.vj.'y-VK;' y'f i~K -' ''**C.v. 4 QUICK RE8ULT8 ? LOW COOT HERALD Classified Ads 2c a word for first Insertion; half price tor subsequent Insertions. Minimum charge 25c. Do not ask for Information regarding "keyed" ads, as they arc strictly confidential. If error is made, The Herald la responsible for only one incorrect insertion. The customer is responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should netify immediately of any corrections needWant ads are aiways cash in advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper; LOST: Cum io ladles' navy blue roat' suit: Cinder return io-Herald Oil ice foi reward. FOR SALE: Urlrk Homo with large , shady lot .near - Central School. ; . Phone 225 tf F.OR SALE AT A BARGAIN: new f? room home just completed beautiful wooded lot. Only $250 down, balance $18 .per month. Sen Haywood K. Lynch. tf VALUABLE SALES FRANCHISE { Available to man with sales ex-; perlonce this locality extremely val uablo sales franc.htise for famous Nash' Custom Tailored 'Cloihes. New Fall line Just out. Hinder commission. Write The A. Nasn Co.. 1906 Kim Street. Cincinnati. O.! . FOR SALE: Cheap room house in East Kings Mountain. See Clyde ltamriCk. Phenlk. ltp ? ' FOR RENT: Immediate possession 6 "room residence with bath at 801 Cold Street. Call Jilo. I-. Ileal Hustonia. Phone 142-146. 7-17-tfe. ' ' ^ - y V ' WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET prices Tor Wheat, Corn, ami' Outs, ; or will exchange Clour, Feed,' Meal for them. Phone 2-:ll65. In- j terstap; Milling Co., Charlotte, | N. C. aug lc REFINISHING Furniture. Upholstering ami TulTting a Specialty. , Phone 238-R Tor Estimates, intl-c REGULAR 25c BANANA SPLIT f r' for only 15c Saturday Only. Kings Mountain Drug Store LAKE 'MONTONIA LOT FOR SALE J. It. Davis, Kings Mountuin, N. c. V .tr. .? ; WANTED TO RENT: 5 or 6 room ' house reasonable, B. F. Cor, 6 Rail, road Ave. aug 7 p I r~ 1 CALL OR SEE Kennon Blanton At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE No. 10 STERCHI BROS/ I Representative in Kings Mountain Territory L- ' | WHEN THIS^^ HAPPENS, PHONE US and We'll Print Sonic For Yon In A Hurrv!! . v, ? fa-fa- Give you from the tater pan ? To help lick the dictator man. | THE CLA R< . I Church News Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church K, N. Uatrd. Minister. 10:00 A. M. Bible School, J. E Gullible, Superintendent. 11:00-A. M. Morning Worship am Seniion: ''Thou Art the Man." 7:15 P. M. Young People a Chris liun Union. 8:00 P. M. Evening Worship inn Sermon at Presbyterian Church Itev. A. G. Sergeant, Minister. 8:00 P. M. Wednesday EVenlnj Prayer Meeting. LUTHERAN CHURCH lleriniui G. Kislier, Pastor Sunday School <ut 0:45 A. M. Supl: Mr. 1>. ('. Mauney. The Service at 11:00 A. M. SetUioli: By the Castor. Junior- Children or the Church a 6:80* I'. M. Senior l.ttther . I .cague 6::'.0 P. M Inlernieilialtv Luihcr League a 6:80 i'i M8:on P. M I'll inn Service. We Welcome You. ' Presbyterian Church Rev. P D. Patrick Pastot 9145 A. M. Suiulitv ' Si'li.'oi-. Mr I' 1<\ Thoinasson, Supt. 11;o?t A. M. Morning Worship Sorn-Dn subject: The Friendship of Jesus, i 1!::U> P. M. Sunday School at J)i>; on school house. J. tj. Darracott Supt. 7.00 P M. Young People's V?.s pers on the. .Church la wn. S:oo P. M. The, coilRrenation o the Presbyterian Church extends ? eordlal invitation to other contrve t;atV>ns as they worship ill the Pre' byterian .churchr" Rev. A. G. . Sai; Remit ot' the First: rJTqitlsl 'Chttrcl will brhiR ftie message. Monday 7 Hoy Scouts Troop. Otu Car! Davidson. ScouttnasTer; Harr; Piiro and ?lli!l Tfioihs.oftT~'A?sistaiits Tuesday 7:'SO P. M. Prayer meet iiiR. at the Margrace Coinuiutiit; house. ; c;hace mi:thoi>ist S. W. Johnson. Pastot 9:45. Church School Frank Gicen Superintendent. 