Classified Ads OARBON PAPER: Now in itock, tu it many 'imei and it still make s good r'w?Me copy. Both stand ard and legal ?i?.e. HERALD PUB LISH1NO HOUSE. . eitfn. WALTERS FLOWERS Phone 95 Flowers For All Occasions by reliable and experienced Florists SPENCER CORSETS : Individual)' designed i foundation medical surgical supports. Fittings guaranteed. Phone 1876, Gastonia, or I write Mrs. Dora B. Ftheridgc. 3.2 N. Boyee St., Uastonia, N. C. 0-3 pd NOTARY SERVICE For prompt no i tary service see Mrs. Billie Logan, notary p .bib:, at Lt^ao Supplycompany J4i 4 ei ? VENETIAN BLINDS: Metal *Ut7 What you have been waiting for. Sizes: 30 in. by 64 in. KINGS MOUNTAIN FI'BNITURE OO. Phone 57 s-28 SPECIAL NOTICE: Complete insulating tor el Itypes of homes. A nice , -rri' ifr-'i >w- *;--r warm home in the winter for only a few dollars. Don't wait, see the I Cline Insuatioln Co., phone 967- W, | Shelby, N. C.t today. a-8tfn FARM LOANS: Long terms. Low la- I terest rates, pre-paymem privileges. For further information, write or : see R. A. Arledge, Secretary-Treaenrer, Shelby National Farm Loan: Association, Room 19, Lineberger Building, Shelby, North Carolina. s-19o-10. FOR SALE: Nice selection of Bed: Room Suites. Also Innerspring mat- j tresses and Box Springs. KINGS j MOUNTAIN FURNITURE COM- I PANY. Phone 57 s 26 SPECIAL NOTICE: Call CUne Insulat.on Co., today for a complete es- | timate on your home. No ebargo J for this service. Save fuel, save money in the most safe, sure and < up-to-date way. Phone 967-W Shel-J by, N. C. a. 8 tfn j NEED SLABS: Order them from Elmer Lumber company. *lo per truck i load delivered. Phone 54. eitfn ' FALL HOME HELP: These .ool days call for new furnishings for the home. Call Dan lluffstetler at BTERCHI's. Phone 348 . s 5-26 GOING AWAY TO 8CHOOL??? We have steamer trunks and lockers in stock that are ideal for college students. KINGS MOUNTAIN FURNITURE CO. Phone 57 s-26 two OPERATORS TO SERVE YOG Call 10P-W for appointment. Phe nix Beaoty Sboppe. l-ltf? rRONTNO BOARD COVERS: For sal3 Silver Seal covers makes ironing easier, saves time, and electricity. Patented heat reflecting surface? KINGS MOUNTAIN FURNITURE 0(5. Phonr-flFP. s-26 WEDDING INVITATIONS: Beautifully engraved on fine quality stock. Two week delivery. HERALD PUBIJ8HING HOU8*!. WE HAVE: Desk site blotters, an assortment of card boards in white, orange and green. Ten cents per , sheet- HERALD PUBLISHING HOU8E. eitfn MARKET QUOTATIONS (Corrected Sept. 25, 1946) Eggs, grade A large .. 65c Sweet Potatoes (bo.) $2.75 Heavy Fryers 55c Corn $2.25 " Whest $2.15 Barley $1.60 Osta 00c Irish Potatoes (100 'be) $3.00 ' Ootton, Middling .37.11 5555SiiiiiiiiiSii5555 PEYTON McSWAIN I Lawyer Office: Webb Building I Phone 830 Shelby, N. 0. WE BUY AMU SELL Used Pnrnitizre . ' * > .... ' - Robert Smith Rites Conducted Robert Franklin (L)u<l) Smith, age >>3, died at 11:30 o'clock laat Wednes lay night at the homo of Russell i Smith here after a week of serious ' illness. lie hail been iu declining j health for the punt two years. Funeral services were held Friday I at 3 p. m. at the Dauiel Lutheran hurch near Liucolnton. The Rev. W. I H. Stender, paster of 8t. Matthew's Lutheran church here, conducted the service, assisted by the church pastor i Mr. Smith had lived 'in Kings j Mountain for the past ten years. He was a native of Lincoln county. Surviving are two nephews, Rus-| sell Smith of Kings Mountain. and 1 Bovd Smith of White Lake. N. t'. his step father. Dan Reop of Vale. N. C'.. mid two uiects. Mrs. K. Pedum in of White "II? and Mrs. K. A. Dellinger , of High Point. THANK YOU We 'vlsh to 'hank our friends an I nciiuaintances for tho kin.ttiesw an.I sympathy shown us during the illnc-s ( and deati. of our uncle. Robert L. i Smith. Mr. ami Mrs. Russell Smith and Family. WAITED; hsul'ng of any kinj^. Loekridge Transfer. Phone 10. sept 5?nov 28 pd HOME FURNISHINGS: Call dTu Huffstetler at phone 848. Fix up j your home for alL Terms. s-5-20. Waco Road or Box 023. a-26pd I FOR 8AEE: 19:14 model Ford. 214 Brice street. a-26pd. I NOTICE to men of Kings Mountain: , We have a variety of suits. od't ) ooata. oihl pants, overcoats, etc, t?. 1 hel pyou solve your clothing prob- : lem this fall and winter. D. C. Mo- j ("urdv Cleaners Uhpi) Clothing Do- j pnrtment. s-20. FOR SA1>E: 5 horsepower Shaw garden tractor on rubber tires, complete with attachments $3IM).0'?. | Large 5 room circulator $10.00. Tn- I side door and door frame complete with molding. Phone 95. 