- * j* ?. * i ... .* *.- i.?* ? .?, ' ? . i 0. Tom Scott of Johnston county chairman of the state AAA commit tee, hag been chosen to head the U , S. Department of Agriculture's de fehse board in the State. John K. .Multifield. traffic manager of the Pan American Grace,Air ways reports upon returning from J-ima, Peru, that increased trade with the United States is helping Soutti America. Tlie United State's Department of Agriculture bought an aggregate , . 13.810.220 pounds of frozen eggs during the week endinglJuly 5. jmlcoi TS| KZROStUtW R A N G t SJ """* & *- SEE DEMONSTRATION 4 "I can't tell you lio\v thr'Ilcd.I nm with the. ppjSqnnancc. labor saving features, and beauty of toy new Nil SCO Kerosene Ratine. "Before yott buy. insist on seeing these wew NESCOS demonstrated ami learn about their many convenience features and their fine cooking ami buking ?|uuWt't'??. You'll )ind just the model to fit your indiMdual needs." Simplified Operation "The large, scientifically designed oven has a reliable heat indicator and * is fully insulated with efficient glass wool. Fuel tanks are easily accessible and powerful burners provide in Mailt heat in various desired degrees. "There's on enclosed storage space for idle utensils and a removable burner tray that keeps the stove and floor clean Without* back-breaking drudgery. Staggered burners allow me to use 3 large utensils at the same time and the convenient tabic top provides much needed extra working space."f Declare a houstttive's holiday and hurry dozen to see the mtv iV'LVC'O Hangcs at your deafer today! - l*aaCKi.L saaivar' Bfl|giijjidUBjajflM|H|H|ygjB m tWLr^lfSl AMI S B*< T. H Su^f Mt, VI. < ME^W ? PALMOLIVE I 5U SOAP I SV 3 for 20c 3 1 C.J. GAUL1 Thrift} Grocen T ? Special! ? C. J. G PHONE 225 ' * . * .. - . THE PC I ? KN<y 'ALUMINUM wfocient for 60.000 corpse FfXCOlATO/?-; \6 NEEPEP in ASKING m mosern 8om8er. *<mevftsfracke?' r^u. lkeo in the earl-/ wp j PA/>* Of TENNIS. WERE GLOVE* w/w GTAMGS 6mtcnEp/?c/?osi rfu INCOMSSO^OO.OOC and me a. tr tavev ?vT/oei\ mt TAXES. UtootO PAy ALL CC . of eovfRMMEfrr for oNiyA& *' " -S-V' v' 2 MONTHS I FARMERS ARE URGED I TOGRC'W MORE HOGS 1 s- st' n<lil.y increasing pork haf caused Kllis V. ' . s-wuu -ptl'liJllsl of -the N. ('. ' l.'nU* - Kxlonsion Service, to ou N' rfn Carolina tanners Fo ? ; iij? auuilici's. Mo aisjiiey in circulation ill suit 'i 'lie. .Defense Program j created, a brighter situation i swine niseis. Likewise, tlie j lend act guarantees pork, stl j to iii;;ain. "TheSe factors have hrougt boui.n favorable ration betwei ( prices a ltd feed prices." Vesta "With hogs selling at 1<> cen pound anil, better, farmers an I Club members may well uft'o ' A Dab a Da keeps P. OiH awaj Underarm Perspiration Odor) rm YODORfl DfODORQOT CREflm ? isn't stiff or atickyl SoftBp reads like face cream. ? is actually soothingl Use rig after shaving?will not irritate. ? has light,pleasant scent.No sicl smell to cling to fingers or clothl ? will not spoil delicate fabrics. Yet testa in the tropics?made by n ? prove that Yodora protects unde ing conditions, fa Iu4ee ar fan, 10c, 2S< sj.w m -1LI-. w ?? - 0* IfKHSMSS m RHBf^ M?tr OTMpVpSsy V rv* v?lT^_n?