'-(y; - --T-. ?. ' -*?r '- ... ... . C * . x; - * .' '; '. V h 5 ,l,,l,,,,,,,,Vl,'MV,lft1 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of 1NTE1 * - i . -* M * mmi f SHUFORD-M ARKH AM "WEDDING TAKES PLACE IN CHURCH CEREMONY* Durham, Aug. 30.?In n prominent bridal of Interest to North Carolina . society, Miss Charlotte Rpyd Mark\f ' hum of this cily. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black well Markhum. was wed to Tolly Murtin Shuford of Kings Mountain, sou of Mr. and Mrs. - \V. U Shuford of Blacks, burg. S. O.. In a formal ceremony in St. Philip's Kplscopul church. Rev. David W. Yates, rector of St Philip's'.church. was* the officiating minister. The altar of the church was decorated with Mexican tree ferns and with cathedral caudles in the candelabra, and the. altar vases were filled with California asters and eupatorluin. Clusters of Maid ?f Orleans gtadoli tied with French tulle were plueed at interV vols down the tisle. Miss Alice Hundley, organist, and a mixed quartet composed of Mrs. J. Foster Barnes, Miss Mary "Eleanor Krummel. C. S. Hooper, Jr., and W. M. Upchureh. Jr., rendered the nuptial music. The bride's attendants included her sister. Miss Eleanor Murkham. who was mnhl of honor; . attotheer sister. Miss Sarah Markhunt. who with Mrs. J. S. Wilhelni of Allendale. S. ('.. sister of the bridegroom Mrs. Robert T. Ivejr of nurliam. and : Miss Katbryn Montague of Durham ' served as bridesmaids;, little Anne. Hackney, her cousin, who was junior; bridesmaids; and Margaret Shu-', ford Wilhelni. niece of the bride-1 f groom, who served as flower girl. Serving as ushers were Charles * j~~ SPECIAL ? TO TEACHERS A $1.00 will deliver The ? to your school address an months school term. A regular letter from 1 price of a postage stamp. Kings Moun Phone .? . ... , : * " " N. -* 4k a^H ry.? ar^| I H r ^ P a 4 Pg ? ^i V M J wA M Try this amazing 6C-se(ond demonstrat Write a few line* with this brilti new Eversharp Repeating Pencil, rwisting. No lead fumbling. Whei need a new point*, it feed* new poi ? like a machine gun! Compare t to your pregent pencil. i And?most amazing of all?see new EVERSHARP Pen ?with , "magic feed"?in action. Won't di IVon't iood. Won't stain tout knai k Sixty second* tell the ftory. Stof today! . . . All EfCfihirp Repeat Pencils and Breriharp Pen* at $9 or more?ace GUARANTEED FOREV Kings Mountain Drug Company Phones 41 and 81 ' ' >* 'Y'a&jft'-1 - )-*- '& ?&V'?a*' id UifaamfcJiolai ktVw slit rtr .It < tfaitttfdiTilimHmMMBaHBI . 1 n HAPPENINGS REST to W PHONES 10-R AND 88 I H. Markhum, Jr., the bride's brother k Mack Johnston, her cousin; Kllcrbe s Powe, Jr., also u cousin; J Mallory' t Hackney of Norfolk. Vs.; an uncle; b Carter Kstes of Gainesville, Gu.; |.c Robert T. Ivey of X>urhaiu; Fred t Pinker and Harold Cogglns of Kings li Mountain;', and Austell Graham of k Shelby. Williuiu Orr Weir, Jr., of II Kings Mountain, was best man. The bride entered with her fatlt-' ^ or by whom she was given in mar* riage. She wore a wedding gown of " i'ridnl white slipper satin. Two v pear! clips were worn ut each side ? of the sweetheart neckline. The v puffed shoulders tapered to ling '' sleeves with points over the hands, tiul the tlghe bodice ended ill a J' po.int in the buck from which fell u \ long graceful train. Her coronet ot ^ seed pearls was trimmed with oran- " fee blossoms and the veil of illusion ? fell in tiers..the length of her train She carried a boutiuet of orchids * tintlswulnsona tied wit 11 satin tie*, j " After the reception the couple left for a bridal trip. , Mrs. Shu