F"M " 1,11,1 l- w* jiuiimmm 7" m Kings Mountain Herald Established 1889 Published Every Thursday ' HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE, Haywood E. Lynch Editor-Manager fettered as second class matter n the PostoSice at Kings Mouutair, 1 N. C., under tre Act of March 9 |879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Y ear ......... 81.5c B'x Mud: tv, .It A weekly newspaper' devoted to .ne promotion of the general wel j tare and published for the euMght ' ment, entertaltuneut and benefit of Ute citizens of K'tjgs Mountain and Its vicinity. . I ^ , \ > ??.- i ~ Nonh Carolina > / PBtss^ASseciArK^^] MIND , Too man whoso mind is always ehis-ed , To tp'oughts "and deeds worth while. Will never pain tilings good aiiu u?-ii ^ i >? in i?ii j *-? * hands, hut like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and. following them, you reach your destiny.?Carl Schurz. , MEDICAL OFFICIAL VISITS HERE Major K. D. Peaslev. Chie.f Medi ! oaf Officer from Selective .Service 1 Hoard in ttalcigh met with the local j Kxumining IMtvsiCians and Dentist ; on Wednesday at the Local So lee- ! five Service office and discussed f'hysitnl Standards for Draftees. j Chairman of the Draft Hoard. I KVa'k Summers, was present for Hi' mooing. The Herald $1.50 A Year | CALL OR SEE K: *' ' ' I KENNON BLANTON At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Representative in Kings Mountain . . Territory M v: . feiffcliV ' T ; ; Here and There . . Haywood E. Lynch) D. F. Hord. one of my regular, reader* sent me word to make this column longer. I would like to make this column (full length each issue, but some weeks very few funny or amusing things happen, so the Vvay tg make this phiffle longer is* tar Kings Mountain -folks to do funny things and then let me know about it. Unusual Fact: Arthur Cornwell, Master Mechanic of the Cora Mfilt. has not missed a single week's work in 30 years. J. E. Rhodes stopped in the office last week to tell me the joke that is golhg the rounds ifow about the iciiow wno pui a sign up in nis field which read: "Don't walk on tjrass. there's cotton planted here.' '* Get Rev. H. C. Sprinkle t6 tell >fou about the time he lost $3.00 by 'performing a marriage ceremony, and also about the time ne united a couple for 20c. Herman Fisher' is developing into a North Carolina cowboy. He has been practicing up lately 6n Gus Mauney's horses, and if you hav | any stray cows or sheep you vl/ant/ 'rounded up, just call Herman, he'll ?>e glad to serve you. } The crepe Myrtles are now in .full bloom and they are lovely again $his year. Each year at this season, I long for citizens of Kings fountain' to got together and plan to (make out little city one'of the rrfos' 'beautiful in the country by planting more of the flowering shrubs. There pre lots of beautiful specimens a(,-eady in Kings Mountain and by j adding to those already here, it would not be long before The Best : Town in the State would be known far and wide as the "City Bsatriii iful." A. little effort now would pay great dividends later. Sidelights of the 6',lth Annivernry Masonic Picnict P. D. Herndon the jovial Master of Ceremonies, who is a grand-daddy, competing I Itlitk 1/ ?? U wivii u j um rxi-cici u a iiic muai youthful dressed man in the?crowd ... Dr. B. R. Hunter, farmer resiI dent- of Kings Mountain entertain, ing the men with his iokes and renewing friendships with acquaintances of years past .... two Kjngs 'Mountain preachers sitting on the back seat .... J. F. Cranford playing the part of both host and guest .... Rev. H. C. Sprinkle ending his address in a most unique manner .. the wives of both Master Crouse and Secretary O'Farrell spilling their cups of tea .... Sam Suber and Yours Truly enjoying the country ham . . Preachers Sprinkle and Fisher swapping yarns on marriage ceremc-nies they had performed ... Postmaster Blakety and Mayor. Thomson arriving in time for the eats .... Captain Meek Ormand wearing lovely rose bud from his gardens .... Jim Herndon, brother of youthful P. D. looking out for his two sons who will be Masons some day..... Percy Dilling and Jim Smith at peace with the world eating fried chicken and country hqm ... Final Thought: 67 adds up to 13 and it was truly a lucky person who attended the gala event and en joyed tne hospitality of the . Masons of Fairview Lodge No. 339. ' ? Open Forum An open forum for our readers, but no letter can be published if it exceeds 500 words. No anonymous communications will be accepted. The name of the writer will not be published however, If the author so requests. The opinions expressed her< In are not nec essarily those of the Herald. Fort McPheraon. Ga. July 21. 