$??L -i . [? *''^>?**:"^r. .. ' ' By B. T. Belk Qpi. Jbrtey "Well* froas ktome, -Alai km is (pending big furlough at koine Barley hat bad 24 years in the army Jack Houaer oft Washington, D. C. la spending his vacation with bia par ent? and l'riends in the city. Guy Webb receutly viaiteduie'u Mc Daniel.mud Mrs. hlcllaniel in lire city Mrs. Webb has been confined t< the Abbeville :OspitaI but is uble ti be at home now. Miss Lorraine Michte'.le of Mil waukee, Wis., visited Mrs. Linn Gout and family the past seek. Chnrlh and the young lady visited A-sheviib and .the mountains In.'ore she rtturii ed to he; i.o.i.e M .waiiaee. If any or" you i-faders- get b:l!o;: when rc?r?-1:titi my t vnih >.- .0 ><? tin Harmon, he's got the medicine. A young enpti in. o-re or' th> defend ers on I*riTr??tsi wo- :'t i>- the b-g by ' shnprwl. Wh'le a tnudie worked nev voualy over hiss, nnetiwr bue.t an slipped into his othei leg. " itrv. vol better hurry up doe. an -gettin; ahead of you. Vo.,:r '1\> Steal A * March On T ie Other Fellow i -^F/Xigj?* | /"'"" THE ARMY GOOD JOB NON-COMMISSIONEI TO FORMER ARMY 00< i " Good job* in non-t pffered noto by the Regular Ann Veteran* discharged on or or reenlist for 3 years mar be < ; grade for which qualified, p? Run thff held at ^T > of months of former service was i Occupational specialties in wl Important, interesting jobs and trades in the Army, with s ' advantages! These are hi addit ing, medical and dental care, lc There's adventure, travel, ei future in this vital, realistic pr nearest Army Recruiting Statio i Highlights of Regut 1. EnlUtmanta for 1V4, 2 or 3 ywri, (1-yMr anllttraant* permitted lor mm now in the Army with 6 or mora month* of aarvica.) 2. Enllttmant age from 18 to 34 yaara inclutiva (17 with parent** content) except for men now in tha Army, who may raanliit at any aga, ana format wrrtci man aapending on length of aarvica. 3. A reenllttmant bonut of |30 for each yaar of activa aarvica alnca auch bonua waa laat paid, or tinea laat entry into aarvtce, provided raanliatment la within 3 montha after laat honorable dlacharge. 4. A furlough for man who reanil at within 30 daya. Full detaila of NEW PAY SCAL la AMWea te CletMay, feed. Maeter ladglag, Mediae! ead Daetel ^ pj * Techni, la addition to pay ahoea at Staff & itfhti 20% Incraaaa tor Service Taaaaat Ovaraaea. 00% If Member of Cnroon Ptytafl or Milder Croara. 1% la- iTTT croaaa la Pay for Bach 1 Yoora !I . f tardea. Private 1 i ^^ ZJotao to "Warrfara a# hata' "Fofoa oi ttm Amtr." "FrotadJy WmHaar Mmk Wmxm't Army aShoir. "Soaand Od," "Far* W to tear Sport* Review," and fcSpofJijM Band*" on year redfa. Md aaw at yaar at are at Amy Roan , . City Hall, 1 j- _f0V ' ? r ' -v' V,1'' g- '4 \-i i" ^v<; y "4 I - * ' | A supposedly lady o/ the batter ' { fashion asked se not to way auyI thing about where 1 saw her friday evening. dt'a none of nay business > where anyone goes. 1 go where invit ted and stay where well troabed. I do not reXrace madam. With sa earnest simplicity tomorrow the children of today will be doing the work of the world, let's educate 'em. ' Whatever became of the country . ; hotel where you could eat all yon j | wanted for a quarter w-ith a cup of } coffee :t browed in. The U. S. A. never won a contest nor never lost a war. Oh, well, we ^ sent thousands of planea to China ! t a:b t!v. bombed lull out of .lapun. j i Brother .loe Stalin, you had better j - having our plain* shot down and n it innocent soldier* shot down ! 1: ;.ou don't want to meet the fate | 11:1a-* no' uud !? > your mustache. | i n at : he old , . tol the mo j t n:e:0 riie entr'sh tii-i/iling at my hook. . d'j u. -o. the under * " ; . . . - . - * an I strutted j " el! .'itouiel aril t;ii'.. ied for his wil 1 J 4 vuntc. io sou ad of i::y boyhood days j | x?ts ii iiauntinpjy beautiful as thj j J dirt y tlroatod vn;?.e of a wild turkey, I{ -11:1.1 ^ !:> distant mute and the bleat . vv'l . leer : t ea.l v twi; li'-tir* of a frosty warning after be ; .jtujiiuru iiiiii lit* II i m it i uy uw i : j-loyv and scattered miles apart. I Tie iarp :s over. t!.e deer assemble: ! ar?d probably invade another corn |"iby lijiht and leave it bare. Ma' ny th.e times mv rmronta have aent ' i ?tk ?. ith a lantern to frijrhten tbo ' ? < <? fiom the vra'ti field. With freer | T*: Ti'iyt1 -ft**,1 JW 'nmwiw1* 1 " ' started ;>." ? Mi'dlmod -lory a- i * i*j. 