Notice Of Sail For Unpaid 194 In pursuance of law I will Town of Kings Mountain, > Monday, September 8, 1941, Taxes, the following descril description -of land and am case land owned by the tax Mountain, N. C., January 1, - case the amount of cost and added to the taxes. This sali day to day or to such time to law in the event said salt on the date above specified, gust, 1941. Allinuri. Hornet*: House arid lot j 7six2l5 New Suburbs " $K.;iO " Ream, K. I..: '2 lots 2R*175 .. .22 ileum. .Mrs. Mae Harmon:, House and lot 5nx2uo W. S. Cofurtb ........ " Jti.RO Hell. M. J.;, House and Rant 2 Acres W, S. Whcoii ..,... 14.43 Binnett. Bessie: House ami l<ot -I, ogxir.a K. S. Oriental . .. 8~16i lli'ittU'll, Clyde: House and Lot 75x150 \V. S. No. 20 hlxhway 42.03 Hiddix, Gary: House uttd lot 75x150 \V. S. Cherryville rd 6.86 lilanion, J. L: 4 lots 25x175 McGinn is Survey .. .... 2.18 lloheler. Will:' 2 lots 25x175 llloek 13. ............ .72; ' . . ~ * Bridges, Giles A.: House aud lot 75x150 W. 8. Wai'o . ... 0.66 j JJrown. J. T.:, House and lot 75x85 Cherryville ltd Bridges, J. It.: House and < lot 100*150 S. S. McGinnls street 15.21 Bi uee. J. It.. Hat,: 6 lots 25x150 Fair view st. ....J.. 1.82 Bunigurdner, Felmer: l.ot ' , . f-, 75x150 'Hold Survey .... 1.20 . . ., < Burton. It. L.: House and lot 125 j xl50 Fultou and Alexander 11.34 | ' Cablness. ('. U.: l.ot 25x75 .... 1.091 Carpenter. \V. II.: House anil Barn 112x186 Phonix- si 4.58 Clark, Mrs. W. M.: House and lot 00x|50 rear MHHnnt* Property 5.20 Culbei'tson, C. A,j_ House und lot 00x126 Fnirvlew st 11.72 Cunningham, J. W.: House and lot 75x96 No. 41 ......... 4.70 Detniar. 1,. C.: . House and lot 50x114 S. S. King. Lot 25x114 ...: ..' 2U.49 Kdens. C. (!,: House and lot 110x140 N. S. Parker 38.11 Finger, Mrs. Belle: lx>t 75x125 King and 11. K. ;. 1.' 10.80 Finger. F. K., llelrs: House and lot 76x237 K. 8; Railroad .... 84.32 Fulton, P. I>:: House and lot I 80x220 King and Hilling .. 29.60 Cofortli. A. 11.: House and lot 80x144. House 31st Street, House and lot .50x250 N. S. Briee ! House, and lot 75x175 Vtitrviau.' *}.'}. 14 Guyton. L. L.: House and lot 75x150 Highway No. 20 10.81 Harmon P. R.: House and lot 60x203 8. S. Kin* ........ 14.64 ' Hayes. J M., Kst.,: House and lot 157x150 Parker st 12.30 J * . , Harriell. F. C.: House and lot 85x96 3rd at.- . .... . 12.99 j (Helms, Joe: House aqd lot 75x150 McGlrinls St. - ,9.011 Hoffman,, Roy P.: House and lot 85x99 No. 17 . 9.90 Hord. Mrs. G. W.: House and lot 8ox75 E. S. R. R. Ave 14.64 Hullender, C. W.: House and lot ' * 166x250 Fulton st ........ 25.57 J Hullender. Doula Mae: House and 2 1-2 A. New Suburbs 10.48 Jenkins, A. ('.: House and lx>t 65x165 Fulton st 25.26 1 Kiser, Mrs. William: 4 lot .. . 25x150 Church St.' 2.40 \ l.edford, P. \\" : House and lot 75\ 15ii W S. Pansier, hal. 9.60 Lyiin. R S.:. House amT~Tot lOOx I 15o W'liitesldes, property .. 12.78 Melton, George: House and lot 88x100 W. 8. Cansler ...... 6.32 Morris. Violet: House and lot Mix 100 rear Wesleyan Church 17.60 Moss.. Eva Leigh: House and lot 118x150 W. 8. Cherryvllle rd, ........... 4.00 McAbee. Sam T.: Lot 90x374 4 Cherryvllle Rd. 3 .... bal. 3.20' Mr,Daniel, Robert G.: House and I lot 65x155 S. S. Pulton St. 21.02 McDaiitel. W: |D. Heirs: House lot 90x275 N. S. King 20.21 ' ? . McGlnnls. WHey H.: House and lot 98x200 King and Hilling .. 37.49 Oaborns. W. F.: House and lot 75x200 N. 8. Gold St. 16.04 Farton. Ethel: House and lot 250x90 Carpenter. House and Idt 100x325. S. S. King. Lot 46*190 Frcr of S S. King, balance 15.87 ; . .. |r V: . ' . i Of Property 10 Town Taxes i sell at the City Hall. in the 1. C., beginning 1:00 P. M. for unpaid 1940 Town )ed lands. Name of owner, , ount of taxes are in each i payer in the Town of Kings 1940. There will be in each I penalty which must be e may be continued from as may be fixed according j is not had or completed This the 11th day of Aui'oulHiiKlon, H. Tlduset ami-lot 18x142 K. S. Diltlufe 'st./bul. 7.10 I'eioraoii. David: House and 2 lots 25x100 K. Kins 7.52 I'hilHps. Doc A.: House and lot 50x120 Waco ltd. 12.36 I'lltnam. A. U.: House and lot -75x217 Church at ......... 