dH^tfE>cal Lady Spit Up Aqid Liquida For f Hours After Eating For hours after every meal, a V%*> U10"H I' (' \ J | PLENTY OF * I CIGARETTES i X We have 'em now and I 4 | will have plenty in the | 4 4 4 future. t 4 4 4 :: OPEN ALL NIGHT j ii The Waffle 4 p i Shop 4 ? 4 P ;; "Beat Coffee in Town" 4 ? 4 4 ^ A Aik A ? < ????? w infintmi Center a I Service "Everything Per The ] f;; Oar" /j v ; I Phone 62 j i^otn?? With The 25th Infantry (Tropic Lightning) Division. On Luzon. ? A 4 '( .; .cgennt in weapons plhion of the .'I5th Infantsy Keginiem * the veteran 25th "Tropic Light- " ning" Division on Luzou. Pfe. Loy c V son or M" Snllie Costnei o 205 Dilling street, Kings Mountain, 1 N. C., has been promo v 1 t - ;i s semeant. " A veteran of 17 months oversea, f service, 8-8gt. Costner entereil the n j armv in .Tannary. 1941. at Cnmi> ti Croft, 8. C. He took W? basic training at Camp Howze, Texas, anri> ? 1 duct:,"i* Cntfnvnii Valley. The 25t'i ' ' Tropie Lightning" D'vision in " veteran outfit having seen action on * Hawaii, on Guadalcanal anil Vella La * Volla in the Solomons before landing ? in the Philippines. ! ? _ 1 LOOKING |i ASSAD GEORGE & BENSON nll^ PmUc*t~H*rdiat Cttlcgc Sctrtf. Jkrktaftt Gifts of God I Draw on your imagination for a ' moment and consider with me an { altogether improbable clrcum- ? stance. Suppose a well-groomed \ gentleman with an easy flow of lan- i guage should mount an improvised ) platform in the public square of an < agricultural county-seat town next ' Saturday afternoon, play a phono- i . graph record through a loud speak- . er to get an audience, and then should say: ? "Ladies and Gentlemen?there is Just so much water in the entire . universe; so much and no more. Any time you drink more of it than you need to quench your thirst, you are greedy because some unfortunate > person somewhere on earth wants | I water, ne is trnrsty. His throat 19 1 ! dry and his lips are parching. And I , it is all for want of thtf water which you so wantonly swallow." It Is Not True Such a speaker would soon lose his audience. People would walk away and leave him. Some of them might think about having his head examined because they know his ideas are out of joint. There is no connection whatever between one . man's abundance of water and some | far-away stranger's thirst. The need ' of the sufferer, even if he were a I victim of cruelty, is apart from the owner of a good well. But the speaket might hold his audience if he said something like 'this: "Ladies and Gentlemen?there is just so much wealth in the world; ; so much and no more. Anybody ! with more than he needs for food, ; clothes and shelter is greedy be! cause there are many people in ; I China and India who never had a II square meal in their lives. They are ' i poor because a few people get very ! I rich." ; | Another Fallacy ! I Ttil? insert, to 00 ?-? " _ ? wr?w? ia ijw savaad H UC Ulttn | the one about the water. Both have some facts in them but they are not | related facts. I am not trying to say that wealth is free and cheap like water, but t am saying this: My neighbor's fine home and big car * have coat me nothing. He has more ' than I have because he (or his father maybe) has more wealth-creating ability than I have. There *? such a thing as oppression of the poor. There in mer City has charge of the- services. The pastor is Rev. Jasper Rlc?. jn- ' The Hinging Convention was Tiet-i A. Bt the Kbenexer Baptist church last "ne Sunday. The rrorning sermon waits delivered by Kev. Kddie Evans, Jr [its Visiting choirs were from << --?> iro and Spindn'e. A large erowd attemt en ed. Fifteen rlawaea were present The to eolleetion was $114.37. T. President. C. C. Miller, ion Ree'y: Mi as Roaella Brown. 4 4 4 4 Bargain-- ] 4 *? v 4 2 3-4 acre lot. All conven3d. Beautiful shrubbery. :? ;s. Possession immediately. I * J urance needs?Fire, Aijto, % i * J 4 * ? ? ? 44 lerndon j 2 b. Phone 140 J ] BUI irk, tool Today you're building a mtlce-bt th a toy train and wooden blocks, rw yoaH help buQd a new buaineee, a i ring plant modern tem...a mora proepi LA Jl/ BMliMM aS ^A 1A fca here. pl< Pvt. Bell entered the service "on 7 April li'44 at Fort Bragg. N. C? and w? I ~~ LLDERS Meve And tomorrow when ;-ou put the Southern win be ready to "eer ireat even (renter efficiency and dependi trous the experience and know-how that a record wartime transportation lone *... Yea, mJrtady theee "builders" of t t the and old, are hard at work preparing and plenty that lie ahead, efore And that's another reason why t lit 1 - ' more y**. look juteaa?look soutni eding * Ipfaf ILWAY SYST t V?ri| u>nwk? in'tbf Europe** joater of Operation* with the 3rd rinil. division of the 36th Armd. f. Regiment. He participated ia e battle* of the Ardennes Poreit >1 Rbiueland. He wears the Coat Infant rv Had>to for ineritnrioua hievenient in action and the Purs ? Heart for battle wound*. In civilian life, Pvt. Bell waa A saver for Noisier Mills. fHEN THE BOYS ^OME tact fotieftn/n hey'll wont telephone service, jgether with other moddra jnveniences. War has taught them?and their fomilies?to rely on telephone service. Plans are under way for the reatest rurhl telephone expanon ever undertaken to meet ostwar needs of Southern irmers. This program, which as interrupted by the war, ill be resumed as rapidly as editions permit. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company INCORPORATED p ) r t m W pnv mur nUvthmon ?/ * r?/ ?? ve the South" with ibility... because of come from handling L to Southland, young For the days of pence we are constantly wr ? >y