705 E. King street. s-26 j THE USED CLOTHING department i of D. f\ McCT'RDY CLEANERS of j for? resl bargains in logics' winter I i:i< kPt?. skirts. sweater*, j dresses. hats and shoes, as well a* girl's sweaters and skirts Come in for a look. s 26 KILBUG Guaranteed Cloths-pray 1* odorless, colorless, stainless. and is eun-anteod to prevent moth dam nee or KILRCO will pav for the | damage. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG COMPANY. . s-26pd WANTED TO BUY: Ratty stroller and play pen. Call Mrs. MeC'urdy at 377-M. s-26 SCOOTERS and WAGONS for sale at PH1FF.R HARDWARE COMPANY. Phone 46. s-26. FOB 8ALZ: One wood range, Loths Comfort, in fair condition. Call Mrs. John F. Ware, at 304-R. s-26. WANTED TO BUY: used building material of any kind, including doors, windows, plumbing, pipe ami fixtures, etc. Call McCurdy, Phone 257: a26 POULTRY PRICES. Friday 8 a.m. to noon rear Plonk's store. Colored breed hens, 25c, Leghorn hens, 23c. Roosters, 15e. Mack's Poultry Co. s-26-pd FOB SALE: Hot water jacket heater. Good as new. Used only three weens.Fee ureinam Thorn burg, II City it. a-20pd 'I H I ||^|a Ilia iipr VMI iiiv cost Mors ordbary J I trm start to bto XJOW in en ptet* mm*+W on mv TmrWtiM of qaleb* bertat tr?. ?p?d?nr uliclid I ndbntntiyniuinii Wii^TI thatbraak I 0*0mnaMMhiM?7halr?kkM h ww^w^e^eitiuml hitel^Mli I Hill a ?,l, 'Asm. I MpHM SSNMN MOM I Starts Mitri ctosjrtBg BBKaPp/aaiV^J' 1 ft'%?iWS i ,/f.* ro*'* .AnatJj^' >?"N v ?r~-v '-"itTfnGy&rTTi THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD 1 our NEBO VAT.T.r.V NEWS B,J| llui By H. Y. B*lk "ei ' thi " due Capt. Eurl Wells aud his wile Iroiu to the West Coast are visiting h,s moth- t er, Mrs. Aarou Wells. j wo I Misses Margie aud Margaret Far- < w0 rish, the charming young twins of cnl Mr. uu?l Mm. Kob Parrish celebrated nio their 17th birthday Saturday. They were entertaiued at their home by a ' number of their young frienjs and l'r< received many lovely gift*. i l'rs Oeore Uantt and his charming 1,01 sweet, sweetie from Ctreensboro visit- ''e> ed father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. >'01 Lum Uantt Saturday. They went to I Asheville, Weaversville, Mar* Hill j ^ to visit tmo of his brothers in college j e'l 1 met Harvey Hamhright up at the 'u* bank. He said he wished they had a ' ? Fairview reporter. You remember I ^ v. rot ? the F-tirv iew News when 1 bv i ou' titer j. They treated tnc lik?* | I v.-i . -?iitleiuHii. I am. Mr. llatn j r' -jh * sj'vs the tifst thing he rends I s the Nebo News. I lik. those good; people. Henry Wallace let Truman fix his I | cloek. Truman may get his rep up yet. Mr. ISill Ko?s from bast Kinl and I Mrs. Lovil Self from Cherryville visi'jll ted your reporter Sunday. Trailer wrecked veteran now in , Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. t Austin, who lost their trailer home in i a wreck near Columbia. K. C., have | bad it rebuilt bv Elmer Lumber Co. j at cost of around loo. They received j a 8udent'a loan to pay for the re- j iiiil>si rfiiviiii nMf hi * Chnpel Hill, where Serjeant Austin | entered college. 1 am proud of young | people like those. They kept on trying | til they pot where they started. 