10.08 r - -4 : Rntterree. P. G.: House and lot 75x195 N. S. Gold st . 45.26 Sanders. W. A.: 2 Houses and 5 lots 25x150 Mountain st .... 20.24 " : i Settlemyre, J. L.: 3 lots 50x200 Parker at 2!$1 Smith. Mary I).. Ad nix: Lot 100x117 1.33 Smith. Waller. L. Estate: House and lot 100x175 K. S. Kairvlew 15.60 Sparrrtw. Mrs. Sallie: House and lot 60x150 N. S. Waco St. .. 18.61 Smith. Bessie.. Discovery: < balance 63.00 Wltite, W. Albert: House and lot 70xl5o Ramseur ,st .... 20.54 ' * . - ' Williams. Charles S.: House aftd Barn lot 373x400 K. S. Piedmont ; ... 158.81 Dot mar. W.M1.: 4 lots 25x150 W% S. Cansler 3.52 I CORPORATIONS Central Investment Corp: House lot 115x165 Piedmont ...... 53.17 , Ledfoid and Sons, W.'C. Brick Store and Filling Station and lot (.'or. Plod, and It. It. .. 38.80 COLORED ] Adams. Joe Bill: Hotlse aud .lot 150x235 Ridge at.. House and lot 55x130 S. S. itidge st .. 24.94 Berry,'John: House and lot 50x100 E, S. C'ansler 8.80 Caldwell. John.'Estate: House and lot 60x180 S.,S. King 14^30 Uuvis. Nalo: House and 1-4 A. W. S. W'atterson st 7.20 Ellis. Carrie. Estate: House and lot 115x150 King 10.67 Falls. Phillip U.: House and lot 60x175 RUlge ....:, ... 16.78 Gist. John: House and lot 60x31. Lot 10x80 S. S. Ridge st .. 10.64 Herndon. Hubert: Lot 50x150 E. S. W'atterson St 1.81 Jepkins, Collie and Carmineal: . House and lot 75x200 Parker and Watterson. balance 8.70 . * * , : * r " ' ' Linsay. John: 1 lot 3.58 Means, W. F. and J. W.: House and lot 143x142 S. S. Ridge 11.28 Mitcham. Nevlt; Hottse and lof 3 1-2 A. Cora Mill St. ......' 8.56 McClaugh (NR). Thomas: House arid lot 169x175 Ridge st .. 12.91 llecd. Monroe. Estute: ' House and lot 50x100 Cansler st 4.21 Hippy, Pearl:' House and lot 1! 5x20*0 \V. R. Cansler st .. 8.10 Holiinson. iTertha: House and lot ?00x100 2.80 S.yhauk, okley: House and lot ;:.x!?5 N. S. THdRe .... 8.78 Town of Kings Mountain, Karl S. Sawyer, * Tax Collector. DONT BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RCUCVE CONSTIPATION THIS MOOMM WAV When you feel gassy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do as million* do?take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning ? thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day fell of your normal energy and pep, feeling like million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your night's rest or interfere with work the | mn amy. try rvvn-A-mini, m? iiMWing gun lixatht, yourmlf. It tMttt good* it's handy and economical ...a family tupply cott. only _ FEEN-A-MINT : . * IB KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD T.HU WE THREE "C" ALL S "We Three" have had loads of n loads of fuu bringing you all the t scoops and scandal about town that v we could 'C' Since this will be the 1 | last Column that we will write for f i the HERALD we will now tell you ? who WE THREE are. We are afrala the secret kinda leaked out but c maybe there is someone, who still Uoesn know. We are Clara Mae s Uantt, Betty Patrick and Frances j v rrouse. We hope that there are no !?e hard feelings against us because it n was all in fun. Thanks to Mr Lynch for never j f: censoring our column. He's orte swell editor. 