(Si' . k: -" V Tf,: - WE THREE "C" ALL WV know all. hour all, aud "C all Mmi lep! we're gonna tell al dont want (o hurt anyone' ?U?Mm but (lie truth um the trutl s? here we go.'.,.. . . trtio?h. Plash ?? Vivian has reall; %d-s* this time .... and- tor noni Mhcr than "Curly" .... nice work {forty. .. Speaking of fulllug, Cha"Jt? A fell for a girl from Oroenn Wo ...... We wonder why Booti iioae hack to Kings Mountain, wai i to see "Ortff"....we bet it wa: ... If so who succeeded...k Welf the twins are off .to Alask; . .Cheer u|> girls .... they'll bi -* -A Chiti*'. you have our sympathy , t?. seems ' it. S. Plonk is the bo; Cupid can't touch ........ hi1 Heart ts undented .... Scoop: Bil Page duted Rachel .Met'lain Krida; night....... and are Lawrence au< iWInu getting up ao nffalr?? ..J , f?e*?ig is believing .. Bel wi jmv ? several - girls who are glad ti farce Bobby Baker back in town . The r>. f>'s sure did have a swel .\:Tpc at the house party last week. Imperial Kings Mountain, 1* TODAY?' ' Double Fe f ' "Also Bol Latest \ FRIDAY an Big Tripl. I- - ggA flp|B | ' ' ' '. -- V-i- 4.. '. :' " '." ' >"--v.^ :+*i42 Extra-J V FIGHT I ?LATE SHOW FI Also "Riders of with Buck Jo ?Also D< ?10c "Please Come _ MONDAY A * V Anot ROAR like the Devil ^ the WVIl AHO CUMMINGS CO BUR* Wf? MINI BYMOTON ft. *. MCMl WHUAM MNUljlT I i f It's PI 1 -W-'-v ?" Nw? -ioc Don't Forget That,] Fred ?WE TH/ tV . .'a.' p<-v v I.-' '; < " ' p? * fet ; :'.v.v ;> . in ft Several girls fell kind* hard .. eh I Peggy? .... and a certain girl fell for some Gastonla guvs .... Whit, ^ Hiid Tlsh, by name we know Cleinonsee, Dot Hoke, Buren and Sara Raw ling# had a swell time eel V ibraltug the 4th at the hamburger i s fry at the laika. 1 j Welcome back to town Billy Geno i Dick Baker and Phil Patterson, f are seen about townl quite a lot late? ly.-.:. "i Signing off we say: r Just keep out of our sight '* If you hope to keep right. 9 * ^ * Cotton soon may be brought tfTi 8 iter the AAA crop iusurance program by legislation now pending in 1 t'ongress. . > ' j A If. S. Senate resolution- calling for Congressional investigation of' ' the federal parity price system Is 8 aimed to find a more favorable ' yardstick for farm prices. f 1 t The if. ft Department of. Com- j s uief-ce. has ceased publication of j j statistical information oh exports/ . j of American farm produce and will | f keep such information secrfet be-1 . cause of the war. Theatre i. C.?Phone 134 raURSDAY ature Show m? ibmm 'wiiti ruaa*" "THt COWBOY MJg FROM VMff suNP owjr?^^M > Steel Serial" Var News lOod SATURDAY e Program MURDER Oft utiAHU! Uncle j fights a new i maic* aa ^ ?r? all mi to ] " strike (ran b MH ^B ^1 M B DORM p ) lunSm5 kliin Peller Pamm . FU19aaUlllJf VUUU >ICTURES j UDAY NITE 11:30? Death Valley," No. 2 nes?Dick Foran rmald Duck? and 20c? Early For Scats" ' ND TUESDAY her Hit KAOK^L m by NORMAN KRASMA Dk^ttd N W? **4 *^Q#WRy?, Mr. C*-" entyGood ? Comedy and 15c? Delicious Hot Popcorn i Daily INK YOU? IB KINQft MOUNTAIN HKRAU> TO Second Prize-! The second of the prize winning essays sponsored by the First National Bank is published below. Virginia Summers wus declared winner of the 8th and 8th grade group and was awarded the 85.00 cash prize offered by the Bank. ' 'i - ' 'I THE SPIRIT OF AMERICA The Spirit of America is tile spir- j it of the people who have made America. It is the spirit that has j changed a vast wilderness of three [ hundred years ago into the greati est nation on earth todu.v?"the land ol'the free, and the home of the brave." Fortunate, indeed, is the hoy or girl who. eat! grow up in j America, enjoy the privileges und j opportunities she has to offer, an 1 possesses the the spirit of her makers. The American wtiy of life exalts the individual rather., than the; group. The first settlers in America j came because Jhey wanted to live j their own lives as individuals, be-! ing, responsible only to (lot! and their neighbors. These people wunt ed to worship God as they pleased. i in v warned tiieir own nomes, their own schools, and an tndepend .eat means of supporting themselves so that, they could live thei.r own lives in their own way. When we think of the difficulties rind hardships they had to . overcome to gain these things, we nut-1 ttrnlly wonder about the nature of j these people. What were the char- j acteristics that made them successful? First of all. these early American i settlers t>ossessed the twin spirits j of the pioneer and the builder. The, pioneer spirit brought the first col-1 ouists across the'stormy Atlantic to] the shores of a wild aud unsettled Itltitl Tim ftiottitoe cttii'it uihi I toenfl ? l?U |flVUCVI iO|MI >v jVV'I IV I V. ?l these people from Maine to Florida. It took the colonists westward, across dangerous rivers, lonely prar