' " , ' jjjjj .. f g**\LOOKIJVG |l"j AHEAD Affn GEORGE S. BENSON Pt. Since 1941 our expenses for Nort' rns have increased more than 102 per i s increased only 76 per cent. Wages Up $2,311,415 f the increase in expenses is represented ages make up the greater part of the c telephone service. In keeping with tl f wage increases throughout the coun through competent personnel the provi e service, telephone wage rates have t 115 in North Carolina in the past 12 m the first of this year, 36,000 new telepl stalled in North Carolina, but 23,000 iting for telephones. This demand foi ;w facilities now, in the face of high Brecting buildings has jumped 75 to 10< t of erecting telephone facilities is up ; and the cost of telephone materials hat 5 per cent. Despite these .high costs > to improve telephone service general it. 6ur plans call for gross expenditu itely $40,000,000 for telephone const JarolLna during the next five years. -Out Is Increasing Faster Than T e tremendous increase in the expense < phone service and with rates unchanged ihone folks, and there are over 4,300 ol lave had a difficult time making ends ), that today we find ourselves confrc $st earnings in our history in spits oj of business. isiness can long continue to render ser unt paid out to provide that service is lan the amount taken in. Therefore, it ii public servant, to report this conditi * SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE < : S S CAN GIVE A D E Q U j(- j|jj ? ? * f TIIL'RBDAT. BKPT. 26. 1!>46 ' Mrs. J. I. 1 By Way Oi Mention h * * rst-v. * n.iH Jti: Lois Beat tie ll..:t-t,ckl.r lu Mr-. K L.e Charles Hubs of i in* Army vvas ent visitor in this community. Mi. ami Mrs. Hubert i>avi 1*011 an 1 I iiuy.iter, I loin it's, ah-i Mrs. t "nil H More iixul-iui were i'c-i cut guc*ts <>t* Mr. i. i Mrs. A. T. Kan-tail o 1 Koss tirnv ? Maurice- Hamllin of the Army v\a> recent visitor in this community. H Mr. ami Mrs. Jay Moore anil family H F Hostic spent Bun-lay with Mr. anil H Irs. K. Lee Blanton. H KQ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovelace had H ^y i guests Buuday Mr. and Mrs. Len- * H M r-1 Patterson and son, Oilhert of the ak Orove section. Miss Wilma Hope in company with H smhi pr -ister. Cadet nurse Klin Mae Hope 1/VlL I Bhclhv spent the week end with ! Ir. ami Mrs. Baity Morrow of Cher- 4U* villi'- | News has lAa-n receive.1 that Wes- ! y Blanton of the Navy has arrived lapan. j % sad this N Request in T elephoi npany has found if imperative t s North Carolina Utilities Co mm business telephones and on mosf tin the state. This action was i earnings are dangerously low gs are required to furnish adet at you read this message careful nd clearly why increased telep rates are necessary. nest' desire since it directly affects your t appeal to you for relief throug lany years, tiei Commfision, which regula as Steady Increase Placed on Bi h Carolina cent, while The requested rate increase fc to business customers only and depending on size of locality asked for an increase of 5 ce . calls within the state. I by wages, ost of fur- Today's high costs indicate i he general than we are asking, but it ii try and to rates will prove sufficient. In sion of an are being requested on resident >een raised Company feels that it is to 1 lonths. business man in North Carol . remain as low as possible, lones have people are The new rates we are askin rces us to only 7 per cent of our total r costs The This is small when compared ) per cent* doing business. In fact, even i 45 to 60 distance charges generally wot i increased 21 years asr? and bu8iness rate< __ . service has been considerably i we must ,, ly and to increased many times, res of ap- Southern Bell wants rates n a #_ ? - * ruction* in iurnisn everyone witn good a proposed rates are the very mir by on. In face of rising costs, ake-In >f furnishfor years, PROPOSED NEW MONTI ' us in the mted^th KINGS MOUN f a record _ . . Business Individua Ti? When Business 2 Party ] '' <: muting. i Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Hope had U t>? fh.it I'm! >U!.,i.;v Mr. and Un. l:ui.lo.? :ii -1 .*vu 11. j . im .. l'i:?litov. i* *U'k ;iI this IN NORTH CAROLINA : people drink Atlantic Ale and Deer than any other. It must be... M # /? J ? ? otice R dfao t t > I o fife rssion ' t long Pa ken ' and juato Hy so tftone elephone service. We must h the North Carolina Utilittes our rates. usiness Telephones ir local service would apply , nuuiu uc uii a aiming scaie . Authority is also being ints on most long distance i need for greater increases i hoped the proposed new view of this, no increases ial service. Your Telephone the best interest of every lina that residential rates g represent an increase of evenue in North Carolina, with the increased costs of with the new rates, long lid be lower than they were j only slightly higher, while extended and its value has 0 higher than necessary to ervice and expand it. The limum increases we can get they are very modest. HLY BUSINESS RATES TAIN, N. C. 1 Line $4.25 , Line $3.50 Line $3.00 ; v i - M I MCORPORATED DEQU AT E EARNINGS \