'V 11. vwfi-h are good I i : : \ ' ! * en. '? > is .>ij when . j .. .?? . s 'h'i: nf' *he hook. J f..r (i-tbi.eb had .cue ti. A-| | "Sfl-l y.itll 'he C-Vr* s tea.-pose of I r - % :i fond pro- ! f vk' os he -ouiti tut have possibly | jr i s .'.o.' . i j ? rhe v at<- di>i?;r y in Vne.vnjton. Vtn ~v- perhaps take ; swav V her or -TW'-lrwv from the frr'oer ''tt' you ' suitr fake both at h the very moment fhv fn^merM were j I' naked ft. raise more 'jv3 llian he "bad ' ever rni-e'' h'fore. Tire WPTt. whatj 1 ever thm i?. the production t>f (form machinery to 2* pereent normal | and skilled labor wn? drafted tvhdle; sale by iwleet-ve aerri?% Its a faet. you ran take a horee j to th1? brooi h but yoc isn't make j the .-refitors' drink. I ! lit. -c i ounp' man to take b!s best girl to the dance and after he <??-v "5'kel on her let { | i''-..r jlih.T ti 'ir her ntvav from ' * !< ?Vib* -r'ri? fall in love IN IV1R BIFORI * i HAS A i FOR YOU! I GRADES NOW OFFERED DURATIONAL SPECIALISTS commissioned grades ore being 7 to qualified former servicemen! after May 12, 1945, who enlist snlisted in the non-commissioned mded this grade is not higher irge, and provided that at least 6 , a one of 400 designated military lich enlistment is now desired, are open in hundreds of skills plendia training and educational ion to free food, housing, cloth>w-cost insurance, iucation, a secure and profitable ofession. Get full details at your n. ar Army Enllstmsnts * othar furlough prtvilac#* can ba obtainad from Racruiting Officer*. 6. Mu?tering-out pay (batad upon langth of larvlca) to all man who ar* ditchargad to raanlitt. 6. Option to ratlr* at half pay for tha raat of your lifa aftar 20 j yaart' aarvica ? increasing to thraaquartan pay aftar 30 vaara' aarrlca. All praviou, activa fadaral military aarvica count* toward ratiramaot. 7. GI Bill of Right* benefit* ??rured for men who wliit on or before October 5, 1946. j 8. Choice of branch of *ervfce and OT*nea* theater (of thoe# ?till open) on 3-year enliitraeot*. MOMTHtY "" B- .. MnmwMT MCOMB AfTtti I gn>iiiT rat Sergeant $16940 *107.23 cal Sergeant 133X0 87.73 131X8 rgeant . . 113j00 7433 12938 100X0 63X0 11230 el e . . 90X0 9830 10133 Firat daae. 80X0 92X0 90X0 WfMka<iM>?>inr' Shelby, N. C. fv::" \* *>v\ "V-y W * \ . ' * THE KJNLH MOUNTAIN HEBAL1 and than fall oat faster than the/ | fall iaT It's nice to flirt. 1 have ' known some to flirt plumb out and never get beck in. It'a the road trav | elad by many old maids that could have been good housewives. My advice te young ladies is to marry as soon after forty as possible. I am told by an amateur that after forty its hard to get in love or get your inao. What do they call love at fourteen? When 1 was coming up at that tender age they called it puppy love. 1 be lieve 1 hear some call it amateur love meaning not fully developed, 1 think that is the final definition for love. Sick teenagers call it what you pleaso ?its heaven while it lasts. 1 inet a man. He got to talking aPout things being ?o high. My cigarettes and snuff for our family* .is* mo Sgo'i ai year. I asked hiu: ho.v .iiii' h i:e paved Mie preacher ' Said he didn't owe the preacher anything. He's able to work a? I am. i> 1 K., maybe its the way one look* at in li'e. Tobacco i> tiuit mail's 30J. j/i t lo*.h? a *.o\e ivilcr to you J (nan i \e ulblcl lit) Intl. a*guc-l | nte mat Auniu didn't have but two children, c. .11 aim Abel. Won, wuj| iii?j Cain inauyi If there were just two children born to this union it is* true the records covering the birtu ot children to Eve is very briet'. By no uicans were all of tbe cbildren born to (Jieui named in tbe Bible, i caiu auu A tic I were tbe first two ; named 111 tbe Bible, but it doea not I tollow t:iat otbe. cbibireu were not ' born of both sexes and lived ana grew up together with tain and A V ^ -i~ . C, ; . ....I V . uad u wife is conclusive proof tbat 1 tbe loregoiog eomiusiOu is liue. in i my tnii.li witiiout a shadow ot doubt, ; cam's wile ui necessity was bis sister. 