, - - - - - wrr. - - . " ' . * - ' . ' * . V . y > > t SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTEl it HOSTESS AT BUFFET SUPPER Mrs. Joe Thomson wu?. hostess' at a lovely buffet supper and "bolt. ( voyage" |jarty at Iter Jionte 011 West i * Mountain street last Friday evening complimenting Mrs. c\ K. Nelsler, >who will leave soon ton a tonr - of Alaska and other places of interest. 'The rooms were arranged with colorful gladioli and- other cut flowers.. The dining table was spread with uu i'.iipoi tod lace Cover and center-,j ed with dainty flowers an9 greenery. Yellow- tapers in c rystal rate, delah.u completed the table decorations. The hostess was assisted .1 y Mrs.'J. Nickels atnl ,MisV' Nancy Nicklcs in serving a delicious supper. . Hook furnished amusement fur the evening with, Mrs. if. f. Mauney scoring high. Mrs,. Neisler. the bo.it>'' oree, was presented an pair of com- j ly slippers and a travelogue. Mrs.' 11. C. Wilson, of Home, (la., house; guest 01 Mrs. O. W. Myefs, was also j ? presented u gift. tiuests included Mesdantes CV E.. Neisler, W. A. Ki.\ lihour.v 11. T. Kul ton, 1.. I'. Baker. A. 11. Patterson, | J E Anthony, P. I). Patrick. 1). C. Mauney, it. L. .Mauney. K. A. Har rill, .1. Nl.-Patterson,- O. ('. y'Parrell O \V. Myers. It. P. Wilson; Misses ? -llessie Simonton ami t.'arlyle Ware. BRJDGE HOSTESS < / Mrs. J. Neickels ami Mrs. Joe. /?iM "i: ?j. / 1 JlumMUl ] V tlUMO^t?* ill I It III: 1 tables of bridge entertaining at the! homo of the latter oil Saturday aft- j ernoon. \ Gladioli; roses and other out flow t ers wefe arranged throughout tin rooms. Delicious' iee cream, cookies : huts and punch Mvvas served. 'ruble prizes were won bv Miss Sara Allison. Mrs. It. C. Ktherldge, and Mrs. .1. I). Smith. "Mrs. Ktheridge. lioe Miss Dorothy Patterson, a f' recent bride, was presented a lovely gift. ' Guests inrlnded Mesdames It. C Ktberldge, N'. F. Metlill, John Cam ; bliy.Paul Mauney. Hugh Ortnau'd. .!. In - I). Smith. Frank Summers, Troy I Carpenter, Harold Hunnjcutt. \V. I.J Jtamseur, Misses Sara Allison and Fay Mauney. K,. t 'I HOSTESS AT LOVELY PARTY (Mrs. J). (.'. Mauney was liostess to j members of the Adeiphiit" club and invited guests at her home on Itidge Street last Thursday afternoon. Gladioli and. roses in lovely shades , were arranged in the. living . room, bull and . dining room. Five tables of liridye and live of j rook'Were in plav with Mrs Guild < llamriek scoring nigh in bridge and ) Mrs. Donald Hlantoii, low; 'Mrs. C. . K. Noisier liiglt ill rook, and?Mrs. P b'/ G. itatterrcc. lqm. each receiving I attractive trophies. Mrs.. George | Plonk, nee Miss Margaret Cooper, i J&, . a recent bride, was presented a lovely goblet in her pattern. A delicious salad court e with accessories and a sweet course was served. . , Those present included members of the club and the follot^ng invited DON'T BE BOSSED v your LAXATIVE- relieve f CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY i When you feel gassy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do as milliona do ?take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning ?thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your night's rest or interfere with work tho next day. Try Foen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, yourself. It tastes good, it's handy and economical... a family supply FEEN-A-MINT . * Your Re] Make your dollar go far .