i , ' ?PEAKERS~~ANNOUNCED ~FOR~ > FARM AND HOME 'WEEK " *"" 4, . Matured speakers for the evening programs durlug Farm and ] Home Week, to be held at N. C. ] Suite College August 4-8. are announced by Dan M Paul, s.ecreary the Farmers Convention. V Major General Jacob L>. Devers, commanding officer of Fort Bragg, will report on the welfare of farm yuutliB at training camps in an ad, *5res* on the Tuesday evening program. August 5. Dr. Helen Mitchell director of nutrition for the Fodert nl Security Agency, Washington. D. I C-, will discuss the relation of heal t.h to National Defense. Gov. J. M. Broughton will speak on tse Tuesday night program. ' John A. Arey chairman of the"Men's Programs, has completed arrangements for special forestry, poultry, agronomy, marketing,' livestock mid horticulture conferences.The only speech at the forestry Meeting i?n Ti?duy morning" will j kie by K. N. Nunns, ehlef of the Division of Forest Influences, U. S. Fofest "Service. Likewise, tile poultry conference on Tuesday will include "only one address by H. A. Pi". 4 on Kutxl *l- ** "' * vuiiciiuci. miviiur i?i mr mitrmon > . al Service for tlft Borden C'o. Appearing on the Animal Husbati dry program will be: lb b. bush of the National Fertililer Association. T?r. R K. McArdle of the 11. S. Forest Service. |Dl\ R. B Hecker, of Jhe UniverBlty of Florida, and Wayne Dinstnore of the Horse ami* ' Mule Association of America < , NISWONGER EXPLAINS HOW TO BEAT DROUGHT DAMAGE Siu^e the rufjem drought dried f MP some parts of Summer gardens. "he mouths of July and August can ' be used to advantage in planting a'a t l~?^^=g?w======= KEEP CC ..- r ^Jf i 'r^W^l Sanforized Matched Slack | Green. Several materials to choose from. All sizes I$3.95 value?Now Others as Low t Lj GENUINE PANAMA | MEN'S STRAW HATS |1 Others as 1 Belk's De] I I MEN'S DEP REMKJtfBER ? You Ah L . TH replacements manyy of the v ok tables that were damaged by dry wea ther. says H. Jt. Nlswonger, exteusin .Horticulturist at N. C. State Cot lege. Okra, tomatoes, )tmu anil snap beans may be planted with good resuits lu July, the horticulturist declared, adding that these vegeta-! bles will supply needed Ingredients' for canned soup mixtures in uddl- j tion for home use. Seed for lettuce and celery plants also should be sown in July. Seed of broccoli' Chinese cabbage and Swiss chard do best when J sowit In the garden .row and later | thinned out. Niswouger said. Mustard, spinach anil turnips ! should be planted in August, along with beets, carrots and rape, it was added, lu that month a secon'J set of tomu.to plants ulso might he set with usually good results. lettuce celery and collurd plants also , should be transplanted. A good Kali garden depends Ian gely on how well the soil is pre- j . pared for the Job it will be called upon to do. Nlswonger said. He de-! dared tlint good seed. especially treated seed, are the best guarau- V tee against plant diseases which take a big toll of garden produry uoii oacn year, ? t buy in? of these commodities. Total uon-ugrit ultin ul uncinploy meut jti this country lias increased by .'1.2"(d,onrt i ions since May.) M40. ^v\ !. ?OL IN?j l^ENT I Suits in Blue, Tan or $2.98 IS $1.98 ; 98c Low as 48c pt. Store ARTMENT vays Save At BELK*S ' t*1 *" . i ' . * - ' ' i * * ' . C "* B KINOfl MOUNTAIN HERALD.1 OUR DEMOC I THEy ALSO Si ISOLWER, SAILOR. MARINE .MECHANIC, SHIPWRIGHT, 1 RAILROADER, TRUCKER,? ... OUT FRONT FOR AMERICA. [@UT EVERY BUSINESS N EVERY PREACHER, EVEf INSURANCE MAN, EVERN EVERY STENOGRAPHER MAINTAINING OUR FAI1 AS WE WOKKt WE ARE M. Church News LUTHERAN CHURCH Herman 0. Fisher, Pastor Sunday School ut 9:45 A. M. Supt. Mr. D. C Mauney. The Service at 11:00 A. M. Serinon: By the Pastor. Juhlor Children of the Church al 30 P. M ' . Senior Luther League 6 "M p. M Intermediate Luther League ut 30 p. M 8:00 P. M. Union Service. We Welcome You. isoyce Memorial A. R. P. Church . , K. N. Ualrd, .Minister. 10: do A. M. Bible School. J. K amble, superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship and tsrmon: Subject: "Great Commanl ient of Old TestamenV" 3:30 P. M. District Conference ol ouug People at Plrst Church lr 7:15 P. M. Young People's Chris an Union. atthews Lutheran Church. 8:00 P. M. Union Service at St atthews Lutheran, Church. 8:00 P. M. Weduasday Evening rayer Meeting. Presbyterian Church Rev. P D. Patrick Paatoi 0:45 A. M. Sunday School, Mr. C . Tbomasson, Supt, 11:00 A. M. Morniug Worship. Sermon: The Second Advent and te Judgment. 2:30 P. M. Sunday School at Dlx n OxL/\r>l llAitaa If r T t* T11 era U OVIIVVI inwuov. mi tl U. uui I u 3tt. Supt. , 7 P. M. Young Peoples' Vespers 8:00 P. M. Union Service at St [atthews Lutheran Church. Monday 8:30 A. M. Daily VacaCor Ible 8chool. Every week day ex upt Saturday. Monday 7:30 P. M. Boy Scouts roup 1, Mr. Carl Davidson. Scoui inster; Messrs Harry Pime anc illl Thomson Asst. Scoutmasters. Monday 7:30 P. M. Circles, 1. 2 and 4, will meet at the Churcl he Auxiliary meeting will follow le Circle meetings. Tuesday 7:30 P. M. Prayer meet lg at the Margrace ComnUinitj louse. GRACE METHODIST S. W. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 Church School Frank Greet Superintendent. 11:00 Morniug Worship and se non. 6:30 Epworth Leagues. 