T.fTTl ITT ' ?\t " " ' ~ * |_|' . 1 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ] of INTE1 . MISS MARGARET COOPER WEDS GEORGE W. PLONK The marriage of Mian Margitre' v Julettu Cooper and George WvUb Plonk was solemnized in a ceremony of exceptional beauty , and clial'in uniting two of the Tost prominent, families in this se<ition oil , Tlitlis?' day afternoon ut 5:30 o'clock at St. I Matthews Lutheran "Church. Altar decorations of green and white provided an effective bark. . ground for. the all-white motif carri ed out by the bridal party. The i pultiii was arranged with an effec tiVc grouping, of palms and ferns, j posed against the grednery were tall floor standards fflled with while gladioli and graceful ferns outlined the altar. Cathedral tapers set,,in seven-branched candelabra burned among the greenery, and pews recurved for special guests were* murk ? .1 k..t4l. 1. .. 0 .X.IUl ..Iklln . fU Willi UUWH Ul WIIIIV 79111111 I IUWU.I. t Mrs. Aubrey Mauuey was at the organ. As a prelude to the ceremony she played "Nuptial Benediction" by Suinl-Saeits. "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" and "Cuntllene Naptiale" by Dubois. 'i Arniand Hodie. ot' Columbia. S. 0. was soloist, lie sang 'O Promise Me J by J)e Koveti and "Because" by J d'H'ardelot. Mrs. K. C. Michael, of tiastonia. was violinist. She accompanied Mrs. Mauuey and also played -a nuihbpr softly during the cere mony. ' I Mr. Hodie sang as a 'benediction '() Perfect Lcytv" .The familiar! notes of the Bridal t'horus from Lohengrin by Wagner heralded the approach of the bridal party. Mendeilssohn's Wedding March provided the recessional music. ^The Vleinn ritual' o fthe church was read by the bride's father. Dr. K. C. Cooper, president of Lutheran Theological Seminary. Columbia. S. C. He was assisted by Rev. Herman <}. Fisher, pastor qt' the church. Tim impressive ring ceremony was used. Ushers were Clarence Plonk, Jr.. brother of the groonv; Edgar Coop er, brother of the bride, both of | Kings Mountain; Alfred Costlier oi'j Lincoln ton, and Ira Woodall Rose, Jr.. of Rocky Mount. Mss Martha Lou Mauney attended MYEF " './ ReadyOre Reduced r ALL $4.98 DRESSES ALL $3.98 DRESSES ALL $2.98 DRESSES ' V ' .v*v \ \v. M . , ' ; : ' New Cot . -V? ? ' Size 'l. ' ' Regularly $1.98 ai ?N' $1.79 > * i. c Sumir | All $1.00 Ha I All $2.00 Ha Open all day Friday Closed Monday for 1 Open Tuesday all dt I Dress I ?SEOC 9 * - HAPPENINGS REST to V PHONES 10 R AND 88 lu>r cousin as maid ot honor She was gowned in a white dross with a <lacy bod too and a gatlii red skirl of inoussoliiie de-sole and earlier a cascade bouquet of red roses ci :;iil with her and while. The bridesmaids were Dorothy Plonk. Elizabeth Xeill and Clara Plonk, of Kings Mountain and Pau1 iutr Hewitt of Lattimure. Their dresses were exact copies of the gown worn hy maid of honor and they curried arm'bouquets of .red roses tied with satin rihlituis Hair oniameuls were lace butterflies. The flower girls I were Shirley Houser. daughter of Mr. anil Mir.' lieorge Houser, of this ciiy and Christine Still, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (iariand Still, of Winston-Salem. They wore white floor length frocks trimmed with narrow lace and carried colonial nosegays of red and white roses. tilenna Plonk, son of Mr. and Mrs. /eh Plonk of Atlanta.