> SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE " s V ' f-' ?J?y. '1 ' : RECENT BRIDE HONORED /Mrs. Earl Tate - en tertained at her , Tiomc honoring Mrs. Clifford Kircus, see MlssXeil Jenkins, bride of the past Mav .1 Quests included u large t number of the friends of the honor ?. eo. . lively flowers were arranged throughout the home. Mrs. Tate was assisted -by Mrs. Dewey Caldwell, sister of Mrs. Kircus and Mrs. E. O. Core, in entertaining and serving. Mitet' llowirs attorned the tilling table flunked on the side by white tapers in orystul holders. Molded tee. .cake anil punch was served. f The honoroe was presented a shower of lovely gifts. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoyle. Jr.. of Burlington announce the birth of n daughter, Kathryn Dixon, named for ner maieunni greattgranainotnor. - The baby was bom on Monday. June 30. Mrs Hoyle .was before marriage. Miss Mildred Moss of Kings ] Mounlaift. D. D. CLUB ENTERTAINS TWO BIT CLUB The' I). D. Club entertained the Two Hit Club with u spaghetti siu?; per Thursdav night July 3, at Lake Montonta, The supper was seri'ed buffet slyl< . Swimming and dancing were enjoyed throughout the evening. Twenty guests enjoyed the lioS pitality of tile I). L). CI till with Mrs. j \V. J.' Fulkersou as chapcrone. ENTERTAINS ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. Bert* llartsoe entertained at. a luncheon Sunday July tftli in hpn. or of her daughter. Mrs. C. 1.. Mode and Miss Lorene Hailsoe oil their birthdays. The color motif of plok and wliite was carried out. The table being' covered with white linen, centered with a bowl of white lilies and on either end a bowl of pink carnations. A four course-lunch was served. , inoluilofl iho hnctoeu ?ntl the honorees, jMrs. Mode and Miss Hartsoe, an<l William Hartsoe. Kay % mond llartsoe. Kdgar Hartsoe. C. Mode and CVIiss Martha . Walker. BE.*- ' * T * . 1 f^iC-NIC SUPPER / Miss Eollne Keeter was hostess al a delightful plcrtlc supper on last Wednesday evening entertaining es pecially for her house guest, Mlsr Margaret tlreene of Clyde, N. C. Miss (Ireene was a roomvmute of Miss Keeter at Mays Hill, i The lovely wooded grounds of the Keeter tome afforded a true picnic setting The long outdood table was bountifully served. After supper the guests enjoyed dancing, horseshoe and croquet. Those enjoying Miss Keeter's hps ' pitallty were: Miss" Margaret Greene. Clyde, N. C\. Mrs. Hal Olive i " *'' .* > LOWEST' PRIC PrirAS Talr Limits High Hurry, Hurry! Hot w< prices?it's your chance buy now while stocks li VITALISE as MURINE STANBACK UNGUENTIf PABLUM s4 Pound EPSOM SAL LIFEBUOY Limit DOAN'S ? Lim i PI41I I IPQ' ? ^ 50c Lin I Kings Mount I THE REX/ PhoiM L nu lu iiimpiiwi mi iiiiu jui i miijb! pi i un 11)1 ill 11 ' *.* . HAPPENINGS REST to W * PHONES 10-R AND 88 ft Miss Mary Leslie Doggvtt,, Shelby, 1. Charles i<ogau. Shelby, Misses |)or- ;i, ot'jy Hoke, Maude 1'loiik. Retty -i,.i Lee Neisl.or, Jo Keener; Min.s C Clemonseo McDanlel. Jk 11 > Dalra coll. Ladd llamrick, Jr., .Rill I'age. 4 - ft JWTBECCA CLASS ENTERTAINED - : ( Members of fhe>Jtebecca Class of Central Methodist ChuVfeh were en-;'di tcrtained last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Oliver Kalis with Mesdanies (IruvKoii. Sum Howell Vi and Klavd Kail*. Vslstlng as hos- U Iwi'sJ(Vn interesting *T}tiiz" anil it gometftyere enjoyed; |fc cream. eak?> lemonade and outs .was served- t The rooms were urjtfnged with lovely summer flowers. * T . . (KEATING OF HOME ARTS CLUE Jl cMi's. W. K. lilakely entertain) d members of the Home Arts Club ! and invited guests at her home or. ^ West Mountain street last Wednesday afternoon.} I lie rOoins were aritugcd witti ' colorful summer flowers. Mrs. John Uainble had charge of 1 an inter.estlug program on "Honian-> lie America.'