ford .comes from a fain -jr lly prominent in the life of this sec/ iton off the state and one of- the 11 eldest families in Durham. She is sr v rativ*" of Durham, Attended tlite 1 Durham city schools, and graduated w ilt honors from Duke University of which her fat Iter is t reasurer. She was a iiicinher of I'lli Beta Kap jta. Kappa Delta Pi. atid Kko-I>. honorary organizations, and Sigma Kap ' pa. social sorority. Since her* Krndti 1 ation from Duke, .she has taught in the city schools of Troy ami Kings Mountain" ^ Mr. Shutout's family is well- ( -r-*- ~*r\:* ~~ "t V - - it . RATES i lND students ! ol , ta Lings Mountain Herald ^ ywhere for the full nine j** : hi , iy !w iome at less than the i1 if' jj tain Herald ft 167 ' ' I - i* ' h; ill MB W~T } n -4, _______________ HECQBEQEQXQLME * c ' W^T^TT? TvV?-.'" I * \ ' '- . *-. ' '. , V . * -' ?' *' ifiii a iTI iiittfak'i1tfMi?ii^ tin i' ttfO-llVirftlA*" "> iTi iiiril' " *f"flfi '" IB KINQ6 MOUNTAIN HBHALD1 ?, rOMEN KRS- A- H. PATTERSON, iiowti in - the -western port of tlio tale and lu South Carolina. He atended the city schools of Blacksmrg, 8. C., and attended .business allege in Charlotte. At the present line, he is representative of a life nsuranee company, stationed at tings Mountain, where they will ve. IRS. CONNOR ENTERTAINS Mrs. Krtiesi Connor was hostess j her Sunday School Class and- billed guests, eutnr.iaini.in;. ;n f her sister-. Mrs. Major Alviu Tofan. of Charlotte, who is vi-dtlng er'mother, Mrs. A- C. Penland. (James and refreshnients were eJtjyed. Those attending were .\1< antes t'rtrl Hertidon, I'ete r.ynn. oltntui Sjieurs, Leo, Mltcheni. Cla nee Smith, Misses Bertha ana race Rlanton. and Margaret Bevels Mrs. Cowan is the former Miss itye Hood Penland of Kings Montiilo, IO8TE88 TO SOCIAL CLUB IEMBERS AND GUESTS Mrs. M. L. Plonk was hMlisii to faembers pf the Social Club o,!td int ;d guesu cur via in bit; at her ome last Thursday afternoon:) .Zinnias. gjpidioli and rosep wort* rlfat ically nrra,ntfed throughout tie rooms where five tables of rook 'ere played. . . 1 \fter the game lite hostess serVil a delirious salad course with ae"ekhories and a sweet course. Those present included Mosdames M. Patterson. W. K. Mauney. K.. .Ilarrill. A. H. Putterson,. L. P. laker. II. T. Pulton. P. M Ormand. i. C. Parson. J. It. Davis. II X. loss, W. K Blakely. 1. H ftofotth. P. McGlll." J. II. Arthur. J. K. lerndon. J. K. Anthony. It. s'. NT4II I. I. Jiurtnon and Miss Cartyle /are all of Kings Mountain: Mrs. eorge HHitedtoii of dystonia and Lrft. P. R. Schell of Tain pa. Pla. ' NTERTAINS AT DINNER PARTY Honoring visitors and a number. T young people who leave soon for >11 eg*-. Mrs. K. I.. Campbell enter-. lined at a lovely three-course dini'r Saturday night at her home on /est Mountain street Colorful mix* 1 summer flowery were arranged i the flitting room., living room and >ii .... . Covers were Vairl .for Misses Caro11 ami Elinor Walker of Greenood. S. C.. Miss Colleen Cumpbelf ho leaves this week for Flora MeOtiuld College, lied Springs; Miss etty Patrick who leaves soon to iter Peace Institute. Raleigh: harles Campbell, Jr.. of Ashevilie. harles Hixler and igtwrence Patck. who also leave soon for <<>! ge. and Eddie Campbell. * ?a~" 1 1 NTERTAIN AT ROOK PARTY A number of guests were delightilly e-iUrta'ned at a Rook and ridge party at, the home of Mrs. . |li. Arthur on West King street ist Friday evening. * The home was beautiful! deeorat d with a variety of colorful flowrs. A delightful salad course follow I J by home made mints were servl at tlie close