1941. M. E. \j. lo: ? . Boy. I'm in this army now! Stroupe (Frank), Freeman, and I got our unlforstn today, and the others didn't-? add do we strut! We'll probably leave here this week, so no use send ins the Herald Tell the girls hello. 1'don't like Ga. peaches. See .von at Hitler's funeral. "George." MICKIE SAYS? r ' 1 "*s if 1u' &7v papers, \ viini their k/arakjp crime a/bi/s, g/l/e va a heapacue, read 7uesg sootulkkx (soiumhs 'm reiax* mow 15 is 1u' timet' subscribe - < 1 ????? I . I . /.. ";, . ?. . i * i * HIS KTN08 MOUNTAIN HKRA1JV THJU1 LBSLIK I Jrvr^F?^\ in-ranj FW INORID~ SYKOP3IS r Holger Brandt, one o/ the worlds great violinists, returns' t home after (in unusually long lour and is unable to adjust a himself to his wife and two children, Ann Marie, 6, and Eric, 10. Ha W? impressed with s the playing of Ann Marie's love- r 1y young teacher, Anita Ho ft? II man, echo is a pupil of Thomas li Slenooi-y, Helper's best friend and former accompanist. Seeing each other frequently, they fall f in love. Anita gives him up anil <> decides to go away, but Holgc r s breaks with his wife and ]ol- '1 lows her. With Anita as his 11 accompanist, he egoes on ton/. c They arc ideetllg happy, travel- V ing about together, until one. li day Anita receives a letter from Thomas informing her that she' b has won a music scholarship. tl She knows that she shoulet accept it, but she is too much tit fi love with Holger and decides to s< rrmuin with him. ?1 Chapter Five a ir . b Thomas' letter was only a meagci s< . attack on their happiness and t> easily repulsed, but It was also a wedge driven between them that a might serve to sunder them com- t< | 'pletely. They had other excursions, but never without 'a feeling of? ! IttflMj IPOFj ffl R^HlPfl mm H 1 I One could be frank w\th Thomas, i foreboding. Once, as they were returning from a sailing Crip, Anita d turned to Holger and said, "We'll have other days liko this, won't C we?" tl "Millions, darling," he reassured ; d I her. "And not an ill wind in the I n J l 1 1 and l.t 1 1 ? iui. nc jcauou vvci auu nioscu y her. tl He was wrong. When Anita ran 'off to buy provisions for a won- A derful sunrise and picnic trip i planned for the following day. and h he entered the inn alone, he found v Thomas waiting. Ji Holger quickly overcame his surprise and greeted him in friendly ti fashion. Thomas was not one to h Judge or criticize, and one could ft be frank with him and expect c sympathy in return. But it was h plain he had come on no or- s dinary visit. It was business that n had brought him. .After giving ft Holger news of the family ? that q they were well and Ann Marie ' wanted a camera ? he quickly a j came to the point. "I have some t( papers with me ? divorce papers." h Holger was stunhcd. This move p was something on which he?had s I (failed to reckon, and he was re- v jluctant to sign the papers imme- tl diately. v ti "Do you think it's as easy as all that, Thomas ? to cut off the best a part of your life ? tear out the " i last roots?" he cried. 