RAMBLING SKETCHES OF OAK GROVE NEWS (By Mrs. William Wright) 1 Th?' revival services which were scheduled to begin at the local chur , ch Sunday, July 20...hove been postponed due to the fact 'the frequent f ralus have kept fanners inactive and much work remained to be done. Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Dixon and daughter, Knmiu. and little granddaughter o? "Bethlehem, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Kdgai Bell. Mr. au'd Mrs. W. C. Blantou were * xfi.altors of Mr. and Mrs. R. B Wat tersou of Bessemer .City Sundaj at-" ternobn. Mr. and Mrs. 8am Lovelace. Mr. and Mrs. (!. N. Porter and children i or I UGH! Continue See Oi Summer Fo< Values MEN S WORK S imagmfrflL Men! w?m gain BMW ,ong affo" m a1 I j?miMiy ^ MEN'S DRESS AN! OXFOR You'll be right in style wi looking white, black, two-tone tan, or tan and white combination Oxfords ! TENNIS SI \ Tough, well made Tennis S ^ for Men, Women and child 4 Bedroom SI Women's felt bedroom sli U in colors of blue, grey and rose WOMEN'S WHITE RaqtII I WUVII k/UI 1||| | Just the thing for summe | at the beach. Cord and ru | 3 to 8. Exceptional I values at this low price ] Curtain || One huge lot of ruffled am quisette curtains, bought o * ket basis and saved especis for this sale?2'/* yards Ion I Hosiery Sp< Spec'lllNYLON HOB They are not perfect, but i this low price Limit 2 pairs to a customer I ANKLETS?Children's Ai in all colors and asst. sizes I Belk n were visitors in Shelby Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Putnam and j children. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brid ges Mrs. D. P. Wright und Mr. and Mrs. William Wuttersoii of Pattervon. Grove were visitors in the home , of Mrs. H. T. Wright Suuday afternoon. Mrs. Wright is recovering nicely after an appendicitis operation July 2nd. She celebrated rer j 80th birthday anniversary June 7th. ' M'.ss Pauline Wart is llso 'recuperating ut her home here after an appendix operattioji recently. Mrs.' Adell- Lovelace and children of Tampa, Flu.,, are spending j.oinetlmc in the honte Of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Flam McSwain. Messrs Fred Bet! ami -Gene Wax ' terson of High Point were Saturday night guests of the former's parents Mr., gnd Mrs. C: A. trail. Mi'.ss Mabel Pell was the spendttie-dux guest of Misses Pauline ami Virginia Ware Sunday. i s Clea ss New Itei ur Window OUTSTV jtwear vali Supply Lii J Enough 1HOES Week Here's a barin comfort and children's wear you can t Panties. g I to miss? ? 11.48 I " PLAY D SPORT F?L S DS II th these good " ,$1.98 Sizes, 1 t iOES 2l 8? 48c?^ Specia I* PLAY tippers f. , ppexs featured 25C TIS Belco Toil CRAB-NET 1'? idals S ? A . 1 r vacation aays ?? ? bber soles, sizes TOW /\ P7 Terry Bat 97c 5 Sale we"'9 se V aliipQ 1 tailored raarn the old piar- 48 r $1.00? u ?? Spc ecials in or ualily, full fash silk Hose. All ' shades. Very POLO i ? . . Boys' Str Plain. Size Medium, L c pair E. _ . Handke at a Buy at < jMen's fi en- IS 21 Pr- c lklete5c pr| s Depai REMEMBER ? \ ^ -jf- K* -VV^y<j THE RINGS MOUNTAIN HEBALD Miss DorotKyTHtterson was a vis itor in the home of M"iss Delia Patterson Sunday. Mrs. Ora Ulan-ton of Kings Mountain has been spending Koine time with her cousin, Mrs. \V. P. Love--, lace. Mrs. fMuyme Gibbons and- son.' John, spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Canlpe ana (atully of the Patterson Grove sec t ion. ' I '. , - ; ,V 1-1 .1 Stokes Wright had as his Sunday guests Messrs ,David Gibbous and Frank- Ledtord. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper TTiTTbeek are : antiouucing the Mirth of a daughter., Nlea Ann. on July 20, . Itev. Luther iluwkitis was a caller in the home of (Mr. and Mrs. 1 James S. Ware Monday afternoon. irance! ms ? New For Super S ENDING Pi ues Clearai mited but . j for This fxG&G "End GROU Pipe Fruit of the L/001 Training f' Sev.eJal. Patt< o j_ q from. All sizes ?izes z to o ^ GROU1 A special purcha ?