of the game. The ostess was assisted by Mrs. Riser r.?l Mrs. Plonk, 'Mrs. Tty*' Carpenter made hlgfti vore in rook with Mm>. E. W7 Grifn receiving low score. The highest score in bridge fell > Mrs. (Harold Crawford with the tw sc,ore falling lo Mrs. Wilson raw ford. The following were present: Me? Ames E. W. Griffin, Joe Mauitiey. arl Mauney. Aubrey Mauney. Dois Mauney. Troy Carpenter. II. M riser. O. O. Jackson, B. S. Xeill. E. Hefndon. GeortV Igittimbve., has. Williams. M. f-. Harmon. J Jfi^d Jlaynes. h M. Ix>gutl. X. F IcGill. O. W. Myers. 1. B Gofortli. arold Crawford, Wilson Crawforn id Harold Coirgins. UEST SPEAKER AT JUNIOR fOViANS CLUB * . Mr. Charles Bixler. Assistant F'a-V ir at the Presbyterian Church. was jP-.-t speaker Jit the meeting of the jji'or Woman* Club Monday night. Mrs. George. Moss, chairman of Be committee on International Hellions for the Junior Club, introduc J the speaker, who made an intersflng talk ' on Brazil, where he pent the first fifteen years of his Te with hie missionary parents. Ir. Bixler is mow a student at Co-1 nubia University. iDeeotuv, Ga . nd will leave soon to take up his ork there. Miss Fay Mauney had charge of tie business session. A tempting salad and sweet ourse was served by the following ostes&ea: Mrs. Elmo Bridges, Mrs. fugene Matthews, Mrs. John Cave1 y acd. MIpf "ay Mauney. __ . - | IEET NG OF HOME ARTS CLUB Mr*? lfe.roki Crawford wo^ boot' m to members of the Home Arts [ lub and a number of invited ueste at her homo last Thursday Itfht. The room were made umue' A FHL'RSDAY, SKPT. 4. 1941 ixUly attractive and inviting witt mixed aucnmer (towers. Mrs. John Gamble bad charge oi a novel and amusing program mitde up of impromptu talks as follows: "Mv Rest Experience". Mrs. W. E Ulukfly; '"My Biggest Surprise,'^ Mrs. B. D. Ratterree; "Just & Hu! r> ) incident." Mrs. Aubrey Mauney; "Biggest Whopper.' Mrs. Grady KUng. 'Most Embarrassing Experience. Mrs. George Moss. Ail enjoyable number oh the program was ft (sots IThe Ku tu i^s Mrs. Hawkt.lt". by Mrs. J. K. HernduOi ' Members exchanged hoit.seliolii hints and also enjoyed an Exchange (if gifts at the conclusion of the program. The hostess served tempting rein shim :vls. BOARD KJF STEWARDS ENTERTAINED f M-r. and Mrs, ,l> It. Davis enter* Valued the Board of Stewards of ?' a'ral Methodist Church ill their hoiue oa East Mountain street Tuea t> night. .V Mill' s'wtck Si' iv" or - ' ' -served with all the trimmings, followed by home made peach, ice cream and 'cake. The supper was served on the roar lawn of the Davis home. i oe n giil.il business session was held after supper. TWO BIT CLOB ENTERTAIN AT BARN DANCE V(seinJ...?u .ef Iw. T.. ~ ??. #??..?- - .itVMNuri n *?? lilt- I V IUU ?*I1* tcrtained their friends at a bum .dtynce at the Woman* t'lub Tuesday night. Decoration* afld contnines were in k<*eping with the occasion'. THURSDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB MEETS f Members of the- Thursday After' 1 nooli Hook flub aitid. invited guests eiijoyt d meeting with Mrs Arthur Hay recently. ^ (iotartul flowers vilere t|sed in profusion lit the living jitid ' dining rooms. -Mrs. Anthony, chairman of the program committee had secured Mrs. \V. K. M-auney and Mrs*. ivi*(1 at tlu- elose of the program. Publicity Committee. PICNIC SUPPER Mr and Sirs. Myron Koetrr. wei* hostesses at a delightful picnic sup per at their Itonte on. Cleveland avenue Tuesday evening. The guest* were greeted on the side lawn and invited to the lank : aid where the. sup-" " was served sae k'-g hot ftoin tl. * ii-ddor fireplace