jj^ Classified Ads ?BBON PAPER: Now in stock, H many times and it still makes good rotable copy. Both standard and legal else. UEKALD PUB LUBHINO UOUUE. eitfn. WALTERS FLOWERS Phone 95 Howers For All Occasions % reliable and experienced Florists Member: Florists Telegraph Delivery Service * . >JD6T: Male collie dog. Brown and white, answers to name of Hover. Hissing three weeks. Finder please call Boyer Murray at Western Auto Store. o-lOpd SPENCER CORSETS : Individually designed foundation medical rargieal supports. Fittings guaranteed. Phone 1376, Oaatc-ia, or u.. v> i ,o ' win nv.n ?' ii wiiil|<. ?? | N. Boyce St., Qastonia, N. C. 0-3 pd NOTARY SERVICE For prompt no*?7 service see Mrs. Billis Logan, notary public, at Logan Supply company 4la 4 ei VECIAL NOTICE: Complete Insulating for al Itypes of homes. A nice eool tome In the summer, a nlee warm horn In the winter for only * Oline lienatioln Co., phone 9S7-W, Shelby, N. C., today. a-8tfn akMK LOANS: Long terms. Low interest rates, pro-payment privileges. Tor further Information, writ* or see R. A. Arledge, Secretary-Treaenrer, Shelby National Farm Loan Association, Boom 19, Linabergar Building, Shelby, North Carolina. a-190-lO. FECIAL NOTICE: Call Cline Insulation Co., today for a complete estimate on your home. No eharge for this service. Save fuel, save money in the most safe, sure and up-to-date way. Phone 967-W Shel- , by, N. C. a_8 tfn SEED SLABS: Order them from El-1 roer Lumber company. $15 per truck i loa 1 delivered. Phone 54. eitfn I j BANTED TO BTTY: Cash register j registered up to $99.99, electric or' hatxl. with adding machine combined. Also two show cases, 8 to 10 feet long. Call 144-W or write P. O Box 754. olOpd rerun 73D8T. One red or yellow sow pig. Strayed from lot on Cherokee street on morning of October 6. If anyone has any information about same, l'lease call 167. olpd. ? j AB SALE. Two nice houses, four j rooms on Parker street. $3,500 each j Telephone 230, Box 9. o-3-10pd | WOT JIVE?: I-ateat recordings by tho ' top swing bands of the laud at the I Eeeor.l Shop, WESTERN AUTO 8TOBK. o-lO 90S SALE: Wood burning living room heater. See W. H. Howard, Phone 203-J. o-10 , HELP WANTED: Anyone experienced or interested in Photography. Call 870, Kings Mountain. o-lOpd wnTim: to rent or ouy e-room house. Write Miss Irene BlddLr, I Orover, N. . o-3-10pd I H08DDINO INVITATIONS: Beautifully engraved on fine quality toek. Two week delivery. HKKALD PUBIJ8HING HOUSE. tSB HAVE: Desk sis* blotters, aa assortment of card boards in whits, orange and green. Ten cents per sheet. HEBAL1) PUBLISHING HOUSE. eltfa MABHHT QUOTATIONS (Corrected Oct. 9, 1946) v Hfta, grade A large 60o asset Potatoes (bu.) *8.75 * " _ Snry Fryers tOc aSaey Hens 880 |4'-flks *188 "y' Wheat *8.18 ^'vaMey IL80 EHViL ft-"'** 80S rjcrssr ^ wo? I Office: Webb Building I '.-, ' . :. s* ' v ^V-: THE WANTED: hauling of any kind. Lockridge Transfer. Phone 10. sept 5?nov 28 pd > SKI HI atops RUNNING F1T8 in dogfe or we refund your money. We know of no other guaranteed running fits remedy. Griffin Drug Com pany. o-3-24pd For Bale: 10 room solid brick house, near cenler of town, nice lot, reasonable cash price. Write K, Box 32, Icings Mountain, N. C. o-lO pd WANTED: Two drivers with cars for city-county pick-up and delivery cleaning service. Apply in person at MoCURDY CLEANERS AND DYERS. Good commissions. o-l1) FOR SALE: 10 volume National Encyclopedia. Good condition. Call 139-J. o-lO IF MOTHS DAMAGE YOUR RUG within five years KILBUG will repair or replace it without cost. Buy KI LHl U todav. KIM?S MOUNTAIN* DRUG CO. o-10-pd 9-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE an 1 Studio Couch for sale. $110.00. Will sell separate. Henderson's Grocery O-10 i THE RECORD SHOP: At Western Auto Store is constantly receiving new recordings by your favorite or cheatra and singer from Gene Autry to Perry Como. Come in and make your selection. O-10. DID YOU KNOW That you can get he latest in popular rerordinga at WESTERN AUTO STORE! Visit