L< I Bagular pfWohti| Mr vice will ba tg 1 Mi Sunday it 11 o'clock. wjto Wjjg ockool it 10 i. a. Bev. W. A.*Boberts V Mr. end Mr*. William Carroll of w Orover gave a welcome home port/ ^ for their ion, Phllmer Carroll who haa juit returned home from r*earn? doty. Those attending from Pat t tersou Grove were, Mr. and Mr*. Lloyd Phifer. Misa Lena Seism. Mr. and Mrs. L). P. Wright, Mrs. Beuiah Bridge*, Mr. and Mrs. Travis Wright and family,, Mr. Melvin Wright and daughter, Mary Lou. Mr. and Mrs. Gettys Si-ism aud chit dren visited Mr. and Mrs. John Foster Sunday. ' . I Misv Nell Seism was Saturday night guest of Misa Martha Sue. Seism. 1 Mr. aud Mrs. Tom Hamrick and j daughters, Ueuic, Norma Jane, were Sunday guesta of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bridges and family. Mr. Miles Seism was Sunday dinner guest of Charles Seism. The W. M. U. met with Mrs. Eugene Patterson Saturday. The meeting opened with aeripture lesson by Mrs. Ben Hamrick. followed by prayer by Mrs. Forrest Hord. Mrs. Hord was in charge Of the program. Mrs. Lloyd Phifer gave the- Watch Word | m ? xor tne year. Onset of the evening _ woe Mre. W. A. Roberts. Being no t a business at hand we were dismUeeu with prayer bv Mre. Roberts, to meet next time with Mrs. Forest Hord. Mre. Pattereon, our hostess, then ser-1 red a delicious plate consisting of potato chipa, pickles, olive flower sand wichcs, ice tea with lemon. . Cake topped with peaches, whipped cream and a red straw on top. Mrs. Kellv Dixon, Marylon and Mrs Delbert Dixon via!+ed Mrs. Thurman Seism Wednesday. Mr. aad Mrs. Ravmon Seism and aons,. Moffette. Nolan, Bruce, Paul Avery and Miss Ollie May Seism visited Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Hamrick and daughter Miss Fonia Mae Hamrick Sunday afternoon. Miss Hamrick just returned home from the hos pital in Shelby Saturday. Mr. Arthur Ware of New Jersey is spending this week with Mr. Marvin Wright and family. Mr. Marvin Wright, Mr. .Arthur Ware and Mrs. Llpyd Turner visited Mrs. Thurman Seism Saturday afternoon. Miss Margaret 8hort was Sunday guest of Miss Margarie Seism. Mr. Max Seism who is in college spent the week end with his father, Mr. J. W. Seism and family. Miss Billy 8hort and Miss Helen Short were Sunday guests of Miss Betty Lee Pytnam. Mr. atfd Mrs. Thurman Seism and M children, Mr. W. A. Scinm. riiited i Mr. and Mn, Earl Seisms and son. J , Ajiiiiiiit a a jjj a a ,r A 1 * r, i ^ _ Vmaith e?<*mn?M, N. ; v?** j|?l J^^^R^IVvi^itik' '-^t/ gr*'*'~ Tiii^B * ^ KjjP r. Mi*9 f?;: v.\^.aB Rf^fu. J? fl|S ?fs,^T^B: ^' JK ^0V* y/ ^vJfl|U|jA^R ?m| pigrijjojgn^ y i'.|wj'" -i R WMCTO.' aiicwtu W0 , "' . V; ' '< ' : , < > I . '".SrH'^* r 1. j**^ ?V t ft^ljl '* ''1 * '"T^T ^ 'ft ' SSQ9 I to ttm^t nwtrt mm *1 kk my land this, mmmhe. He Mjn, !? |my observation. MI tofMU U wtiklag awgy but ud we need to do nil we cnn to ko?p It on our fields Instead of letting it wash down Into the creeks." .... , Prank Ware of the Oak Qrove com malty will put In several acres of permanent pasture this fall. His serfeea meadow strip diss made