/w i cd p> ?f Ww?pw (rwn MmNv*, Kltk, Cry?tal WKH* w 0<ltf?n Stf rr?4vdi. rpg? Q?f>C? PLANK.., ?* IKLEK for 25c 3 for 25c r & SON ?B DUKE'S r Mayonni ww Pimento " COLORED 5 Fryers II FIRST GRADE ir j rverosen AULT GRADE "A" MA] rfa'rtfAI'm ^ 1 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAU >CKETBOOK iVLEDCE t^S r~ \$ T a fiffmeMTb* 1B&. MANUFACTURER now ik- WS\ ' turns our Nowirrevs ' 'Y , "rrt*T VWIU 33 / v \Y? POUND SW2/4 /9 , (//? vEv and AH Air, ANoioa CME*> A!t'/S/ \ Sl%AWB?fiRlEG "/s / \ r?? ARE NOW SELLING FOR v4=!? '5ts V go ce/urs apiece TUT ^ IN lONPO/U^ ^===^rzrSr^ ; foul any i>is;s they have, even I they have to buy some- corn as y : as protein and mineral." it! tor-',- An -average of ten trials- condi I'estal, , eti by <lio North Carolina 10vp State meat Ktation showed tliat ltt-c cull hogs will return $1.57 a bushel r htrg. i ecrn consumed, basis cottons* meal at $1.75 per 100 pounds. : s a - re fish meal at $11.50 -per- 100 pout has Farmers and farfti boys wish i ' for io conduct feeding demonstrntic lease- are advised by Vestal to use the ipplies having procedure: Weigh the pigs at the begitut " a" j "of .the period. 'u,?j l*se a self-feeder. Blueprints n 1 said ^ obtained from any county ugt ts . ,a i Fse shelled corn o,r ground bat in one compartment, and- cottons lo - meal and fish meal (or tankage) ? | the orher. |m# the recommended thin* Ijf mixture in it dry place. Green ft ?! is important, too. Keep a record of the feed, ust Vestal raid county a?%nts will glad te assist farmers in carry f B out these swine-feeding demons r^y tions. / /XI . * ? Lhurch News Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church U. N. Laird, Minister. ' 10:00 A M. Bible School, J. Bumble, Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship ; j Sermon: "Presutliptuols Sins.' "lt 3:30 P. M. junior Christian Un >ht 1 Misa EiizaUeth Anthony, Leader. 7:15 P. M." IirrtViitediate Christ dj i lI,lionr?g. | 7:15 P. M. Young People's Ch r tryS,40c ktc&BH Ph rss*.'? > : tooth. LQX >.??" __ UY AND SAVE? aise qts. 35c 7 ounce can 10< b. 25c * ' '-vl?vc. <-yjt*s?| I ' V' e 5 gals. S0< & sui\ I ' " ' * i ' (r - y* FIKET WE DELIYE1 * . ? ..if < ;.,. ; > vYrfriti,Vy- . v. 9 THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1M1 tlan Union. 8:00 P. M. Union Services at Cen tral Methodist Church with Rev. P. It. Patrick, preaching. Monday: .? 3;:t0 P. M. Minnie 'Alexander Clr] cle with Mrs. Campbell Phlter. 3:30 R* M. Maelo Stevenson Clrcle with Mrs. J. M. Garrison. 8:00 P. M Mary Kennedy Circle with Mrs. N. F. McGtll. 8:00 P. M. .Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting. LUTHERAN CHURCH Herman G. Fisher. Pastor . Sunday School at 9:15 A. M. Stlpt. Mr. I). C. Mauney. '* The Service at 11:00 M. Sermon: lly the Pastor. Junior Children ot the Church at ' C;80 P. M. Senior Luther League *>:3o P. M. 'Inieriuedla'e Luther l.easuc at j 0:20 P. M. 8:ot) P M Union Service.'j We Welcduic You. Presbyterian Church Rev. P D.- Patrick Pastoi lu A. M Sunday School. Mr. C F. Thomasson. Supt. 11:00 a. M. Morning Worship Sermon subject: ''The Touch of j Jesus." I 2:30 P. M. Sunday School at JMx. on school' house, J. G. Darracott. Supt. 7:00 PI M. Young People's Ves1 pers on' the Church lawn. ! 