-was ring hearer. He wore a tailored suit of white linen and carried the ring on a heart-shape satin pillow. ' The bridegroom had as.his best mini UJA br \ li'-r, Zeb Plonk, ol' Atlanta, Ga. * ? Tin- liilclf. radiantly beautiful. <:n tered on tile arln of her hint her. Jacob Cooper, who gave h< r ill marriage. .She wore a wedding gowti of white Cliatitilly lace with sweetheart neckline and . long sji-eves which ended at a point- over the hand.. The lines of the bodice weii* princess t-lTeet. featuring a- Ions: torso. The skirt Was of sin er white net over satin. Very full and ending in a flowing train. Her veil was of misty bridal illusion and was tsuight. with a bandeau of seed pearls. She carried her mother's white prayer book covered with white orchids - and showered with swansonia and fern tied with white satin ribbons. The prayer hook, wits carried by her mother, when site was a bride. The bride's only ornament was a brooch of pearls ami diamonds _ which was formerly her grandmother's; Mrs. J. S. Mnunev. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Dr.and Mrs. E. C. Cooper, oil Piedmont av IS' 4TI to-Wear ? sses or Clearance $3.98 $2.98 $1.98 PI ion oneers s 11?17 12?20 38?52 id $2.98 Values OW? & $2.65 ter Hats its Now 75< its Now $1.2$ * ~ , the 4th. the 4th. iy. Shoppe >ND FLOOR? ' t ' ' v ? * : - 'ii- *. " ., ' . ' THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD ^OMEN MRS. A- H. PATTERSON, eltUM. Mi s. K C. Cooper and Mrs. Clarence I'lonk. mothers of bride and j groom, received at the .front door ! and introduced the guest's to the bridal party. Dr. Cooper and C. S. 1 loiik greeted, quests- in 'lie living loom. Mr, and Mrs. Pied l'lolik re* ceivi d in the hall. The djuiug rooili \ms decorated in white and green, carrying out the bridal motif. The table was laidwltli an imported cloth and centercd witli crystal bowl filled with roi si's and gladoli. A' eacli chd'wero crystal candelabra holding lighted white tapers. Mr. and Mrs D. c. Matinev. Mr. and Mrs. S A. Mautiey. Mrs Jacob Cooper and Mrs. George I looser received in the dining room. Itrilal ices and c ake were served by Mass i es- Mary .Jala Pollock. Virginia I'lonk ' Mary Sue Mcfiiiinis and Maud? Plonk, and Mrs.*Ilumes Houston. \l r tiiwl \1 ru W W M 'ttitutt' oroot 'I I all ??. Ill .Hllllllt ^,1 VV . 1 rid ttti' guests in the hill anil dii reoted them to the girt room where j Mrs. (iarlaml Still of Willston-Salj em and Mr and Mrs. 1,other Cans1 ler received. itWreslving punch was . servi tl by Mrs H. X...names. Mrs. j Carl Maundy. Mrs. Hilly .Muuneyj and Mrs. Joe Mauuey. I Mr. and 'Mrs Lawrence Mauney j presided at the bride's', register., itioodbyes were spoken bv Mrs. C. I". N'eis|er 'and .Vlfs. Charles Mur | I'h.y. ' Tin brijle is lire biilv daughter "of : lie; parents and is a young lady of marked culture and charm. She .il'lcndcd la'tlior-fMiyile t'ollcge to two-years and' was .later graduated } I mm Dutfc University: tier family' j I'lvas long been identified with -the religious, cultural and social lift. ! of this section. Since the announcement of -her 'engagement she lias been extensively entertained. Mr. Plonk is the son of Mr. and J Mrs. Clarence S. Plonk of this place He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and