R?rV" . - r * V 1 ' ? i. ? iSSSSmmSm i i Looking 'Em Over (Wltmu Trolaiio/ Tfc* w?uk wo wilt feature Jim iVWSto. anotli.fr wee run from lust Tour's junior team. Juu has been a llii'uu-letUir mau 'of the- High School and xrudusteii lila your. Lwt year oil the Junior Legion [ VaUl he jila\ cd tliird base and star ' . <1 many double plays from the 'ux corner. Willi- Uusilos e every! aj^afe that he's in the game.This Tesir he has been switched to catcher and before the season is over," lite will I to Olie ol' tile iounoleher, WjlVbers ill. Junior Legion elreles*. j Han possesses a very strong throw-! 'Ug. arm. is u good Vet eiver. and wieuis to .kiiow how to work on his rfipouenta when they eonie to hat, j Local Students Win High Honors At Wake Forest iS-iflilie-r.H of tin- Clovr-land Couiiiy ' Sni ;?t Wake Forest t'ollpge during j .tu pa > school vc-ai liayv s<:t high! marks- i" scholnrship .ami as when lOiiyit'cnfuiiitMil finals ??(?. hold .lu'uo 'J. The Hon. ,1. W.! iSaflc.v delivered ttie literaly- address Meii who have won high honors, nil> ifielud'* I.add Ilamriek. .If. j ***) 0. F. Ilord. ,!? .. who made the, < 'iist and si -V'Hl highest grade < j troiui a. freshman class of over Xlh rt.idcuts in a comprehensive nafsktiil ehcmi?Uy examinail ion spottu?red -hy the Inipont Co; they tanked high in the national live ranges Following is a summary of some ?f leading activities and aohiev fmentif of the men from Kings .Mountain at NVake Forest this year: ANNIVI SPEC ' I r ' 1 % We are celebrating ou in time for Summer Be you Reduced Prices on tions rates and Free Pri . / Why to do something about Come in and let us give thinned and shaped by < hair-do that will frisk q busy, hot summer hours We are stocking the I "Beauty Without a fla\* ?Telepht Ansell ' CL. JIN ?PERS< Mrt. Helen Ware Mn. Annie Mae Howey i . ??^?? THE NEW LIFE-SAI SILVERTOV ituT A t. miw awm I diR'>iMkmi:' 1 i tij'" .."' _ * * [,t' : V m 1 & |< I ??< j^y .' <,*: .' ' :. ' i^^^^>v.';;>.v.?"i-.-v gfi, , .- . ik> ?? ' . ' - ../j t John ,Hicks of Kings Mountain, son of Mr. and Mrs.- John Hicks, senior in ministerial school, member of Kuzelian society and college glee club, appointment to Baptist seminary in Louisville, Ky? next year. Freshmen: Lad1' MlumricU, Jr., made all A's an all subjects- all year, led all freshmen in uational ihemistry tests; pledges Kappa Sigma social fraternity. member Ku t-oclety. college hand: II. F. Hord Jr.. pre-dentui. exceeded oulv by HaniricJcv in national chemistry .test member of Ku society and college band; J. (.'.'Bridges pledged to Kappa Sigma social fraternity.-'in Ku .society attd college baud, led entire l-'t-c>|imaii mathematics department in grades; Josh s Fortune in Ku sprints and college buml; Hal Olive played trombone TTt college band. ' " "* "*"* "7. ( TC Religious Schedule Announced I bis tors of the Kings Mountain Churches tin slum- time haw been conducting regular weekly service^ at theCCf Camp at the" Kings XIon 11 tain l!a:flegi;./{ 'd. Local pastors -alternate, each week ami (lie cpinplcli! -schedule 'as ufiuoiiuccd by KuV. R. N. Huird. Secretary of the Mints-dial Association follows: July 8 lii .v. P. 1>. Pan'u k July 1">- Rev. A. (1. Sartreant - '.Utly 2t?: Rev. K. 1. Hlfllltps: July t't?. Itcv. 11. U. Haird. Ank:- 1- Ituv. J. V Knslerick. Any. l.!