ies, and rugged mountains unlit they reached the sea. But not even then were they stopped. The spirit of the builder made them build rail I roads, cities, and industries, an dc | velop our great supply of natural resources. | These twiu spirits of the pioneer and the builder are the outward ev 1 idence of the courage and the high moral standards of our forefathers. "The Spirit of the Pioneer" and "The Spirit of '76" were the same, i- As the thirteen colonies grew and | prospered the mother country bur* I dened them with taxation and de! tiled them representation in their ' own government. On July 4 1776, lour courageous forefathers set down their beliefs in the immortal Dec* laration of Independence in these ! words, "We hold these truths to be I self-evident, that all men., are ere* i ated equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unallI enable Rights, that among these are i Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." And they pledged each other to support this Declaration with, "our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." The Revolutionary War gives us the story of thirteen struggling colonies fightiug hopefully and courageously to victory against great odds. * The sfory of the writiug or the constitution \nd the beginning of our sys tern of government impresses us with the wisdom and bravery of those men who worked out the plaus and put them into operation. The spirit of courage . In Americans has shown itself iu their willingness to take long chances for big wluniugs and to take Success or defeat in the spirit of good sportsmanship. Why is it that American? have given to the world some of the most outstanding ' scientific dla covdrles and industrial developments? Why was it left to Bell to invent the telephone? McCormick, the reaper Whitney, the cotton gin?. Edison, the electric lights? The Wright brothers, the airplane" Was it only by aVldent that, these inventions were made by Americans? Certainly not. it was because these men were willing (o risk theln tnoney, their reputations, and even their lives for something that would benefit others. Why was it men were willing to finance these inventions when they had no assurance of their becoming a success? It was because they were wilting to risk fortunes for something they believ-. od might become of some service -to the world.' , Another * truly American chadao terlstlc is the spirit of personal worth. It is the lack of pretense or sham. We value our fellow citizens by what he is, not who he is, or now ne got tnat way. yiner nations have classes where only those of a< high rank cau hold office and the prominent people Inherit their positions. In America the poorest boy may someday become president. After all. who is an American? In the song 'The Ballad of America" we bear the anrwer. An American is Boglish, French. Irish, Spanish. Swedish ? a mixture of all nations and races. America is truly the world's melting pot. The Spirit of America Is our priceless hertage. If we wish to be worthy descendants of those noble, C~ ftfrwiir Wi ~F-i^Aiii' i?~ riWii'frfii'ir'iir ?' -m lUvR^day. rui/r to. iui Winning Essay NEGRO NEWS (By Jessie Q. Costlier) The North . Carolina add South Carolina Union convened on North York street in Oastonia July 7 and 8, at the Kfriendly Union Baptist church. Presiding Elder S. L. Houston of Troutmun, N. C.. will preach at Bynum Chapel A. M. E. Zion Church Sunday. July 13. Everyone is cordially in vited to attend. Everyone anticipates a speedy recovery of Mr. Albert Saddler, Sr.. the Patherof, Mi). and (Mrs. Albert Sadler. Jr. of this city. Mr. Sadler is a citizen of Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, a newly wedded couple of Kings Mountain, are spending their honeymoon iu Greensboro. N. C. Mr. Campbell is the physics teacher of Compact High School. Mrs. Bessie McSpadtlin has returned to Pennsylvania with her mother, her sister. Mrs. Viola Mills and niece. Miss Eleanor Mills whd spent u few days with her. Mrs. McSptiddln has lived-in Kings Moun tain for over 19 years., Mr.' Farledus Brlggs. the brother of Mr. and Mrs'. Willltom Brlggs. of Kings Monntaiu is spending a few days at the Briggs residence on Cansier street. Mr. .lDelutu'v Lyles of Greensboro N. C.. "spent the 4th of July with his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Whltesides. Miss Mary Joe Lewis of Rome. On . is visiting, her brother. Mr. Fred Lewis, at the home of Mr. j Lewi's mother-in-law. Mrs. William | llriggs. 201 Cansier street. iMr. and Mrs Hywnr Parker re! joiced June 19. 