'iacre's no pbssibte way urou..d 1 tins, t ui'if *.s no otbci* prOot tbat 1 would be in burnioiiy with tlte Bi.de j and to deny this proil' would be to | deny tbe Bible and all it stands for. j 1 vc dedicated tbis column to Mack Gantt. He ?avs be eujoys my ' column, but it is just too sbort. Mr. tiault, 1 buve stretched tbis ou just a little. Tbank you. Uncle Sam Says Backer ball la phrase yon have beard ased or used yonrself many times. Anglers know its meaning when they watch the Hah bite for the Impossible. Hie term also applies to Individuals who send their nard-earned eash on get-rlcb-opdck errands. Tour Income Invested In United States Savings Bonds wB mo ant steadily and safely In vahto to serve 70a it years hence. The American who boys bonds regularly with the dollars be doesn't need today for living coats win not wind OP a poor fish. 17. S. T'tatmry Department Mecklenburg County farmers have saved about >3,000 by using the steel silo forms furnished by the Citizens Bank of Charlotte. |4HI Hk WAFFLE SHOP'S ISygK ^jgaly SUNDAY DINNERS FRIED CHICKEN 85c j HAMBURGER STEAK 50c BAKED CHICKEN 85c COUNTRY STYLE STEAK 50c All prices include drink One-half gallon Ice Cream to carry out 85c Delicious Cherry Whip Cream Pie THE WAFFLE SHOP Phone 379 Open All Night 11 iMII 11ii j iji i mil i,,y'mmmmmmmr* 0 THURSDAY, AU0U8T 29, 1946 Cooper Accepts Charge At UNC Dr. E. C. Cooper, formerly of Kiugs Mountain, bat accepted the call of a the mission committee of the Nort'o Carolina Lutheran Synod to become pastor of the Lutheran mission and student pastor of the University ol North Caroliua at Chapel Hill, accord ing to an anuoum > inuut from Salia bury last week. lJr. Cooper is to assume the charge oil September lo. Dr. Cooper u originally irom Chi I i.a Orove, wnerc Uis latner, J. f. I < oi.jer, sti.l os. b.? nouie. lie re>eiv I in :i.? a :i'n ni. ti..inii.j; at Kuuimke I college. Santii, tn.. ni. l at 1'i n etoii ] university. He is a giaiuatc ul Mt '< A rc sciiiinary. l'l,.i.ioei| h,a. l a.. nn<i of Hartford M-miuaiy, Hurtlciyl, Coun t'lum tnis lattei .listituimii I,,- in-civ i t lie doctor's degn e in New Testament. lie lias ser.i I paMorir. u, \ ,rgiiua, Pem.sy Ic nun mill Noitn I'iilolll.U. Most of his miniatry has been in mission woik. Eur In years he was, field missionary in western North l Carolina. He was iUHtiuuientul in re ! living the Lutheran churches in Bel moot. Monroe and Morguutou, aid gave em-out agcuieut to the old Wataugc parish near Boone. He secured the funds au<i bad charge of the building program nt North Kaunapolis and Bbcllii. In recent years Dr Cooper has had ?*rii ni^swsMsfaaaafctaiii nun . , lamsa?fc^y training in the North Carolina S-tute] Prison system as president ot the Lu theiuu Theological sc iiinaiy. > oluiulna ?>. and as wartime chaplain of tho I'tntei Mates penitentiary at Atlanta, On. I The work at Chapel Hill has been j in charge of Dr. 1). P. Rudisill. who j has been called to the professorship! of religious studies at Lenoir Kbyne ; college. Through his ministry the can gregation was organized and encourag ing progress made. With the assistance of the Lutheran Brotherhood and other svnodical organizations more than $50,000 has been obtained for building purposes. mjMi&i if / ill DBBBD/i IK IIIMxftTffJill 1 Rub - A -1 T. ) A1 It S UK Time was when bing and ironing i those who have di work by using lar Bring us your Ian service. KINGS Ml E. A. Harrill % Dr. D. M. Morrison, Optometrist I Tuesday and Friday afternoons 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. Eyes Examined , Glasses Fitted | THE INSURANCE BUSINESS The insurance business has come to be one of tjh' most important services in the economic and * < '1 J TA 1 1 X i . 1 J. 1 industrial lite 01 me nation. 11 neips 10 iaKc uiu vanillic out of many undertakings. The Arthur Hay Agency First National Bank Bldg. Phono 1811 "All Kinds of Insurance" . _. p A - j i n^trnAitlri <" f>* *\_l JBIl UjMi wu ?r Mi ?Hflnl A r* nni v J After me Loss i IT'S TOO LATE TO INSURE j ' 1 Call us for Insurance Rates on you Automobiles, Dwellings, Household Furniture, or what have you. P. D. Herndon ,< INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS 200 E. King st Phone 140 1 Dub - Dub 1 - Fashioned To Scrub i A a housewife's duties including boiling, scrubslothes, but "them days are gone forever" for '% V*i scovered the savings in time and hard, harsh ii mdry service. The low cost will amaze you. indry and check us for QUALITY work and 1 W OUNTAIN LAUNDRY -j Phone 270 Paul Mauney

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