f f IV ' ^ Mead Tha Harald And j . - uy At Home VOL'. 29 NO. '26 y State And Ni Condensed In * *? ...... ?NATIONAI f Washington, June in.?The- marl 'tlmi; commission lias directed the Southern Pacific Company Jto deliver its entire fleet of 10 cargo vessels "for national defense purposes. The vessels, the commission said \ toduy in announcing the order, are feeing acquired pursuant to Presl- . dent Koosevelts order culling for a . .2,000.000 ton shipping pool. Class Of '40 To Meet Again About thirty members of i he (."lass of '40 were- present at the class meeting innt Kriday afternoon. Com j milieus were appointed to make ( plans for a class reunion and asked to report at ? the next meeting, j which Is to he held June It. at 6:30 P. M. on the high school steps. It is' important that all members be present. . Little Theatre To Meet The Ju\fl|r Theatre will meet June 13. at 7-30 o'clock la the "City Hall. Members ot both the Little Theatre .and the Junior Little S Theatre, and all other persons Interested In .Drnmutisc are urged to I be present at this first summer I' meeting. ? , Revival Begins At At Nazarene Church Tuesday Night *'A series . of evangelistic services ( will begin at the local Church of the > Luncheons Given To Demonstrate Cooking With Commodities Luncheons -have been given at the Esther Club house in Shelby and at other clubs and centers recently, the food for the luncheon prepared by teachers of Adult schools to demonstrate the fact that nutritious, palatable foods and well balanced meals can be prepared from the commdCItles furnished the government for those in need. The instructors have been going Lnfn I ha h a a whnsa f?a?lu ntiu (uo IIUIIIC . i are needed, giving demonstration:* in cooking and have proven that splendid meals can be prepared from these commodities. The assist wtce given by these teachers and com'filuUtty workers has been of invaluable help to the house keepers in preparing attractive' dishes and iu using foods furnished with little or no waste. ION PROGRAM Ravenel, SupTh said that he and his assistants hoped that parents would avail themselves of the opportunity sf sending their children to this day camp which is being sponsored by the South Carolina Commission of Forestry. Mrs. J. L. Settlemyre. Jr., -physical education director of the Kings Mountain Jilgh School, is recreation director tor the park (his summer. Her assistants Will' he Mr. Calhoun Singletary, a College of Charleston student Mr. Singletary will have charge of the natnre study groups and hikes. Others on the staff are Misses Helen Miller and Martha Gaston, teachers In the South Carolina schools. MIsb Miller and Miss Gaston will assist In directing folk danc ing. interpretative and social dancing. recreational sports. are and crafts, and various other activities. Z i 4 a mm 9m d ? id the World f s. COBB 1 Law Against Both >. COBB certain Corn Bolt commonwealth, ias.sage of his pet bill?an act to or owning of revolvers. According reduce rrime, eat deem tk amber ty^poyriatkn. ^ ^ ^ ^ g to atop whea done. Ho id more eloqeeot m he grew more droitty latwinptlim hfaa aad aecarbe right la what he saw*," quoth ; state at New York bee had a law hich is similar to the one he wants) t 19,000 people kQled hi New VoHt d pr heard of any one being killed rftinWl, bn c./ * Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. 1 Seventy Seniors Are Graduated //^The graduation exercise of Central High School was held Friday nigh; al 8 o'clock in the High School auditorium where 70 seniors were presented their diplomas by Principal I). M. Bridges.j ' Former Governor Clyde R. Hoey was. the speaker of the evening. He lield tlu- attention of his hearers' which packed the house to.capacity. He told tlie seniors in a pleasing manner ''How to Live"' then with three almost extinct words. Thrift. Kconomy. and Work, he tald them "How to Make a Living." Rev.