gibson Isaao Benjamin Goforth, "Jr. a Mae 8ue Goforth ll Ellerba VTtiaon Griffin. Jr. " Ruby Louise Hampton Dorothy Hametl Harmon Sara Elizabeth Herndon 1 Mary Ruth Hicks h Sara Mitchell Hord p Clara Belle Humphries Louise Jonas kathryn Jo Keeter 1 * Stokes 'Walter Keller 1 Martha Ann Kennedy Fanny Hord LlttleJohn Rilla Rachel McClain Robert Sydney McDanlel * Martha Juanita McSwain 1 Florlne Mackey Wanda Helen Maloney Beulah Nell Mauney ? Ernest Jacob Mauney t Miles Hoffman Mauney a Charles Herbert Mllrham Mildred ETizabeth Mitcham i Walter Manly Moorhead, Jr. * u Betty Lee Nelsler _ t Nancy Nickel* d Alex Denton Owen* a William Hoke Page ) Martha Virginia Parker i< Elizabeth Jaeger Patrick Delia Marie Peareon I Menzell Nevarre Phlfer / Rufus Qrler Plonk, Jr. ti Vivian lr*ne Prince t Wad* Hill Putnam, Jr. H*l*n Ramsey ,/; t Watson Bedford Ramsey t Rachael Gilbert 8mlth t Roy Edward Smith 11 Billy Freeman Throneburg v. Thurman Eugene Tignor h Marguerite Ethel Tlndatl. o Odu* Frederick Weaver Dorothy Aileen Welch q Ndlllne Elizabeth Whetstlne t i'orls Elma White v.hnrles Siocum Williams, Jr. t uamcs ?"?:hy WTTIIs, Jr. ? (Cont'd on paf?<- three) ? .? > r riiilfev'f-rsihf ' & *** i " : C i* "*" * 'T'v! l. . ? y ,-i I ^ . ' 1 ' I * . ' Watch Label On Your Paper Antf Don't Let Your 8ubacrlptlo?i Explrol FIVE CENT8 PER COPY [ospital Here ^MIhh Lquie Qoiorth. who wan ound dead iu hod at her homo on lattlegroiuid Koad Ma* 2t>. loyt her ? tit Ire estate to build aud equlpt jt? ' ospital for Kings Mountain.^vrfax inforth was a native of Cleveland 'utility at'.d a resident ??l King* lountain for over 4q years . Hef ist will and testament was written, n January 15. this year She dosig'alert in her will that Dr. O. I*. a wis be vxecutor and trustee'Qt lie Unsniufl. jlr Lewis was miahlu sejte !iei;auso ho was called for ulitai* ii ivlee as ho is a major lite t. S V: my Reserves Clerk of t- ,C*Vtm appoiiiu-d V it Patterson . ....... ... iiiv iiiinii' jtiiiioiug ami in '.\ ix ii'ition". end " ; ! i> ml it * In* deceased to serve in )f ..I., v n Mr. Pa'ti r>mu- lun In ielj ' .]ii;: lifted nilil poMcil bond. 1 .1' > out the. term- of the will. .1. K l>. vis .Vtbrney. will assis' 11' I'aKci sen. ri cloving 'he estulo"' 'he Mati' i> estimated to he worth etweell and ^PI.IMMI. hut the vnyr v iltie will. lie. det erininoW by e rial ' iota's when sold Resides lie real estate tllo deceased owned oHfiiioi a-'tl-e building ami lOan lOclt. It i. nit. /'stood that tie1 Duko 'ouhdation will match .dollar fi>: olhir "niida eoiiivibutod for li pub hospital. Kings Mountain n thri big city of 0.5IS has needed a box ittil. ;in<l with iliiH la rue "contrlhuoh several have expressed tlietn- ' p|v?*s that this pressing net-d will e filled. Miss tlot'ortli/was a paliet t in the helhy /Hospital for many weeks rior to. her death and it may havo eon the inspiration for Tier desiro i establish a hospital in tier home >\vu. The complete last will and testalent, as - recorded In the Court ouse in Shelliy follows: I. I*ottie (loforth. of Kiugs Mouniin. North Carolina, do -make, polish and declare this to he tny ljas* rill anil Testament hereby. rovoUig any other will or testatnenturyisposltion heretofore made by me. FIIVST: T direet tliat all my Just ebts and funeral expenses be paid y my executor hereinafter named. SKCONDl* 1 hereby direct and mp?..ver tny -executor to sell and ispose of all my personal property ) the highest bidder at auction, as oon as practicable after my death lid to. sell my real estate at auction r private as tt may in his judg lent seem most advantageous. T.lflRD: I hereby give, devise and equcilth to t>r. (). 1'. Lewis, Trus ;o. of Kings Mountain. N. C , nil looeys received from my estate, i build and equip. o r help build nd equip an institution, clitiic or lespU.ti. located within Kings lountnin, to give medical and sun ical aid. free' or at reduced cost. :> the poor and holpless citizens of ilngs Mountain. N C., and do reueat that all my feather pillows ; nd feather beds be not sold but to e put to use in tile above descrlbd Institution. FOURTH: 1 request that Mrs. L. V. Finger and Mrs. Nettie Haiuright, take charge and arrange my ersonal belongings for sale. FI FTTH 1 uominale, constitula nd appoint Dr. O. P. Lewis, exeouor of this my I.uat Will ond Testarent. SIXTdi: I give and grant to my Ixecutor at anytime in office full lower to sell any or all of property ioth real and personal,- and to givo ood and sufficient deeds or instru nenfe of sale to tho purchaser and direct that the purchaser shall not ie required to see to the applieaion" of tho proceeds of ap? such (Cont'd on hack page) viwanians Entertain Hand Vnd Hall Team Tlie Kiwanis t'lul) on Thursday veiling entertained us then guests he J.Iigh School Hand and lire boys nd girls that qualified for uu athL'tio letter. Prof. .11. X. Barnes of the Boy* nd (Jitis Committee had charge of he program and Introduced the liferent organi/.ations. Prof, Barnes ilso introduced the guest speaker, tobt. T. Allen... director of athletes of Charlotte schools. Coach Allen in his talk stressed he lessons that were learned from. Uhletic competition ? that is learn ng to ohey rules and respecting he decisions of the officials. The. speaker urged his young icarers to go out In the world and ml into practice the things they lave learned as athletes. Time has lot been wasted he said, if a hoy or lrl has learned to suppress the deire of the individual for the good f the wUole." Mr. N. K. Millwood, a ventrllolulst from Caroleen, was also on he program. The Klwanis Club will not meet his week but instead will attend ine of the commencement exercla'8 at the Jllgh School. '

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