has finished his first year medical course at the 1 University." He will continue " his stiidv in medicine this fall. , The mother of the brlile wore ' powder blue chiffon and a corsage ! of pink sweetheart loses and blue for: Slack Sel Sanforized Slack Set! and Tan. The shirt 1 kets. $3.50 Value? Specia > : * ' ' , Specially Priced Ladic ? Swim Suit: FOR r 48c to Bovs' a Slacl in Slub Weave, Brt 98c tc \ Hosiery F. F. Two and Three th value? Special 2 "" > ' " V' \ _L ! y THURSDAY. JULY 3, 1941 ??? ?? * ? i ... i . ????? delphinium. , .The mother of the brUleRroc was gowned in royal late with corsage of pink rosea.. For traveling' Mrs. Plonk wore smart suit Of .powder hluo she wool, a, wh'ite luce blouse with ; eordion pleated jabot. Her hat w an off-the-fae.e model triftimed Wi matching blue, anl a veil. Hot; ; eessorii s were navy and black. S [ wore a shoulder corsage of win I orchids from lu r wedding houipn The young couple left for a lit cytnoon in the inbuiltu?ii> of We ern North Carolina D. D. CLUB AT LAKE I Tlie 1). I). Club is enjoying it i! llalitfni . wet k out at Lake Monloti with Mrs. .Maker anil -Mrs. Kulki son as alternate chaperon es. 'flic members are Gloria Cor well. Prances' Cronse. Hcltv I'a rick. Clara Mae Gatilt. Peggv lia civ Helen Itamsry. Patsy White'. I";i 'Moss. Nancy Sillier. Sibil Itavi Alice Petty' Mauney and Sara Hi r don. . .: HOSTESS AT BRIDGE DINNER Honoring Mrs Humes iloitsto bride of tho past sprhtg. Miss M / Sue MeGinnis was hostess at hridgiwLiiincr at Pine Kn'oi last Pi day evening. Daisies, larkspur and other <-i Howf-Vs w> re used in dHCoir.it ion The tables were centered with miniature arrangement of mix? flowers. Five tables of bridge wefe in pla sifter tile two course dinner w; served. Miss Margaret, smith won pri; for high score and Miss Lucille M t'linni* for low score. Mrs. Hnustc was prc.seincil a lotejy silver crcai iltiil sugar set by the hostess. (liiests .included Mesdaines litn es Houston. (Jeue- .Met'arler. Aitltv. Clay: James Met Sill. Hubert Mill-. Mo'wiud Jackson. Suiii- Stifle jo 1 <!aiitb|e. S>ewait Thomson; .Mis.-' Margaret t."prii*ve|l. Maud William Moil ha Frances M-tiill Murgnn .Smith, Nina JarUsOii. Virginia M (Sinnis, Lucille >f?:lJinnis and Hob Hay. all of Kiifgs Mountain and;M II 11. Houston of I'agelaltd. S (' ?? ROBERTS-WILLIS MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Announcement has been made the marriage of Mr. Frank (' Ho erts of Kings Mountain. N. Mrs. Ellen Willis, of Dallas. N C 1 The marriage took place on Jut I "lit at the First Methodist Chun | in Mooresboro. The couple are on an extend I trin to Lake Waocamaw. Fundi ' Hcac'h: Myrtle llcnrh, and Whl (ULY t Specials 5 for Men in Blue, Green las two button-down poc 1 $2.69 ? >s\ Men's, and Children's ? St Tirnnlre 3 UL A. I U11IYO HIE 4TH $2.98 nd Youth's k Sets tadcloth and Linens? > $2.69 Special read Silk Hosiery. 89e prs. $1.50 ers' Dep. . -r'it '_;i< .. ,, ..'i -w. .... -? > . ILke and upon iheln. return will li at nome on King street. In Kinti a Mountain. SPEND 'WEE END AT ,M' j WHITE LAKE A group from tin- Martiai-v \V< :,s mail's Club, spent* ;ho \v?ok-i nil Wliiti l.akt- and Ouoliuu lit'aol ir* TliosO making tin uip \vr? M it ml Mrs. (ira.ly Uh?