11:00 Morning Worship and ser nion. 6: SO Kp worth Leagues. 7: SO Evening .Worship and ser moil. 7:00 P. M. Tuesday 'Womahs So eiet.v of Christian Service. Wednesday 7:30 p. in. Prayer Se: vice. ^cnuai ivieinouist Church ! : 45 A1 "SI. Church School. IT. S Peeler. General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Dv'fiie Worship. Ser mon by the Pastor:' "The i'niversn Law of Compensation.Matt. 25 2f 6:20 P. M. ICpworth league. 8:O0 P. M. Union Service at th< Presbyterian Church. Prayer Meeting 8 P. M. Weilnes day evening. First Baptist Church A. G. Sargeant. Pastor Sunday School 9:40 Morning Worship 11:00 o'clock. Young Peoples meeting under thi direction of John Hicks 6:30. We will join file other Cburcbe at the Union Service. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE W. Blanchard Home, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7:4 P. M. Park-Grace Bible Church John L. Gregory, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. 7:45 P. M. Evening Services. 6:30 P. M. Sunday Evening Ep worth Leafeue. Wneh Saturday 7:45 P. M. Evancc liatic service. ' * . Wesleyan Methodist R. L. Phillips. Pastor Sunday School 0:45. Morning Service 11:00. W. Y. P S. or Class meeting 6:1B NCY KIDS The IW , J t ~ / ;> 'n * " " ' 1 " * * THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. THU Surplus Foods Distributed ' An average of more than threw 1 50-car train loads of surplus com mod ' | ities flowed into North Car*Una , ( : each month of the fiscal year closed ' in June with total shipments from 1 ' i the federal government being sent * in 1.&91 cars. A. B. Lniigston. state ' | director of commodity . distribution, announced. ' j A total of* 89.8111,246 pounds of I f< udstuffs worth |4.1,02.224 at retail prices was given to needy and und* I ernourished North Curolini;.|.s a- ( lontj Willi 747.189'household articles * worth $tit'.d,424. School littler rooms ntyyig free .netils during the sool.nsilc season to I I needy and undernourished graded school pupils rce.eivcd lfi.M8-.Slo7 .[pound* of rood \ .hied si,t SI ,nu4.lifts t j (hlierai eases' were' dislributfl .">4.- . M'.tl JiMit pounds worth $.M.nP7..*>Sf>, t i Both the. Surplus Marketing Afd- ( i ministration and the Works I'toj- t <yls Administration cOiitributdil \ * lotting or liotiseTWtd ilTTides to the x] * department's distribution program I j .and the total value, ot" all articles .< and food was set 75y Laugstxm at i if 1. i ?>.i.ii-ls. t Foods distributed consisted . of ' fruits, eggs, milk ^products. meat '' products. vokctuldOs. grain - prod- 1 n<ts and shelled pc|ins ?nd_ were \ sent from area warehouses twice a ' ' jnonth to'county Welfare depart: 1 meiijs to be Ktveu to the needy in i the respective localities. Langston said the record food dis ( | tribution did not include surplus pro j duds 'obtained through retail stores f by means of the stamp plan In ( f Wake. Durliftin. S'ew Hanover, and j Mecklenburg. (laston. Guilford Bun l . (ombe. Nash and Wayne counties. . I ' ; . ; t Prayer Service Wednesday 7:"0. Evening Service 7:00. t J Second Baptist