7:30 Evening Worship and se naon. 7:00 P.' M. Tuesday Womana S< jietv of Christian Service. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer S? vice. Central Methodist m _ tnurcn 10:46 A. M. Church 8chool, B. I E^eelor, General Superintendent 11:00 A. M. Sermon by the Paste Subject: "The Palm Tree Chrlatla 6:30 P. M Epworth Congue '6:00 P. M. Union Scfvlce at S fatthewa laiiheran Church 8:00 P. M Wednesday, Praye neetlng. U.M I PHURqDAY, JULY 10, 1041 *' I RACY ?byM?t [j K*9rEt v3 V ^.''y f.Vff IAN,EVERY FARMER. IV. FAMILY DOCTOR, EVERV f NURSE,EVERY TEACHER. ?ALL WHO WORK ARE rH, HEALTH, SECURITY. AK/MG DEMOCRACY WORK. ; First Baptist Church A. Q. Sargeant. Pastor Suuday Morning 11:00 Worship. Sunday School 9:40 o'clock. Sunday night we will join the oth er churches in a Union Service at j I the St. Matthews Lutheran Church.' Anne Husscltine Circle will meet ! at the home of Mrs. K. H. Hord with [Mrs. C. F. Wilson as Joint hostess j Monday afternoon 3:00 o'clock. Lula Herndon Circle will meet at j j the home of Mrs. Harold Crawford j | with .Mrs. Will Bird as joint, hostess . j Monday afternoon 3:30 p. in. ! Jutlson Circle will meet at the I j home of Mrs. C. K. Blaloek an dwith ! Mis. O. V. Mullins as joint hostess j Monday afternoon Jt::50 o'clock-. Vera Surgeant Circle will meet at the Church at 6:00 o'clock Monda| night to go on a Picnic Supper. ' Miss Funnte Carpenter has charge " of tlie program. i , The Cleaners CIu>js will meet 'Sat urday afternoon at. .1:00 o'clock. 1 July 19th at the hopie of Mrs. VV. j | M. Moorhead with Mrs. Paul Cole j as Joint hostess. ! CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE I. W. Hlattchard Home, Pastor Sunday School 0:45. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Park-Grace Bible Church John L. Gregory, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. I 7:00 P. M. Evening Services. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evange listic service. Wesley an Methodist R. L. Phillips. Pastor 1 Sunday School 9:45. Morning -Service 11:00. \V. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:18 ' Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00 ' Evening Servtce 7:00. * ? Second Baptist Church \ j Rev. C. C. Parker. Pastor it Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday, j Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m . each Sunda Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. M. II. CaldI well, Supt. I Morning Worship 11:00. r_ Evening Worship 7:00. Prayer service Wednesday even Ing 7:00. r. worship with us. All are welcomed to come and o- j TOE ygWNG WALL 3. Ibout gffisMf BUSTNEtf? ,r W ^ i wmapsr \ L \ consistent t. I /* \ advertising; JtfSJ wiimbmovs T 07 , TOUR WORRIER r - ? v . * * - ' -i ;> A. ',* .. . ' 0 ' JM FARMERS STILL HAVE EQUITY IN ?TORED LOAN 1 COTTON li Farmers who stored cotton under t j government loan In 1938. 1939. and | a 1940. ?tll hold an e<|ulty "on cotton | which has been kept In storage and j thc> may stand to receive more | than the orignal loan for the cotton | It Is announced by G. Tom Scott of I Johnston .County.. Ch&trman of the j State AAA Committee. I Prevailing' market prices now are several cents a pound higher than i the loan ra?es for any of the past : three years, and if the Commodity J Credit Corporation, holder of the j fOan cotton, should ? find it necessary to market some of the stored ^ lint to keep domestic prices from rising too high, farmers who stored the cottou on loan would shore in the proceeds of the sale un the bafcale price and the original loan. j DON'T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY When you feel gassy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do as milliona do ?take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning ? thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy, and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your night's rest or interfere with work the next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing | gum laxative, yoursejf. It tastes good, it's handy and economical... a family supply costs only 10* FEEN-A-MINT SEV^^H^ mJt0COJJOUS PWRCHASED The finest thread money can buy. > For smoother, stronger, easier sewing Fast colors. Slack or White All sizes lor all purposes BUY LILY 1 HREAD I 1 PERSONAL I Ben ? your wife wenti you beckl She's found out ut lust how to make that favorite rako of yours right every time. Sbe'n just learned nhout ltuntford linking l'owder. . . . You see. with Itumford you can use any good rceipe and follow the. directions just as they are written. You don't have to hot her with adjusting the quantities to suit a sjieciul kind of baking | powder aetion. The amount of oaking (xiwder your reei|>e calls j for . . . that is just the right amount to use of Ruinford.FREE. Send for ttete booklet, containing downs of bright, ideas to improve your baking. Address: Kumford Baking l'owder. Box R Ruinford,Rhode Island. Blalock's ?The Home of (ilood 1 Prompt Deliveries BLALOCK < Phone 58 1- ' ' - ? 1 Peaches I 1 <'olden Jubilee Peaches and Next % i Mountain Vie i [Route 2, on Kings Mount - . - ? V; '' ' .* . _ For Sale This Week Week t ' .. j ' W Orchard \ I ' 4 ain-Shelby Highway , wrn?mmmmmm?mmmm : ' -'P