^^? summer dresses. vqIiioc im tn ?') q: SU1 lo niuvo up iv Children anc' co^ons? Gho \g% GROU HIW* Ju?y clearaway c ___ dreSSCS. Huildlt'C SSES to select from. V Summer Sizes for misses Assorted GRQ1 This is an outstai new summer dre es, washable crej ??? and acetates. All PBuy to $9.95 values. i r.mi July Clearance! J mer dresses?pri sue 39c i et Tissue Sheets ? All summer hats Chats will be rolli tables must be cl ??? Regardless of cos h'fowels Valu? tol0? q Value to $1.98 lTS ? . Mens's S t7$1.98 COOL - SMA Sanforized - shri I t t*nrl f kavm li r g% VI VU I1V1II ^UUU 1' $3.95 values?nov RTS WORK SHIRTS tit Shirts made work shirtsbray materials, I and strong-seaim _ Here's A (i SHIRTS SHIRTS r Small SHIRTS: made , ,arjre 8nowy " whl w bleached comix potton. Populi rw swiss-rib type. ?? SHORTS; Fan< rchiefs broadcloth shon ill size i e g iuc ea MEN'S SUMME1 tment ? rou Always Save At BELK'S Ipp||^pp -" ''* TV Bfr7?i'ip'.pi THURSDAY. JUL.Y 24. 1941 Pitt county livestock produtAira j S are grazing more soybeans this j Jj year than ever before. since the j beans theatre feed cos! and hogs and cattlo thrive'on them, says A?- u slstuiit Farm Agent ('. IV (iriggs. , Recent excessive rains coupled with the drought just prior will K cause a serious reduction iu the S llasto'i County wheat harvest this year, reports Assistant I'arm Agent 11 W. / Smith. . ! j, ' " ' - '' "I si . * . j IU Hains. while damaging sotne.crop t| have "caused phosphate and lime- u atohe to give definite .results in 11 many cases, says S. K. Mitebiner,' assistant farm agem of Forsyth . ;l it! County. - u Sali i I w I \A r Values ' ;; avings cice Summer 1,. ly-to-Wear [? P 1 DRESSES I "' m and Winnie Mae-Dress- ^ ;rns to Choose 07c 13 I s i o nnrcccc I n se sale of 200 brand new j . Regular (hi O O <' urn* $1.88 : ' . . "W' P 3 DRESSES ? >f spring and summer Is of styles Aa qQ 11 alues to $5.95 J J.QO I u and women * j ? JP 4 DRESSES 1 . nding sale group of brand ' 8 ;sses, also Spring dress?es, Bembergs (t? J QQ Se^95...?4-Po \'i h ~S' DRESSES Entire stock of girls' sum ^ ced? ' j ii 17c $1.49 ; D1ER HATS i must be sold. New fall -j o ng in soon and all our T eared of summer hats ? ^ it. Here they go! 50c ? .Hi nn j i"r port Ensembles ! lRT ? WELL MADE ink sports ensembles tail i okking fabrics ^2 ! i ? Get a supply of well; made of covert or chamrycut,. " 48c reat "Buy" In Men's AM) SHORTS R SOX 10c and 15c pr. | Itore . 11 i miiilMniiailMiiiiiaBaiii?iff < 11 n m .T_, imple Test For Eg# 'reshness Explained All ogg is u scaled package of fine >oil when it Is. .laid by the hen. 11 the only product -thai Nature giv ? us that is scaled without the >uci) ot huiiiaT, hands However, points out T. T. Blown,, xu nsion poulVry-maii of N. C, tale College, eggs that brum, ! em nun ou the market are those ml the consumer desire's * ? eggi lat ale fresh. large, ti'Ult. unforin i size and. color, and sound U ?ell Most consumers will huy the tone pleasing-looking product but iett continued purchases * depend pon th?- actual interior (iuality ot it* eggs. The State College man suggests simple home method ot debriyillii ig if eggs are. fresh. Blare eggs it pan of. water, lie says, and tin ood ones will rest flat 011 the hot nil of the vessel; those that havcv ist some of their quality will stand ii end: uuri very poor oi.es will so. lire older or poorly kept Drown explained that an egg does ot have ail air ctdl wlieti it is lid by the lien. As it "cools. the ater evaporates front it and tilt mi shell mcni It ram's at the larg< ltd -of the egg separate and torn n air cell. Its hut weiiihci. ttiois ire is drawn fro nilhe egg. just a: ater-is drawn ft dm. the soil ant otu .all vegetation. The depth o lie ail eel is li measure ot qu'alitj > > > > : NEGRO NEWS (Lty Jessie (J. Costlier) ! *; < > < > > < > <* :* < > ; The Daily Vacation Itible Stdioo tgiiu Monday of this week at tin lood Hope Presbyterian Church ui er the leadership of Mrs. S. C "an Lutldingham. Mr Jehu K Kit ler is assisting in carryiua on tin fiblu School. Mrs. Effie ClinRscales of Cansle treet is . visiting her daughter, Aln Hive Sniitli in Cleveland. Ohio. There was a Sunday School ITi >u held at tre Alt. Zion Ituptis hu.rch Sunday. Several Sundaj chools from out of town were pre' lit. A male quartet from Dowel as on program. Jvey Davis, a trainee at For rugg spent ine week end at liome The- "Heaven Bound"- play uudei lie direction of llev. S."N. David on of Gastonia will he presented ai ?o Compact High School on Friday mht.'July 25.