Church p Kc-v. C. C. Parker, Paetor I Sunday School 9:4a eacn Sunday. t f . Preaching 11 a. n>. and 7;30 p. m. ' I each Sunda ... s Macedonia Baptist Church \ J. V. Frederick. Pastor i i Sunday School 9:45. M. D. Cald-, ] well, Supt. j ;i Morning Worship ll:00i j j Evening Worship 7:00. .It! Prayer service Wednesday even-1 ing 7:00. All are welcomed to ccme and worship with us. 1 < r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified us admiuistralors for C. F. Putnam, late of Clevo land County, N. C., this is to notify ( itll persons having; claims' against' < said estate to- file same properly ver s ified with the undersigned on or be ' fore July 2nd, 1942, or this notice 1 '* will he pleaded in bar of any re- i ' covery. All persons indebted to said * ' estate will please make immediate 1 payments. i 1 5 This the 1st day of July, 1941 Landrum Putt>un. k i M. C. Putnam. > Administrators. ' J. R. Dr.vis, Atty. ?adv?7-24 ? ( ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE " Having qualified as administra*' i trix for Mrs. W. A. Ware, late of i Ithemiung wall) ' fi&iSmil, I about 6 btotntstf? W v 1 WHEIST \ l\ oonweent (a) advertising ? TDDR'WOKRIE? To Relieve pAI f\Q Misery of wLUJ Liquid ^ 0 Tablets DDD Nose Drops Cough Drops .[ Try "Rub-My-Tism" . a Wonderful Liniment i. ? m y Brought Tears t.o His Byes. SBHlU THt MATrtR, 2'L^-iJAJ-JHBBSk TlMMl ? ^ 'f~\ Dip YA ccr) y / ^ucirep >J ' \ ' i -. * / ~ .v. . ; \ % : 'RSDAY, JULY 24. 1941 Cleveland County. N. C..thls is to | notify all persons having claims a-' ;alnst said X.tate to file same prop 1 rly verified with the undersigned j m or before June 23rd. 1942, or | his notiee will he pleaded in bar if any recovery. All persons imlebtHi to said estiitc will please make mmedtate payments. This the flit day of July. 1P41. Lena. \V. Med ill, Administratrix, adv - uug 14 North Carolina. Cleveland County. in The Superjor Court IVillie t'liilders. Plaintiff,' Vs. itrold t'hiHieiS, licfeiidant. i NOTICE 'Die defendant. above named will tike notice thai ap action entitled i- above lias ti.eeu commenced in in- Superior Court of Cleveland 'oiinty. North Carolina*. wherein <iie plaiiuitl seeks an absolute di oree from the defendant; thai -aid leletidant will also take notice that a is iiHtutreil to appeair at lite Clerk. i emu s Offic e a' lit*' Cdurlh'ousO' a said County in Shelby. North Car i ina. within twenty t20t days after ! I'u'tdu atiott of tltis notiee and anserr or detntir to the Complaintj m mi in*' in nit' i hi h in mill action, or the plain (iff will aptly to the Court for the roliet deuutidcd iii said Complaint. This 8th day of July. 1941. E. A. Houser. Jr. Clerk of Superior Court, adv?11-aug 7. "7 1 " "" 1 slorth Carolina, Cleveland County. In The Superior Court J. C. Hatnriek. - Plaintiff ' . V*' ' . " i . i daggie Hanirick, Defendant. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant will ake notice that an action for diol'ce oil the grounds of two years eparation has been commeiu ctl in 1 he Superior Court of Cleveland oil icy. North Carolina; Said do-' eiidant will further take notice that | she is required'to appear and ans-| vol' at the. ofTiep of tjie Clerk of Su-I icriod Court, of Said County in the 'otirt House at Shelby, Nor'li Carotna., on the' 3rd day of August, j.941, or withiu the time thereafter illowed by law, dr the Plaintiff will ipply to the Court for the ' relief leinanded in said complaint. This the 3rd day of July, 1941. E. A. Houser. Jr. Clerk of Superior Court. 