with Mr. Keeler doing the honors. .Plied ehiekep and country hatu with till the accessories were served picnic style. . Those enjoying the keeter's ltospi altty were Mr. and 00 flenson. . Personals Mrs. U. F. Noal is visiting friends .11 Siumnervllle. S. O. -?o? M :-s Nell Jl Fill ton was a visitor in Charlotte Tuesday. , -o M. C. I., Clark i< visiting his danuii(<'! : Mrs. Carl Muyes.v n? Mrs. T. A. MoDaniel ht\d as her d Inrer guest Sunday Miss Margaret An thou y. (1 ? Mrs. H T. .Fulton. Jr.. and Miss Louise Led ford of Shelby and New Orleans spent Tuesday in Charlotte. ?o? { Mr. and Mrs. vOfiorge Ijnttimoitp are spending this week in Morehead ritjf. ^ Miss Nell McGill of Charlotte was a visitor at her home here during the week end. -V V Mrs. iH. T. Fultoo and Mrs. W. S, Billing are on a trip to the mountains of Western North Carolina. ( Mrs. F. R. Scbell of Tampa. Fla. is visiting relatives in Kings Mountain. ^ Mlsa Carolyn Carpenter left Tuesday to enter State Appalachian Teachers College at Boone. ' ? - f -".? ; * ' 4 ' 1 / MB! - :Jl2 - it* * i Mr. Herbert Plonk of Raleigh v' spent the Latbor Day week-end In ta f Kings MouiV\ln. i ' -> ?o? .-I Miss Anne lxiu Hlalock spent the S< , week-end in Charlotte guest of Miss' In Aleene Jlumbright, , In ?o -Miss Klidubeth Jean Hamrick of CSafTney bus returned home after t'l spending a week with Mrs. John ur Head M 41Mr. and Mrs. Kdward S lilt odes and family of Pittsburg, l'a., have returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. K Rhodes. / vi > ? ~ - , v)> Mr. and Mrs. (). O. Walker 'are ( tiow living in MoVeheud Pity as Mr. ( 1 WVtllCer is on a eonst ruetion jolt " nearby. ?o " Mr. and Mrs. Cordou Whitpfiev ami daughters; of Hickory were, guests' (>r A. J. Met III I and family HI Sunday. ey . - o pa Mr. and Mrs. Van Wrapt- and baby <" 11 ol Selvievsville. Tetltt . have, been Imperial" I KINGS MOUN1 PHONE Please Remember We Run O I TODAY ? TH1 1 Double Featui "East Side Kids" in 'Bowery Blitzkreijr'' "Last Chapter Blac 10c FRIDAY AND Double Featii YELLOW GOLD and GANGSTERS! I Pandtfionimm Im I -thm law" aides r -mf with / II RAY^flUEY ft*. and hit Slx-ftor Cowboys t JAN CLAYTON \A LEE (USSR) WHITE Produced by fcert Gilroy D?rcc?ed ^ fcy David Howard Screen Jiri Also Buck .lones Serial, "Please attend Matinee and 10c and MONDAY AND i ?Another Bij SB Scrwn Hoy ioben 1?< Fred BmoFdo JoM G'O" Directed by Arlhi/r tubin Assoc>ote Pi I1 A UNIVfcRSAl EXTRA!?March oi Shows 1?3?5?7?V Da: c -*r? Ill lyUlllHIK OWI1 V IV "Thai Hamilton || Delicious Hot Po| , v . ..." y* "V Isltlng YalaMves tn Kings MoatUi. ?o? Miss Katherlne I'eele of (Vmwfe hool faculty has been detained n* r home in (Jibsou on account *?' juries received in a fall.. ??o? *' " Mrs. Hugh Hoke and btiby sou narles ('line Hoke, of Uiucul-nUwi. e spending this week in lvingv ountuin. " ??? Mr. and Mrs.. Hill .Thomson anc by and Mr. Thomson's mother w fending several days at Wrighte lie' Itcacli, -? -.O I'vt. Horace Walker stationed a' imp Wheeler, (la,. spent l.aho' ly with his parents. Mr. ayd Mrs. A. Walker. I'vt. Walker is a men: r of the Intelligence Division .. o?. ; ' Messrs' I*. 1). llerndon. W t akely. Jimmy Hunts. _ Aubrey Miur and Haywood K. l.yneh spent >h? st week-end fishing at M or eh vac . IV. (Cont'd on hack page! rheatre || TAIN.N. C. I : 134 I n Daylight Saving Time l| IIRSDAY " 1 ie Show Tex Hitter "Roll Wagons Roll" j k Ace"?News | SATURDAY " 1 ire Show Y(Hi0liO*ND A | BATTLE OF FUNI A f i.l >? it* o?F??lW 'mm * * ** V t?o*t k?' i*A * ?* ??' ? s** ^ : .m k ifM. |'IC(* | - ' ,J ! ;5i> =4?