1 t It was an admission, Thomas b j eaaw, a confession that in their ?. I ostentatious self - sufficiency was j: t-considerable pretense ? that a ' man's first spring was, after all, p J "the best part of his life" . . . u j Thomas wanted to think, and was r" J only too ready to excuse Holger * t for his music lesson. Marianne, it ? i seems, was teaching one of the 5 | world's finest musicians the in- !, jtricacie8 of the zither. ti ' Thomas stood and watched them ' from the window until he heard a j ' surprised voice calling his name. | He turned around and greeted . I Anita cordially, but not fulsomely, fj land helped her with the packages. * t "Let me congratulate you,"' he ?' leald, "on the scholarship." I "I'm not taking it," she replied '* I quickly. "I don't , want it." ? j "It was the one thing you did ? | want when I first met you," he M j said, ... h "Yes. But I know now that there tl are more important things." She was silent a moment, then looked 1 ' . * ' . ' New Home 1 . READY FOR EVMEDL Attractive New Home, fi' Garage, Full Size 1 Beautiful wooded lot, ex< Small Down Payment?Ba If interest HAYWOOD 1 The Herald Offic ? V ' / " - ^ ? ItSDAY. JUL.T 24, 1941 V ? HOWARD tliyStol mezzo SggpfU BERGMAN ip at hirJ^rmly. "You can't drive ne away from Holger.' "That has a very unhappy sound ny uiar," he answered quietly. "I mean it. Nothing can sepa'. ite u* now!" "It's not for me to say." "You want it to. end, thought" he cried with rising emotion, "Tt'X 10 use, I tell you. Holgei s w : ' Ifc. We're happy -v. wondurfu ilj t lappy together! ' "Aie you'.'" "Yea." She lQokcd ut. ,h!".\ 'c-J iaiilly. "We wi re ineunt to. t a. ther; i know it,! 1 know it.' S<. gsvx^i i '.;' V" ?' and expect trymputhy in return. 4 ' I' "I don't even know if he's ivorced." "You would know If he were . >ne must sign papers and ?? trough an ugly routine to be i ivorced. I have the papers wiih le," he continued ? and that. I aused. "He will probably sign |. tern one of these days." "Hd hasn't done it yet?" sdd nita, looking at him quickly. "No ? well ? perhaps he hasn t ad time yet to do it. JIc's been cry busy with his zither lesson." le smiled. Anita was now forced to face the ruth. It was no longer a secret idden in her bosom. It was a net recognized and put into conrete words by a power outside erself. Since she could no longer truggle to ignore it, it became a latter of reconciling herself to he- . ate. She deserted Thomas an 1 uickly ran to her room. | x ne next morning. as i-lolgor nd Marianne, gaily clad and chuf- ^ irlng brightly, waited below for . cr, Anita arrested Thomas as he ? asecd her door. She had spent a Iceplcss night and looked pale and rorn. Nervously she announceu hat she was, leaving on the nex; rain. "You're sure it's best that way?" sked Thomas, worried. "You're ot doing it only because of what said ? " "We both know where Holger elongs!" interrupted Anita. "I'm I jst ? well, say I have been an ntermezzo in his life." Thomas ut hie hand out In sympathy. ? Holger came impatiently rushing ' p the stairs. "I'm not going," she' old him, "I think I've a cold , omlng on. But please don't post- > one the outing, she added hur- ' ledly, seeing his disappointment. | I'll be all right. The tempta 1 Ion was too much for him. "Mlna ou take care of yourself," he autloned. She tried hard not to throw her rms around him in a final fare- , rell. But the thought of never eeinr him again overwhelmed ' er. She embraced him convulsive- i r and kissed him, then turned and an quickly upstairs; Holger. susectlng nothing, went off with his.' uests, turning once or twice tc rave. Anita, tears streaming down er face, watched until he was a !ny speck in the distance. (To be conciuacdl li\ THE PAPER )] 7or Sale I WE OCCUPANCY ve Rooms and BatK, I Basement. :ellent neighborhood lance Less Than Rent ed see i. LYNCH I ??Phone 167 I i I I ' J'JST HUMANS "Some Connections "How Come?" "She's a Phone One JOB PRINTING : FOR A WORRY F GUARANTEE yourself a vacatii from worry about money probler or loss from thieves. Just come this Bank and secure travelei checks. Each check is worth a sp ified amount of cash and can used onfy by the person to whom is issued. No" one else can use yo travelers' checks! For their smi ccsit, travelers' checks are a boon safe traveling. First Natk . 2 PERCENT PAID ON S \ I YOUR HOME ASK YOU to " PASTE MI H T - ;,V } ... kry v ' " * . THE NATION'S S Keep Your Refrigei At All n m v *. Mk m j CALL US FOI | HOME DE APPROVED E Caroline In v. ' ' V Phone 125?& "Extra Care Makes I V ^"u.t * ' "''- '' -' T-*^' ' ' . - ' ?'* A:.- * :. J*!' - '..' v. . * irli^V^rYr^i By GEME CA3S * 1 t. i ?C ?