* ?at the sign of Rexall. \ distinctive, readily recog will find friendly, courtei values. All Rexall Produ anteed. Kings Mount THE REXj Phon< ________________________ * I .w,. ^4. II imw mi ?;> f?* . . -,' - .'-**.! " ' f ? , ': " -. HAPPENINGS REST to VI PHONES 10 R AND 88 K?eats: Mesdames \V. K/Crook. .Herman Fisher, C. K. Noisier, Aubrey Clay, Carl Davidson. .1. K. Willis, (leoi'ge l'lonk, A. H. Fdlterson, j I, K Bukei\ La t>. Moiisoii. O.. C. O'Farrell, O. \V. Myers. Ceo rue l.uttlthore. Arnold Kiser. Charles Williams. Donald Flatiton, Latld llamtit-k. -'Uec-o Marviile. Wilson Crawlord. F IC. Viiigerj .Jaeob Coulter, .loo Muuuc.v. Carl .Maniiey., (iarlaiidSi til, W. K. Mail:ley, Jr.. Jim Me(Jill, Fred Flunk. Harold llminjiufi, I'ilililt Fa dm tt. J. II Arthur. R. X . Faroes and Ilarry Fage. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mi. ami Mrs. Cordon lluehos. Jr.. announce the birth of a son. on Tuesday. July 1511?. ai their hum'.tin Kill if st i-i*!*!. ACE OF CLUBS ENtERTAtNS Tin* members of the Act of Clubs i niertnliicd Jointly at a delectable picnic luncheon Wednesday at "the . W. K. Mauney cabin at Lake Monloniu. lOadh member brought a picnic basket and the guests enjoyed a delicious spread of fried chicken, country liani. hot biscuits, corn '011, tlie cob. pies., etc. After luncheon bridge was played ' til two tables. Mrs. George House*won high score and Mrs. Carl Mtfu'fj t"'y. scenhd high. Members pieshut j were Me'sdames .lucob Coopj-r. Carl | Mauney, Prtfetor- Thontpsoii. "Hilly1 M uurv, Haywood-K Lynch. l-Y.-.d } I'ionk and William C*r'afir..".lr. audi Mrs. George Hotiser. STUDY CLUB MEETS I Mrs. I.njld Haiti rick wtjs itost'-.-s W members, of the Study'Club and invited guests Tuesday afternoon at iter home. Lovely gladioli and roses were u-ed effectively iii the living room and sun porch. N, Mrs. \V. T. Weir had a delightful urogram of music and a leading. Miss Rachel McvClaiu played, a soloot ion on the piano, Mrs. Proctor Tliontpson read "Eltos Afrloans," by Harry Stilltnan Evoirs. Mrs. GharU;s Williams sang a solo and conoludinK the' pros;rain. Miss MeClain and Mrs., N F. 'MrClill played a ilin*:. Tito hostess sofvod a delirious frown salad and sweet iimrso assls led by Mrs. Georao Lattimore. Invited attests were Mt'sdamos I,. M.- Rich; mother of Mrs. Hamrick. 10. It. "Harris of Savannah, (ia.. Geo. Pooler. II. C. Harvillo. Gcoi^o Lattimore and Miss, itap.ho! McGlaln. SHADOW CLUB HAS WEINER ROAST Members of the Shadow Clnh enjoyed themselves Tuesday niitlit at a wi itter roast on West Mountain si rem,?Follow tile the winie roust* ihK members played names. The memiiership of the club is, secret so The Herald- is unable to furnish its readers the names of the youth ful members. Personals Misses Daisy and Eva Payne spent last week at Myrtle neach. ?o? Mrs. R. C. Etherldye is spending a few days at JJorfolk and Back Bay, Vlr. rr ?o? ' Mr. and Mrs. James McCill of Columbia. S. C., visited relatives in Kinns Mountain Sunday. i ( ,Dr. and Mrs. Henry Sprinkle. Jr.. of West Ashovllle, were visitors in Kings Mountain last week. \ ?o? ' Miss Eva Payne has accepted a position as bookeeper for the Dilli:.g Mills. ?o? Miss Sarah Stout lias returned front a week's visit to Daytona Peach, Fiorida. ?o? Mis. John Barrett of Macon, (la. has been visiting her daughter. Mrs J. W. Curry, this past week. ???? i tall Store : . r \ \ ' - - j" * ! ther?get finest quality lit T t% /\fti/vir/vM 4l? a r? HCICVCl J\9U tlliu llic nized Rexall oval, you (His service and amazing icts are tested and guar' ( 7 I ain Drug Co. U.L STORE es 41 and 81 1??? * ? ris*iC: ' '>>- ;-V 1 KiMl TH* KINGS MOUNTAIN TTKRAU> _ ^ - f * rwvwwww .,w----w.