I | More About . School Opening t (Cont'd from front page! T. A. Pollock. Sixth. Miss Helen Lo .- Commerce; Mr Oeora? : L. Sawyer. Boone, N. C-. Math; Miss Janet Scoggins. Greenville. 8. j C. French and Math; Mr. Krvtn Smart. Ellenboro. N. C., History and | Physical Education: Mr . Clin? Far. thing. History. Mrs. W. J. Fulkerkoh. Home Economics. .Mr. Paul B. Hendricks.. Science and Band, Mrs. | (Ira Suggs Settlemyre. Maflt and Physical Education, Mi's. Josephine( 1 K. Weir. Librarian, all of Kings j Mountain. Special I Miss Carolyn Carlisle. Bennetts- i vllle. S. C.. P. S M.; Miss Mildred ! Lowrance. Mooresville. N. C. Bible; ! Miss Jean Robinson. Lowell. N. C..-| i Piano. I | Colored ! Robert J. Davidson. Principal. , Charlotte. - N, C.. Soc. Science: ' ; Clyde K. Fowlkes. Leaksvllle, N. C. | 1 , Marn and 7tn; James W. l.ynoh.: Winston-Salem. N. .. Bug and French; Marguerite Nelson. Charlotte. ; Home Economics; Jessie Oidney i s Cost tier. Kings ' Mountain. Ft ft It; j Julia Baves, Charlotte. Third; Mat- i tie Oidney, Shelby. First; little ; > l.edbetter Oidney. Kings Mountain. . I Fourth. Graeelle H. Kippey. Gnioj | tonia. Sixth. :* I. Production of American Spring 1 and Winter wheat this year will reach 950.953.000' bushels, the lT. S / - Deportment of Agriculture reports. The farm real estate market throughout the nation has shown six mouths of 1941. , t rial ___ in i UnarDanK ! SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Own Home ! stment you can make, liome of your own! Now ild. We are in position to urchase, construction or > Still Open * ic Building-& Loan plan into dollars and your . * invite new members to 5 , incr ? I nan Ill{j W bUUII iation I ;cretary-Treaaurer HE KINOa MOUNTAIN HERALD T^H Society News (Cont'd from Society page) ATTENO SHUFORD-MARKHAM WEDDING ?a uunvbor from Kings Mountain went to Durham this week to be pro Hint at tne wedding of Mies chailotto Markham of Durham and Mr. Tolly Shuford of Kings MountaltidAmong those going were, Billy WofT who was Mr. Shuford's best I man; Fred Finger and Harold Cog-! Kins, ushers. . I - A | fersonals I Mrs. P. J>. Patrick has been 111 at UeP*"ho5Te on King street. Mih. Angio Ware RdftWll left today for her honte in Kl Paso, Texas >?o? . Y Mr. anil Mrs. John McGlll spent Sunday in Hon darken. ?-o-? ' " i Mrs. John McGlll Is planning to leave Friday (homing on the Southerner to visit friend! In Atlanta. /' \ Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Falls were Kuests of Mrs. Will Bird last Satur- \ lay. l-;/'' a ?j)-VC ?*u A - .iiik. juuu . F. Hord. Jr., and Susan vMoss wire quests of Mr. and Mrs~ Yates Spake ir. Morgauiton Sunday. ^ -o- Mrs. Kdward Lovell and young . daughter, Miss Marian June. hav? been guests of relatives in Kings Mountain. . ' ?o? Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Webb have as house gucF?s Mrs. We)b>.'.|. sd/Ueiy. virs. M J. Wilson and two children of Bartow, Kla. ?o- ? Miss Aleene Hambrlght of Charlotte spent the week end wltli her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. I). Hambright. ?o Miss Margaret Ware returned last SaturdaV from \VB?hinir?nn I where she spent three weeks wltn iter grandmother. ?o? Mr. Claude Webb, manager of the Imperial Theatre, will leave Saturday tor Carolina and. WtlgbXsville Heath. S -?C Misses Polls Crouch and Frances " 'orth.' visited in Roanoke Rapids and yisited the Dost Colony lust '"-H -J Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plonk and Mr, and Mrs. George Plonk are spend- ( ing this week at the Cooper Cottage j near Houedsonville. ?o.Messrs Dan Finger, E. W. Neal, Jr.. New McGill and Jim Darracott have returned fromi tbelrvacation trip to the Western States. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. James Bird and Jim my. Jr., of Columbia. S. C.. spent the week-end with' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford. , ?o? Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fulton and Miss Wtnuifred Fulton spent the week entp j ?m i ~ At a time when business men < serving the government in Wjtsh ington are generally agreed that, "business as usual" Is no longer possible and at a time when one tn-'J duatry after another is cuitallltig, j normal production In the Interests j ot defense. Washington observers wouder when poiltlrians will coine, to a similar rerognition in connertlon with "pet projests' of one kind and another. t to protect America. . .j t ,T Leo linden, Interstate Commerce Examiner, has recommended a 10 percent reduction in join real-' ocean' rates on grain and grain pro- j ducts shipped front the southwest' to Atlantifc lihrts. ? , and Mrs. T'nul Noisier and family. ?o?? . Mr. RuTpti TVorthcutt of Dalton. (' a., 'spent the week-end In Kings Mountain., "Sirs. Northcutt Mid children who liave been on an extended visit here, returned home with Mr. Norlhcutt. ?o? ' Miss Nell Jackson of Clover and Greenvtlle, S. C.. is visiting Mrs. Lewis Summey at her home in Dal- i las prior to leaving for Warm J Springs. Ga., where she has accepted a position as a nurse in the Or thopedic hospital. t'harles Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Alexander wilt leave Sunday for Ashevlile where he will enroll as a student at Blanton's Business College. ?o? Mrs. C. J. Gault. Jr., and little daughter, Barbara Jean, have returned home after spending a week with Mrs. Gault's mother, Mrs. J. W. fciwing in Charlotte. Mr. B. 11. Gardner and family of' Gastoniu were . speud-the-day guests | with Miss Agn,es Morris and Mrs. i Honour at the Morris House yesteiday. / Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hold have purchased the Walker Curry home 011 Gold street and plan to move In as soon as minor alterations are made. ^ Mr. Mick Moss recently received his M. A. degree att North Western University, Ecanstoii, 111. After a stay at Orescent Beach at the summer home of his sister, Mrs. Paul Neisler, Mr. Moss came to Kings Mountain tor a few'weeks stay at his home before resuming his work at Riverside. ?o? Mrs. Curl Davidson who has been undergoing treatment in the Shelby Hospital for the past few weeks, on Unues to show Improvement. She is expected to return home with the next week but will he confined *o her bed for sometime yet. MILK1 Drink More of It?But B< Itemized Milk Produced and Past ' Card "Extra V ' . j f fr"****"- **"**---. nHMHT A. & P. Adds Market | Housewives of Kings Mountain can now secure choice vuta of meats along with their groceries from tho A. and P. Store as a modern market has been added according to Mr. J. C. Caveny. manager of the Stoics. .The market is now open for hash ness and is under the managership of Mr. B. M. Barnes, who Is an ?x-( perlenced market man. having been associated with the A. and P. Company tor more than ten years. Mr. Barnes knows his meats and ?. he( wants an opportunity to serve citizens of Kings Mountain. The new | market manager is married and .was transferred here from AshevHle aud Is a native tof Charlotte. He Is a member of the Baptist Church. Both Messrs Caveny and Barnes. extend a cordial Invitation to every | one to visit the new market. Mr. Barnes said. "I like Kings Mountain very much, and I will be glad for citizens io stop in and see the new addition lo the stdre. I am here to serve the most choice cuts of all kinds of meats and seafoods, st tell lie folks to come and see us. I Get Re For Scl . Myers' is well stocked to Girls lor School and Colk I PRICES AR1 1 BUY NO' From Myers' Large SCHOOL B I TO RING N1 Spehial Prices will prevai | now until the opening of m jk*. mm || SLHUUL I FOR BOYS SPECIALl $1.98 t ~MYI Departm Dress Shopp L rhe product with Food V ; Sure It's Carolina Dain ' ' : ' * ' eurized From Cleveland's F ina Dairy, ' -r ' - ... Phone 125?Shelby, N. C. Care Makes Them Extra G> .v'vflffilV ; ' * \ ' ' ANK to BE CUOMO MONDAY*' The First National Bank will be coseld Monday, Sept. 1st, In cfeservance of" Labor, which Is a national legal holiday. Patrons of the bank are asked to please make h note of the holiday, by B. S. Nelll, Cashier. .Defense supplies of smokelees powder for big guns. antt-alrcraft guns and army rifles may be made from- staple cotton Instead of cotton llnters. More thau 1.000 dlgerent kinds of Europeau weeds have invaded this -country In the past yehr. 1 1 . . - v 4 * Have Your Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted ( ? y? DR. D. M. MORRISON Optometrist Eye Specialist Will be In Kings Mountsln Office on Every Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Hours 1 P. M. to a as. I ? ady 100I outfit both Boys and 'ge. E ADVANCING I W SAVE ' and Varied Assortment ELLS BEGIN' ' I EXT WEEK ' . I II An all aaI.waa ?* III ?? W?1 , K^VIIWI TTCQ1 il Vlll III school. OXFORDS AND GIRLS LiY PRICED o $3.50 0 Hrs" 9 V ent Store - >e 2nd Floor 1 111 ? - * i the greatest alue '< 1 APPROVED PaH >? '' * t ' ' . . ; - * , , ' . ' ; . inest Herds * . Inr I oocT <*