our up-todate-record shop. o-10. FOR SALE: 3-gaited pony, weight 478 pounds, height 48 lnchee. Complete set harness with wagon, brid Ye and saddle. Good buy in sale of ponv and accessories. Call Bill Howard, 203-J. o-10 pd ?THE HER ADD $2.00 PER YEAR? I RIPPY'S JEWELRY STORE Located at 211 N. Piedmont Avenue, near De A. pot WILL OPEN Friday OCT. 11, 1946 All New Stock To Choose From i ?Guaranteed Watch Repair? We Invite You To Attend Our Opening Friday V vi- -V WE ARE PINN ?10 P] K ?lay; /* ?GRO V ?OHI< _ V ?BIG " ?SOIL ?OH6: KINGS MOUNTAIN HKHALU TH1 - . * - m . i STATEMENT OP THE OWNEHSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CI^CUHATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24 1912. AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, AND JULY 2, 1946 of Kings Mountain Herald published weekly at Kings Mountain, North Car olina for October 3, 1946. I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CLEVELAND. Before tue, a notary public, in and tor tue State and county atoresaid, personally appeared Martin L. Harmon, Jr., wno, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the owner of the Kings Mountain Herald and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statemeut of I the ownership, management laud it a daily, weekly, semiweekly r triweekly newspaper, the circulation! etc., of the aforesaid publication for 'the date showu in the above caption, required by the act of August 24, liuu, as amended by the acts of March 3, 1933, auii July 2, 1946, (section 537, Postal Laws an ? '*% eroent dairy feed ing mash wing mash jxen starter . r v hog feed 1t0h feed ice mixed feed Presents Bibles To 'Tennesseean* I Tbree leather-bound copies of the ! world's "Beat Seller" book, the Bible, will Be "placed in the club can of I The Tennesscan, Southern Railway , Waahlngton - Memphis streamliner, I as t~he gift of U. IT. Bnfk, of Memphis, Tenn., terminal superintendent of the Illinois Central System, it was announced in Washington today by Ernest E. Norris, President of the Southern. The handsome Bibles, eight by six inches in size, with "The Tennessee in gold letters on the covers, wero donated by Mr. Buck "for the pleas< ure and benefit of patrons of the Southern" and in memory of his mo! ther and father. | Mr. Norris said that following a trip on the streamliner between Mem | phis and Washington, Mr. Buck wrote J. B. McWilliams, terminal superinten ' dent of the Southern at Memphis, to comnliment the Southern on thn nloo. i sant ami comfortable trip on The Tenneaseean. i | ThelHinois Control terminal superi iutendent added that during the trip me observed another passenger in the club car request a minister to loan j him his Bible for a few minutes. He I then noticed, re wrote, that whille tho ' car was well supplied with current . magazines, if did not have copy of ' the Bible available. j His offer, relayed by Mr. McWil liams, was promptly and gratefully accepted, and the Bibles will be placed on the trains in the near future. Mr. Norris said. By lin Jessie 0 Costner i ???? j Mrs. Ola Byers was a recent visitor to New York City. ? I Mrs. Bessie Bamseur, Mrs. Hattie Logan, Mrs. Alice Lutz of the Ebenezer church; Mrs. Daisy Sbenk of Mt. Zion church; Mrs. Beatrice Patterson, Mrs. Amanda Patterson and Mrs. Mitchem of Mt. Olive, attended the Womans Home and Foreign Mission Convention at Gastonia Thursday and Friday. Rev. D. A. Costner preached the introductory sermon Thursday. CI 1 Q.,..a44. -J iWA T7M I V.. V. uuiiouc VI lUC ?iU011C2Cr f.UUl I munity visited P. E. Gidney at Boil| ing Springs 8unday. Mr. Gidney is 1 somewhat indisposed. The Cleveland County Negro Pair was held last week at the Cleveland County Fair Grounds. The fair was well attended and the exhibits j were good. Weldon Gidney and Sanford Gidney of Youngstown, Ohio, visited Bev. " and Mrs. D. A. Costner on Tracy < Street last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Thombs of W. I Bidge street and some others from I Kings Mountain attended the Friend| ly Aid Union Convention at Earl SunJ day. They report an unusually splendid session, with a large crowd and ! liberal finance. Mr. and Mrs. Bobert P. Tribble of W. King street, are visiting relatives A Hyde County farmer visited the Tx>wer Coastal Plain Experiment Station at Willard to see the tests'" on grapes. Incidentally he observed Ladino clover. Bcfurning home, he purchansed 100 pounds of Ladino seed, enough to plant 33 acre*. Beware Coughs fl IHH COIIItllM COMS Tliat HantOn |Qk nWTHIirMlwM. T1M1 jMDjr QrllfflUQ I toaa?rren*b?5r^ Fo* Coach*, Chut CoMt, ProocfcJttt . * A- t ? v ' , * ,' ,.? 