-P. P. Patriek had the invocation and Rev. It. N. Uutrd pronounced the benediction. ROSE 5c AND 10c STORE OPENS SATURDAY ^ Kings Mountain will receive a- big | boost as a shopping center- Saturday morning when Rose 5c and 10c ' Store opens for business here on Battleground Avenue. V The large' building located in tkv heart of the business scetiou lias been complete ly remodeled at.d is modern In every respect. Beautiful modern fixture's have' be'pn installed and every thing 1^ in rcaeTHtess for file grand opening Saturday ' morning at 9:00 A, The new firm for Kings Mountain b- a Nortlc Carolina concern that was- established in 191 f> in Henderson. N. C. The fiusiness has grown steadily until the,new store.is number 114. P. H. Hose is the founder ard present President of the firm that operates stores' In several- southern states. T. B. Rose. Jr.. is Sectetavy uud Treasurer. Mr. L. W. Barnes, district manager and Miss.Muuue HineB. both of l,umlii-rt<\, have been in Kings Mountain for the past several days making arrangements for the opening. Mauagers Jacobs of Mt. Airy. White of Moirgauton. and Kite, of North Wilkesboro, have also been here assisting with the opening. Mr. ('. L. Phillips, a native of Weal Virginia, will be manager of! the local store, Mr. Phillips wus j transferred here front Norfolk. He | is marled uud has one child. Mr. < and Mrs. Phillips have taken an apartment iu the Cooper Apartments On King Street. The new store will have 95 local sales girls ready to giTef visitors on opening day according to Jdr. Phillips. The store, which would do justice to a city much larger than ! Kings Mountain will lie open for In-i I spection Frlduy from 4 to .5 and! from 8 to 9 P. M. Moth Messrs Lin rues and Phillips said in discussing plans for the I openln. ''We are proud of the newstore and we extend u cordial invitation' to everyone in this community to visit tin." Five Colored Men Leave For Army June 28th The only June call received by the Ijocal Draft Board for Selectees is for five negroes to leave here for Fort Bragg at 10:00 A. M. Saturday June 28th. Four out of the five selected men are volunteers. Cotton Goods Are Good Buy Cotton farmers who will earn' stamps for participating in tile Sup plementary Cotton Program of the U. S. Department of Agriculture | this year will find that cotton goods are a good "buy" in 1041. Bay Miss Willie N. Hunter and Miss Julia M< Ivor. Extension clothing specialists of N. C. State College. The first of tin? cotton stamps will be issued in North Carolina about July 1. 'he stamps are being earned by -.neifa. for voluntarily reducing ir cotton acreage below their'j i41 AAA allottments. Coutitv a-i genta and AAA committeemen. Tfilvo mil information on the Supplementary Cotton Program. "Cotton is smart this season.' the Kxtensiou clothing specialist de clared. It Is becoming to wear; eas lly laundered, and doesn't pile up drycleanlng bills. It is strong and durable; is cheap and plentiful to buy." Miss Hunter pointed out that the cotton stamps ' can be used all a one time or one or two at a time until they are gone. Farmers can buy from any store or mall order house selling cotton goods and will ling to handle the stamps. Only .now articles can be bought, and t'hey must be made entirley of cot grown and manufactured in tho l'nited States. ard cotton goods have not advanced In price In proportion to muir>ufactuAod garments, the clothing specialist said. The stamps will go much further in clothing the family if yard goods are pufcased pert garments made by -fhe homeor. However ihb cotton stamps - V.i be used to buy all kinds of cot-' ton goods. i itain h HURSDAY, JUNE \2. 1941 | T THE EXTRA HEL : MfWs. 'VMfoHl>m.|r -;Jfc iff. J*/'/. /rQ/$ u, i -L^%aai llE/Z // - s !-vO o ,r W?m?w% UttJ ? j.i -asintf measure -to the defense pr Ernest Mauney Wins Award 1 For the second year Kings Moun i tain I!IkIi School has claimed for a, graduate one of the honorary ..subscriptions offered by the Reader'* Digest to the highest honor student. Ernest Jacob Mauney. son of Mr. ' v-.