1 . To the people who rend our col* 0 :nnn each .week and complimented % us. Everyone who helped us scrap ' tip scoops. * Maylie. if no one is writing a gos 1 sip column next summer "We I Three" will eotSTThiie our column. Now for the dlrtt dig( dig. dig). It seems Mary Alice Campbell s t filling Mehzelle's lonely nights ; t Patsy is in Greensboro you know t Susie McGinn'is. are you and Mar liott getting np an affair? Dont 1 hold out on us .. Did you see the girl Jim Ratterreo ^ \Cns with Friday night She's from ? . l_ r 'A V. 1 > /s 4-.11 ' MHSIOHIH .... juai gci nun i" leu you about her .. More fun....! . We bet Madge Is lonely this weelt | , while Woodie anil Charlie Moss are | in Norfolk" .... or is Jimmv Dickey j j showing her a good time these nights? _ , If the town seems to be lacking c Iri something after the first week < In September ? its because "'Snooks j kl got caught in the draft.?dont bo 1 surprised at the girls' dreary faces. ; .Carl Finger Is really running a- J round in circles yon knew llel 1 en left town By the way. what. ' * Happened last Sunday nite?? ..... 1 we* wonder Which one backed out ' wliep they got to York??!? .. Why?' s their night will be awfullv lonely 'cause "'Greek" nevti*' ni-sift r; ' night, ? * : ' Bobby "Mac broke his recorr ot ! 1 not dating in 11. weeks Sunday night 1 he dated Sue Ruddock!" .. ' | * Thanks to the following couples ( for managing to stick together. You liave always been interesting gos- ^ sip: Eckie and Puff, .it all began Hi the tenth grade, didn't it ? It was written In the stars for Alice j t, Petty and Ben..... sweetest coupte ever .. and HOW LONG HAVE a Jones and Hazel been going toge- r ther?? .. If Ernest would Just turn his "car lodse lt'd go right over Phenlx way .. would'nt It Doris? Jo seems to be following in Ec- ^ kie's footsteps cause she and Bill ? . a _ * a al i^^tta A a starieu in me renin bi-uub Ladd ancl Butch must have the real thing ;* Even tho1 Lib Plonk has been a- J way for most of the summer. ?.Jim 11 has remained faithful Jimmy Willis ami Vera may not r be news, but at least its Gossip., i 0 eh? .. 1 George Mauney and Rachel Smith seemed to be doing O. K. Sunday night .... and so did Pay and George Allen .... these Georges are getting around .. George Lat- ^ timore? .. Vou have us in circles .... datlng'Martha McClain. Mar.e Phifer AMD Marian Arthur _.. Jj Kinda surprising .. seeing Gogle . Kawles and Billy Ruddock together ^ Monday night .... ' Everyone had a grand time at o Ladd's and Billy's danoe Friday ulgnt .. ..and speaking of dances q we are lioking forward to the one t this Friday night ....' f Billy Throneburg .. .. people s have lived thru love before .. it's r terrible you have such an ' awful t case .... We imagine it would he c awful to. be iu love with someone out of town .. . especially as far 1 as Charlotte Tough luck kid!! ,1 ,* a _ . t e ... a ? ?.i ? r iraiuurs noie; n yuu gei noui 01 r this column befoTe it is printed .. c we'll put you out of your misery t FOREVER '.. ) , i Vivian dated Wilson the other J night .... I Ben Goforth and Gene Mathl* j said "Roys State" v..ts really swell | Meek did you have fun Sunday night ?? .. JusC wondered ? j Pete Gamble, you and Knnb keep J up the good work .... J. <\ Bridges, you must have it bad .. going all the way to Georgia to see Rachel McClaln .... Whew!!!! This f'ollege separation, which Is so tough on us all .... will be Ji,9t as tongh on .Gogie and Buck. Well, we guess this Is farewell. If anyone atari* another , Gossip Column, we wish them the best ot , luck. Again, we want to tell you how much fun this has been- and we liopie. We leave NO hart! feelings behind. You may have gained a little knowledge but as for us Its "College." We hope we'll be with you next summer . .,' So Ooodbve .... 1 ' :rl * ; Three out of four executives In the steel industry started at produe tion Jobs in the mills and worked their way up. 1 ' iaabl \ . .. R8DAY, AUO.,?. 