1 era id B. Goforth. Attorney 'or Plaintiff. ?adv?July 31. I NOTICE OF RE-SALE Cnder and- by virtue ot the power >f sale contained in a deed of trust : ;iven by -J. C. Bridges and wife, S ?. Bridges. on the 22ntl day of Ocober. as will appear on record 11 the Register of Deeds Office for 'leveland County in Book 120 at age 17:1 to the undersigned, rs trus j tee'.' to secure ,th indebtedness iherein mentioned and default hav i ng been made in the payment o! >ame. and at the r? . t of the hold ; rs of the note sectt.ed by said iced of trust and by order of the lerk of Superior Court, County of Cleveland, North Caiolina. to retell, the former hid having been raised, 1 will sell for cash at the Courthouse door in Shelby. N. C? 'levehuid County, on Monday, July, 28th, 1941. at 10:00 A. M. or within egal hours the following described eal estate: * CALL OR SEE KENNON BLANTON At Terminal Ser. StatJbn PHONE NO. 10 STEKCHI KKO>. Representative in Kings Mountain Territory m H H . /fH /f / VA 007? C'MOH / DOH'tcry- n ? v /f Thtk A 600O ) S feLLeR * > Beginning at a Spanish Oak on the. to East side of .th? Charleston road in | E. Wyatt Unrrlll's line and runs with the his line N. 85% W. 45.78 pples to an sto iron stake; the rue N 4 V* E. 12.72 the. poles io an iron stake'; thence N. ' whi 85- 1-4 \V. 12.72 chains'to an iron I sail stake-in I.. Y. Putnam's line; then-! to ce N. f> K. 11 4S poles to a stone; ; poll them e N. 72 E. 44 poles to a stake 8t>'; in the .Charleston Koud; the.noi. iter with the said road N. 3 14 W. 30 aen poles to a stake in said road; thon-i 'I ee S. It) E. P.34 poles to n stake; suit thence with the line of Mount Sinai 'I Church 1st N 2"1^ 4C 35 poles to a stake; thence X. 1 E. 13 1-2 poles a Extra 5, At.I. MEN'S I) STRAW 1-2 Pri Your Choice of any Drop KEETER'S DE v.d..? lv.. v.. ^ ? amc r vi v time I "Let The Lau * * | Bl T .... , ' + , J He sure you j?et the launch ' ' i'r' .; *' . > t | both machinery and pe.rso % ' service. | WE ARE HERE T | NEW-WAY i T + | . Gastonia's Oldest, L 5* * n.. L .in.> AAI + x>i ctiiun vrnice t * J no. R. Rankin, Pres. + "Send Your Drv Cleaning < ' ? | Phones ltiti and 844 V j > * .. FOR NATIONAL DEFENS ^3 /} $ DRINK PLE^ ORDER YOU] Archdale Phone 2 K Rypr: mmmmm an Iron stake; thenct N. tilth 6 polos to a Chestnut uriil stn? tice S. 57.10 E. 00 poles ta- ui. no pile. Wyntt MarrHl's ionift7'#: nee S. 0.15 W. Ctt. poles to a ite oak. (down); theme with lhe> 1 Mai l til's line 8. 7* W 2* juth* a maple; thence N. til; W. 'l'< es to a Spanish Oak; thenot V. t \V. (12 poles to the' plac* linnjng, conlniniiiK 69 7 kt*i? its, more or less. 'lie biihlitik will ln'Kin tit $315tt.tlC, jeet 'o pi hit encumbrances. 'his the ll;h ilay of. July 194. J II. I)a\is, TrusttxL tlv jnly24 j ' ' --I pecial i KKSS 1 i HATS I HH ce I ;s Hat in the Store PT store! ver Undersold H - - ' !' < } *; { >+< >+ til M A indry Do ;; wmmmam ] *" i r.\ that's equipped with t i nnell to do tirst class ? O SERVE YOl7 I | I LAmDRY i argest and Bevt fi W'est Main Ave. ?? J as. \V. Raskin, Seel. ^ With Your Laundry** |*> Gasteniu, N. C. 2?I 1 mmamammmmmmmmtmmm 1 h p L . ... ' s 'i t :'U Keep \ our Lnct\ry " ' i At A High Mark .-J . . I ity of K. >1 m ' r today Farms 95 : :m :rcy l. crosnv c? /*# ,^(M -jm teutmtfm-. j t trin<. vmy ;. j ^ ! i 11 i J

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