-l Vrs. \V. K: Mauney. as the highest ranking member of the sev ..y gruuuaies for the entire foui | voars In high school, has' been nam ed the recipient of the gift of a j , vj i s subscription to the magazine. His naino lias been submitted to the 1 department of the publication that will make the award. I.add Mamrick, Jr., was winner of tlie coveted award last year: Auto I,irensp Vnui On Sale ' j Members of the Town Council in tlieir meeting last week tfpproved the sale oC auto, tags , at the rate ot , SO cents each for the balance ol 1 the year. Hereafter the tags will be. -old.for the calendar year and will 'j lie the same' color ot the. state tag. The price for the full year will be I $1.00. Tags for the rest of this year < may bo .purchased anytime now before August 1st at which time a 10 percent penalty will be added. The Town Fathers approved the extension of the fire Until of the bus Iness section which was recommend ed by the State Fire Marshall. City Manager II. L. Rurdette, presented the matter to the board. The privileges license schedule I i was tentatively approved subject to, revision later. The Council members decided not to make any special concession | for water customers on dead end ( lines, as the hydrants are flushed weekly to keep the water clour. | WiO Rogers' j j flumorous Story j By WILL ROGERS ' "pHERE was a merchant in Holly- ' -* wood that had his window all cut out right while he was looking 1 through it He ran out and yelled < for the police, and when the cop cama he says, "It was one of them four or five going along the street ? there!" i So the eop grabbed a tough-looktng guy In the group that hap* 1 pened to be walling along, and waa < c beating him good and plenty to make him confess, when a aweat girl came running up. a "What you beating that poor bum . for?" ahe says. . "Why, he cut this man's window, and he won't confess." "No, yon poor prune, I cut the window. I Just thought you'd be f blaming somebody for that." 1 "But why did you do It, Miss?" s "Ob I always teat my engage- i y mcnt rings that way!" ,1 American Mews Urn tares, tea. ^ j V . * ? T ~.T~ " <* lerald P E R HE NEEDS |{ "jp | ^ ! is contributing in ever inoducrion oP tfie nation. v' ?' To Start Quarry 5 .\ Operations Soon The operation of the Kings Moun K tain Quarry will he resumed short- j ly according to H. I/, Burdette, City',. Manager, who received a letter] j] lrotn 1\TA oflicinls yesterday up-. proving the justification of the project. The quarry has bceti tempor-' nrlly stopped pending approval of ^ -V the justification. Conditions which; ' did not exist when the quarry was I n first started arose and approval lias | <-* to be- secured before "the project h could continue. I A gasoline'motor has been secur j ed and overhauled to furnish power ^ for tlie operutiou of the new quar- j, ry on the land purchased from Glee Bridges. Mr. Burdetto stated that every j effort was gotng to bo made to get ( the streets already started in shape .for surface li-Cattm-iit l?y late sum- j nier. . : . I v The Sfchool Stadium project ' which wau approved some time ?* back by WPA is tslill on the profer ' led list, but tile Streets will be coin pl??7Pir"tirst. . _ s '211-YEAR-OLDS ' TO REGISTER Officials of the Local Draft Board t desire for every young man who ' 1 has become 21 years old since Octo j 1 ber 16th, 1940, to.be notified that , f they will be required to Register | July 1st If any .person knows of a T young man who is supposed to reg- j s ister they are asked to please tell - him of the new registration. I E Registration will take place at ( the City Halt for all young men of j J number tour and five townahlps, 't who reached their 21st birthday j since-last registration. I Governor Cites Value \ Of Mtilk c n UAbKKiH, ? Governor Brougb- ? Ion. In an official proclamation, de.? tv isrnnted June at "Dairy Month"; in ,, North Carolina. terming milft and S( tfaIry products the most valuable! y fltur economical portion of the diet 11( if flic average family. |_ The Ccvemw was joined in his | ippeal l'.n- support of '"Hairy Month >v Commissioner of Agriculture VV. J Kerr Seott,, who also cited the tin* I ritional value of milk and_ other! lairy products and emphasized the teed for support of the' livestock in lustry "in the interest of balanced tgricultuve.' "I urge upon our entire citizen- ( ihip more consideration rf the inilortanee of the dairy industry and )f the nutritional value of tnllk and ts products as wholesome, healthul, and strengthening foods for \\ luman consumption, and bring to ri he attention of the people of the in itatc the Immense economic bene?