ft." i i Church Ni i: , Central Methodist Church . 0:45 A. M. Church School, B. S. Peeler", General Superintendent, 11: op A. M Commencement Sermon, by the Pastor, for Vucatton Bl. hie School. Subject: "Parental He- 1 s possibility.'' 6:30. P. M. Kpvvorth League. ! 8:00 P. M. Sermon by. the Pastor, \ ' Subject: "A Young Man with a Pur ' ft - c .V , pose. 8:00 o'clock Wednesday even tug Prayer meeting, j A hearty welcome is extended to | uli them? services, - '' I'1 I GRACE METHODIST ' S. W,-Johnson. Pastor 9:45 Church School Prank Urtjen!' Superintendent. . , "11:00 Morning Worship and Ser j niou. 6:30. Bpworth Leagues. 7:30 Evening Worship and sermon 1 I Imperial Kings Mountain, 1 | TODAY ? 1 '. I Double Fea PRODUCERS PICTURES C< . iWi MMM?mm and an Inunense Cast of Inte eee V'ljj I' MM . VIRGINIA I Also Cartoon?Serii FRIDAY ar DoubU I p2?*'C0? |A A A ? " l m v I Also Bob Sic I ?10c a I MONDAY ai . I Another . K % V^H DMflfl t ^p I I ' I I ' p>". ''< .il| latest ^ MW*VW* J ?10c a Coming Next W? We thank you for yot . ; nppi f -' fnppy '-.tc.t-5/ ??? ) i.i ii I Wednesday 7:30 Prayer Service, t ' ? Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church H. N. Uairil, Minister. ( 10:00 A. M. Bible School. J. ff. j iambic. Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship and < >ef.non. A Wrestling Match. 7:15 Tr'TiS. Toting People's Christin ii Union. 8:00 p. M. Kvoniilg Worship and iermqn. .gAi i Monday: ? 3-:30 P. M. Minnie Alexander Clr le with Mrs. W. P. Fulton: Leader Mrs. Campbell Phlfer. ' 3:30 P. M. Made Stevenson Cir1c with Mrs. .1. M. Garrison: Leadin*. Mrs/'P. G. Uatterree. Wednesday: 8:00 P. M. Prayer Meeting. * i First Baptist Church A, G. Sargeaat. l'astor Sunday morning at the eleven o'HP a /-% w 1 A 11CUUC I fi, C.?Phone 134 | THURSDAY ! iture Show rnationally Famous Players ^ I*, tl * Chapter. "No. 1 i id SATURDAY I * Feature CWRENC^IUDIMSTMH^^^^^ " HO (AGIO Pic hi'# *>V> . GUY KIBBEE IWf I Mi Vttna Son Mw Iwi Cixm [Ml Ma DM Treat Mtad llaa :el Serial nd^5^??I nd TUESDAY I Big Hit Klfl g V ; Var News 11 ind 15c? ' I ;ek "In The Navy" ir liberal patronge m. f 'j.' THE KINOS MOUNTAIN HERALD, < ' lock hour Wake Forest Day will >4 >e observed In our Church, as rec-' m mended by The Board of Deacons | n their regular monthly meeting neetlng Monday night. Wake Kor-j st men in thd . membership will .4 tuve pari In presenting the Chapel iceds ,0! the College. All across C Morth Carolina (TTTs special appeal e s being made and we shall want., e lo'Sirbui' best in having a share, n the erection of a new Chapel.. ! g There will be no night service t Sunday. ! I 112 children have already been enrolled in the Vacation Jlible > School to date. All children not at- a lending some other Bible School, itre invited to come. ' e Suduay iSchTiol 9:40 o'clock. t ' t t v > Presbyterian Church tv?. ? it pturice F'astO' 9:45 A. M. Sunday School, Mr. C. * ! '. Thomasson,, Supt. ll-.tJO A. -\f: Mornfffg Worship j s Sermon T>~ Itev. I'. D. Patrick. 2::iu I'. M. Sunday School at Dix ^ . .? ?* ?' - ? - * ~ * ? ir nt iujui riousp.^ All* J. U. DiUTV cott, Supt. -7:"" I'. M. Young Peoples Vespers l 8:00 P. M. Evening Worship In , charge of Young People and' I^r. , (.Maude Oixler. Monday 7:00 P. M. Boy Scouts, Troop I. "Sir. pari Davidson, Scout- a master; MeBsfs Harry Page and W. c H. Thomson, Asst. Scoutmasters. | 1 I c Tuesday 7:30 Prayer meeting at' Mai-grace Community House. f s ^ J LUTHERAN CHURCH Herman 0.-Fisher, Pastor ^ Sunday :U-.hp6l at t?:43> A. M. Supt. Mr. l>. C. Mauney. . - ; The Service at ll:0i> A. M. 'V Sermon: liy the Pastor. ' ol Junior ChihLcn of tin; Church at ? 30 P. M. . , ?" Senior Bather Dengue t?: 30 P. M Intermediate Luther League- at :30. P. M. N Evening Service 7:00 P. M. Bible l'! School Coinmeiuiemeitt Program. We Welcome You. ^ J K CHURCH OF THE NmTARENE a ,W. Hlanchard Home. Pastor '* Sunday School 9:45. "Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7:45 ^ M. Park-Grace Bible Church _ John L. CJregorv. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. > Morning Worship 11 A. M. 11 7:00 P. M. Evening Services. I1 Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evangel1 lisflc service. 