- at H:(Mi o'clock. Mr. .lames Ito>d has returtiei rout Florida where he ljas been foi averal weeks. Bishop B. (1. Shaw succeeds tin lie Bishop \j W. Kyles ju the We; [ rn Nortr Carolina Conference o he A. M. 15. Zion church. Hit eadqua iters will be in Binning am. Ala. . ; ;Mr. Waddell Carroll who was 1 0 to Cajnp fo.r a trainee last Mon ay was delayed and will not so. un 11 July Jo. 1H41. Hi- brother. Victoi arroll, will go to camp also as i oiunteer. Waddell and Victor art ons of Mr. mid Mrs. James Carrol t Tracy street. Mr. Zob Kennedy who took scri usly ill on Monday afternoon, diet 'uesday afternoon. July 22, at rlt onie on Watterson street. Fun era .rraugeineuts have not been made Mrs. Fann'ie Bullartl of Wattersoc treet has been ill for severa eeks. She Is improving. Uncle 3am is asking of you? an [uniiiium .pan. told or new. 1 ogga. Piece Gt GROUP 1 19c Value 80-Square DRESS Prints 15c yd. GROUP 3 Permanent finish organ dies. dumari piques, swinghi piques. A. B. C. corded chambrays. pow der puff muslins, dotted swiss and fibredown wiss. Regular -39c valuea. Sale price? 29c yd. DRESS MATERIAL Prints, Solids and Floral Belk's D< REMEMBER ? You / r dtfrirr^ -? - . ' ,r- % ? ? . GUEST SPEAKER - kJ I " - * fl^j Hferifek w r'- 1 I 13 ?> I K ?^ ?31 k r'^| I I jl '1 I 1 i^HH . *> i .? . . . -\ The Rev. K. S'lvt i'or Kl!h.H. t.s ? tor of the Baptist Church, Paris, i Ark:, will assist Pastor 1). K. Put. man in a seTn'-s <ii inreTTtigs at Davit! Baptist Church near BotHwniV*. . .Iiepliiniiip next Sunday. July 27. Mr ! Klliott is a native of Cleveland eoun . ty where he lias held many auceeit* . ;i . fill evnnvelistic meetings The publ lie is coruiufly Invited to attend f tin se SifVv'ict-s Service hours Wtill lie lit A M. ntul' S P. M except Sua day which' w ill the 11 A. .\T .- : m WHAT KIND OF A HOUSE GUEST ARE YOU? A novel quiz whioh, enables anyone to rate his" or her yirtuss otj j vices as a.week-end guest. Don't^ miss this amusing feature in tha^ _ August 3rd issae of t THE AMERICAN 'WEEKLY The Big Magazine Distributed With THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN On Sale at all Newsstands r Give them, now while you cart'l ' What? Of course.' un atumiuuiu pan. ; When Acid Indigestion, Gas on ' Stomach or Heartburn make you ? feel uncomfortable or embarrass > you, try Alka-Seltzer, which cont tains alkalizing buffers and so ; helps counteract the associated Excess Stomach Acidity, j 'But the relief of these minor , stomach upsets is only a small . I part of what you can expect Alka-Seltzer to do for you. You i will find it effective for Pain Relief in Headache, Neuralgia, Colds and Muscular Aches and Pains. ' *3 It contains an analgesic, (sodium 11 acetyl salicylate), made more prompt and effective in its painrelieving action by alkaline buffer I salts. , ; When hard work or strenuous , | exercise make you feel tired and dragged out, enjoy the refresh,' ing effect of a glass of sparkling, I tangy Alka-Seltzer. At Drug Stores In packages and at drug store soda fountains by the tod Values j . GROUP 2 | a cnoice selection of cotton fabrics, such as dimities. tuxedo batistes, printed dimities. * 'S dotted swiss and printed voiles. Regular 19c sellers. Sale price ? 15c yd. j GROUP * . | See this group of quality Hill 'N Dale Prints, Wash Silks and Cottons. 39c yd. j 10c yd. i ipt. Store Itways Save At BELK'S > . vjj 1 v . . . 'Jk

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