sufflei' ent growth to turn the terrace water into it without causing any washing. The Veterans' training class of the Bethware community attended .a terI racing demonstration Thursday after noon, on the t*xm of William A. Wri ght. The technicians of the Broad Biver soil conservation district assist ed Mr. J. 8. Ware, Veterans' teacher and Mr. Sellars, Vocational Agriculture teacher of the Bethware School in putting on the demonstration. Two Ford tractors owned by W. J. Wat Purvis, Sunday afternoon.. Miss Martha 8ue Seism received five dollars last week for her essay she wrote on the "Proper Handling U Milk on the Farm." Miss Seism is a student at Beth-Ware. fli (i?3uS8SjSSLwi6'*s^ Di Va j ^F * 1 m M W *" JLlMi ' iSn# 4> 4 / i j. ,'HflHB' -* '' "' '^^4*' '. K Jr. >4/ . .v .^V# ?v^ &V - *;.^' -.' .r- " "A. v v - oKV^- - . / ' ' ^ ^ . **yv? v. w%i. % v ?~ * r u '. y ^V-i^L* tnmt-mimm*im ffiMffc m ?* ro^a in building th^. tbrrneee/ Tin tteeteef . yjMififltl^ old saying *b* w?? aqntopad with Mm Itagwoa jMRulfflmfch virtue? Well aoa dtih ttriiM plow and the scrape. * P9/HM) *' aT Worth Carollaa'e ten During the afteroooa. Mr. Sellera peeple will be rewnarded for thel and Mr. Wright pointed oat some long end. at time*, seemingly hop of the soil conservation practices Mr., 'if wait for the magic of electrlclt Wright is carrying oat whiclf include during the coming fiscal year, crop rotation and the flve-acre seel- The newg ^ ^ ,unouDce cea meadow atrip on the field which the Rural Eleftrifll.,tU)n Xdmil we. being terraced. Utration in an ouUinc of it. emb ? ___________ tioue l?4d-447 program. This will b the biggest year^jn the BEA's te Veterans with service connected yesr record of progres* .in rollin disabilities in some cases may be back the age of darkness which etll treated in non-Veterans Administra- prevails on far to many of the ni tion hospitals at VA "expense. tions farms. . 11 II' ^ ... ?SIOH. CREAKY MILK? That's Archdale Farms' Golden Guernsey ? ?Driv#? Carefully?Save A Life? * Archdale Farm Phone 2406 iring Belk's J ilues Throughout / LADIES' HATS, values to $6.95 LADIES' PLASTIC and LEATHER BAGS . LADIES' SHEER BLOUSES, $3.98 value ... LADIES' DRESSES, one group of these LADIES, PLAY-TYPE SHOES, one table ... MEN'S GENUINE PANAMA HATS ALL OTHERS %AT MEN'S WORK SHIRTS MEN'S SANDALS, arch-support, $4.00 value BOYS' RAYON SLACK SUITS BIG BOYS' SLACK SUITS * r Enamelwafe 1-2 Sauce Pans, Double Boilers, Dish Pai VERY SPECIAL PRICE? t ? 1 i v \ PO>?*n *.-' r * V . *' . ..2* ... u ' 1 ? - *. *r ?'v"<5?*4 *7 * < * 7 'V> * +!* '"-A. V ;** *' ? V' * ' y * *1.' r~"* >"* It ?? .? B Ir ;' Men's Department? i *-'" i U Why, sure?drop in Woodward's for Sporting c [i i- goods, Men's Dress Wear, Work Clothes, or otherwise. If it's for men, shop at? 1X7, _ .1 1* vv ooawara s t K , . Jar. iWT ^K '' #-) luly Sale : The Store! / $10? Jfltesft, . '/'Price /O^/ * *> V, Price $1.00 pair $2.98 *? Price i ,\ $3.98 F v.Price "4 * is, Etc. Y jji i^i i "* * "1 r KptoMfHHWMp '"V v^. >mMT g ^ f /. v'% ' ' -w ent Store -1 belk'S y: . Si(iK^! -' - ISfflB