>: Itev. II. (!. Kisher \ug '-'0 Rev. S. W. Jolinsou Sept Rev. C. P. Parker Sept. IB" Rev. If. C Sprinkle. Sr. Sept.,j:t. Rev. V. I) Patrick Sepi ::o Rev L. t. Echols, f>. r>. Tina Imilk production oil May. 1 was 'J percent larger than a ycat earlier and was the highest on rec orrt for that date, reports the U. S Ihircuu ot Agricultural Economics. RSARY IALS r Sixth Anniversary just auty Services. We offer Permanents, Combinaizes. s. Wait that long hair of yours you a new hair-do. Hair experts to give you a' uickly into place during >. < louse of Shaw Cosmetics r, by the House of Shaw" >ne 123-R i Beauty >ppe 5NNEI Mias Ollie Hartsell Miss Sara Henry Summltt ._> , IE8 f I KNOW WHICH /N 1 TIRE STOPS THE "** | QUICKEST! SMade with DURAMIN?the "Tire Vitamin" that toughens rubber. Protects the famous Life-Saver tread design, preserves for many more to}* miles, the deep spiral bars that actasa battery of windshield wipers to sweep dangerous wet roads dry for the quickest non-skid stops you've over had. CENTER "Everything F Phone J? f > . . *.) vV .. HE KIN08 MOUNTAIN HERALD THU eLKS~EMPLOYEB8 7 HAVE PICNIC The regular employees of Belk'a .Department Store were eutertained at a picnic supper Monday night a*. Luke Crawford near Kings MounJafn iBattletfrot^nd. jHIJton Ruth, lanagor, made a short talk to the stall. LITTLE THEATRE TO MEET The Junibr Little Theatre "will Login its summer activities next Thursday night,, June 12, at 7:30 o'clock in the City .Hall. Persons high school age aud over who are interested in dramatics are fcordinlly invited to bo present at this first summer meeting. MORE ABOUT HOSPITAL (Cont'd from front page) sale. In wiTtioss whereof, 1 have h ''v* " * y H f "'***>* ' % * # RSDAY. JUNE S. 1M1 Beginning 10 Bi THRIF The Time Is The Value The Saving A Store-V PLAY suns and SLACK SUITS 97 t S1A.CKS and SHORTS - 97 SWIM SUITS $1.9 SWIM SUITS > - $1.0 BEACH CAPES AND JACKETS 98c eac SUMMER FROCKS .... $2.9 Rayon Crepe DRESSES $1.8 WASH DRESSES ...! 97 SUMMER HATS 97 BROOMSTICK SKIRTS 97 Women's and Misses' BLOUSES?59c each 2 For $1.0 SUMMER BAGS 59c and $1.0 I FABRIC GLOVES - ... 59 SMART JEWELRY .... 25 MSaids' Duti-Duds UNIFORMS 79 Women's and Misses' SKIRTS 88 * Lightweight Summer SWEATERS 2S Children's SWIM SUITS 97c-$1.9 1 PLAY SUITS 9; Children's SUN SUITS 15 Sheer Summer DRESSES?59c 2 for~$l.C Children's Print Dresses 25 Double Bed Size Candlewick BEDSPREADS w $2.0 Size 81x99 SHEETS .. . 89 Chenille BEDSPREADS - $1.0 TERRY TOWELS .. 10 TERRY TOWELS 15 LUGGAGE 98c to $3.9 CURTAIN MATERIAL .. . 10c yan 36 IN SHEETING 7 l-2c yar< 72 in. and 81 in. MUSLIN .... 25c y<3 STRING MOPS 5 WASH CLOTHS, 3 for 10 '> Regular. $1.00 and $1.98 RUFFLED CURTAINS 88c p I Regular $2.48" and $2.98 RUFFLED CURTAINS - $1.88 pi SUMMER FABRICS .... 10c yar SHORT LENGTHS 5c y< SHEER PRINTS - 19c yar ~~~ BE Departn * REMEMBER ? Yi ?1 ? -L ... J i I 'I . * x W ==aaa3SS===gs^g^=j. ^ [ Thursday g June r DAYS Ripe To Buy! 1 Are Many! ;s Are Great! (Tide Event c 1 and 3 thread c mtlajin hosk sac pair g 3 Thread Silk Stockings 48c pair, Q Children's Anklets, 5c and 10c pair HOUSECOATS 97c h SLIPS 97c 8 RAYON PANTIES 10c 8 Children's Panties 10c c Children's Oxfords c AND SANDALS ; ? 997c pair c Children's SANDALS 59c pair Children's OXFORDS 98c pair 1 0 Men's Dress and Sport ^ OXFORDS $1.98 pair J Boys' Dress and Sport I * SHOES $1.49 pair I ,c Women's Two-Tone SHOES $1.98 pair lc Women's and Growing Girls' SANDALS $1.00 pair ,c Women's Beach SANDAIS 97c pr Men's WORK SHOES .. . $1.48 pair g TENNIS SHOES .... 48c pair Women's Bedroom Slippers 25c pr. Men's Sport Ensembles $1.98 * BOYS'ENSEMBLES $1.00 0 MEN'S SHIRTS - 59c 1 ie SHIRTS and SHORTS . . 15c I Boys'Sport Shirts 4ftc | 10 Boys' Knitted Polo Shirts 29c ** Men's Blue Denim Overalls 97c 0 Men's Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c * MEN'S TIES 10c * WORK SHIRTS 48c 8 Men's Work PANTS 97c d Boys' Sanforized-Shrunk d SHORTS (6 to 14) - 49c HOUR SPECIALS Thursday 9 to 10 A. M. | c I.F.RAPflM fiOAD o c. -1 - * - MV/XH Lt iUi tIC Lifebuoy SOAP, per cake 5c [v o. K. SOAP, 2 for 5c 1 d SWEARTHEART SOAP | t 4 Cakes for 19c - ; I DCS" lent Store I mi Always Save At RELICS I ' ' . . . -X. ' j