* (Mrs. Gamble toM? i of a number of places of historic r' interest in Amel ia that had been jf restored. Mrs. Itriaht -Ifatterree 'Old!, '' of the restoration of' Williams int. and a liuuiher of pictures of W.il- ' liainshiirg were shown. Delicious- refreshments were veil during the social hour. THURSDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. C. E. NEISLER A number 'of invited guest's ehjoy ed meeting With the members,, of lit tile Hook Club at Mrs. C K. Neis- wi lev's home on Thursday. July 3rd. J); Mrs. Dowry had charge of the pro grain which was both appropriate and Instructive. The program open w< ed with the song "America.'' An >. article entitled "Patriotism' was read by Mrs. Morel. , d. "The Mak- . I ? ' _ * . I. .. 111..,.* Lk \ I >... . . in K <" >"< r ii>s wur kii'"h u.' t.'ns-. j.a Harmon. Mrs. N. F. McGill gave -o two .excellent piano selections. The Editorials from the July nnm bcr of tiie Holland magazine and an re article entiled "Will Democracy Unite." were read by ' Mrs. W. K. ' Maune.v. " * f ruautiful flowers were used in Vtj profusion. One large bowl ?>f rhodo- u dentlron grown liy Miss Sara Hamseur was admired. Lovely white gladolis from Mrs. Summer's gar- tp dens were found fii the hall. Other vj lovely flowers, from Mrs. Neisltt'* o\vn sind Mrs. I'.iul Nelsler's eardens were used. C: Delicious refreshments: in two ot courses were served. ( LEDFORD "WHITE [""Announcement has been made of tire" marriage of Miss Grace Janette Ledford, daughter of Mrs. W. C. . ? l0 ES IN TOWN e A Dive! | ts Reserved rather has wilted' our to save! Come early ? -x ai ist. 8I 39c 49c 1 Headache 1Qr M Powders * * 4E5sL 43c J* mmammmmmUi 43c | m?mmamm?m?mam?mammmmm?mmm?mmmmmm ta T In F ;7_ " 1 * Carton C 3for 14c J! S ' 39c i it 1 > th ikof^Ma^ia 24c M it i ' j; ain Drue Co. ? fo ILL STORE o ;h 41 and 81 I * * } f. - ' ' , V- - 4^'y ), >irfriliibriirtV>r.i ipRPP?? inmi HUB KINGS MOUNTAIN HBRAI ???4 ? OMEN IRS- A- H. PATTERSON L *- - - A. - J r TTTTTTTTTtTtTT T^iTTT^m ( iKovd and (In- Mr. Lrdtori i Krank Morrow"* White. son of M Hi Mrs'. Hi- II. White of King reek, k. t\l The Vroiqony took place oil Jul; at Hlaekshure. S. wi'lt th i v. A. It. I.otts pastor of A. U. 1' r:rch of lllackshurg, oclcltttlng The Iwide wori'e us "her weddlui en}v ua.v > hluo with white acresp t'N. * .Mr. and Mrs Willie a! preset! e. at ihi: home of Mr. white's >i r, Mrs. A.' M. Shillinitlaw o hickshitrx. S. ;t'. Personals Miss Marion I'ulterson. spent tin iiy 4th holidays here.V -o Mr. Hal I'lonk spent Monday uh< uesday in Asheville. ?o-~ Mr. and Mrs; Aubrev Maunev ;Vi : a i rip to New York City. - -o? Miss Helen Williams is on a set al xvreks tour or California am her western States. lames Rattcrree ami Prod Wrigh leat the week-end in Itonhe visit a friends. J ? ?v~ Miss Elizabeth Plonk, .returned'. t< Kit >'ii Sunday after spend H the .Inly 4th holidays at home. . .. . 'x Miss Margaret Rut tuTee lias n* i u heme lifter attending Y P P. coiiferencO in Hon flat ken. II-. Mr. and Mis. Milliard lUuck ami tie daughter spent tile week-em: Itr" Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Summer x?l illas. ?o ? Mrs.. Eugene Mathis spent the ?ek-end with friends in Oreenvillf C. ?C? Mr. Haily of the State Draft Me rtmen't of Raleigh was a visitor the local board Tuesday. ?o? Miss Jacqueline Rawles has ac (in (i a pusiiKill in ine, inierioi hiding in Washington. I)'. ('. Mrs. P. p. Hevndoii is' in Ho' irings, Arkansas, taking tin* batl I'lilirjeniR. y ?o ? Mr. and Mrs. Clyde lletinett spun ,e past week-end visiting friends Florida, ?o? Miss .litatiiia Ftirse of Florence. .. is a guest of Miss Margaret in.well. / ? ?o? " Hunjes Houston', of Fort Jackson >lumhia. S. C\. has been visit int. rs. Houston in Kings Mountain.A ?o-Mr. and Mrs. Jed Wilson of Oil n Ford. Va? are guests of Mrs M. Garrison. Miss Mary Mebane Midkiff of Mt ry was a guest of Miss Eva Ploni e past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGill ani lildren of Dallas, Texas, are visit g relatives in Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomassoi id sons. Charles, Jr., and George lent the past week-end at Csi.roli i rieacn. ?o? Misses Mitchell Williams. Anfiii oberts. buoy Kser and May Plonl e on a trip to Williamsburg. Nor ilk and Manteo. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Jiles Cornwell "am i-'s Margaret Corn well spent tin eek-etid ip Florence, ft. C. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pave ai d M id Mrs. Austin Hunt card tier Uuvi iturned front a stay of severu i;.< 'at Myrtle Beach. ?o? Miss Sarah l^ee liurrilt. daughte Mr. and Mrs. Ector Uarrlll. ii king a commercial course in At nta. ?o-?Mrs. Ed Smith and baby son wen i Burlington last Sunday to vtsi rs. Frank Hoyle, Jr.. and bah; iugbter. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kee-er.. E< ae ar.d Jo Keeter. Miss ,Dorl 'hite. Mr. and Mrs. L.. A. HokV id Dorothy Hoke, are spending is week at Rawley's Island. Mr. and Mrs. Orady King of King ount&ln and Mrs. J. F. Evans am lughter, Sandra, of Gastonia. an i a vacation trip to aPwley's is nd. < Miss Dorothy Hayes left Monday ir Charlotte where she will attenc eyar Business College, to take f scretarial course. Betty MoDanlel. young daughtei ,D THURSDAY, JULY V), 1941 M of Mr. and Mrs. tirler MeDanlel .of. West Gold street has been seriously 111 In the Presbyterian Hospital Charlotte, where she was carried early Friday morning. ?O?r Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cooper and i little daughter. Martha Jul Ice vverp week-end guests of Dr. and Mra. K. C. Cooper at th?lr summer home near Helidersonvllle, ami Mrs. K \V ' Neal at Hon darken. j ' 7-&T" Mrs. J M.Patterson. Miss Marion I Patterson ami Mr. Malcolm Putter.. son, visited Mrs. \V. K. hilling at * [ton darken tin' 4th of July. ' . ?o?* ;f y f Mrs. Richard (' Wilson of Rome Gu . will arrive in ivings Mountain j >. during the v\eik end and wi'i lie a guest of Mrs t). \V. Myers for sev era! days. . .' ' . y o? ' Mr and Mis. Charles Williams i have had as their- guests Mr. and s Mrs: -Herman F. Si< '.vert of Winter f Pork. Florida. Who 'w? >? on the re-1 turn trip from a visit to Washington. I). C. Miss Margaret, Williams - returned with the Siewerts for a visit of several weeks. (>,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Plaxico i> afal children of Sonthport N. C.. nave oceii visiting All. an'l .Mrs,. Robert .Miller. .Mrs. Fred Fingfer 1 and -other relatives in ilie c-ity. Mr. ; Miller ulid Mr(s. Finger are brother and sister of'.Nirs, Plaxlc'o. !? 0? ' (. Ryu wood Parton is home on three days pass from Camp Ja</<son. home f base after serving through prelim II nary maneuvers in Tennessee. Ilis! experience. as well as the other hoys in the army is iprite satisfaet Tory: l.ynwood is with tli.e 30th Div 1-20'th In tain ry. . ?-O?" , *, tlr and. Mrs. \V (). Whittak'-r i and son ol' Florida and K'Situeky have been lite guests of Mrs. Florence Minims and Miss . Agnes Nor risi. s is 01 Mrs. Whittafccr. who will lie remembered as Miss Doro-' tbv i>i>oii-who lived Willi her aim is for a time and attended high school here. Bahv Hirths Increase In North Carolina RALHIGH. ? From Jail. I thru ' May. this year, there were 154,444 babies- boru in North Carolina which was just 1.973 in excess of the num her born during the" corresponding " pel iod of 1940. the State Board of Health reports. Furthermore, births during that period exceeded the 14.434 deaths in tlte State .by 20.000. Maternal deaths were shown to lie on the decrease.-there having I been only lt?l during the-first five! ' months of 1941, as copipared with ; 18 fpt' the same period last year, j a decrease of 27. 1 Hut the mounting toll of deaths.! ' Irom preventabe accidents-' also n comes in for consideration. From January thru May. vital ! statistics figures show. 7d9 persons ' in North Carolina accidentally killed, us conipan . with 543 fo.* the same period a year ago?an increase of 1C6. Most of these deaths r resulted from traffic accidents. , There were, during the period of the compilation. 