1M1 jtgujmes Do Best If Seeded In September L -i In order to allow the crops to aake enough fall growth to cover he land during the winter. cold venther legumes should be seeded n September "by all means," says 0. C. Blair, Extnsion agronomist at State College. In addition to doing a better Job if covering the land during the win t\ the ngronlinlst said. legumes iceded In September will also be! eady to turn under at least 30 days ' larlier next spring than If they are ilanted later. * As a means to conserving seed, train drills may'be used to advancer !n seeding arumes. Klf'een lounds of hairy vetch or 20 pounds j >f Austrian winter peas to the acre 1 rill give excellent stands if a drill , s used, tile specialist declares. flerit Awards Teach Jseful Farm Lesson N. C. State College officials did lot realize It at the. time, but when I Itey i warded 'certificates Of uteri-! orlous service to three outstanding igriculturists, by pur? coincidence h( y taught one of the essential for.! successful fanning. ? J. W. Kiker of Anson County was i etognizeil for his work, in corn needing. T. J. \V. llroome for his jeiflce of 30 years as farm agent n' Union County and for his promolon of lespedeza. and A. O. McBacshern of ?>|ow Hanover County or developing . fine dairy cattle. The work of these three men repescnts a complete program and eytie for successful ugriculture, ac-1 orditig to A. C. Kimrey. extension ' lalry specialist of^ N. C. Stale Col- ' ege. 7 I Explaining, he {minted out that dr.. Kiker developed corn which ts he backbone of livestock feeding, dr. Broom promoted the -use of leslede/.a in North Carolina, represent ng hay and grazing, both highly es cntial. for success in dairying. Finally. Nfr. McKachern on his1 Eastern Carolina farm developed ine dairy . animals to consume all of j liese feeds. converting them inttb! ash and good living for farm peo>le. This practical lesson might be put o good use in the State's rapidly xpanding dairy industry, the State 'ollege specialist pointed out. Not inly Is it a g.iod lesson for the l>r;e dairyman, he added, but for the amity owning Just one cow. Plenty of home-grown feeds will id in combatting rising prices. Kirn cy went on. affording larger margins on the sale of milk and other lalry products. state Gains In Race <\>r Poultry Honors North Carolina has moved into 4th place among states in the .tiuni er of chickens raised on farms this ear. helped bv a 20 percent . inreuse over the past tO year aver-i ge. reports C. J. Maupin. extension | loultrymun or N. C. State College. This compares with a nation-wide ump over the average for the past ecadc of only ft percent, according o t'iyures just released by the Agicilltural Marketing Service of the J. S. Department of Agriculture. A part of this large increase in iroduction for the State is due to he growing interest in commercial holler production Federal figures how North Carolina to be one of he nine states now producing 5,00.000 or more broilers annually. At the same time, Maupin said. Par Heel hens are laying more hat production hit .61 million, an in ? m O llllln. ?~ Tfune ui o muuiuii cks" iiic ;am? month a year ago. Similarly, iroduction for the first seven monhS) of this year feoared 23.j000.pon >ver the same period in 1940. Other states are marching along n this Government-aided drive for arger poultry numbers. The latest "ederal report says ''the number of 'hickens raised on farms in 1941 vlll exceed all past records." The lumber of layers in farm flocks on \ugust 1 was the largest for the iast eight years. Better feeding and management iractlces boosted the average hen's reduction to an all-time high In Inly, and despite record-breaking ireduction, eggs prices have cohtin n-d to be the highest in 12 years. iUMBI /Olivia it Nn?.u^. mi of the Waroer Bros, pktift, I ' "fWaiAAWAMU ' ' ? ? ? ? . ? ? -J ? I mnrapry wvpvfi rrvomnicnai * i f CsJox Tooth Powdt for teeth | that thioe. CALOXJMttm / y.;"', . f Summarized TOWN OF KINGS June 30, Cash: General Fund <*. Jlebl Service Fund Cemetery Fund Ta'xes:. 