b^-?' ' x^^wwpl^sb^ " ?.. 0mos fnf mm tbmxr ..' \ Hon, i? mMm for tte mcomA lnear?'' jfcMMftit. TkU mui that a das .* ' . Ap 7> mM. To stapUfjr bookktapN>ttl % '"?>* - v "V /*?*? i "Servta* ynr momf. ' W fctfv- of ^io Kbit guaranteed, m ?li| fit* rMsedy." Griffin Dru Co. pd. ro* liLB: Remington Automati hot fun. Perfect condition. Bi: boxes shell*. $76.00, with case. 1 B. Dalton, 300 Oaatont at. J-14pd LOST: Silver link braeelet witl "Tootsie" inscribed on fob. Pleas 'eturn to Mn. Booth Gillespie fo reward. 103 P'edmont ave. A-1? BJBDUOED TO 3J LS PUHJXi. Al service rings and insignia. Qe them while they last. Garland' Credit Jeweler*. j-7 watt.run TBOXJKLB7: Perhapi yoi can solve it with 6x9 manila en velopes. 2 for five cents, 12 fo 25c, 50 tor 90c. Price for large quantities on request. Herald Pnb lishing House. ettfn I* OB SAlxE: New Perfection five burner oil stove. Also sewing ma chine. J. R. McAbee, House 21 Cora mill. J-7-pd FOB 8A1JB: Coal beater, brick-lined holds 100 pounds of coal. Excellen heat. See Mrs. R. C. Hastings, 101 N. Piedmont ave J-7-pd. POULTRY NOTICE From now until the firs' of November we will onlj be open one day each weel to buy Poultry, which nil kg fiUM' i o'clock. We will meet anj price of any other dealer! that deal with the Nov York Markets as we do Your boy in service maj eat some of your own poul a l use A. ? M . iry ay soiling w us. Dee me before you sell. MACK'S POULTRY .COMPANY Kings Mountain, N. C. k2W/ season is on and now is the r the hard ;winter ahead, i e scarce. Keep cooler while >TTON JUMPER from PI 20. st Receiv t selection of HANDBAGM I, choice of colors in'btack, a a i Drown. iply of LADIES' WALLE1 PPERS, in Tarying design* Towns, reds and British tax brothers t > I BTI sa tin If nnwtalw hA 1 I Kings Mountain For Ml ^ ^?5e'ee'5ee5io55PJoo'55'o5oeeo3 '.- '- '.' - t i e ?WANTED? c Your Tires To J BEOAP TIRE SALES A BEBUILDERS . i ( N. Piedmont Ave. * - SPENCER CORSETS: Individually de 1 signed - foundation - tnedical surgical supports. Fittings guaranteed. * Phone 1876, Oastonla, 01 r write Mrs. Dora B. Etherldge, 312 N. Boyce St., Oastonla, N. C. m 31p " HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Poultry. See Us Before Yoc !' 8ell. McCarter's Grocery Wesl ' King Street. 2-14tfe - WATCHES CLEANED; One-day ser ' vice at Garland's Credit Jeweler*. ! ii WHY BE BOTHERED: with a watch that loses or gains timet We give one-day service on cleaning watcht es. GARLAND'S Credit Jewelers. 1 j-7 [ WE BUY USED FURNITURE OF C all Kinds. MeGinnis Used FuralI ture Co. Phone 328. it, _ t Local Markets r (Oerroctod Juno 6, IMA) I Egga, grade A large 40c r Hogs, dressed 30c Street Potatoes (bu.) .i II AC Heavy Fry sis (OPA Celling) _ 31.8c r Com I1.4C i & Co. I Wheat $L7fl ) Roosters 17( Dagbom Hens, 3 lbs np 87c Colored Hens 27c Ducks and Geese 17c Barley, (bo.) $1.00 Oats 86c m / > time to irhen food k e yon can in MONK'S... ed linran blue, BritPS, with or I .. plenty _-sar IBctU? mHW '^".'^ l^^k OlflS Jfl r"id8gL ^jyyfj 9V RMI Hi1 CLINTON COURTHOUSE ! JuaTice as administered from th . iowii court up xo ine supreme uoiu ot the United States has played major role in the growth of this Ni ' tion. We appreciate our judlcii i system and buy War Bonds to sui ; ply warships, B-29's and tanks 1 protect It. The old court house < Clinton, La., With "lawyer's row behind It, is an Inspiring monumei to justice's handiwork. There wei decided the complex wrangles t> tween cotton planters of East Pel ciana from the days of the Republi , of West Florida. 1810, onward, was the guiding hand for peace an happiness in the parish, worth figh tog to preserve and worth buy in War Bonds for. (J. 5. Trtmtmry Dtfcrtmt i To thm Psopf* krs " um . You have a D-Day this week. You wont die, lose limbs, stoht 1 or mental faculties in battle. Your assignment is to buy extra W1 War Bonds. There have been many D-Day s in this war. DDay on the Normandy I I beaches, DUfilv/raJ ?