'I _ -- I . 1 Wesleyan Methodist 11. L. Phillips, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Morning Service 11:00. W. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:15. .Prayer Se'rvlce Wednesday 7:00 Evening Service 7:00. , 1 Second Baptist Church i. Rev. C. C. Parker, Paetor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. ( Preaching 11 a. to. and 7:30 p. m. each Sunda Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederic!., Pastor I ; Sunday School 9:45. M. B. Cald- , well, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00. I Evening Worship 7:00. i Prayer service Wednesday evening 7:4)0. I worship with us. t All are welcomed to come and i REV. JENKINS TO I v ADDRESS KIWANlANS I > ll Bev. J. L. Jenkins, Pastor of the n Plrat Baptist Churcfc of Boi\li*g j n Springs, will address members ofl a he Kiwanis Club thiB evening at' 11 1:30 In the Womans Club Building.!" lev. Jenkins is an able speaker and >r t large number of club members are ^ expected to hear him. ? | HULLENDER SISTERS SINQ OR LIONS .The' Hullender Sisters. Martha 'ranees and Lola, entertained mem era of the Lions Club at their reg* lar meeting Tuesday evening In he Womans Club Building. The tiree talented singers made a hit ith club members with their sing- I ig and playing. * Lions Myron Ithyne an dMlke Mlim reported on the Ladies Night -ogram to be heldi July 1st. > ittend kiwani8 " onvenTi,on Messrs Harry Page and Olec Brld- ! es left Sunday to attend the Kl- i vaiils International Convention in 1 Vtlanta President W.TS. Blakely | red B. S. Peeler* and Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Nelll and Mr. and Mrs. I) 'M loke are also attending the conrentton. . . ' " y*. Cm ma* "Jjr A Mewr WkUa ^9 APVEHT1SING- Jg 7Wr3 j .... .fchul-. I'liSj lYltllil I THURSDAY, JUNK 19, 1941. NEGRO NEWS ' ' ' I (By JoHBie CI. Costner) Mrs. J. T. Moore of Burlington, N !., spent the week with her brothr, Mr. Charlie Young of the Ebeiizer comnrunltf. Mi'. anil Mrs. Hugh Mnunoy were ;ue?ts at a 9:00 o'clock supper at he hoine of Mr. and Mrs. I* B. lobinson in Saturday night. Miss Annie McKey of Statesvlile. i. C.. was the week-end yuest of Iv. and Mrs. Hugh Muuney. ( Mm. Vainer Wilson of the Eben>zer community * recently returned o her home from the Rutherfordoi) Hodpltal and she improving ery much. ? . i .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Whltwoi'.th ud family of Uastonia spent' last Sunday with Mrs. Daisy Lee Smith in Carpenter street. The WomaTTs Society of Christian Her vice of the St. l'aul Mctho.list. villi its leader Mrs. Daisy Lee tin rill, will present a program at ntrhum Chapel Methodist Church, abclby. next Sunday evhning ut 8 l. m. _ ' 1 The Wopiuns Society of St. Paul A'ill hold its next regular meeting it the home of Mrs. Mantle Qui nil >n Friday evening, June 21, 8 p.- in. Mrs. H. P. Shaw of Charlotte was i visitor at Mt. Zion Baptist Churh last Sunday. Her husband, the lev. H. P. Shaw is pastor of tho hurrb. Miss Geneva Brown left Sunday or New Jersey where she will pend the summer. IUSIC RECITAL The piano students of Mrs. N. P. IcGill will be presented in Recital ?'" 1 evening, June 20, at 8:00 'clock aT~ the Womana Club. The norc is cordially invited to attend The " following pupils will take m on tue program: ilmogene and elson . Bridges. Sara Cranford,- AIt Jean Davis. .. Mary!Beth Hord, lary Helen Hord." ."Duekte" JenIns, Jean and Rachael McClain. humor Mjcrs. T?ovis Phifer, Patti nn Trowel-. Nancy Nickels, Wayne . Wure. Jr., ahd B. T. Wright, Jr. Looking 'EmOver Jack Hollifield. a product of tho j lo. 8 school district, is now play- > ng shortstop on our Junior Legior.J earn. j This is Holllfields first year on .he team and it he maintains his | present pace. Jack will be headed lor a nice season. He has already proven to .be a steady fielder, with j it stout arm. riiiTI ???' ? J 6UU? I ledrPhiT man to have around. Ae ' present he is also batting at a good puce. Pans, don't forget our game with Shelby here jan Saturday at 4:00 p. tn.?r?TT7itil