-w--F- t K)MEN f -. ' .' I MRS- A. H. PATTERSON, ) 1 Mt+++**tt'M->++++4mW++ ' Mis. A-mii Mu? IIowlj and Mbs ' t)lll?* H a rise 11 ok spendii.i; til-; ' v.?**k :-t Myitle i touch.'-^ " -, ," --o?- ' > ... ' l Mis. I'arii.- V. ill: ins - of Mocksvllto i*. a tJU'.sl ..t '.'!<> liotin- (.-1 h"i' sister in law. \li s. K Ni istoj". . o? * , ' t Mr. Arthur Nn .ill <ti Ja- U-oi:- ill" . I'txiini.. !'<: i\C tli wv?-k < ;nt- w it.d hi.- in. .-si...... M>. ..mi .Mis. A. .1. Me- I Oili. . . 1 v r'X v. ;; >'?*, " 'I ' Mi. aii'il.'.V li fiviwal.I. listly ii.ii ! "Iliiiy ,"i WViird;.' lufit yWtir.'iytl from a vt'- s . .,s si ay .it Jink-u.t- i villi-.: l-'loi Ulu.. * i ?O? ... | Miss .Mai'.v f'cn 'neR tiantl spent tin* wonTc-niiii iii liirknr.v. unost of Miss Klizubnt h Plonk, student' at l.i-'lioir Uliyni CalnKv < ?o? fMrs. H. ,M. Mouscr had as her I udesta for the pust weekend her \ "'* "i */ - > *' m Mw P^ -" ' .; ar HURRY, LADIES, HURRY! *<?Af now, your grocer I* featuring Colgate-Palmolive-Peet's famous "lMl BARGAIN JUBILER"! Everylhln| you ne?d for clothes that are rparkHng .. . snow-tihiec . . . dazzling.' Everything you need for lovely hands, a lovely complexion! rwva __j Is a a _a - ? iuv pncn win aeitgnt you?ana here'# your chance to get one of the molt stunning pieces of costume Jewelry you've ever seen! THIS LOVELY PIN is retailed at 91.M! A gardenia has been reproduced even to the soft whiteness of the flower and the glossy petals, set against dark green leaves. Yet if yop expose it to the light before wearing, it glows oil evening in the dark. It's chic for daytime, too! 9 tm as sb an mm mm as mm aa aa sm ma m TEAR OFF THIS REMIf [purse to hkmind you J CIT t?TM ta?t with Super Sudt! Oci cloihes super-white, super-brichi! Pal - Take the heartache out o( est 7our washday?. | ? OCTSCOMt * MNP | r 1 1 'ton bar soap to ! U ?I to toilet soap, yoi i ihttacmi /t" wlth ? . ,?' _ M\&trn ii&'i'if 11 "'- ii i nfiir?tffi A'ri ll1l|tlllUH,Pi)llMI?IIIHIIII!liW,I R)l,lll ,1. II THrnSDAY. JtTLV 17. 1941 ii '.... . - ... i . i. . .... i Istep. Mrs. Getorgo ftlobavflson hilheii of Richland, Georgia. i pi ?O~t-. I bi Corporal Raymond el. Stcyors ot oi oil lit oiling, (la . son of Mr. n'prt'j Bt t!r? J. P. STyers. is oil a ton-day . mlqiivh. vT-'iting relatives here. <> --I1 ? I SI Mrs. Charlie Ramsey of Washing or ?. ('., is visiting her daughter. Mrs. wi aiici* Wilght arid son, Mr. Willie Vi (anisty. ?o-? .? Jimmy MoiSill of Company K. rt (lath Kniii:it-or>. located at Camp II lark" ;.. S. C... is .home t isiting his w a."?. ' v .1 Mdl'1 ' ) al *? o Miss iit s n.niton 1< It tills . ? K in' Wi >'<in Carolina To.at.h- < as ("olioire at t'lilhivylirt-. N. IV f v ,\i wo v\%V;- -"oily, ' " J' ;* : > I Mo !i. ' !. \ i.. ha lottinii'.l 10 . it .Iio'm-, in M'.i" lilt. 