'V " V Ala LINE OF SEDS * M' " .} ) 1 ? .t i \ A ^^^^From where Bert ChUdera pat in ad la the Clarion the other day. Here'e what it said: "Planted more melons than I can eat this year. Stop by and pic!: as many as you want. Ail free." As yon can guess, plenty of folks sent their kids over and plenty of the parents came too. Stripped Bert's melon patch in no time. And as they went away, Bert treated the kid3 to lemonade, and offered the grownups a glass ef ice-cold sparkling beer. ?1946, UllPcP j(,Y.t? fOU Suits dG6 607 lr?si';anco 6ui!d?i ?'-t&ri'&yv ' "** * ' '' * . V ?. M ^ a. Is Our Business! Whether you drift a 1942 car or fi an earlier model, it's old by safety bi standards. Of coarse, If you've ca kept It In tip-top condition, thsrs's a nothing to worry aboot. Bat If It's o! been mora than six months since fli your last check-up, dont take or chances. Attend to It now/ re Come in and see our service ^ manager. Hell be glad to show yon how well equipped we are to tic Jjffik REYN tSUfflflp Phone 33! 1 r~ Increased Ral To Good Telep ks. Jt Your telephone rate it 1 Company wants to keep operating expenses. While your rate has remi years, the total cost of fun to our North Carolina cu creased. Since 1941 expe oar rant whlla ravannaa in Telephone wage rates in creased &311.415 since II nual basis). The cost bf jumped 75 to 100 per cen telephone facilities 45 to of telephone materials 151 our expenses have been cl the amount of money service is incresxin amount taken in. Tal day arm the lowest in of a record volume oi Southern Bell has applied on busj[nese telephones to I Authority Is also being u 5 cent* on moot long distas We want retes no higher t everyone with good sarric lieve you feel th# seme i . welfare of this ccarnnunh telephone service. '**"* "J" TBI mum ho wmnsv catt evi MnpUb m . ~ ~ r ^ssaacag?i " .u I sit ~.Jy Joe Marsh> art Childers he Melon Patch Naturally it pazsled some folks ... but Bert explain*: "It give* ma a kick to share things when I can afford to?whether it's the melons, or the lemonade, or beer. I guess I just like to indulge my whims.'* From where I alt, if we had mora "relf-indalgenf people like Bert ?who believe in share and share alike, live and let live, this tired world would be a whole lot better off! ^C>e OtCaAJ^ asm. N'DATION, North Carolina Committee 19, Raleigh, North Carolina. irnlsh complete bumper-toimper service on all makot of v$. Needless to say, yon can get far better trade-in price on your d car If IPs In A-i shape. Let us c It, appraise It?and take your der for earliest delivery of a al postwar automobile?a 1947 ussr special or a Frazer. They are both In produc>n at Willow Run right nowl OLDS MOTORS 8 Battleground Ave. tes Essential ihone Service ow and your Telephone it a email part of your lined the tame for many lishing telephone service stomerm hat steadily in- x nses have advanced 102 icreased only 76 per cent. , North Carolina have iniarch of IMS (on an anerecting buildings has ,t, the cost of providing 60 per cent, and the cost :o 25 per cent. Fact is, all imbing so fast that? paid out to provide / g faster than the epbooe earninga toour history in /ace f business. ml _L jL-.. ? tor an increase of rates belp meet this condition. >ught for an increase of ice calls within the state. ban necessary to provide e and expand it. We beray, even II the cost is 1 tbe boainoas and social ty' depends pn adequate ?' : COMMNY