? , .11 . I. Church News ** > Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church E. N. ttaird, Miulater. 10:00 A. M. Bible School, J. K. Gamble, Sun rlntendent . 11130 A. M. Morning Worship and Pennon: AiPRON STRINGS. 3: So P. M. Junior Christian Union MUs Elizabeth Anthouy, I^etider. j 15 P. M. Intermediate Christian colon. / a 7:10 P. M. Young People's Christian Union. k . . j 8:00 P. M. Evening WorsblA and ? Penmon. NESflfti'HR RICH NOR i*OOR. | 8:00 P. M. Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting. Presbyterian Church Rev. P I) Pn'rick Ps-toi 9:46 A. M. Sunday School. Mr. C. K. Thomaseon. Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship wn-*mwu wuojm; on?ur-jB8i\uU. J C:30 P. M. Sunday School at d>ix?/r. School, Mr. J. G. Dgdr^acott. Supt 7t00 P. M. Youiig Peoples Vespers 8:00 P. M. Evening Worship Sermon subject: "Then twid I; $lere am I. Send Me." Monday 7 P. M. Hoy Stouts, Troop ME*** ... v , : Jr -i QUICK RESULTS ? LOW COOT 4 HERALC Classified Ads f* g. le s.wora for first Insertion; ! half price' tor subsequent inssr- i tions. xt ; Minimum' 'jpharge 2Sc. . '\<Do not ask fttr Information re- j garding "keyed" ads, as they arc strictly confidential. ^ If error is made. The Herald la responsible for only one incorrect Insertion. The customer |g responsible for subsequent Insertions. The advertiser should netifv im. I _ __ ? w mediately of any corrections need , . . Want ads are alwaye eaeh In advancs except to buelneee men or concerne having accounts with this newspaper. NO HUNTING?SPECIAL NOTICE II have my three farms under Wild XAfe Reserve, therefore do huntins or fishing will be allowed. Luther R. McSwaln 2tp. TRESPASS NOTICES on sale at The Herald Office. * FOR RENT: 3 room apartment, 619 Eaet King st. 9-ll-3tp. STUDENTS AND TJEACH ER8: Special rate of $1 for nine mouths subscription to Herald. Mailed anywhere. FOR SALE CHEAP: Si* foot O. E. Rofrlwed-Uor. 3-ynav guajoovtoe. rnonv so. s-s-irc. FOR SALE: Brick Homo with large shady lot ,uear Central School. | Phone 225 tf M' " | REFINISHING Furniture. Upholstering and Tufftiug a Specialty. Phone 238-K for Estimates, lud-c \ REGULAR 25c BANANA SPLIT for only 15c Saturday Only. Kings Mountain Drus Store CALL OR SEE Kennon Blanton At Terminal Ser. Station I PHONE No. 10 | STERCHI BROS.' f Representative in/ Kings Mountain Territory j^HE CLANC ' ' - THl One, Mr. Curl Davidson. Scoutmaster; Messrs Harry Page and Bill Thomson. Asst. Scoutmasters. Tuesday 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting at Margracn Community House. S . i ii Central Methodist Church H. 0. Sprinkle, Pastor 9:45 A. M. 'Church School. B. S. Peeler, Oeueral Superintendent. 11. Ov A. M. Worship Service. Sermon by the pastor. Subject: '0<x! Overrules Evil For Good To Tlu-m That ls>ve ILini.. . (6:50 P. M. Bpnvortb League. 8:00 P. M.. Sermon bp the Uev. E M. Jones, pistrict Superintendent of the GastoniarTiistrict. The sermon. will be followed by the Fourth Quarterly Conference. This will be the lajt official visit of our District SuperJtnteudebt for the conference year. Let all the people come out to hear him. ^ 1 '8:00 P M. Wednesday, Prayer . Meeting. BAPTIST An.miH?,tb Sargeaii.t, Pom or Sunday School 9:40 ^T Morning /Worship 11:00. ' f S;i> < la) music by Mr. Culls HayCs H or Now Oile?iisA j" Twilight Service on lie lawn' ' of I bo church at 7 o'clock sharp. Annual Nominatllng _Commltt.cc ( meeting at the Church office to- \ night .at 8 o'clock. J _ | LUTHERAN CHyRCH U ltcrtnau C. Fisher, Pastor c Sunday School at 9.45 A. M j, Supt. Mr. 1). C. Mauney. , i, Morning Service at .11:00 A. M. ( Junior ClUldrtvni of the Church at ? 7:00 P M. \ "Senior but her Ueague 7:00 P. p Intermediate blither League a? j\ 7:00 P. M. Kvenlng Service 8:00 P. JM. o We Welcome Vou. 0 ' .* a, . CHURCH OP THE NAZARENE f, W. Blanohard Hoyne, Pastor e Sunday School 9:45. A Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7:45 c P. M. s: $ Park-Grace Bible Church 14 John L. Gregory. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. (j Morning Worship 11 A.. M. - s 7:45 P. M. Evening Services. tl 6:30 P. M. Suuduy Evening Kpworth Lea~gue. Bach Saturday 7:45 P. M. Evange. 1 llatlc service. - q Macedonia Baptist Church 1, J. V. Frederick, Pastor s Sunday School 9.45. M. Li. Caid- p. well, Supt. ti Morning Worship 11:00. Evening Worship 7:00. Prayer service, Wednesday even ing 7:00. j All are welcomed to conic and i worship with us. Wcsleyan Methodist R. U. Phillips. Pastor Sunday School 9:45. ^ Morning Service 11:00. W. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:15 ? Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00 Evening Service 7:00. * ii Second Baptist Church Rev. c - e. Parker, Pastor 8unday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m each Sunda . i ARCHDALE BAPTIST CHURCH C. L. FarrtS) Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday scnool. 11:00 A. M. Preaching 8ervlce. 8:15 P. M. Preaching 8ervlce. Bach Second Saturday night an All-Night Watch Service will be held. German Invasion of Ru.sula haa cut Belgium's food supplies ito a point which leaves a calorie deficit of 60 percent among youths and adults in urban communities. Ruins and cooler weather have Improved this. country's middle wes | tern com crop to such a degree . that an Incroasbd yield of 50.000,- j 000 bushels Is expected this year j over ithe 1940 crop. t I V KIDS "When You I~sr~< j?ka i'i 11 m', , ,... , . ^ . ,-.* ?> . - % V. '. *' * V*if) \"S *'*"V ' . 5 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. TJ111 Showing at Imperial IV ii m : he Merry Mac* (top L to R), Joe V IcMichael and Ted McMichael. w I u I a dancers, In Uniwersal's zestful Moonlight In Hawaii," showing at th otton Farmers To O.et xew LT. S. Test Service \\ ". '" it North Carolina cotton growers arc ( ? 11i:ijj: "another good break" in tlic ]. S. li) purtment of. AKrlcfciltutts's y ottotti .lasting service, designed to nprove the quality 01' Sou.tvori tot i on, says Tom Coruwuil, Cleveland ounty. cot tori farmer and member f the State AAA eoitiiuiuee. < The Cotton. Service Testing Act,' 1 assed by, the 77th Congress last i ,pril, provides that the department i hall begin immediately a program i f t"?tlng the vaHous qualities, of : nd yarns submitted by farmer grow i rs and breeders of cotton. Ktoes or the tests, which will be conduct , d at ClentHon College, S. C? Texas .. and M? and lu Washington, iD. will range from 20 cents por , iimple for biber length analyses to 50 for a complete flbor-yarn spin- j ing test of material submitted. The se.rvlce is eeredulyd to begiu r?? 1V? iwl iotfilv lxn * mAnuaA-iei i?*u<?,? wuv uivw^^in ,? J/I cj/ai ?? | ,oub for the new work may cause ;| nine delay In full-schedule opera- t Iocs Mr. Cornwell says. I ( In the past cotu .brooders have J ad little or no information of a 1 .clinical nature relating to the f uallty of the cottons they have de 1 eloped. Years of commercial , use < avc becu required In the past to 1 how definitely whether the cottons 1 ad qualities asked for by manufac-^ t trers. ! ) i The new testing service will be ( et up to give growers and breed- , re the desired Information quickly , hrough the use o!" small samples t t' tint The service also is expected UKACE anriuoDisT ; S. \V. Johtisor., Pnstot 9:45 Church School, Frank! ireene. Superintendent. 11:00 Morning Worship and ser-1 | non. 6:30 Ep worth Leagues. 7:30 Kreniltg \\\>rwhip and Stw^ j non. : ' HEELS run down? I T1 4 trr? nrittrimr wrv^irv I rmyii inEiin riAKU i( Don't let run down heels wreck your entire appearance! We put quality heels on while you wait. Replace those shab by, worn down heels today ? you will feel better. Foster's SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE Phone 154 i and I Were Young. Maggie 1 Jrfb. . I nsavY. sept. is. mi londay and Tuesday * Bm w vt l* V .. ' i i i I cMichael. Mary Lou Cook, Judd Ith some of the native Hawaiian ( &oi.'.h-Seas cor^edy production, i e Imperial Monday and Tuesday. a o be opois to cotton mill.