104 fewer deaths I from pneumonia than occurred a year ago. 39 fewer deaths from tuberculosis and 23 feiver from dl llitheria. Up to Jun 1. there had been only 28 diphtheria deaths in the State. (atst year there were 51 during the first five months, 27 of | these occurring in January alone, j' as compared with only 9 in Janu. i ary this year. IT-s POSSIBLE TO SAVE 1 HOME GRO.TN GARDEN SEED Quitu a few of the garden crops I that are grown InNbrth Carolina pi nluces seed that can he a-aved if * : precautions are taken to prevent j { ! diseases from carrying over from j ' year to year, says I, P. Watson, Kxj tension liortirullitrist of N. C. Stat-J 1 ft,II. gc. .1 11-'. 0., l.U',1 UA0.I .Wl,* ? c?? ink j i i/ n ii r** it f IIII '* have mi oppo.rtunifi to select those plants which seem to <lo particular- j l\ w< II under local Conditions. Watr son said to fanners. However, nta-, ii> disc .iscs of vegetable crrtjis arc ' seed-home lie added, miis and: pens arc anions; ilici i-es' crops from which to save seed I r Seen can be. olitaliicd hy marking * !' ? of the finest plants a lilt j * of cloth at the beginning of the, j harvesting season. When ilpened until lite pods are dry. these plants, f should be pulled in the early morn- i 1 ing to avoid shattering. They should ! f then" he hung or spread in atsy airy, j dry place until tho seed harden.} Then the seed should be shelled ' ' j and spread out, not more than two * or three grains deep, and when dry, - stored for the winter in a cool, dry i place. The best sweet corn s |<1 cart beobtnined by allowing It to ripen on a the plant. Select the best and earlii est ears by stripping down tho a inisks to examine the grain and to - remove any worms that may be found. Then carefully fold the huska back and hald them In place by an 7 rlnatln hnnH r\r a ofrinir A enn von. i ient way to store sweet corn la by ? the ar. A single ear will plant a small garden. The same general practices are r i used in saving other seed, Watson " e MMMMPIP I t " . . . * ' . said, f^ill Information on aeed-sav- t ! ing may be obtained by writing to me the Department of Horticulture, can State College Station. KiHelgh. J ere u > Your Fur Store ., Is ready at. all times Id offer proper furniture for ever home. You have a right to ture at reasonable prices an service. We are interested ii making a sale," but sincere!] you. We invite you to visit.u * * v * Kings Mc Furniture C Quality At Keasoi Vacation L And Foo AT SPECIAL F A Modern Case for every ti proof Flextweed Covering. Wood Construction. 59c to I ZIPPER BAGS $1.00 Values . \ Un s' Ladies Beach Sandals. ^ Slip on and strap style c $1.00 pair Men's beach' Oxfords L and sand saddle Straps il Cork soles, the new fea ture in men's footwear $2.98 pair Ladies white and pat- La ent, medium heel cut- he (Out Plumps. Regular| ou $3.00 value. Close Out^ $3 Price? la? $1.98 Dair ! 1 BATHING Ladies, Men's and Children' 1 duccd For QUICK CI | Myers' Pep y?~icn "ueuT, a demonstration ?*p r of iM&con County, partly ?>n?rue dry weather by itirnin'r r? ok Into his garden to Irrigate 'ftm tables, says T. H. Pag* ' . farm agent of the StaLe >V*:h Extension Service. * _ try weather caused the ,vrearr.-j&i age in years- to the potMu ,ioc , Craven County, suvs IV M < n-? slant farm agent. niture 1 " : . ' i . ;i j r-:; I - " ' -:.H i v ) V suggestions as to the 1 y Room in YOUR 1 expect quality furnid friendly, courteous / i more than "just. I lT ^1 /u- v/? <a ? 1 ? ? r. uvniiv HI pil'asc s often. >untain ompany table Prices PHHHBMMMMi uggage I twear | 'RICES * | avel need. Water- | Metal Reinforced <jl 11.98 1 68c I | dies $4 value crush- 1 white kid Pumps m r sport or dress wear ecial Close out price '? $2.98 pair I !> I ^:j, dies and Misses' low el crushed Kids, toe m t fancy Ties, a real JS value. 3-A to C-a rm it. Close Out? $1.98 pair I SUITS ^ s Bathing Suits Re- I | LEARANCE J 1 Store 1 1

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