- m its which would result from an U9_rer capita consumption of milk is la ess than half a pint per person. p< vhile requirements recognized ' by a icalth officials are one quart per lay per child and one pint per day la ter adult." * > Watch Label On Your Paper An* Don't Let Your Subscription i - 1 ' ' * ..' *< Expire! FIVE CENTS PER COPY iiiLlDAL DINNERS Winners of tile . school medals. till aw. nils which wot ! presented tiring itic closing days (if school iiTi' announced yesterday mnttiini; i> Sttpi. l' NV- Jtaines The Herald iisl>e?v*to ttongrtilululc every wittier Tot llie|i otivstardhtR work it) icing a?aitied one of the coveted lonois. The following awards were iresetucil last Friday night by Sup* Ja ni.es' it the I'otninetu etncnl li\ rcis.es: . ' ' . . *. , -Hetty Patrick wTin the Plunk ?i inil.ttship .medal for the highest r/hohiKlic reeoril of any igh school i illicit' tint lug the past year. being declared I'iiiiKi' of three nii'iluh Prlilay night nil one ineiial at Chanel Kxcrcises a rlier hi the' week Her awards veto: Tin Fulton Heading Medal, 'levelalul ' Cour/y .Schoolmasters I ed a I, and Hie Kiwanls I'liiti'iisliip Icdul. Kloiso . Kuudatl won the America .efcion Viitdal given for the. best enay on "Selective SMviie,'' Virginia Summers.- Stli and nth raile winner, and Ixmise Wright Oth aud 11th grade winner were ach presented with $5.00 given by .* lie First National Rank for tiie best ssay on "Our Priceless Heritage." <\ (5. White. member of tin- Kings lountaiu School Hoard. presented he following awards .at the draintar School Commenrement oxerises last Thursday evening: N'cis,*r .Declamation Medal to Charles llniiton of West School. The Or 1,. P. Raker . Heading ledal was presented to Thelitis tyuls of Central School. Tin' Has* School p. T A: Heading dotal- was presented to Martha Sun 'haney of Bast School. The First National -Hank cash artird ol $r>.0b was presented to "ranees Summers winner of tin- 6th ,nd 7th essay contest ou "Our 'rlcoless Heritage." The following awards were preenleil during the filial days * of citoOl ' at CJrapel exercises; ActiviICS Medal to Hetty l.eu Noisier; lit Medal to Vivian Prince: Hoy's ahletie Medal to George Womack; i!rl?* Athletic'Medal to Clnra Humihries: Dramatic MPdal to Mary 'alter. Journalism* Medal to Vivian rince; llaud Medal to Ben Bridges nd I'lano Medal to Betty Pat rick. 'he tour debating medals were pre ented to Murtha MeClain, JdaniU dcSwain, Jantes 'Thornburg, |intl hi gene Mafhis. rlasonic District Meeting n Shelby A Masonic Meeting of the ;?7tb Hstric will he held in Shelby next londay. June 16th. til which ths dost Worshipful Grand Master, itarles P. Elrldge will be present nd speak. Two meetings art* sched lod*. one at four o'clock for officers f all the lodges of the (Tlstrict and ne nt 8 P. M. for all Master Manns. Several members of the' Kings lountain Isidge are planning to at nd. (O^.aL 1 A*rkfir** wfMvrMTfytvfr ?Qnap shots James PreStom_ opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Hohind-Tliodland whispers iti 'ashlngton tell of new plans for a 'organization of the defense ateup an effort to speed the rearmaent drive. The present machinery, as nearly eryoqo admits is hodgepodge, hit id miss, and particularly unwieldy realise everything has to funnel irough a bottleneck ?the While ouse. For example. OPM cannot decide lielher to build new steel plants itil tHft President makes up his ind whether they are needed; eon Henderson and his prlee regution Sis needed to strengthen their iwors . until the President reaches decision, and so on and on. The President naturally spends a irgc part of his tlmo worrying ov? (Cont'd on bath page)