* for t?wt nn in tin- fill.in-. Severn! I uil'.s already have asked permission " < submit I'ulion samples, the AAA onUuHlis .Ulds. " ~ " ' Vitamins important In \nimal Breeding The auctions with which North , ?ltmt ^.i^iwers ?e their pig, ; I ami), and calf crops to meet expand iig natlcr-il food needs may depend ,ii a large part on the kind of raJons' they - supply their breeding >tock. says KaM II. dtostetler, pro ;es?or of animal husbandry at N. C , WRTjl! CAROIANA. LiKYKLAND COUNTY. In The Superior Court Hattys Strange. PlaintlH, Vs. hill Strange, Defendant. NOTICE The defendant above named will ake notice that an action entitled wt above has been commenced In he Superior Court of Cleveland 'onuty. North Carolina, wherein, the >laii; iIT seeks an absolute divorce !rai . the defendant: that said de'endunt will also take notice that te is .required to appeart at V>e 'lerk <if ('ouri's office at the Courtlouse it said County in Shelby, S'orth Carolina, within twenty days ifter the final publication of this nitice and answer or .demur to the -omplaim now on file in in the ?I.... 1. V. l, -,i.i * ci rv f WIIIVC 111 atUUII, *11 111** m iktimiff Will apply to the Court for lie relief demanded in said com- ? daint This 12th day of September, 1941. K. A. lioiiser. Clerk of Superior Court ?adv-foet 9?EAH. Fo Relieve pAI r\ Q Misery of wLUJ Liquid JT f f Tablets ddd If W Nose Drops Cough Drops . fry ''Rub-My-Tism" - a Wonderful Liniment CALL OR SEE KENNON BLANTON At Terminal S.er. StatJbn PHONE NO. 10 STERCHI BROS.' Renresentative ~ t. ? ? T in Kings Mountain Territory i k " ft i. .. ~ F1 - ? a " ? Ala ate College. Hsu '/. (A well fortilled wftii vt Ins and minerals urv required I >rmal reproduction, and Vilaini , K. and 0 have received moat utlon iu relattou to re product Ion 'Carotene. w.hlch is- present ell-cured green hav, fresh gre ts?lure. gross. well-made corn, gr id legume ullage, and yellow \t les of carrots. squash, av.d s w< >tutoes, us tho principal source ItaniSu A. highly essential in t Prices i [Hut, we.are doing all down, and we are als deliveries and friendlj ?Try ous for the > - ' ??, ' * " rdi A i nn ULALUtf Phone 58 Have More And NEXT TIME send tl es, blankets, curtains that it isn't worth sp< noons scrubbing your CHEAPER by sendin pleased with our qual Laundry ? Dry CI New-Wa Gastonia's Old Branch Office 2 J no. R. Rankin, Pres "Send Your Dry Cle Phones 166 and 844 GOLDEN GUE Is EXTRA Val ? m, 4 * ' r ' > 1. The appetizing fla courages children mother from woi refuse milk. 2. Gives more pleasui ing milk to anysn< 3.%Makes for good d that the more ap] l ( ? A easily it is digest 4. The customer gets extra food value MILK. BETTER MILK flrchd; P ' -f ^ ?j > ' ?-^jji 7 y^V-/ . reproduction of all f&na animal*.ta-' However. Ho.*tetltjr. pointed out. (or' eajoteue is rapidly destroyed la iut | foods. eapecUU ur.der conditions ot at- poor storage, so precautions moat be taken to provide adequate *mounts particularly to-pregnant suii tinaU. only' ' as i . . ' . ail The mnii effective help which a *-t 1 civilian can to Uncle Sam la of l to buy J>-Onae Savitixtt Hoods and he 1 Stamps as ofter. tu> possible . . ' \re Rising in our power to keep costs o maintaining our prompt r courteous service. er.v best things to eat? |GROCERY We Deliver | ! Time For Fun Leisure lose sweaters, skirts, blousto us. Prove to yourself ending those grand after youth away. You can do it g them to us. You will be ity work. Call today! leaning ? Shoe Repairing y Laundry est, Largest and Best 92-294 West Main Ave. J as. W. Ra*nkin, Sec. aning With Your Laundry*" Gastonia, N. C. RNSEY Flavor ue ivor is habit-forming?ento drink their milk, frees rries over children who ' : . ' A'-T.; . e and satisfaction in drinkb?hence bfctter health, igestion?scientists tell us petizing a food is, the more ed. this richer flavor, as well as in GOLDEN GUERNSEY Deserves GOOD Care lie Farms hone 2405 * , ' PERCY L. CROSBY r . . cr?NwfJff^w ;Lto i4AV? /vrw (Am.c pie +1 " w(^"'' . " , * '*'? ' - >&r, t ; ' . \-, ;,$y . . .. A. ? (_ - - - - ' - " ? - - " ' ' --

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