*y ?a ?ar* fiMfflg staSSK nal, D-Day on Iwo Jima, Di Day on Okinawa. What is it like (or your sons brothers, husbands, friends facing D-Day in the battle zones? It^ prayer and nervousness, nightmarish tension and thoughts of home. What's it like for you facing another home front D-Day? You are the only person who can answer this question. No matter what the anal story is in this community, you will not have met your responsibility unless you nave bought more bonds than evet before in a war loan. The opening of the mighty 7th War Loan is an opportunity to rededicate yourself to the task of ! wiling down the victory. THE EDITOR The textile btg situation hi grown more serious since V-E Da; Oet all possible bags into trade char nels. Nash is the first county* signing u for free cotton classification unde the Smith-Doxey Act. Dinners ar obtaining bonds, aeeording to Da Hiller of the Extension Service State College. Jul Give Hin A. BILLFOLDS . * TIE PUTSCH <3f?? MILITARY BI i'' * V*/ . " *.. >'s/. '-*?y > 5 ' # /,' ?> r/ ,v . DCLlil ' tiUfrfa Harke^, am ot ' Bev. and Mia. W. L Harkey, ku written his mother a'- letter including detail* about the King* Mountain man'a first few days on a Pacific ieland under Japanese attack. A portion of the letter follows: k " ... This island isn t anything like the other one 1 was on. It is real cold here. We haven't been here eery ? long but we have already gotten a E little taste of war. 1 oaruiy knew what this war was all about until 1 L arrived here. - What I've seen is e| nough for me. I wish you could see the eaves these Jap* have back in the mountains. It's almost impossible to get to theui, but me Afniy is doing a pretty good job. They come ie out occasionally to get food and wo rt have a little excitement. Our men get a sniper or two every day. We get our part of the bombing raids, too. . Just yesterday we had a nice one, and 1 had a ringside seat. 1 saw one it Jap plane come diving at a ship, and ' it burst into flames in mid-air. It ^ kept coming but no damage was g. done. The Japs are not our worse i- enemy here. The most trouble we ic have is sanitation. Flees, flies and It malaria. But none of us have been sick yet and we can be thankful that g we have a good medical unit. . . " Adults' Sewing Class I Is To Be Offered Here ' ^ "Ml ! "* ?'?*??-^-j'|"~~X1I adults interested in sewing I classes or help with sewing problems ' are urged to be present at the Centra School home economic* department Friday aafternoon at 4 o'clock. Mine Lydla Anne Watkins, vocational home economics teacher, is planning a series of lessons by request and would like to have anyone interested attend the meeting Friday afternoon Jo plan for the time ot the classes and the instruction desired. There Is no charge for these lessons as iustruc tion of this nature is part Of the vocational program. The department sewing machines and other equipment will be available for use. Church News BT. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Win. H. Stender, Pastor* Sunday School, 10:00 a. m., W. K. Mauney, superintendent. Church Service, 11:00 a. m., with I the sermon by The Reverend J. L. | Morgan, L>. D., Litt. D., president of >| the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of N. O. At this service the Reverend Wm. H. Stender will formally be Installed as psstor. SUNDAY; is Junior Children nf at .an ?. p- mThe Lather Leagues 7:00 p. ra Evening Service 8:00 p. m. Methodist Church. P MONDAY: ir Boy Scouts ,7:30 p. m. e Church Council, 8:00 p. m. in the n pastor'? study, it TUE8DAY: Oirl Scouts 5:30 p. m. he:i?fs 3 I le 17th a Quality G / f $6.00 T i $8,75 1 kTOH CHAINS . $12.75 I i^8 ? < ? ? ^UL75 t Patron* of King* Moon tain PtbM* VfcYLibrary will b? interested ia the announcement by Mr*. Loftin, the II- <2 brarian, that current Biography 1M4, '/ tI donated by the Study Club, ha* beea received. Biographical tketche* of 303 per on*, important in varied field* ar* now available in thi* volume which ii a practical guide to "Who's new* and why." Sixty-one women are included in Current Piography 1944 and there are aieo biographic* of eleven Negroes prominent in their fields. In addition to the Biography 194* includes brief obituaries of 217 leaders who died during the year. Myrtle Derrick Missionary Society, 7:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY: Choir practice ~:"3 " -^Sli ip 38^1 ? ... v. \ . V ^v->. r v.-* -".Li <' A'-- \mii.'^lt ?|W<1^ *V irl Ii :*-" " "M*,