-n, Mr. and Mi '''' Ilewi'v ('aldwoll. Mr and Mr* A tliui' Ilammk. M'fsd. aus flue k Al rail. Harry Kunlu'll. C.vin!i llan rif'k. Walt ltl:u kw' dv r Joli . J.uhins. ,\ M. Hoys'. : in--! \Y; tor son. Jr'i' KOstt i. lil'tokw. .Jamt-s Clonlngrr ai.d M;s- .-tar U'J | rami ii k. '1 CAKE CUTTING AT MAUNEY n-h+OME i(. |jr Ml'". I). ' .Mauin.y <nif Mn k. |\iHorg<- llousyi w. v .-:!o*t< s;? s I IV | .ihf rUink-t'ooptM lii id. 1 party and s rft'W additional friend* at a or n. ting at lli<- Mau?i>\ opt. WVduv? /lay- evening. follow in a 'To "hoar sal at ihv oliuN h. ^ Tin' lioilio War arrai.i:<d through n out wyth gladioli and 'iisrs v. Tin- dining table was spread will li lliiil lltlfl m iiltt ilt'liil O tt lt . rj 4> lt?\,s V w? * I <IIHI 11IHM V>J >1 It II ? lovely i.liriH'iierral wedding cuke iced in white and decorated wit) ,t tiny white roses and green foliage s_ A wreath of. sweet peas suiTOundet life cake at the base. White- taper1 .,1 in crystal -holders completed "the '1'f fectiVe appointments 111 which tie ,y white- and green bridal motif wa: ls cmplitsized Wedding Symbols 'ani lot (tines attached to narrow whit' lo satin ribbons' were concealed'an tin caUo* ice cream. '|ilt< punch ant I lilt's was served, m rite bride was love'' if if'-;- eht foil The bride's moThi. M'tv. 'k. (' firtipi r: wore a black i.tr? i "tiln.v dies.-. Mrs .Maine v Hctiivi'd lie ;.! eio -)s ili a black a:cl tddtf1 I'linilO iii dress and .Mis llon-t-r rxtit't yos'< ? . tnai i]i|i.-el te. LbMCHEON FOR. BRIDE **' /Mrs. Aubrey Mauniy a''-:. Mis Mai iha lam Mauitev t tin- laan. 11 a 1 s a lovely luncheon at the Woman Club ,ou Thursday - at one o'cloc honoring Mi s. George Plonk. tie Miss Margaret Coopet\Vjther guest ieeluded the bride's "nnendatlts an of mothers of the bride ' and brblt ib'. gVoom. ' , to Tlie club lounge tr.i? .arrange with lovely cut flow* -s. Attractiv lie- place cards in the form of weddin; [ b slippers were used. three-course luncheon was sen ed ed. The honoree wss preseiite it a crystal In her chosen pattern, it" (Cont'd on page six) CLEAP Men's To i, New Summer pattern? ir Regular $1.65 Value? 4th July S| IV/T O men s ouir Values ! Special 75* SPOR For 1 Large stock for every Specially Priced for Th Children's j Ladies . . I Men's Student New Fall Patterns. 2 pa Values? $17.5 artment S 1 . - ~ ? , _ i', .< I 11 Wm i>- if : (a ACTION RELIEF? I $UH. SPBF.VY, LASTING 1 i \nw iHDietsiiy l?? No need to sutirt rt-?v tc urc; of; ?id indigestion and tr.hn ' at'd stomach discomforts any longer Not while you can get Bisma-Rex. I'ere is a four action product that i? helping thousands obtain relief L:sitia-Rcx is sold only at Rr.ijJ'' . : | L)rug Stores. Try it today. 11 I Tr^rppTTB { ITJ 1 ; Kings Mountain Drug Co. Phones II and 81 ' 1 : . .? ' J. ' . ; . *.N ; pigs Motto, can be - COTTON ONDIR .1 purchase The finest thread money can buy. >' For .smoother, stronger, easier ,< sewing Fast colors. Black or ' White All sires (01 all purpcies. I '-at# LI1.V THREAD . ^ 811 p X wne Shirts j i all-over me.sh weaves; I lecial $1.45 j lmer Straws I SI .00 to $2.00? c and. $1.00 I :T SHOES he 4th Member of (he Family ree Days Only? 97c to $1.69 97c to $3.69 $1.45 to $3.69' ts' Suits ir Pants, all wool. $19.95 0 each 1 ? 'j tore '' ?- 7 sa nBK . s ". .,3 X

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