125 Oases TB Found In Cleveland Survey Final statistics of the Cleveland county tnbercnloela survey were released today showing that 125 ease* were found, 85 of which were previously unknown. All of these were referred by the U. 8. Public Health Service to local physicians. Of the total number immediate bos pitalization was recommended for 14. Other than TB cases, 92 were found to be suffering from chest diseases, most of which involved malfunctioning of the heart. County health officials said that the survey technicians, who completed their work Saturday, left 19 x-ray films termed as "suspicious" for | examination of private physicians. These were film rev j V * ; ?# 'r- ' ' ?*. . .. , I8.W > ' . k 'T' &i mOTOt v HI Hudgina Of the county health office end member* of the local tuberculoma association, stated that even thong.*) the total number x-rayed, 20,000, wai leee than the anticipated goal, It remained a marked auccesa on a par with that achieved by Oaston county. : < ASSISTANCE The Selective Placement Program of the United 8tatee Employment 8er vice assists disabled veterans and otli ei handicapped workers to locate the right jobs in their home communities. It has been proved that qualified handicapped workers are often morn efficient than able-bodied employees. U8E8 officials 8av that "IT*8 GOOD BUSINESS TO HIRE THE HANOI CAPPET>." Why not investigate this more fully by calling the local USES office today? List that Job with . IT8E8. Tt's nn excellent way to do i' vour share for "National Employ the | rnyBirnuy riancucappeil Week." October 6 to 12. Cattle anil sheep grazed on pasture treated with the 2,4?P woed-killer I have shown no symptoms of diseom- I fort or illness. Want To Enhance The Beauty of Her New Gown? t ~ j J I DAY, OCT. 7,1946 lurdy Cleaners to Mr. F. , e. With his experience , I am sure that he will I service here. j j 3ople of Kings Mountain their hospitality and the time I have been CURDY S\ iv?A&e m y v ; yr J nmmmminm I r lM Ml mM V'*,: 11* makt ywMr wit a MnMrtlM It WmI M* . . . ' I. ; r " . "' THE KIXOS MOPNTAiy HE8AL Church News CTJTHEBAN O HUB OH Kev. Win. H. Steuder, Pastor. Sunday, October 13, 1946? Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. with Jarl Mauney, superintendent. The Service 11:00 A. M. with sernon by the pastor. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the Serv ice. Junior Children of the Church 6 pm. Luther Leagues at 6:00 p. m. Vesper* at 7:00 P. M. with sermon by the nnetor. Saturday, October 12 ? Catechetical class 10:00 A. M. Junior Choir practice 11:00 a. m. Monday October 14? Woman's Missionary Society at t:30 P. M. Boy Scouts at 7:00 P. M. Church Council at 7:30 P. M. Wednesday. October 16? Children of the Church at 3:30 p. m. Choir practice at 7:30 p. m. rm BT U A TPPTCT nUTTTJrtTT I., C. l*imux. Pastor Sunday? 1 A. M. Stt>ii|tiv school. B. X. Barucs, Supt. 11:U0 A. M. Morning Worship. Message by the pastor. C:Jo 1'. M. BTl*., Mrs. W. 11. Lo.au, Bircctor. 7:30 P. M Eveniug Worship Message t>y the pastor. Monday? jrr 3:45 P. M. Sunbeams. 7:00 P. M. Scout Troop Six meets st the Scout But. 7:30 P. M. Business Women's Circles meet. Thursday 8 p. in. Choir rehearsal. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH P. U Patrick, Pastor 9:45 A. M. Sunday School. Barry Page, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning worship. Sermon by Kev. Walter Brown, pas :or of Pirst Presbyterian church, shelby. 2:30 P. M. Sunday Bebool Friendihip Chapel, and Rally Buy Clifford liirkus, Supt. 3:00 P. M. Suuduy school at Bixon, I