'In.. ?!t't?i* a "i-.it a" the. iicmi -of Mr and Mi-".' ii. lis "vis. ' ' p.n l.oja-' ' i- OtJO it .liv'V'iir.o-. lroiil Ndrth C...oli' a itniiha t.i,,. t.'i'i" nfolh'il "i:i "'i * \M.a . uJiifofSlty rtimktr It.-n a" Kvanstoa. 111. .-q- ' | V : M. v \\\ I) A\!;iiris.. Mi*. 'hnrli?' Kainwy nj Wa-i ! V:-- John Weaver and Mr. Inrold Adams lias rvui'netl from a vrci. s tj> In Altibama City. m Cofyzte 1941 BAB -JVotv Tedtu&ei\ ' * ' ' ^ \ . .. Add* * smart touch a* an accessory. And It's almott unbreakable ! TO GET THIS PIN, last sand Ave box taps ar wrappers from any at tha predvcts shown batawl Cnclasa 11(ta cavar handling and postage. g Mall to BARGAIN JUBILCf, JOtSIY CITY, NtW JHtSIY. Bat hurry I This offer is good only while oar limited I supply lasts I i i IDER1 PUT IT IN YOUR OF THIS AMAZING OFFERW^BL hi P-MM BOEiffl NLKM SMCKUTrt*^ K?!!!!3Sall ?IIIHWI?IMHQ i C?I? kind to heodsl - ^ ITUMUMUVIfde with Olive end / _ el An m Oil?, U>? conil- I aa|)(R " oil blend uied foi V OK"* < leading Hxpl \ ??) *0"* ? 1 A" 8< ?inmr rifMwn wi V ^ i laoviiica, lion CNUMf ] iyn Oaaoal * * ' " f ' ' " * ^ ji'lTiiti" 'i ?'-* it '? "- - *-"^-- ' ' " -'vlu . "Il1- 1,1 . * "' ?.,'* * .'" ., ' ,. ', v: ' Krtends of Mr. Ueoi'KC Modena re el. to henr of the death of his other. Mr. M. M. Modena which curi i (I July 4. at Somerset. . Va. irial took place Sunday July <5. ' ' i?o? Mr. and Mrs. CliUrles spake of helby. Mr. and Mis. I>. K ilord id Susan Sloes of Kinks .Mountain pre r? rent ;suests of Mr and Mrs ites spake in Moigantou. Messrs \V. K. lllakely. O <\ O'Kar II. I.add Ham: :<?. It S. Neil), and ayne lMaeknur spent tie past eek-eiid at Mr. i'ltokltiei V < of 'age ; .I'lS-i'tiu Ih.a'.h . .- . . Mrs p. J. M en,. > ; I j cJlHy" (l.ovi, daunht'; . o\v "S. a I'. Mllir^ijilK r ill" . * *1 t Me |* aa/>sK for PALMOLIVE | SU SOAP I s| 3 for 20c 3 f _ W. M. -fh&no&t IGJUNJI { at If out $u>i \r ii' ?" ^iW < ^| H lflJj Ail ip^* ^2^>i?wLgjNJl^^?{L^^M ^jjjr *JL & il - -w a i : wrappers irom rhe Col fOV* y I seriised on this pace. 1 I d?oia Floral Pin. \Jr i Ir J AtU't4............. n ' j ?? ! Tki. - c im i i i 1" | 'Void in toy ttatc or Krktod, or probibtod b * r:> f . ' \ ' - ' - - , , . i, f H i .?i Iss Margie' HtackwvaU of .Kirovs Muuntatn, returned from 0arc4MSi. Beach Monday where thej vwr'i la>-t week. ' -?Mis. Tom Roberts or ??*. >?/ . pent tin- ^eok-nid at the hiwac .*f ' ? 1'ij: brother, 1>. K. Hord Mi M:>*. Kta.ik Weir of (Sastnni* also visitors at the (lord hums issn?day and Mrs. Huberts returned M> th sioiiia wit!, them for a v)s)t. . 'M --oi'ili 11.1 \?< has returned to Mteit > ?:: .liter ;t'visit at ilto.hoinr 'Jam n: I.' I- Mr,- Mis. .1. it VHsVl. , ,' llj hud as his mi< st% Willie in Kiw ; it: a a Kit'!' flllis of Aslieviile, -j. J 'f i i.ii ! roo'i! 'ini'i at B imli-lv*' l-'i' !d who i> uii'iiiyi t > AHianV r U t-folW'd on l>*.l i;e tluee ....... . s |>j ^>v| [* "'J 00 Value?Only 15* \ >p? or Wrappers from Pafmolivc, Klok, J Crystal Whilo or Octagon Soap Products. I . FREE ORDER BLANK..J IKLEK or 25q 3 for 25c .cjantt " . w cetofStfoe/ wis' x 9m ^ -^?-wtTrrrrfiirT'^ * i hmi (150 hJ in hoi to(i ?f1 j Icste-Palrnolive-Peet products ?d- * 'Icsk itod mc my luminous G?r? I i . i :::::::::::: | ; 1 *1 a i ? i$lsl42 ? ? ' P mber 30, 1941.* I ub-dmtioo thereof If tsxrd, re. M ?l?w. r ? QQQEEBSBD

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