1941. when their daughter, little Miss Boris Parker ! was horn. * . ' j Mr., Charlie Bess of Compact com ! munity died July 1, at his home.'He was buried Sunday. July 6. ' Mrs. Bertha Rein is visiting her mother. Mrs. Mattie Taylor. Mrs. Reie, who has made her home In New York City, is a iattve of Kings Mountain. \ ._ Mr. Charles Hand and Mr. Eugene Camp spent the 4th of . July | at the home of Mrs. W H. Jackson. | They were visiting M\s Gayzetta i Jackson. I The members and friends in I Kiiiirs Mountain ?lmrr? thwif iinonuoi sympathy with Uev. C. W. Ixmg. pastor of Jtynum Chapel Church In the loss of his brother. j AAA WHEAT FORMS NOT ^ ! COMPLICATED. FLOYD SAYS J "There is absolutely nothing com plicated about the wheat ' forms that must hi- kept by combiners and threshers of wheat who accept toll , for harvesting this year's crop un1 tier the 1D41 marketing <|uota proj gram." says K. Y. Floyd. sLttc AAA ' executive officer at i^tat^ College. A full explanation of the simple forms will he made to all threshers aud combiners at the county agent's ofTtce in every county, the AAA officer said. Flovd cited the simplicity of the forms in tho face of reports some wheat harvesters had elected to cut wheat for cash only, rather than accept toll, since the latter precedure involves the use. of AAA forms. , . . , men who fought for our freedom we must face the future unafraid. We must -be willing to shoulder responsibility. take risks, apply our talents in the best way possible, and sacrifice all for what we believe to be the individual's rights. We have no right to sing: LwuK iimy our iune orient With freedom's holy light; Protect "Oily Thy might Great God our King?" unless we arc willing to hack up these words with our actions. A Dab a Day keeps | ! P. 01 away! (*Un4*rorm Ftnplrmtlon Odor) J^T f , VODORfl | ? KINIMtliillN ?-taa'? at Iff or atlckyf .Saft-lt, apraada Ilka faca craam. { ? la actually aoothfcigl Uaa right > afta* ahaaii*?wW not Irritata. | ' ? haalight,plaaaanf acantNoalckly aaaail to cUag to Angara or clothing. / ? will not spoil datkata labrlca. Yat taats to tba tropica?mada by no rasa -prara that Yodora protacta andar trying c?adliiana.kMM*fatn^lf(,Ma; " -;v r? Showing At Imperial Mo 'fl j ''^1 i Sfeiifefc Jean Arthur, Robert, Cummlngs, and Chai Devil and MIm Jones", showing at the li and Tuesday. Charter No. 5451 Report of Condition FIRST NATIO> of Kitigs Mountain, in the State of North nesa on June 30th. 1S41, published.lit lies of the Currency, under Section 6311, U. ! ASSISTS Loans and discounts tincluding $ Nona United States Government obligations, dii Obligations of States -and political subdh Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Fede Cash, balances with other banks, including balance, and cash items in process c Bank premises owned $13,500. furniture a Other assets TOTAL ASS NTS ULAB1LIT IE Demand deposits of individuals, partners! Time deposits of individuals, partnerships Deposits of United States Government (h Deposits of States and political subdivlsi I Other deposits (certified and cashier's rh TOTAL DEPOSITS , Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES ' CAPITAL ACCOUI Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $100,000 Surplus .... Undivided Profits Reserves (and retirement account for pr< Total Capital Accouuts ........ ... Total Liabilities and Capital Acco MKMORAN1 Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (li (a) United States Government obligation! pledged to secure deposits and other (bt Other assets to' secure deposits and o (including note and bills rediscounted a securities sold under repurchase agree TOTAL Secured liabilities (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of lai TOTAI State of North Carolina, County of Cleveli I, B. S. NeilL cashier of the above-nar mat the above statement Is true to the bi B. S. J" .?: *\ . - ' ., Sworn to and subscribed before mo Cor: this 8th day Of July, 1941. J. R. Davit*. Notary Public. My Com. Kxpires 3-14-43 I " ' * V-..J ' ' . . * '! r: The demand for baby chicks has O. increased steadily as a result of gent the higher prices received by pro- Piers ducers for eggs, with commercial impoi hatchery production in April tjto lion hlghost on record. see. Yesterday?1 Tomorrow ITS PURER . Sunrise [ . ' Phone 1468 ' ' y ' ' . J - i;. - . I j '" - '.r- " '" t 'frs - * - - /;;'*>0 ' >>v-.-; '*- if * ' ".'' '?N nday and Tuesday RBi-. B*.r ??, * r *.. . , V ' J ? ? 4 rles Coburn, appearing in "The mperial Theatre next Monday Reserve District No. 5 i of The JAL BANK . 'I " V ' ' >. v* ' .. v . . V > ' J.V : . Curotlna. at' the close of busiponsc to a call by Comptroller 8. Revised Statutes. overdrafts) $359,Gltl.20 rect and guaranteed .. S7.t?:if>.85 i iKiuin 1r collection 415,492 40 Oil fixtures $3,800 17.300.00 159.17 . $1,032,406.72 IS ' . lips, and- corporations 525.371.33 i. and corporations ,. 268.403.48 ucluding postal savings) 405.92 ous ... .. 65.906.94 eeks. eicD' 9.264.46 $869,352.07 .* ...i 3,297.72 ...* 872,649.79 ?