1940 and prior, years laind Sales Certificates Utilities Accounts Street Assessments Sidewalk Account's Y... Stadluiu Notes . ?r.. Inter-Fund Accouuts l'roperty* and Equipment . Net after deducting depreciation ' TOTAL ASSETS .. : .. ..' Honda Outstanding ....... Accounts Payable . Notes Payable ........................ Utilities Deposits ; Prepaid 1941 Taxes ..................... Reaerve for Uonds aud Interest due Jul Inter-Fund Accounts ..... Surplus (all funds) ' AN At V CI C ne CIIODI ne ?e/ . v.w wwrir kw9 rtw " ' Balance's1 6-30-40: General Fund . Debt Service Fund Cemetery Fund Capital Fund . Hi' tV . K ' ' . Revenues: (ieneral Fund .... .. .... ,Debi Service Fund .. Cemetery Fund ...... , Decrease in Liabilities <current) Decrease in Reserve for Insolvents .. . Increase In Streets and Sidewalks Bonds Redeemed Lcrs Reserve for Depreciation Expenses: General Fund a>.?... Debt Service Fund ......... Decrease in Street Assessments Decrease In Property and Equipment Balances 6-30-41: Genera) Fund * Debt Service Fund, .. ' . Cemetery Fund .... Capital Fund .. 1 After deducting depreciation. Stater REVENUE AND EXPEN8ES FOR I Revenues: Taxes, (1940 and prior years) Utilities Licenses .. i Costs and interest .... Cemetery i Water and Sewer Taps Permits .. Miscellaneous Sidewalks Intangible Tax (State) .... |. Street Assessments .. ...... TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE Sale of School Stadium ....... Sale of Wattersoii Property 1941 Taxes Prepaid ......... TOTAL REVENUE ........ Expenses: Administrative ........... Fire Department ... ct .. .a./.M 11/innKlninitt wwci uvpai tuicuv ..... ...... Cemetery Department ...... Street Department Police Department ...... Light Depai tment Water Department TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSK . Damage Claims (New Highway! W, P. A. Project New Stadium .... .. k'. ' *' : Bonds Retired Interest Coupons .... ( Bank Charges TOTAL EXPENSE I hereby certify that the foregoing If the condition of the Town of Kings N end records and audit by Geo. H. Enter Karl S Saw V v s ; * : '* r * Statement ' * < ' XT - "''.C - - . ->' , MOUNTAIN , ; 194 r~ i . ; I $19,933.41 16.621.32 . '... 783.00 ... . 10,840.891 ...... 1.354.60 ... . . 7.597.72 ;Vi' 2\030.72 . . /.' 1.778.00 \. "" 1,858.00 .. ( ii.i;<?.2& i:. 731.209 id $805.145.wr, - 554.O00.0O* 5.754.7# 1137(> 6.137.92 14.880.3> ' y 1. . 6.776.33 'J 11.136.3C . 206,345.73. $805,145.07 ' lOUUNTS JUNE 30, 1941 _, 't'i, : '. .' -V." ' . " 20.386.50 y.'i.."." 6.980.0? "... .. 4.083.54 : ... , 444.631.38 v ! * '* .*'>V''*i . 121.174.4? * 63.937.02 ? 232.9S ......V.. 1,983.72 1. .., 1.397.92 ' ...... 1,919.71* 29.000.00 696,727.13 ....... 290.602.43 9? 405.124.63 4 . 132.76B.2S 69.204.8S -.7... 294.50 6.514. V 10.907.84 " 11.,881.54 " 4.316.5? . "9239*7 $405.124 68 nent -ISCAL YEAR ENDING 6-3G41 . :. 61.323.17 ... "*" 71.139.74 ...... 2,032.60 **?... .. 1$$1.$4 .. .. .. 232.98 . .V*". 784.00 ' 73.51 " V.".... .... 2.702.3T 1,449.31 " .. 1.516.00 .... . .T- ?* .... ".*... 923.65 $143,520.17 . ? 8.267.70 ... 3,050.00 ." 14.880.39 ....... 8169.718.26 ? .V ......1. 14.466.00 .... 4.58R.87 . 933.47 .. r,65.64 .... "V. 12.67T.91 7,778.23 ?."v..::-", , .. 10,948.02 > 4 .... " a * I I 881.867.29 5,73180 .. 11,189.2? . 3,703.36 . . . 29 000 on . . ' V. 30,071.28 _ 133.68 $161,608.49 i a true ami fcorrect. statement of [ountain as shown by the books y, O. P. A. at June 30. 1941. v. <3 j yer, Clerk. ^ f "ra

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