1 . hnnl them my compliments. "n wif you ran stand to read my scattering scribbling scholl it tniph*'lj keep you out of some other meanness || I am not trying to reform folks that ore better than I am. If folks don't ( like me. 1 don't like some other j folks. Course you like me and I like you. 8o you see there's nothirj they can do about it. What you going to do when the meat gives out. Its done give out. Folks standing on the corner with their lips stnck out. I hope there will be a good rabbit crop. Rats are a good substitute and 1 not as nasty as a hog. Hogs are the , nastiest best meat. I can smell ham | ' " p frying pan. hut when -T ; itiriVod ^ isn't in there. Jews don't ' eat hog meat. They've got better I . ...... 1 TV, 1 -i ^ - V 1 , ||!?T- M1<\ III'MH V. I lirv IMIT1 T I?)"l the:r t:me awav fooling with hogs. ' There are two kind* of prnfes^ot- I als ? honest and crooked nun, Jews 1 | PrencVier: Brother Johnson tw" ' I trying to son you for a week. When j ' may I make an appointment? Make it with my wifo. Sir. T've <lone done : t'mt anil we had a grand time. But I'd still like to see you. lA sign 1 saw over a hank while passing thru a southern citv would have stor'len our grandpas and grand mas hut goes unnoticed in this nge ??-r>o everything ;s tared. The sign read exhorting the citizens to j ends up. "remember, pnrt of all your ! earnings belong to us. The cheapest plaee in town to trade is where you can buy it for | less. 1 have no special place to trade ] It's a fact, if one buys everything! from one merchant he gets to think- I ing you belong to his store, so T just hop around. T might find some meat I don't ever get too friendly with your merchant ? especially of she's a fl woman. William Lyon McKeniie, the King I of Panada !s a great man. Sunday ev I fl enings finds him at Bt. Andrews PresIM hyterian_ church in Ottawa. Canada. Morning prayers are his habit home or traveling. He reads one Bl- H hie chapter a day. He is past seventy Q hnle and hearty. He and Franklin TV fl were the best of friends. Canada is H our neighbor, is also our good eusto- II mer. Before the war Onnn.ln hniiirhr II over half of F. 8. hooks and printed II matter. Sold abroad a third of all our || petroleum products, vast amounts of | I M?w STARKINO fl Fiafla-Mor*) pp^r^s i?Hi KMitstlMt W> mw. Thsrs or MtkorWM ynM flat la yn to ha at** to aappty tMr taUa pisatiiaMWMi to wtotottoy to? SLfl^'iytr. ^ "* tiffim or wtto a??>."Sr!tCiM*r KiihilvA |ga4gMk #1, mtm 7. , -ry - , ;r *. - '< ' -:<r ". -y. rHVRHDAY, BEPT. 26, 1946 coal and our farm products. Ca'Ji ia now the world's largest pro- ^oi|^ or of nickel, asbestus, rudium and asprint. Canada is second in gold rd in copper, lead and zinc an l pro II Ij Ition of cargo ships second only MM m kVcll. friends, today is tomorrow we MMf J rried about yesterday, let's not M^3K| | j% rry any more about tomorrow. We Mxftyjprc ly have the promise of today. To- yjnfflLyiY rrow belongs to destiny. -et me wish every one of you a ! >sperous week end and say your i ivcrs ant; don't talk about your] I ghbors. They might tic do:ng the | W MHhSI& it they know. Om-e again 1 thank i. ? I/. H. Cadet nurses are being assign | ^ to Veterans Administration hospi-j . s to complete the advanced per- i v*&ST.0H13,| ns of their training. msmshh^hhi ?'~ "" "" = ; /f \ | tV ' \a ' COATS More new autumn coats in a variety of new styles and colors are arriving con stantly to give you the best selection of quality warmth KEETEB'S has offered. $24.00 to $54.50 | J nBH B ? i Ser's Depj Tt * - j . 1 .' ^ __ PAOK 8KVKX ) DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH jA Keep fit, by drinking delicious, ?f health - giving SUNRISE Orade H "A" Milk. Pasteurized for purity. 5UNRISE DAIRY N. C. Phone 1468 Time To Buy . . Coats n' Suits ' < SUITS And suits are coining too! ^ They are trim, and chic, and a needed addition to your I wardrobe ? suitable for i football game or church, u they're wearable almost any | \ time, any place. j J $29.50 to $49.50 1 J artment Store J 1

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