tiien. we'll be looking 'Bnt Over. * " - * i Rural Home "Nerve Center" Takes Tonic j The '"Nerve Center' if any home j Is the ' kitchen. Through its doors, I day in and day out. passes an end- j less stream T5T"?9od, dishes, and peo pie. On its working tables there Ir | constant activity. Small^ wonder then, that the homemaker cannot be happy in a itTTchen inadequately equipped. Today, 1n the country as well as he city, the kitchen can be modern tnd convenient. Varied equipment, vhlch makes cooking and cleaning >asy, "Is available to any woman vho demands some of the pleasant;: elaxafion this" machine agfe affords i i I mrortunatelv, many kitchens canot offer this added leisure. The I umber of old fashioned kitchens I re still far out of proportion to the j umber of modern. kitchens. even J rough American Manufacturing lethods have provided ample 'mod- i NEW DELI) ft lUCEgS 1 fEi A Cen fi^liVi It f '^2 j . |tl||^.'' o::'-v' y^-iVJV;V*-v."!' ?'* : ' ; . t ; '* \r^,. ern facilities. In a program of kitchen modernl,* /.atIon. homemakern should conceit ' i rate first on the three primary | "Nerve C?nterB" ? the Stove, Re-' frigerator. and sink. Although it be come? economical over a pirlod of time, complete kitchen modernization cau represent a sizeable inveat j inent at the start. More and - more people are planning their future j kitchens ? changing and remodeling as time and money permits. Now the country Uliu suburban j dxVeller no longer need hesitate in ; "tartlug 1,ei' modernization program I An Ideal unit to begin with is 'the j stove. Kerosene oil ranges now at'e ( as modern In appearance an efficient In. performance as any gas or clectrlc range: Improvements in re- . cent 'years have - made kerosene -I stoves and range's highly efficient, I with their clean, quick, intense, con j 1 rolled heal. In operaitST? they have advanced as far as the modern automobile over the car of 1915." Porcelain enameled finishes have banished deaniug * drudgery; Glass wool liisi'tated ovens iuVTi'TVr per-l 11 SI-*' 'r ~~ ! ". -'-j?* it \ A .*;i I ***" Bus wheels rolling ? down America's highways ? millions upon" millions of miles. ' They're Greyhound .SuperCoach wheels?carrying soldiers between training camp and home ? carrying .. workers of vital defiense projects all over the land? carrying busy business men and carefree vacationistsmore miles for less dollars? here, there everywhere in this amazing America of ours! Sample One Raleigh $3.10 Tampa $8.05 TERMINAL 8ERVICE 8TATIOI L OBEYH ? , ' , They'll Asfc m. ^ Jrj tel si j|g| ITS PURER | Sunrise ' * i . # ' ' Phone 1468 XE SILVERTOWN ^^^FAM TW lalanctd Tlr? ^ 'Amtrlea osfcsd tar I Long and safer mileage, quick stops,blow-out protection, quiet running. I))) )j ter Serv "Everything For The Car1 Phone 62 . . v- < - ; ' ' ? tcctcly baked pies, cakes, and mealdfl easily operated "burner controls llinlnate all of the old-fashioned ? troubles of lighting 'and udlusting;i ] and large, %cea'i)lbli> stofage chin* part me ats take caro of idle utensils ,lier^ is a simple, economical way to begin a program of kitchen mod* fl ern'izufion ihat will pay big dividends in increased efficiency, added leisure, and better health. Contlnti- V ance of such a program will soon make your kitchen the envy Of. all your friends and result in establish t S ing your home as the style leader of the coinmpnity. SINGING CONVENTION. *' '?? A Singing convention will be held Sunday afternoon at "Macedonia baptist CTiurch. The Crump quartet of Henderson. ,Dentoti quartet .' of Gastonia. ltoupe Sisters quartotto of Gaffucy, and the -Smith quartet of Clifton are" among those tQ bo present, as well, as local ... singers. % , * _ J % I m 1 ' ' 1 * s l/ay Jarcs Charlotte 55 New York $8.15 <4 ? PHONE 10 I0UND 'ssmmmamm^amtrnr i : For More > n TOU SERVE I LJNRISE. DAIRY, 1 STEURIJED MILK 1 * rrs SAFER I ! Dairy : J Gastonia, N. C. OUS LIFE-SAVER SILVIRTOvVH % *" i , i "Tfcs Sof.it Thing i / On Whss/?" \ ^ Gives you the quickest, A non-skid stops you've Wk ever had. //I 'At lew it 1 7/? ?PA ON OUR \\1 7KV^r lUDorr I W| IV PLAN B . Goodrich I I ice I I