8:00 P. M. Union Service at the Methodist Church. Tuesday 7:30 P. M. Praver meet ? - I iUR at the Margrace Community house. ~r GRACE MT2THODIST ? .. S. W. Johnson. Pastor t I'll i*:4r? Church School Prank Green, Superintendent. ' 11:00 Morning Worship and sereri moa. cy' t>:30 Ep worth Leagues. IO,1 7:30 Evening Worship and sbrnum. T:oo 1>. M. Tuesday Womans So'. s" eietv of Christian Servu-6. Wednesday 7 CIO p. m. Prayer Ser >ns , , . vice. . Tol i -? j?g Central Methodist Church .. lay Rev. II. C. Sprinkle. Pastor unc iL-t.V-Ar m. Church SchooL- II. S. ley Peeler. General Superintendent, eed ' 11:00 A. M. Worship Service, in ' with sermon by the Pastor. Subjec;, "Grasshopper Church Members." ral ' 0:30 P. M. Epxvorth League Dee.ed j volioual Meeting. 8:00 P. M. Union -service witli ,,-j i sernun by Rev. P. p. Patrick. \?:.k iCnnh M,w>(iii.r U'i.rl 1 -i?I HJ >* VCR f IUJII ifivcuus ?* C*|jd ? iK'sdo\ evening at 8:00 o'clock. First Baptist Church ? I A. G. Snrgeant. Pap tor Sunday Morning "Worship 11:00. Sunday School-0:40 A. M. Shnday Evening we will join the other churches in the Union service. < K CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE \V. Itlanehard Home, Pastor * >nd Sunday School 9:45. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7:45 ion tp- M" , ia" Park-Grace Bible Church r- John L. Gregory, Pastor r[a^ Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. 17:45 P. M. Evening Services. 6:30~P. ,M. Sunday Evening Epworth League. Each Saturday 7:45 P. M. Evangelistic service. Wesley an Methodist R. L. Phillips, Pastor I Sunday School 9:45. Morning Service -ah* DO. W. Y. P. S. or Crass meeting 6:15. Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00 Evening Service 7:00. * / Second Baptist Church Rev. C. C. Parker, Paetor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. ro. and 7:30 p. m. ' each Sunda . ? Macedonia Baptist Church ' J. -V. Frederick. Pastor Sunday School 9:45. M. R. Caldwell, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00. % Evenfyfe Worship 7:00. ^ Prayer service Wednesday even fng 7:00. All are welcomed to come and worship with us. % ~~ ? ? MVMNH I . i % I Aa4 Sm Tap* ?r frwa I rPALMOUVI $OAt 3.20c 8UHR SUDS 3 - 25c KUK . 3 - 26c * BLALOCK GROCERY * ' -/ ' ; 1 ^B ^B ^B H H H ^B " ^B|v Dresses Greatly Reduced jFor Final Clearance 1-3Off Better Come Early For Better Selections ALL $9.95 DRESSES NOW $6.99 J ALL 7.95 DRESSES) NOW $4.99 I ALL $6.50 DRESSES NOW $3.99 j ALL $4.95 DRESSES NOW $3.69 ALL $3.93 DRESSES NOW $2.69 ALL $2.98 DRESSES NOW $1.99 Special Group Pjg Group | LADIES DRESSES ORGANDY AND Sheers and Silks o.._?A_TI5kTE ** II ? _ ouinmer ureases Pretty Patterns pag^ Colors To Close Out To Close Out $1.45 68c each Children's Children's DRESSES SHEER DRESSES Sizes Tto 16 Sizes 1 to 14 Lovely Styles Were 58c each For Summer wear Buy Several Now Priced Only To Close Out I 79c each 39c each All I odiac' Ciimmor Ui+e 01 nn biiuiiid villi l ll lie I uaio . Values to $4.95 1 Any Hat In Store Your Choice Only I $1.00 Keeter's Dept. Store 1 Value For Value Never Undersold L%-' ' - ' x : ! v V -te '

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